Experimental presentations from New York and Carolina - Anne-Marie Cantwell & Diana di Zerega Wall. Unearthing Gotham: the archaeology of New York City, x+374 pages, 125 figures. 2001. New Haven (CT): Yale University Press; 0-300-08415-3 hardback £30. - Stanley South. Archaeological pathways to historic site development, xx+342 pages, 239 figures, 23 tables. 2002. New York (NY): Kluwer Academic/ Plenum; 0-306-46590-6 hardback $115. - R.P. Stephen DavisJr. , Patrick C. Livingood, H. Trawick Ward & Vincas P. Steponaitis (ed.). Excavating Occaneechi Town: archaeology of an Eighteenth Century Indian village in North Carolina. CD-ROM PC Windows 3.1/Windows 95. 1998. Chapel Hill (NC): University of North Carolina Research Laboratories of Archaeology; 0-8078-6503-6.
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- 26 May 2015, p. 565
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War - John Schofield, William Gray Johnson & Colleen M. Beck (ed.). Matériel culture: the archaeology of twentieth century conflict. xx+328 pages, 76 figures, 6 tables. 2002. London: Routledge; 0-415-23387-9 hardback £80. - Paul Hill & Julie Wileman. Landscapes of war: the archaeology of aggression and defence. 224 pages, 104 figures, 27 colour plates. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1963-3 paperback £17.99 8r $29.99.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 874-875
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Review articles
Contrasting perspectives on Roman Britain - Martin Henig. The heirs of King Verica: culture & politics in Roman Britain. 160 pages, 74 figures, 30 colour photographs. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1960-9 paperback £17.99 & $29.99. - Dominic Perring. The Roman house in Britain. xii+253 pages, 71 figures. 2002. London: Routledge; 0-415-22198-6 hardback.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1145-1146
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Ideas and social context - Ian Hodder (ed.). Archaeological theory today, ix+317 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. 2001. Cambridge: Polity; 0-7456-2268-2 hardback £50, 0-7456-2269-0 paperback £15.99. - Stanislaw Tabaczyñski (ed.). Dialogue with the data: the archaeology of complex societies and its context in the 90s (Theory and practice of archaeological research III). 597 pages, illustrations. 1998. Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences; 83-85463-666 $45. - Paul Rainbird & Yannis Hamilakis (ed.). Interrogating pedagogies: archaeology in higher education (Lampeter Workshop in Archaeology 3; British Archaeological Reports International series 948). i+118 pages, 4 figures, 8 tables. 2001. Oxford: Archaeopress; 1-84171-240-X paperback £22. - Mark Plugiennik (ed.). The responsibilities of archaeologists: archaeology and ethics (Lampeter Workshop in Archaeology 4; British Archaeological Reports International series 981). i+98 pages, 4 figures. 2001. Oxford: Archaeopress; 1-84171-267-1 paperback. - Paul Jordan. The Atlantis syndrome, ii+308 pages, figures, 25 b&w photographs. 2001. Stroud: Sutton; 0-7509-2597-3 hardback £20 & US$29.95.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 249-250
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Rome's diverse Egyptian deserts - Valerie Maxfield & David Peacock. Topography and quarries (The Roman imperial quarries: survey and excavation at Mons Porphyrites, 1994–1998 Vol. 1). xi+339 pages, 372 figures, 9 tables. 2001. London: Egypt Exploration Society; 0-85698-152-4 hardback £65. - Robert B. Jackson. At empire's edge: exploring Rome's Egyptian frontier. xxvi+350 pages, 104 figures. 2002. New Haven (CT): Yale University Press; 0-300-08856-6 hardback £26.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1147-1148
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Rock art - Knut Helskog (ed.). Theoretical perspectives in rock art research. 330 pages, 79 figures, 1 table. 2001. Oslo: Novus; 82-7099-338-7 hardback Kr395 & €50.60. - David S. Whitley (ed.). Handbook of rock art research. 863 pages, 244 figures, 2 tables. 2001. Walnut Creek (CA): Alta Mira; 0-7425-0256-2 hardback $99.95.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 250-251
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Egypt - Miroslav Verner. The pyramids: their archaeology and history (tr. Steven Rendall), xiii+495 pages, figures, 22 colour photographs. 2001. London: Atlantic; 1-903809-45-2 hardback £25. - Martin Isler Sticks, stones and shadows: building the Egyptian pyramids, xiv+352 pages, 321 figures, 11 tables. 2001. Norman (OK): University of Oklahoma Press; 0-8061-3342-2 hardback $29.95. - Michel Chauveau. Cleopatra: beyond the myth (tr. David Lorton), ix+104 pages, 8 figures. 2002. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press; 0-8014-3867-5 hardback. - Erik Hornung. The secret lore of Egypt: its impact on the West (tr. David Lorton). viii+229 pages, 37 figures. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press; 08014-3847-0 hardback £19.95. - Lionel Casson. Everday life in ancient Egypt (2nd edition), xi+163 pages, 10 figures. 2001. Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University Press; 0-8018-66006 hardback, 0-8018-6601-4 paperback. - Elizabeth S. Bolman (ed.). Monastic visions: wall paintings in the monastery of St. Antony at the Red Sea. xxvii+307 pages, 287 figures. 2002. New Haven (CT): Yale Universily Press; 0-300-09224-5 hardback £45.
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- 26 May 2015, pp. 565-567
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Migrations - Simon Best. Lapita: a view from the east (New Zealand Archaeological Association Monograph 24). 113 pages, 29 figures, 5 tables. 2002. Auckland: New Zealand Archaeological Association; 0-9597915-7-4 paperback NZ$45(+p&p). - G.R. Clarka, A.J. Anderson & T. Vunidilo (ed.). The archaeology of Lapita dispersal in Oceania: papers from the 4th Lapita Conference, June 2000, Canberra, Australia (Terra Australis 17). viii+223 pages, 81 figures, 14 tables. 2001. Canberra: Pandanus; 1-74076-010-7 (ISSN 0725-9018) paperback AU$49.50+AU$7 (Australia), AU$45+AU$12 (overseas). - Malcolm Todd. Migrants and invaders: the movement of peoples in the ancient world. 160 pages, 34 figures, 23 colour plates. 2001. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1437-2 paperback £ 17.99 & $29.99. - Claire L. Lyons & John K. Papadopoulos(ed.). The archaeology of colonialism. ii+284 pages, 89 figures. 2002. Los Angeles (CA): Getty Rescarch Institute; 0-89236-635-4 paperback £30.
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- 30 June 2015, p. 875
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Europe - Marylene Patou-Mathis (ed.). Retouchoirs, conipresseurs, percuteurs … os à impressions et éaillures (Fiches de la Commission de Nomenclature sur l’Industrie de los Préhistorique 10). 137 pages, 105 figures, 60 tables. 2002. Paris: Société Préhistorique Française; 2-913745-09-1 paperback £25. - Marcel Otte With Mireille David-Elbiali, Christiane Éluère & Jean-Pierre Mohen. La protohistoire. 396 pages, 263 figures. 2002. Brussels: De Bocck Universite; 2-8041-3297-8 paperback. - Peter F. Biehl & François Bertemes with Harald Meller(ed.). The archaeology of cult and religion. 286 pages, 91 figures, 4 tables. 2001. Budapest: Archaeolingua; 963-8046-38-4 (ISSN 1215-9239) hardback. - Chris Scarre(ed.). Monuments und landscape in Atlantic Europe: perception and society during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. xiii+210 pages, 78 figures. 2002. London: Routledge; 0-415-27313-7 hardback £60 & $95, 0-415-27314-5 paperback £18.99 & $30.95. - Graham Fairclough & Stephen Rippon with David Bull (ed.). Europe's cultural landscape: archaeologists and the management of change. x+234 pages, 99 b&w figures, 26 Lolour figures, 1 table. 2002. Brussels: Europae Archaeologiae Consilium; 90-76975-02-X hardback £9.27. - Janetta Rebold Benton. Art offlip Middle Ages. 320 pages, 248 b&w & colour figures. 2002. London: Thames & Hudson; 0-500-20350-4 paperback £.95.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 875-876
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Sound & vision - Paul Devereux. Stone Age soundtracks: the acoustic archaeology of ancient sites. 160 pages. 2001. London: Vega; 1-84333-447-X paperback £12.99. - Anna Grimshaw. The ethnographer’s eye: ways of seeing in modern anthropology, xiii+222 pages. 2001. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 0-521-77310-5 hardback £37.50 & US$54.95, 0-521-77475-6 paperback £13.95 & US$19.95.
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- 30 June 2015, p. 251
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Review articles
Migration Period Europe - István Bóna. Les Huns: Ie grand empire barbare d'Europe, IVe–Ve siècles (tr. Katalin Escher). 240 pages, 194 figures. 2002. Paris: Errance; 2-87772-223-6 paperback €30. - Iaroslav Lebedynsky. Les Sarmates: amazones et lanciers cuirassés entre Oural et Danube (VIIe siècle av. J.-C.-VIe siècle apr. J.-C.). 272 pages, figures. 2002. Paris: Errance; 2-87772-235-X paperback €25. - P.M. Barford. The early Slavs: culture and society in early Medieval eastern Europe. xvi+416 pages, 84 figures, 1 table. 2001. London: British Museum; 0-7141-2804-X hardback £29.99.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1149-1151
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Mediterranean - Stuart Swiny (ed.). The earliest prehistory of Cyprus: from colonization to exploitation (Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute Monograph 2/American Schools of Oriental Research Archaeological Report 5). xiv+171 pages, 34 figures. 2001. Boston (MA): American Schools of Oriental Research; 0-89757-051-0 hardback $84.95 & £65. - Curtis Runnels & Priscilla M. Murray Greece before history: an archaeological companion and guide, xv+202 pages, 104 figures. 2001. Stanford (CA): Stanford University Press 08047-4036-4 hardback $45 & £35, 08047-4050-X paperback $17.95 & £11.95. - Yannis Hamilakis (ed.). Labyrinth revisited: rethinking ‘Minoan’ archaeology, x+237 pages, 39 figures, 4 tables. 2002. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-061-9 paperback £28. - Paul Äström (ed.). The chronology of base-ring ware and bichrome wheel-made ware: proceedings of a colloquium held in the Royal Academy of Letters, History & Antiquities, Stockholm, May 18–19 2000 (Conferences 54). 251 pages, 54 figures, 9 colour plates, 9 tables. 2001. Stockholm: Royal Academy of Letters, History & Antiquities; 91-7402-320-9 (ISSN 0348-1433) paperback Kr239 (+VAT). - Charlotte Scheffer (ed.). Ceramics in context: proceedings of the Internordic Colloquium on ancient pottery, held at Stockholm. 13–15 June 1997 (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in Classical Archaeology 12). 170 pages, 62 figures, 3 colour illustrations, 14 tables. 2001. Stockholm: Stockholm University; 91-22-01913-8 (ISSN 0562-1062) paperback Kr 223 (+VAT). - Edward Herring & Kathryn Lomas (ed.). The emergence of state identities in Italy in the first millennium EC (Accordia Specialist Studies on Italy 8). vii+227 pages, 50 figures, 3 tables. 2000. London: Accordia; 1-873415-22-2 paperback. - Birger Olsson, Dieter Mitternacht & Olof Brandt (ed.). The synagogue of ancient Ostia and the Jews of Borne: interdisciplinary studies (Skrifter Utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom 4° LVII/Acta Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae ser. in 4° LVII). 202+v pages, 141 figures, 2 tables. Stockholm: Swedish Instilulein Rome; 91-7042-165-X (ISSN 0081-993X) paperback Kr450. - José María Blázquez. Religiones, ritos y creencias funerarias de la Hispania prerromana. 350 pages, 3 tables. 2001. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva; 84-7030-7975 paperback. - Simon Keay, John Creighton & José Remesal Rodríguez. Celti (Peñaflor): the archaeology of a Hispano-Roman town in Baetica (University of South-ampton Department of Archaeology Monograph 2). xii+252 pages, 216 figures. 2000. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-035-X paperback £35. - Janet Burnett Grossman. Greek funerary sculpture: catalogue of the collections at the Getty Villa. xi+161 pages, b&w illustrations. 2001. Los Angeles (CA): Getty; 0-89236-612-5 hardback £42.50. - Marion True & Mary Louise Hart (ed.). Studia varia from the J. Paul Getty Museum (Vol. 2; Occasional Papers on Antiquities 10). ii + 166 pages, 191 figures, 5 tables. 2001. Los Angeles (CA): Getty; 089236-634-6 paperback £38.50. - Jairus Banaji. Agrarian change in late antiquity: gold, labour, and aristocratic dominance, xvii+286 pages, 1 map, 12 tables. 2001. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-924440-5 hardback £50. - Maria Wyke. The Roman mistress: ancient and modern representations, x+452 pages, 32 figures. 2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-815075-X hardback £40.
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- 26 May 2015, pp. 567-568
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The dead - Bettina Arnold & Nancy L. Wicker (ed.). Gender and the archaeology of death, xxi+203 pages, 24 figures, 21 tables. 2001. Walnut Creek (CA): Altamira; 0-7591-0136 hardback $65 & 0-7591-0137-X paperback $26.95. - Jan N. Bremmer. The rise and fall of the afterlife: the 1995 Read-Tuckwell Lectures at the University of Bristol, xi+238 pages. 2002. London: Routledge; 0-415-14148-6 paperback £15.99. - Robert Temple. Netherworld: discovering the oracle of the dead and ancient techniques of foretelling the future, xx+476 pages, 76 figures, 41 colour & b&w plates. 2002. London: Century; 0-7126-8404-2 hardback £17.99
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- 30 June 2015, p. 251
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Northern Europe, mostly - Michael A. Iochim, A hunter-gatherer landscape: southwest Germany in the Late Paleolithic and Mesolithic. xvii+247 pages, 86 figures, 29 tables. 1998. New York (NY): Plenum; 0-306-45740-7 hardback, 0-306-45741-5 paperback. - Anders Strinnholm. Bland sälägare och får farmare: struktur och förändring i Västsveriges mellanneolitikum. i+138 pages, 44 figures, 8 tables. 2001. Uppsala: Uppsala University Department of Archaeology & Ancient History; 91-973674-3-5 (ISSN 1404-1251) paperback. - Timothy Darvill & Julian Thomas (ed.). Neolithic enclosures in Atlantic northwest Europe (Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers 6). xii+203 pages, 68 figures, 2 tables. 2001. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-0457 paperback £24 & US$43. - Anna Ritchie. Neolithic Orkney in its European context, xiii+385 pages, 194 figures, 13 tables. 2000. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research; 1-902937-04-X (ISSN 1363-1349) hardback. - Andrew S. Fairbairn Plants in Neolithic Britain and beyond (Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers 5). xiv+210 pages, 35 figures, 15 tables. 2000. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-027-9 paperback. - Leif Karlenby. Bronsyxan som ting och tanke i skandinavisk senneolitikum och äldre bronsálder (Occasional Papers in Archaeology 32/ Riksantikvarieäbetet Arkeologiska Undersökningar Skrifter 44). 128 pages, 21 figures, 8 tables. 2002. Uppsala: Uppsala University Department of Archaeology & Ancient History; 91-506-1540-8 (ISSN 11006358, 1102-187x) paperback. - Olivier Büchsenschütz, Anne Colin, Gérard Firmin, Brigitte Fischer, Jean-Paul Guillaumet, Sophie Krausz, Marc Levéry, Phillipe Marinval, Laure Orellana & Alain Pierret with Marie-Paule Andréo, Christophe Bailly & Marie-Bernadette Chardenoux. Le village celtique des Arènes à Levroux: synthèses (Levroux 5; Revue Archéologique du centre de la France 19th Supplement). 333+ii pages, 282 figures & tables. 2000. Levroux: ADEL; 2-91327204-5 (ISSN 1159-7151) paperback. - Herve Kerébel. Corseul (Côtes-d’Armor), un quartier de la ville antique (Documents d’archéologie française 88). 249 pages, 161 b&w & colour figures, 32 tables. 2001. Paris: Maison des sciences de l’Homme; 2-7351-0803-1 (ISSN 0769-010X] paperback €43.50. - Frands Herschend. Journey of civilisation: the Late Iron Age view of the human world (Occasional Papers in Archaeology 24). 199 pages, 22 figures, 3 tables. 2001. Uppsala: Uppsala University Department of Archaeology & Ancient History; 91 -506-15297 (ISSN 1100-6358) paperback. - Linn Lager. Den synliga tron: runstenskors som en spegling av kristnandet i Sverige (Occasional Papers in Archaeology 31). 273 pages, 80 figures, 3 tables. 2002. Uppsala: Uppsala University Department of Archaeology & Ancient History; 91-506-15394 (ISSN 1100-6358) paperback.
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- 26 May 2015, pp. 568-570
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Greeks & Romans - Martha K. Risser Corinthian conventionalizing pottery (Corinth: results of excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Vol. 7:5). x+255 pages, 31 Figures, 2 tables, 45 plates. 2001. Princeton (NJ): American School of Classical Studies at Athens; 0-87661-075-0 hardback $60 & £47.50. - Jonathan M. Hall Hellenicity: between ethnicity and culture. xxii+312 pages, 11 figures. 2002. Chicago (IL): University of Chicago Press; 0-226-31329-8 hardback $50. - Simon Hornblowter. The Greek world, 479-323 BC (3rd ed.). xix+396 pages, 40 figures. 2002. London: Routledge; 0-415-16326-9 hardback £50 & $80, 0-415-06557-7 £17.99 & $31.95. - Wendy J. Raschke (ed.). The archaeology of the Olympics: the Olympics and other festivals in antiquity(2nd ed.). xxii+297 pages, 33 figures. 2002. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin Press; 0-299-11330-2 hardback $42.50, 0-299-11334-5 paperback $21.95. - Dominic Janes. Romans and Christians. 159 pages, 32 illustrations. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1 1354-4 paperback £17.99 & $29.99. - David Rohrbacher. The historians of late antiquity. viii+324 pages. 2002. London: Koutledge; 0-415-20458-5 hardback £45, 0-415-20459-3 paperback £13.99. - Mary Beard. The Parthenon. v+209 pages, 23 figures. 2002. London: Profile; 1-861-97292-X hardback £15.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 876-878
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Questions of identity for historical archaeology - Peter Kosso. Knowing the past: philosophical issues of history and archaeology. 200 pages, 21 figures. 2001. Amherst (NY): Humanity; 1-57392-907-7 hardback $45. - John Moreland. Archaeology and text. 144 pages, 7 figures. 2001. London: Duckworth; 0-7156-2998-0 paperback £9.99.
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1151-1153
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Reference - Peter N. Peregrine & Melvin Ember (ed.). Europe (Encyclopedia of Prehistory 4). xxxi+472 pages, 9 maps. 2001. New York (NY): Kluwer Academic/Plenum; 0-306-46258-3 (0-306-46264-8 set) hardback $200. - Peter N. Peregrine & Melvin Ember (ed.). Middle America (Encyclopedia of Prehistory 5). xxvii+462 pages, 6 maps. 2001. New York (NY): Kluwer Academic/Plenum; 0-306-46258-3 (0-306-46264-8 set) hardback $200. - Peter N. Peregrine & Melvin Ember (ed.). North America (Encyclopedia of Prehistory 6). xxix+504 pages, 7 maps. 2001. New York (NY): Kluwer Academic/Plenum; 0-306-46260-5 (0-306-46264-8 set) hardback $200. - C. Batardy, O. Buchsenschutz & F. Dumasy (ed.). Le Berry antique: atlas 2000 (Revue Archéologique du Centre de la France Supplement 21). 190 pages, colour figures, 1 b&w figure, 7 colour photographs. 2001. 2-913272-05-3 (ISSN 1159-7151) paperback €36.59. - Frauke Stein with Christiane Schier, Albert Schmitz, BÄRBEL Fecht, Susanne Meiser, Christel Rühl-Tausendfreund & Dominik Meyer. Bibliographie zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Berlin (West) in den Grenzen vor 1990: das Schrifttum der Jahre 1988 und 1989. vii+379 pages. 2001. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner; 3-515-07801-0 hardback €49 & SFr84.30.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 251-252
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Britain & Ireland - Paul Slack & Ryk Ward (ed.). The peopling of Britain: the shaping of a human landscape — the Linacre Lectures 1999. xii+295 pages, 32 figures, 17 tables. 2002. Oxford: oxford University Press; 0-19-829759-9 hardback £50. - Paul Mellars & Petra Dark et al. Star Carr in context: new archaeological and palaeoecological investigations at the early Mesolithic site of Star Carr, North Yorkshire. xiii+250 pages, 150 figures, 23 tables. 1998. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research; 0-9519420-4-2; hardback; £40. - Alex Gibson. Prehistoric pottery in Britain & Ireland. 160 pages, 69 figures, 27 colour plates. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1930-7 paperback £17.99 & $29.99. - Aubrey Burl. Prehistoric Avebury (2nd ed.). xx+314 pages, 108 figures, 2 tables, 20 colour plates. 2002. New Haven (CT): Yale University Press; 0-300-09087-0 paperback £12.95. - David A. Hinton (ed.).Purbeck papers (University of Souhtampton Department of Archaeology Monograph 4). ix+144 pages, 43 b&w figures, 1 colour figure, 1 table. 2002. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-066-X paperback £24. - John Manley. AD 43, the Roman invasion of Britain: a renssessment. 160 pages, 42 figures, 18 tables. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1959-5 paperback £17.99 & $29.99 - Mike McCarthy. Roman Carlisle & the lands of the Solway. 162 pages, 70 figures, 19 colour plates. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1955-2 paperback £ l6.99 & $27.99. - Hugh Davies. Roads in Roman Britain. 191 pages, 75 figures, 8 tables. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-2503-X paperback £l6.W & $27.99. - Guy de la Bedoyere. Architecture in Roman Britain. 72 pages, 57 figures. 2002. Princes Risborough: Shire; 0-7478-0530-X paperback £5.99. - Richardan Thony Abdy. Romano-British coin honrds. 72 pages, 46 figures, 1 table. 2002. Princes Risborough: Shire; 0-7478-0532-6 paperback £5.99. - Roger J.A. Wilson A guide to the Roman remains in Britain (4th ed.). xx+732 pages. 145 figures, 8 tables. 2002. London: Constable; 1-84119-318-6 paperback £14.99. - Martin Watts. The archaeology of mills and milling. 160 pages, 71 figures, 20 colour plates. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1966-8 paperback £16.99 & $27.99. - Kate Tiller. English local history: an introduction (2nd ed.). ix+268 pages, 143 figures, tables. 2002. Stroud: Sutton:0-7509-2714-3 paperback £14.99.
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- 30 June 2015, pp. 878-880
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Book reviews
S. Settar & Ravi Korisettar (ed.). Indian archaeology in retrospect (4 volumes). lxxiv+2006 pages, figures, tables. 2002. New Delhi: Manohar; 81-7304-318-3 (81-7304-319-1 [Vol. I], 81-7304-320-5 [Vol. II], 81-7304-321-3 [Vol. III], 81-7304-322-1 [Vol. IV]) hardback Rs 1250 (each vol.).
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- 02 January 2015, pp. 1153-1154
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Britain & Ireland - Mark Edmonds & Tim Seaborne. Prehistory in the Peak. 223 pages, b&w photographs, 6 maps. 2001. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1483-6 paperback £15.99 & S26.99. - Keith Branigan & Patrick Foster. Barra and the Bishop’s Isles: living on the margin. 160 pages, 74 b&w figures, 36 colour plates. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1947-1 paperback £16.99 & $27.99. - Andrew J. Lawson Potterne, 1982-5: animal husbandry in later prehistoric Wiltshire (Wessex Archaeology Report No. 17). x+368 pages, 117 figures, 46 tables, 17 plates. 2000. Salisbury: Wessex Archaeology; 1-874350-28-0 (ISSN 0965-5778) paperback £26. - Joanna Brück (ed.). Bronze Age landscapes: tradition and transformation, viii+231 pages, 85 figures, 17 tables. 2001. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-062-7 paperback £35 & US$55. - Peter Salway (ed.). The Roman era: the British Isles, 55BC–AD410. xxii+286 pages, 26 figures. 2002. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 0-19-873194-9 £11.99. - Michelle P. Brown & Carol A. Farr (ed.). Mercia, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe, xiv+386 pages, 60 figures. 2001. London: Leicester University Press; 0-7185-0231-0 hardback £75. - M. Redknap, N. Edwards, S. Youngs, A. Lane & J. Knight (ed.). Pattern and purpose in Insular art: proceedings of the 4th international conference on Insular art held at the National Museum & Gallery, Cardiff, 3–6 September 1998. xi+292 pages, 167 figures, 2 tables. 2001. Oxford: Oxbow; 1-84217-058-9 hardback £48 & US$85. - Gustav Milne with Nathalie Cohen and Tony Dyson, Jacqueline Pearce & Mike Webber. Excavations at Medieval Cripplegate, London: archaeology after the Blitz, 1946–68. xiv+153 pages, 150 figures. 2002. Swindon: English Heritage; 1-8-5074-771-7 paperback £25. - Bruce Watson, Trevor Brigham & Tuny Dyson. London Bridge: 2000 years of a river crossing (MoLAS Monograph 8). xix+258 pages, 157 figures, 19 tables. 2001. London: Museum of London; 1-901992-18-7 paperback £22. - Marjorie Lyle. Canterbury: 2000 years of history (2nd ed.). 160 pages, 88 b&w figures, 27 colour plates. 2002. Stroud & Charleston (SC): Tempus; 0-7524-1948-X paperback £15.99 & $26.99.
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- 26 May 2015, pp. 570-573
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