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- Open access
- ISSN: 0043-1745 (Print), 1550-2759 (Online)
- Editor: William K. Vencill College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, USA
- Editorial board
- the biology and ecology of weeds in agricultural, forestry, aquatic, turf, recreational, rights-of-way and other settings, genetics of weeds
- herbicide resistance, chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and molecular action of herbicides and plant growth regulators used to manage undesirable vegetation
- ecology of cropping and other agricultural systems as they relate to weed management
- biological and ecological aspects of weed control tools including biological agents, and herbicide resistant crops
- effect of weed management on soil, air and water.
The average time from article submission to first decision is 41 days
Read the related blog

Study Shows Seed Impact Mills Clobber Waterhemp Seed Viability
- 16 January 2025,
- Recent research shows promise for controlling herbicide-resistant weeds, such as waterhemp, in soybean fields by using a seed impact mill at harvest.
We’re delighted to announce that all articles accepted for publication in Weed Science from 6 November 2024 will be ‘open access’; published with a Creative Commons licence and freely available to read online (see the journal’s Open Access Options page for available licence options). We have an OA option for every author: the costs of open access publication will be covered through agreements between the publisher and the author’s institution, payment of APCs from grant or other funds, or else waived entirely, ensuring every author can publish and enjoy the benefits of OA.
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Weed Science Society of America Blog

Topple Weeds with a PRE-POST Combo
- 18 February 2025,
- A strategy utilizing both preemergence (PRE) and postemergence (POST) herbicide treatments optimized weed control outcomes in early planted soybean. Researchers...

Study Shows Seed Impact Mills Clobber Waterhemp Seed Viability
- 16 January 2025,
- Recent research shows promise for controlling herbicide-resistant weeds, such as waterhemp, in soybean fields by using a seed impact mill at harvest.

Planting Soybean Green Proves Effective for Waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth Suppression
- 02 January 2025,
- Recently published research in the journal Weed Science shows planting soybean into a green, living cover crop effectively suppresses two problematic Amaranthus...