William of Ockham, A letter to the Friars Minor and other writings. Edited by Arthur Stephen McGrade and John Kilcullen, translated by John Kilcullen. (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought.) Pp. xl + 390. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. £45 (cloth); £16.95 (paper), 0 521 35243 6; 0 521 35804 3
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The Life of St Edmund by Matthew Paris. Translated and edited (with biography) by C.H. Lawrence. Pp. viii + 184. Stroud: Alan Sutton/Oxford: St Edmund Hall, 1996. £11.99 (paper). 0 7509 1166 2
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 345-346
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In Samuel’s image. Child oblation in the early medieval west. By Mayke de Jong. (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 12.) Pp. xv + 360 + frontispiece. Leiden-New York-Cologne: Brill. 1996. Nlg 150. 90 04 10483 6; 0920 8607
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Kingsford's Stonor letters and papers, 1290–1483. Edited and introduced by Christine Carpenter. Pp. xii + 519 incl. frontispiece and 4 ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. £45.00 (cloth), £15.95 (PaPer). 0 521 55467 5; O 521 55586 8
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The Celtic Latin tradition of biblical style. By David Howlett. Pp. xix + 400. Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Four Courts Press1996. £35. 1 85182 1430
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Aquinas and the Jews. By John Y. B. Hood. (Middle Ages Series.) Pp. xiv + 151. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. £28.50 (cloth), £13.95 (Paper). 0 8122 3305 0; 0 8122 1523 0
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Knighton’s Chronicle 1337–1396. Edited and translated by G. H. Martin. (Oxford Medieval Texts.) Pp. lxxxix + 593 incl. 4 maps and 2 plates. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. £75. 0 19 820 503 1
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Ada Pataviensia Austriaca. Vatikanische Akten zur Geschichte des Bistums Passau und der Herzöge von Österreich (1342–1378), III: Urban V. (1362–1370). Edited by Josef Lenzenweger (with Martin C. Mandlmayr and Gerhart Marckhgott). (Publikationen des Historischen Instituts beim Österreichischen Kulturinstitut in Rom, II. Abteilung: Quellen, 4. Reihe, III. Band.) Pp. 538 + 26 pp. Formulare + 2 plates. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1996. ÖS 1385. 3 7001 2569 0
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Guillelmi Duranti Rationale divinorum officiorum I–IV. By A. DavrilOSB and T. M. Thibodeau. (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis, 140). Pp. xxv + 600. Turnholt: Brepols, 1995. B. Fr. 8,400. 2 503 04401 8; 2 503 04402 6
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The evangelical rhetoric of Ramon Llull. Lay learning and piety in the Christian west around 1300. By Mark D. Johnston. Pp. xiii + 274. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. £35. 0 19 509005 5
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Mission und Christianisierung. Formen und Folgen bei Angelsachsen und Franken im 7. und 8. Jahrhundert. By Lutz E. von Padberg. Pp. 419 incl. frontispiece. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1995. DM 136. 3515 06737 X
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The revolt of Owain Glyn Dŵr. By R. R. Davies. Pp. xii + 401 incl. 6 maps, 1 fig. and 4 genealogical tables + 10 plates + frontispiece. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. £20. 0 19 820408 2
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Monks and laymen in Byzantium, 843–1118. By Rosemary Morris, Pp. xxii + 330 incl. 6 maps and 6 tables. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. £40. 0521 26557 4
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The shaping of a community. The rise and reformation of the English parish c. 1400–1560. By Beat Kümin. (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History.) Pp. xii + 362 incl. 3 maps, 9 tables and 15 figs. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1996. £49.50. 1 85928 164 8
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Communities of violence. Persecution of minorities in the Middle Ages. By David Nirenberg. Pp. ix + 301. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996. £23.95 ($29.95). 0 691 03375 7
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The mystical tradition and the Carthusians. Internationaler Kongress vom 20. bis zum 23. September 1995 anlasslich der Emeritierung des Herausgebers der Analecta Cartusiana. 8 vols. Edited by James Hogg. (Analecta Cartusiana, 130.) Pp. vi + 172; iii + 167; iv + 171; 108; 167; 433; iii + 434–631; iii9 + 632–909. Universität Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1995. 3 7052 0144 9; 3 7052 0448 3; 3 7052 0449 1; 3 7052 0447 7; 0 7052 0448 5; 3 7052 0393 2; 3 7052 0449 3; 3 7052 0394 0 - Dionysius der Kartäuser. Einführung in Werk und Gedankenwelt. By Dirk Wasserman. (Analecta Cartusiana, 133.) Pp. v + 288; Universität Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1996. 3 7052 0638 9
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 758-760
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Die Trierer Kartause St. Alban von der Grüdung (1330/31) bis zur Mitte des 75. Jahrhunderts. By Manfred Oldenburg. (Analecta Cartusiana, 132.) Pp. vii + 200 incl. map. Salzburg: Universität Salzburg/Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1995. 3 7052 0647 8
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A history of the Russian Church to 1448. By John Fennell. Pp. xii + 266. London-New York: Longman, 1995. £34 (cloth), £12.99 (paper). 0 582 08068 1; 0 582 08067 3
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 535-536
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The domestic accounts of Merton College Oxford, 1 August 1482–1 August 1494. Edited by John M. Fletcher and Christopher A. Upton. (Oxford Historical Society, New Ser., 34.) Pp. xx + 616. Oxford: Oxford Historical Society, 1996. £28 + £ 1 post and packing from Hon. Treasurer, Oxford Historical Society, 38 Randolph Street, Oxford OX4 1HZ. 0 904107 13 2
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Creative women in medieval and early modern Italy. A religious and artistic renaissance. Edited by E. Ann Matter and John Coakley. Pp. xiv + 357 incl. numerous ills. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994. £34.95. 0 8122 3236 4
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 168-169
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