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- Contains open access
- ISSN: 0034-4125 (Print), 1469-901X (Online)
- Editor: Yujin Nagasawa Department of Philosophy|University of Oklahoma|455 West Lindsey|Dale Hall Tower Room 605|Norman, OK 73019-2006|USA
- Editorial board
Religious Studies is an international journal devoted to the problems of the philosophy of religion as they arise out of classical and contemporary discussions and from varied religious traditions. More than 40 articles are published each year, and the journal also contains an extensive book review section.
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Religious studies blog

From the Author; Astrobiology and the Christian Doctrine with Revd Prof Andrew Davison
- 13 March 2024,
- The Revd Prof Andrew Davison is the Starbridge Professor of Theology and Natural Science, holding the professorship endowed by the novelist Susan Howatch.…...

The importance of open access publishing for the arts and humanities
- 20 December 2023,
- Between 2012 and 2014, I held a two-year Wellcome Trust Research Leave Award (WT096499AIA) for a project on women surgeons in Britain, 1860-1918.…

New to Cambridge in 2024: New Blackfriars
- 12 December 2023,
- Cambridge University Press is pleased to announce that it will publish New Blackfriars from January 2024, in partnership with The Provincial Council of the...
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