Erasmus‘ annotations on the New Testament, Galatians to the Apocalypse. Edited by Anne Reeve, introduction by M. A. Screech. (Studies in the History of Christian Thought, 52.) Pp. x + 264 facs. Leiden: Brill, 1993. Gld. 150. 90 04 9906 9; 0081 8607
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 169-170
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King Death. The Black Death and its aftermath in late-medieval England. By Colin Platt. Pp. x + 262 incl. 90 ills + map. London: UCL Press, 1996. £35 (cloth), £12.95 (paper). 1 85728 313 9; 1 85728 314 7
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 761-762
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The life and times of John Trevisa, medieval scholar. By David C. Fowler. Pp. xiv + 281 + endpapers. Seattle-London: University of Washington Press, 1995. $40. 0 295 97427 3
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 349-351
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The Lives of the ninth-century popes (Liber pontificalis). The ancient biographies of ten popes from A.D. 817–891. by Raymond Davis.) (Translated Texts for Historians, 20.) Pp. xvi + 336 incl. map. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1995. £12.50 (paper). 0 85323 479 5
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 536-537
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Macaronic sermons. Bilingualism and preaching in late-medieval England. By Siegfried Wenzel. (Recentiores: Later Latin Texts and Contexts.) Pp. xiii + 361. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994. $52.50 (UK and Europe: £39.60 from Plymbridge, Estover, Plymouth PL6 7P2). 0472 10521 3
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 351-352
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Zur päpstlichen Urkundensprache im friihen Mittelalter. Die päpstlichen Privilegien 896–1046. By Hans-Henning Kortüm. (Beitrage zur Geschichte und Quellenkunde des Mittelalters, 17. Sigmaringen: Thorbecke, 1995. DM 108. 3 7995 5717 2
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 537-538
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Editing texts from the age of Erasmus. Papers given at the thirtieth annual conference on editorial problems, University of Toronto, 4–5 November 1994. Edited by Erika Rummel. Pp. xviii + 103 incl. 3 ills. Toronto–Buffalo–London: University of Toronto Press, 1996. £26 ($35). 0 8020 0797 X
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- 06 February 2009, p. 762
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Erasmus of Europe. The prince of humanists. 1501–1536, II. By R. J. Schoeck. Pp. ix + 415 incl. frontispiece, 2 maps and 8 ills. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1993. £45
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 170-172
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The cloister and the world. Essays in medieval history in honour of Barbara Harvey. By John Blair and Brian Golding. Pp. xv + 338 incl. frontispiece and 7 ills. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. £40. 0 19 820440 X
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 538-540
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Writing and rebellion. England in 1381. By Steven Justice. (The New Historicism Studies in Cultural Poetics, 27.) Pp. xiv + 289. Berkeley–Los Angeles–London: University of California Press, 1994. $40. o 520 08325 3
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- 06 February 2009, p. 352
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The face of the pastoral ministry in the East Riding, 1525–1595. By Peter Marshall. (Borthwick Papers, 88.) Pp. iii + 26. York: Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, University of York, 1995. £3 + 35p post and packing (overseas 55P) from Borthwick Institute, St Anthony's Hall, York YO1 2PW. 0524 0913
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 172-173
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Patronage and recruitment in the Tudor and early Stuart Church. Purvis seminar studies. Edited by Claire Cross. (Borthwick Studies in History, 2.) Pp. vii + 168. York: Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, University of York, 1996. £10 plus 80p post and packing (£1.20 overseas) from the Borthwick Institute, St Anthony's Hall, York YO1 2PW. 1361 3006
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 762-763
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Piety and the people. Religious printing in French, 1511–1551. By Francis M. Higman. (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History.) Pp. viii + 534. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1996. £49.50. 1 85928 350 0
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 763-764
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The Harley Psalter. By William Noel. (Cambridge Studies in Palaeography and Codicology, 4.) Pp. xvii + 231 incl. 83 ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press1995. £40. 0 521 46495 1
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 540-542
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The rhetorics of Life-writing in early modern Europe. Forms of biography from Cassandra Fedele to Louis XIV. Edited by Thomas F. Mayer and D. R. Woolf. (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Civilization.) Pp. vii + 391 incl. numerous ills. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995. 0 472 10591 4 - Humanism and the culture of Renaissance Europe. By Charles G. NauertJr (New Approaches to European History, 6). Pp. x + 237 incl. 12 ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. £30 (cloth); £9.95 (paper). 521 40364 2; 0521 40724 9 - Johann Sturm on education. The Reformation and humanist learning. By Lewis W. Spitz and Barbara Sher Tinsley. Pp. 429 incl. 2 ills. Saint Louis, Mo.: Concordia Publishing, 1995. 0 570 04253 4
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 173-175
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La Religion du quotidien. Rites et croyances populaires de la fin du Moyen Age. By Francesca Canadé Sautman. (Biblioteca di ‘Lares’, New Ser., 50.) Pp. v + 232. Florence: Olschki, 1995. L. 46,000. 88 222 4339 0; 0409 6231
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 352-353
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Martin Luther. Sein Leben und Denken. By Hans Jochen Genthe. Pp. 344 incl. 25 plates. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1996. DM 39.80. 3 525 55433 8
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 764-765
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Giovanni Ludovico Madruzzo (1532–1600). Katholische Reformation zwischen Kaiser und Papst. Das Konzept zur praktischen Gestaltung der Kirche der Neuzeit im Anschluss an das Konzil von Trient. By Bernard Steinhauf. (Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte, 132.) Pp. xxxii + 270 incl. 2 ills. Münster: Aschendorff, 1993. DM 94. 3 402 03794 7; 0171 3469
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 175-176
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The Liber Vitae of the New Minster and Hyde Abbey Winchester. British Library Stowe 944. Together with le aves from British Library Cotton Vespasian A. VIII and British Library Cotton Titus D. XXVII. by Simon Keynes. (Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile, 26.) Pp. 132 + 21 plates (gin colour). Copenhagen: Rosenkilde and Bagger1996. Dan.Kr. 10,450 (cloth), Dan.Kr. 9,250 (paper). 87 423 0523 3; 87 423 0521 7
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 542-543
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Nicholas of Cusa. The Catholic concordance. Edited and translated by Paul E. Sigmund. (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought.) Pp. xlvii + 329. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996 (first publ. 1991, 1995). £45 (cloth), £16.95 (paper). 0 521 40207 7; 0 521 56773 4
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 353-354
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