Book reviews
Marie-Isabelle Cattin with contributions by Jehanne Affolter & Sylvie Beyries. Le site magdalénien de Monruz: la vie quotidienne à travers le travail du silex (Archéologie neuchâteloise 51). 315 pages, 326 colour and b&w illustrations, CD. 2012. Neuchâtel: Office et musée cantonal d'archéologie; 978-2-940347-54-4 paperback. SFr60 & €50.
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- 26 August 2014, pp. 987-989
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Bernard Knapp. The archaeology of Cyprus: from earliest prehistory through the Bronze Age (Cambridge World Archaeology series). xx+640 pages, 138 b&w illustrations, 3 tables. 2013. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-0-521-72347-3 paperback £ 60 & $99.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 319-321
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A. Bayliss, J. Hines, K. Høilund Nielsen, G. McCormac & C. Scull. Anglo-Saxon graves and grave goods of the 6th and 7th centuries AD: a chronological framework (SMA Monographs 33). 616 pages, 500 illustrations. 2013. London: Society for Medieval Archaeology; 978-1-909662-06-3 hardback £45.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 677-679
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Zoë. Crossland Ancestral encounters in highland Madagascar: material signs and traces of the dead. xiv+381 pages, 50 b&w illustrations. 2014. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-1-107-03609-3 hardback £65 & $99.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 January 2015, pp. 1346-1347
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Elspeth R.M. Dusinberre. Empire, authority, and autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia. xxvi+374 pages, 150 b&w illustrations, 3 tables. 2013. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-1-107-01826-6 hardback £ 65 & $105.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 321-323
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C.J. Lynn & J.A. McDowell with numerous other contributors. Deer Park Farms: the excavation of a raised rath in the Glenarm Valley, Co. Antrim (Northern Ireland Archaeological Monographs 9). xx+660 pages, 203 figures, 135 colour and b&w plates, 117 tables. 2011. Belfast: Northern Ireland Environment Agency; Norwich: the Stationery Office; 978-0-337091-90-2 hardback £40.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 679-680
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Julian Thomas. The birth of Neolithic Britain: an interpretive account. xi+508 pages, 104 b&w illustrations. 2013. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 978-0-19-968196-9 hardback £95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 989-990
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Charles Higham. Early Mainland Southeast Asia. From first humans to Angkor. 448 pages, 524 colour photographs with 82 maps & plans. 2014. Bangkok: River; 978-616-7339-44-3, paperback £19.95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 January 2015, pp. 1347-1349
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Giovanni Mastronuzzi. Il luogo di culto di Monte Papalucio ad Oria. La fase arcaica (Quaderno 12). 334 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. Bari: Edipuglia; 978-88-7228-695-1 paperback € 50.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 323-324
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Carlos Fausto. Warfare and shamanism in Amazonia. xv+ 347 pages, 30 b&w illustrations, 20 tables. 2012 (first published in 2001 in Portuguese). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 978-1-107-02006-1 hardback £62 & $103.
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- 19 January 2015, pp. 1349-1350
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Paul Yule (ed.). Late Antique Arabia. Ẓafār, capital of Ḥimyar: rehabilitation of a ‘decadent’ society. Excavations of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 1998–2010 in the highlands of Yemen. xxvii+310 pages, 159 colour and b&w illustrations, 43 tables. 2013. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz; 978-3-447-06935-9 hardback €98.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 680-682
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Erwin Neumayer. Prehistoric rock art of India. 304 pages, 1011 colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. New Delhi: Oxford University Press; 978-0-19-806098-7 hardback £115.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 990-992
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- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 January 2015, pp. 1351-1363
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Catherine Balmelle, Ariane Bourgeois, Henri Broise, Jean-Pierre Darmon & Mongi Ennaïfer. Carthage, colline de l'Odéon: maisons de la rotonde et du cryptoportique. Recherches 1987–2000. Volume 1: l'architecture et son décor (Collection de École Française de Rome 457). xii+380 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. Volume 2: les données de fouilles. viii+455 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations and tables. 2012. Rome: École Française de Rome; 978-2-7283-0925-2 and 978-2-7283-0881-1 paperback $480 (2 volumes).
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 324-325
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John Carswell, Siran Deraniyagala & Alan Graham. Mantai: city by the sea. 552 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations and tables, CD. 2013. Aichwald: Linden Soft; 978-3-929290-39-4 hardback €65.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 30 June 2015, pp. 682-683
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Jean Clottes & Meenakshi Dubey-Pathak. Des images pour les dieux: art rupestre et art tribal dans le centre de l'Inde. 2013. 148 pages, 218 colour illustrations, 1 map. 2013. Paris: Errance; 978-2-87772-559-0 hardcover €39.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 992-993
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Cyprian Broodbank. The making of the Middle Sea: a history of the Mediterranean from the beginning to the emergence of the Classical world. 672 pages, 410 colour and b&w illustrations. 2013. London: Thames & Hudson; 978-0-500-05176-4 hardback £34.95.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 August 2014, pp. 993-994
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Barney Sloane. The Augustinian nunnery of St Mary Clerkenwell, London (MOLA Monograph 57). xvii +278 pages, 149 b&w illustrations, 47 tables, CD. 2013. London: Museum of London; 978-1-901992-04-5 hardback £24
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 683-685
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Eberhard Sauer, Tony J. Wilkinson, Hamid Omrani Rekavandi & Jabrael Nokandeh (ed.). Persia's imperial power in Late Antiquity: the Great Wall of Gorgan and the frontier landscapes of Sasanian Iran (British Institute of Persian Studies Archaeological Monographs 2). xvi+712 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations, and tables. 2013. Oxford & Oakville (CT): Oxbow; 978-1-84217-519-4 hardback £ 85.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 325-327
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- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 26 May 2015, pp. 1364-1375
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