The rise of Christianity. A sociologist reconsiders history. by Rodney Stark. Pp. xiv + 247 incl. 10 ills. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996. £16.95 ($24.95). 0691 02749 8
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 515-516
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Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. Über die Mystische Theologie und Briefe. Edited by Adolf Martin Ritter. (Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur, 40.) Pp. xiii + 229. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1994. DM 190. 3 7772 9405 5
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 143-144
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St Leo The Great, Sermons. Translated by Jane Patricia FreelandCSJB and Agnes Josephine ConwaySSJ (The Fathers of the Church. A New Translation, 93.) Pp. xii + 436. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 1996. £29.95 0 8132 0093 8
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 740-741
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Vizantiiskoe iurodstvo [Byzantine Holy Folly]. By S. A. Ivanov. Pp. 236. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 1994. 5 7133 0761 1
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 328-329
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Heiliger Geist und Weltseele. Das Problem der dritten Hypostase bei Origenes, Plotin und ihren Vorläufern. By Henning Ziebritzki.(Beitrage zur historischen Theologie, 84.) Pp. vii + 286. Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1994. DM 128. 3 16 146087 1; 0340 6741 - Origenes. Vir ecclesiasticus. Symposion zu Ehren von Herrn Prof. Dr. H.-J. Vogt By Wilhelm Geerlings and Hildegard König. (Hereditas, Studien zur Alten Kirchengeschichte, 9.) Pp. 103. Bonn: Borengasser, 1995. DM 32. 3 923946 27 9
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 329-331
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The Christian communities of Palestine from Byzantine to Islamic rule. A historical and archaeological study. By Robert Schick. (Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, 2.) Pp. xviii + 583 incl. 13 tables + 9 maps and 29 plates. Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press, 1995. £40 ($59.95). 0 87850 081 2
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 741-742
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Studies in medieval language and culture. By Michael Richter. (Medieval Studies.) Pp. 227. Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1995. £37.50. 1 85182 171 6
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 144-145
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Christian controversy in Alexandria. Clement's polemic against the Basilideans and Valentinians. By Everett Procter. (American University Studies, Series vii, Theology and Religion, 172.) Pp. xi+121. New York: Lang, 1995. £26. 0 8204 2378 5; 0704 0446
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 516-517
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Le voyage de l'âme dans l'au-delà d'après la littérature latine (Ve-XIIIe siècle). By Claude Carozzi. (Collection de l'Ecole française de Rome, 189.) Pp. 715. Rome: Ecole française de Rome, 1994. 2 7283 0289 8; 0223 5099
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 331-333
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Biblical commentaries from the Canterbury school of Theodore and Hadrian. Edited by Bernhard Bischoff and Michael Lapidge. (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 10.) Pp. xiv + 612 incl. 6 ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. £65. 0 521 33089 0 - The ‘Laterculus Malalianus’ and the school of Archbishop Theodore. By Jane Stevenson. (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 14.) Pp. xiii + 254. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. £40. 0 521 37461 8 - Archbishop Theodore. Commemorative studies of his life and influence. Edited by Michael Lapidge. (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 11) Pp. xiii + 343 incl. 2 maps. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. £42.50. 0 521 48077 9
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 145-148
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Cultural interplay in the eighth century. The ‘Trier Gospels’ and the making of a scriptorium at Echternach. By Nancy Netzer. (Cambridge Studies in Palaeography and Codicology 3.) Pp. xvi + 258 + 104 plates. Cambridge–New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. £45. 0 521 41255 2
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 742-744
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Hippolytus and the Roman Church in the third century. Communities in tension before the emergence of a monarch-bishop. By Allen Brent. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Texts and Studies of Early Christian Life and Language, 31.) Pp. xiii + 614 + 24 plates. Leiden-New York-Cologne: Brill, 1995. Nlg. 250. 90 0410245 0; 0920 623X
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 517-519
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Het tripartite boeteboek. Overlevering en betekenis van vroegmiddeleeuwse biechtvoorschriften (met editie en vertaling van vier tripartita). By Rob Meens. (Middeleeuwse studies en bronnen, 41.) Pp. 581. Hilversum: Verloren, 1994. Nlg 125. 90 6550 261 0
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 148-149
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Women and the religious life in premodern Europe. By Patricia Ranft. Pp. xvi+ 159. Basingstoke: Macmillans, 1996. £26. 0 333 64206 6
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 519-520
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Culture and religion in Merovingian Gaul, AD 481–751. By Yitzhak Hen. (Cultures, Beliefs and Traditions. Medieval and Early Modern Peoples, 1.) Pp. xiv + 309. Leiden-New York-Cologne: Brill, 1995. Nlg 160. 90 04 10347 3; 1382 5364
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 333-334
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Marriage, family, and law in medieval Europe. Collected studies. By Michael M. Sheehan (edited by James K. Farge, introduction by Joel T. Rosenthal). Pp. xxxi + 330. Toronto–Buffalo: University of Toronto Press, 1996. £29 ($45). 0 8020 0709 0
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 744-745
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La Vita di San Leone Luca di Corleone. Introduzione, testo latino, traduzione, commentario e indici. By Maria Stelladoro. Pp. 183 + 8 plates. Rome: Badia Greca di Grottaferrata, 1995. 2 87365 005 2; 0777 812
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 745-746
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Byzantine gospel. Maximus the Confessor in modern scholarship.. By Aidan Nichols OP Pp. ix + 264. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1993. £21.95. 0 567 09651 3
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 334-335
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Dormition et assomption de Marie. Histoire des traditions anciennes. By Simon Claude Mimouni. (Théologie Historique, 98.) Pp. xxii+722 incl. tables. Paris: Beauchesne, 1995. Fr. 300. 2 7010 1320 8
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 520-521
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Kings and kingship in medieval Europe. Edited by Anne J. Duggan. (King's College London Medieval Studies, 10.) Pp. xv + 440 incl. 10 figs. + 17 plates. London: Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, King’s College London, 1993. £20. 0 9513085 8 0
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- 06 February 2009, pp. 149-150
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