Among the New Books
South Asia - H.-J. Weisshaar, H. Roth & W. Wijeyapala (ed.). Ancient Ruhuna: Sri Lankan-German Archaeological Project in the Southern Province (Vol. 1). x+496 pages, 313 figures, 4 colour plates. 2001. Mainz: Phillip von Zahern; 3-8053-2740-4 (ISSN 0170-9518) hardhack €65.45. - Ajay Pratap. The hoe and the axe: an ethnohistory of shifting cultivation in eastern India. xiv+158 pages, 48 figures, 23 tables. 2000. New Delhi: Oxford University Press; 0-19-565170-7 hardback Rs725 & £17.99 - Kumar Acharya. Numerals in Orissnn inscriptions. 244 pages, 1 figure. tables. 2002. Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study; 81-7986-010-8 hardback Rs350. - Edgar Knobloch. The archaeology and architecture of Afghanistan. 192 pages, 83 figures, 25 colour photographs. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-2519-6 paperback £17.99 & $29.99.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 880-881
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Book reviews
K.A.R. Kennedy, J.R. Lukacs & V.N. Misra (ed.). The biological anthropology of human skeletal remains from Bhimbetka, central India. xvii+107 pages, 39 figures, 15 tables. 2002. Pune: Indian Society for Prehistoric & Quaternary Studies; hardback Rs250, paperback Rs190.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 1154-1155
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Methods & techniques - Thomas W. Neumann & Robert M. Sanford Cultural resources archaeology: an introduction, xi+257 pages, 32 figures, 5 tables. 2001. Walnut Creek (CA): Alta Mira; 0-7591-0095-0 paperback $24.95. - David Wheatley, Graeme Earl & Sarah Poppy (ed.). Contemporary themes in archaeological computing. ix+99 pages, 54 figures, 12 tables. 2002. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-053-8 paperback £24 & US$45. - Armin Schmidt. Geophysical data in archaeology: a guide to good practice, v+81 pages, 11 tables. [2002.] Oxford: Oxbow; 1-900188-71-6 paperback £10 & US$18. - David A. Scott Copper and bronze in art: corrosion, colorants, conservation, xvi+515 pages, 131 colour & b&w figures, 53 tables. 2002. Los Angeles (CA): Getty; 0-89236-638-9 hardback £53.50. - Jürg Rychener. Was ist Archäologie? Annäherung an einem Traum (Augster Museumshefte 27). 40 pages, 60 colour figures. 2001. Augst: Römerstadt Augusta Raurica; 3-7151-1027-9 paperback F18.
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- 26 May 2015, p. 573
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Among the New Books
Overviews for the general reader - Jane R. Mcintosh. A peaceful realm: the rise and fall of the Indus civilization. 224 pages, 63 figures, 25 colour plates, 1 table. 2002. Boulder (CO): Westview; 0-8133-3532-9 hardback $45 & CAN$67.50. - N. James. Aztecs & Maya: the ancient peoples of Middle America. 162 pages, 74 figures, 27 colour photographs. 2001. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-752461424-0 paperback £17.99, $29.99.
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- 30 June 2015, p. 252
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History of archaeology - Ian Graham. Alfred Maudslay and the Maya: a biography. 323 pages, 83 illustrations. 2002. London: British Museum Press; 0-7141-2561-X hardback $29.99. - James E. Snead Ruins and rivals: the making of Southwest archaeology, xxvii+226 pages, 18 figures. 2001. Tucson (AZ): University of Arizona Press; 08165-2138-7 hardback $35. - Ann Brown with Keith Bennett (ed.). Arthur Evans’s travels in Crete, 1894–1899 (BAR International series S1000). xxxi+509 pages, figures, tables. 2001. Oxford: Archaeopress; 1-84171-281-7 paperback. - Andrew Robinson. The man who deciphered Linear B: the story of Micheal Ventris. 168 pages, illustrations. 2002. London: Thames & Hudson; 0-500-51077-6 hardback £12.95.
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- 26 May 2015, pp. 573-574
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Book reviews
Koji Mizoguchi. An archaeological history of Japan, 30,000 BC to AD 700. xiv+274 pages, 65 figures. 2002. Philadelphia (PA): University of Pennsylvania Press; 0-8122-3651-3 hardback $49.95 & £35.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1156-1157
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Among the New Books
Southwest Asia - Lamia Al-Gailani Werr, John Curtis, Harriet Martin, Augusta McMahon, Joan Oates & Julian Reade (ed.). Of pots and p1ans: papers on the archaeology & history of Mesopotamia and Syria presented to David Oates in honour of his 75th birthduy. xi+401 pages, 347 figures, 9 tables. 2002. London: Nabu; 1-897750-62-5 hardback £48. - D.H. French. Canhasan I: stratigraphy and structures (Canhasan Sites 1; British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monograph 23). x+102 pages. 60 figures, tables, 18 plates. 1998. London: British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara; 1-898249-09-1 hardback £45. - Max Schwartz. The Biblical engineer: how the Temple in Jerusalem was built. xxv+l66 pages, 166 figures, 4 tables. 2002. Hobokcn (NJ): Ktav; 0-88125-711-7 hardback $29.50, 0-88125-710-9 paperback $17.95. - Philip R. Davies, George J. Brooke & Phillip R. Callaway. The complete world of the Dead Sea scrolls. 216 pages, 132 b&w illustrations, 84 colour illustrations, tables. 2002. London: Thames & Hudson; 0-500-05111-9 hardback £24.95. - Nigel Groom. Sheba revealed: a posting to Bayhan in the Yemen. xv+296 pages, 1 map, 37 photographs. London: London Cenire of Arab Studies; 1-900404-31-1 hardback £24.95.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 881-882
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Lost and found - Thomas F. King, Randall S. Jacobson, Karen Ramey Burns & Kenton Spading. Amelia Earhart’s shoes:is the mystery solved? viii+376 pages, figures, maps. 2001. Walnut Creek (CA): Altamira; 0-7591-0130-2 hardback $24.95. - Christine A. Finn, Artifacts: an archaeologist’s year in Silicon Valley, xlix+244 pages, b&w photographs. 2001. Cambridge (MA): MIT; 0-262-06224-0 hardback £16.95.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 252-253
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Reference - Timothy Darvill. The concise Oxford dictionary of archaeology, xi+506 pages, 8 figures. 2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-211649-5 hardback£25. - Paul Bahn (ed.). The Penguin archaeology guide. xv+494 pages, figures. 2001. London: Penguin; 014-029308-6 hardback £25 & CAN$55. - Timothy Darvill, Paul Stamper & Jane Timby. England: an Oxford archaeological guide to sites from earliest times to AU 1600. xxvii+493 pages, 200 figures. 2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19285326-0 hardback £17.99, 0-19-284101-7 paperback £14.99. - Èva Apor & Helen Wang (ed.). Catalogue of the collections of Sir Aurel Stein in the library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, i+350 pages, 36 photographs. 2002. Budapest: MTKA; 963-7451-110 (ISSN 0133-6193) hardback. - Philip J. Deloria & Neal Salisbury (ed.). A companion to American Indian history, x+513 pages, 2 maps. 2002. Malden (MA) & Oxford: Blackwell; 0-631-20975-1 hardback $124.95 & £80.
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- 26 May 2015, pp. 574-575
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Book reviews
Stan Beckensall. Prehistoric rock art in Cumbria: landscapes and monuments. 160 pages, 182 figures, 29 colour illustrations. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-2526-9 paperback £16.99 & US$27.99.
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- 02 January 2015, p. 1157
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Book Reviews
Book Reviews - Tommy Andersson. Hällristningar från Högsbyn i Tisselskogs socken {Arkeologisk Rapport 2 från Vitlyckemuséet}. 16 pages, illustrations. 1997 Dals Långed: Ask & Embla; 91-973160-1-6 (ISSN 1401-9078) paperback.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 901-903
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Among the New Books
and received - Alan Morrison, Michael Popham & Karen Wikander. Creating and documenting electronic texts. vii+63 pages. 2000. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-012-0 (ISSN 1463-5194) paperback £10 & US$18. - Catherine Grout, Phill Purdy, Janine Rymer, Karla Youngs, Jane Williams, Alan Lock & DAN Brickley. Creating digital resources for the visual arts: standards and good practice, vii+152 pages, 8 figures. 2000. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-013-9 (ISSN 1463-5194) paperback £15 & US$25. - Eric Kjellgren with Jo Anne Van Tilburg & Adrienne L. Kaeppler. Splendid isolation: art of Easter Island. 80 pages, 51 colour & b&w illustrations. 2002. New York (NY): Metropolitan Museum of Art & Now Haven (CT): Yale University Press; 0300-09078-1 paperback £14.95. - Robert Cook (tx. & ed.). Njal’s Saga, xli+378 pages, 4 maps, 4 tables. 2001. London: Penguin; 0-14-044769-5 paperback £8.99 & US$14 & CAN$19.99. - Sumit Guha. Health and population in South Asia from earliest times to the present, vii+178 pages, 8 figures, 35 tables. 2001. London: Hurst; 1-85065-578-2 hardback £25.
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- 30 June 2015, p. 253
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Book reviews
Sabine Rieckhoff & Jörg Biel. Die Kelten in Deutschland. 542 pages, b&w figures, 62 colour photographs, 1 table. 2001. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss: 3-8062-1367-4 hardback €64.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1157-1158
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Review articles
Archaeology evolving: history, adaptation, self-organization
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 253-256
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Journals - Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry International Journal 1:1. 80 pages, figures, tables. 2001. Rhodes: Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry International Journal; ISSN 1108-961X. - Public Archaeology 1:1. i+97pages, illustrations. 2000. London: James & James; ISSN 1465-5187 £60 & US$95 (per volume + air mail £12 & US$19).
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- 26 May 2015, p. 575
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Among the New Books
Africa, Egypt - Ginette Aumassip. L’Algérie des premiers hommes. 221 pages, 51 figures, 14 colour photographs. 2001. Paris: Maison des sciences de l’homme & Ibis; 2-7351-0932-1 & 2-910728-23-4 paperback €28. - Maarten J. Raven with Hans D. Schneider, Eugen Strouhal, Georges Bonani & Willy Woelfli (ed. Nigel Strudwick). Objects and skeletal remains (The tomb of Maya & Meryt Vol. 2). xxiv+168 pages, 4 tables, 56 b&w plates, 2 colour plates. 2001. London: Egypt Exploration Society; 0-85698-139-7 hardback £96. - Christopher Ehret. The civilizations of Africa: a history to 1800. xiii+481 pages, 108 figures, 2 tables. 2002. Oxford: James Currey; 0-85255-475-3 paperback £18.95. - Christopher R. De Corse (ed.). West Africa during the Atlantic slave trade: archaeological perspectives. xiv+l94 pages, 50 figures, 8 tables. 2001. London: Leicester University Press; 0-7185-0247-7 hardback £75.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 882-883
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Review articles
Whose perspective on Wales' prehistory?
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 256-258
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Reprints - Michael Brian Schiffer. Behavioral archeology. xxxii+222 pages, 26 figures, 37 tables. 2002. Clinton Corners (NY): Percheron; 0-9712427-1-2 paperback $29,50. - Stanley South. Method and theory in historical archeology, xxxix+345 pages, 38 figures, 37 tables. 2002. Clinton Corners (NY): Percheron; 0-9712427-3-9 paperback $34.50. - Ian Shaw & Robert Jameson (ed.). A dictionary of archaeology. xvi+624 pages, 61 figures, 30 maps. 2002. Oxford & Maiden (MA): Blackwell; 0-631-23583-3 paperback £15.99 & US$29.95. - Barbara Watterson. Amarna: ancient Egypt’s age of revolution. 160 pages, 65 b&w photographs, 22 colour plates, 4 figures. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-2515-3 paperback £17.99 & $29.99. - A.T. Croom Roman clothing and fashion. 160 pages, 77 figures, 25 colour plates. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-2512-9 paperback £15.99 & $26.99. - Barry Cunliffe. The extraordinary voyage of Pytheas the Greek, xi+195 pages, 24 illustrations. 2002. New York (NY): Walker; 0-8027-1393-9 hardback $23. - H.V. Morton In the steps of St. Paul, xv+440 pages, 2 maps. 2002. London: Methuen; 0-413-77164-4 paperback £10.99. - H.V. Morton Through lands of the Bible. xiii+400 pages, 2 maps. 2002. London: Methuen; 0-413-77173-3 paperback £10.99. - Peter Berresford Ellis. The druids. 304 pages, 14 illustrations. 2002. London: Robinson; 1-84119-468-9 paperback £7.99. - David Davies. Fighting ships. 201 pages, 25 figures, 8 plates. 2002. London: Robinson; 1-84119-469-7 paperback £6.99. - Jasfer Ridley. The Tudor age. xx+344 pages, 37 illustrations, 1 table. 2002. London: Robinson; 1-84119-471-9 paperback £7.99. - Diana Preston. The Boxer Rebellion, China’s war on foreigners, 1900. xxxiv+459 pages, 41 illustrations. 2002. London: Robinson; 1-84119-4905 paperback £7.99. - Christopher McGowan. The dragon seekers: how an extraordinary circle of fossilists discovered the dinosaurs and paved the way for Darwin. xvi+254 pages, figures. 2002. Cambridge (MA): Perseus; 0-7382-0673-3 paperback $17 & CAN$25.95.
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- 26 May 2015, p. 576
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Among the New Books
Americas - Peter N. Peregrine & Melvin Ember (ed.). South America (Encyclopedia of Prehistory 7). xxvii+326 pages, 7 maps. 2002. New York (NY): Kluwer Academic/Plenum; 0-306-46261-3 hardback $200. - George SaboIII , Luis Fewando Restrepo & Linda Jones. First encounters: Native Americans & Europeans in the Mississippi Valley. CD-ROM PC Windows 95/98/2000/NT. 2000. Fayetteville (AR): Arkansas Archaeological Survey [free to ‘educators’]. - Michael D. Coe & Rex Koontz. Mexico from the Olmecs to the Aztecs (5th ed.). 248 pages, 154 figures, 19 colour plates, 1 table. 2002. London: Thames & Hudson; 0-500-28346-X paperback £9.95.
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- 30 June 2015, p. 883
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Book reviews
Joanne Pillsbury (ed.). Moche art and archaeology in ancient Peru. 343 pages, 303 b&w figures, 14 colour illustrations, 3 tables. 2002. Washington (DC): National Gallery of Art; 0-300-09043-9 (ISSN 0091-7338) hardback £40.
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 02 January 2015, pp. 1158-1159
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