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AQY volume 88 issue 342 Cover and Front matter
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 January 2015, pp. f1-f4
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Book reviews
Denis Genequand. Les établissements des élites omeyyades en Palmyrène et au Proche-Orient (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique 200). xviii+462 pages, 391 colour and b&w illustrations, 5 tables. 2012. Beirut: IFPO; 978-2-35159-380-6 hardback € 100.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 327-328
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Colin Renfrew, Olga Philaniotou, Neil Brodie, Giorgos Gavalas & Michael J. Boyd (ed.). The settlement at Dhaskalio: the sanctuary on Keros and the origins of Aegean ritual practice: the excavations of 2006–2008. Volume I. xxxii+800 pages, 586 colour and b&w illustrations, 92 tables, CD. 2013. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research; 978-1-902937-64-9 hardback £80 & $160.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 994-996
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Mary Miller & Claudia Brittenham. The spectacle of the late Maya court: reflections on the murals of Bonampak. xxii+261 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. Austin: University of Texas Press; 978-0-292-74436-3 hardback $75.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 685-686
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Christopher Loveluck. Northwest Europe in the Early Middle Ages, c. AD 600–1150. A comparative history. xxiii+466 pages, 35 b&w illustrations, 8 maps. 2013. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-1-107-03763-2 hardback £75.
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- 26 August 2014, pp. 996-997
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Mike Smith. The archaeology of Australia's deserts. xxv+406 pages, 91 b&w illustrations, 45 tables. 2013. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-0-521-40745-8 hardback £60 & $95.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 686-688
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Jamie Quartermaine & Roger H. Leech. Cairns, fields, and cultivation: archaeological landscapes of the Lake District uplands. xix+396 pages, 362 b&w and colour illustrations, 4 tables, CD. 2012. Lancaster: Oxford Archaeology North; 978-1-907686-07-8 hardback £ 25.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 328-330
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Back matter
AQY volume 88 issue 342 Cover and Back matter
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 08 May 2018, pp. b1-b3
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Neil Christie & Oliver Creighton with Matt Edgeworth & Helena Hamerow. Transforming townscapes. From burh to borough: the archaeology of Wallingford, AD 800–1400 (SMA Monographs 35). xiv+475 pages, 30 colour and 317 b&w illustrations. 2013. London: Society for Medieval Archaeology; 978-1-909662-09-4 paperback £45.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 997-999
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F. Theuws & M. van Haperen (ed.). The Merovingian cemetery of Bergeijk-Fazantlaan (Merovingian Archaeology in the Low Countries 1). 303 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2012. Bonn: Habelt; 978-3-7749-3776-5 hardback € 79.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 330-331
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New Book Chronicle
Crete, Cyprus, Cilicia and Corinthia - Konstantinos Chalikias. Living on the margin: Chryssi Island and the settlement patterns of the Ierapetra area (Crete) (British Archaeological Reports international series 2549). vii+154 pages, numerous b&w illustrations. 2013. Oxford: Archaeopress; 978-1-4073-1169-2 paperback £30. - Michael K. Toumazou, P. Nick Kardulias & Derek B. Counts (ed.). Crossroads and boundaries: the archaeology of past and present in the Malloura valley, Cyprus (Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 65). xxiii+376 pages, 223 colour and b&w illustrations, 16 tables. 2011. Boston (MA): American Schools of Oriental Research; 978-0-89757-086-2 hardback £65. - Michael C. Hoff & Rhys F. Townsend (ed.). Rough Cilicia: new historical and archaeological approaches. xii+315 pages, numerous b&w illustrations. 2013. Oxford & Oakville (CT): Oxbow; 978-1-84217-518-7 hardback £65. - K. Kissas & W.-D. Niemeier (ed.). The Corinthia and the northeast Peloponnese: topography and history from prehistoric times until the end of Antiquity (Athenaia 4). xii+558 pages, 438 colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. Munich: Deutschen Archäologischen Institut Athen; 978-3-7774-2122-3 paperback €85.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 689-692
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Dominique Bonnissent (ed.). Les gisements précolombiens de la Baie Orientale. Campements du Mésoindien et du Néoindien sur l'île de Saint-Martin (Petites Antilles) (Documents d'archéologie française 107). 245 pages, 152 b&w illustrations, 27 tables. 2013. Paris: Maison des sciences de l'homme; 978-2-7351-1124-4 paperback € 46.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 331-333
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New Book Chronicle
Albania and France - Michael L. Galaty, Ols Lafe, Wayne E. Lee & Zamir Tafilica (ed.). Light and shadow: isolation and interaction in the Shala valley of northern Albania (Monumenta Archaeologica 28). xxvi+272 pages, 18 tables. 2013. Los Angeles (CA): Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press; 978-1-931745-71-0 hardback; $65. - David Austin, Rosamond Faith, Andrew Fleming & David Siddle. Cipières: community and landscape in the Alpes-Maritimes, France. xvi+333 pages, 223 colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. Oxford: Windgather; 978-1-905119-99-8 paperback £38.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 30 June 2015, pp. 692-694
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Glenn Foard & Anne Curry. Bosworth 1485: a battlefield rediscovered. x+219 pages, 117 colour and b&w illustrations, 3 tables. 2013. Oxford & Oakville (CT): Oxbow; 978-1-78297-173-3 hardback £45.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 999-1000
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New Book Chronicle
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 334-346
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Sylvain Ozainne. Un Néolithique Ouest-Africain: cadre chrono-culturel, économique et environnemental de l'Holocene récent en Pays dogon (Mali) (Journal of African Archaeology Monographs 8). xi+293 pages, 92 colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. Frankfurt: Africa Magna; 978-3-937248-33-2 hardback €35.90.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 1001-1002
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Mediterranean metaphors - Stella Souvatzi & Athena Hadji (ed.). Space and time in Mediterranean prehistory. xvi+303 pages, 35 b&w illustrations, 2 tables. 2013. London & New York: Routledge; 978-0-415-83732-3 hardback £80. - Jonathan R. W. Prag & Josephine Crawley Quinn (ed.). The Hellenistic West: rethinking the ancient Mediterranean. xxi+471 pages, 16 colour and 127 b&w illustrations. 2013. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-1-107-03242-2 hardback £75. - Kevin Walsh. The archaeology of Mediterranean landscapes: human-environment interaction from the Neolithic to the Roman period. xxii+367 pages, numerous b&w illustrations. 2014. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-0-521-85301-9 hardback £65 & $99.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 30 June 2015, pp. 695-698
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Front matter
AQY volume 88 issue 339 Cover and Front matter
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 08 May 2018, pp. f1-f6
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New Book Chronicle
Books received
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 30 June 2015, pp. 698-702
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Book reviews
Elmo León. 14,000 años de alimentación en el Perú. 664 pages, 19 colour plates, 6 tables. 2013. Lima: Fondo Editorial Universidad de San Martín de Porres; 978-612-4088-86-5 paperback $100.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 1002-1003
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