Book Review
White fox and icy seas in the western Arctic. The fur trade, transportation, and change in the early 20th century. John R. Bockstoce. 2018. New Haven & London: Yale University Press. xv + 327 p, illustrated, hardcover. ISBN 978-0-300-22179-4. USD 40.00.
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- 06 February 2019, pp. 376-377
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Heritage and change in the Arctic: resources for the present, and the future. Robert C. Thomsen and Lill Rastad Bjørst (eds). 2017. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press. 242 p, paperback. ISBN 978-87-7112-624-2. GBP 34.
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- 26 February 2019, pp. 293-294
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Brategg: the polar vessel that was also Jopeter, Polarbjørn, Lady Johnson II, Beothic Endeavour and Arctic Trader
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- 10 April 2018, pp. 79-87
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Could Captain Scott have been saved? Cecil Meares and the ‘second journey’ that failed: a response to Bill Alp
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- 18 June 2018, pp. 183-187
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Book Review
Out of the cold: archaeology on the Arctic Rim of North America. Owen K. Mason and T. Max Friesen. 2017. Washington, DC: The SAA Press. vi + 294 p, illustrated, paperback. ISBN 9780932839558. USD 33.95.
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- 19 December 2018, pp. 295-296
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The British Government, Ernest Shackleton, and the rescue of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition - CORRIGENDUM
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- 11 June 2018, p. 188
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Book Review
Exploring a sub-Antarctic wilderness: a personal narrative of the first biological and geological expedition to Marion and Prince Edward islands 1965/1966. Brian J. Huntley. 2016. Stellenbosch: Antarctic Legacy of South Africa. 268 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 978-0-620-70521-9 (e-Book ISBN 978-0-620-70522-6). ZAR250.
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- 25 September 2017, pp. 88-89
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Norwegian Native Art. Cultural identity in Norwegian metal music. Imke von Helden. 2017. Münster: LIT Verlag. 200p, softcover. ISBN 978-3-643-90880-3. 39.90€.
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- 20 December 2018, pp. 297-298
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Britain and the Arctic. Duncan Depledge (author). 2018. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. xiv +142 p, hardcover/e-book. Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-69292-0. EUR 51.99 - Asian Foreign Policy in a Changing Arctic: The Diplomacy of Economy and Science at New Frontiers. Aki Tonami (author). 2016. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. xv + 140 p, hardcover/e-book. Hardcover ISBN 978-1-137-53745-4
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- 25 June 2018, pp. 189-190
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Northern sustainabilities: understanding and addressing change in the circumpolar world. Gail Fondahl and Gary N. Wilson (editors). 2017. Cham: Springer Nature. xv + 342 p, illustrated, hardcover. ISBN 978–3319461489. €114.99.
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- 19 February 2018, pp. 89-90
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Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives. S. Aamold, U. A. Jørgensen and E. Haugdal (eds). 2017. Odder, Denmark: Narayana Press. 347 p, illustrated, hardcover. ISBN 978-87-7184-252-4. DKK 229.95.
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- 26 February 2019, pp. 299-300
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International politics in the Arctic. Contested borders, natural resources and Russian foreign policy. Geir Hønneland. 2017. London: I.B. Tauris. 401 p, illustrated, hardcover. ISBN 978–1784538989. £75.00.
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- 31 January 2018, pp. 90-91
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The European Union and the Geopolitics of the Arctic. Andreas Raspotnik. 2018. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 240 p, hardcover. GBP 72.00.
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- 20 December 2018, pp. 301-302
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Source-to-sink fluxes in undisturbed cold environments. Achim A. Beylich, John C. Dixon and Zbigniew Zwoliński (editors). 2016. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 419 p, hardcover. ISBN 978-1-107-06822-3. £112. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781107705791
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- 22 April 2018, p. 190
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Greenland and the international politics of a changing Arctic: postcolonial paradiplomacy between high and low politics. Kristian Søby Kristensen and Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen (editors). 2018. London and New York, NY: Routledge. xi + 164 p, illustrated, hardcover. ISBN 978-1-138-06109-5. £105.00.
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- 26 February 2018, pp. 91-92
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Governance in Russian regions: a policy comparison. Sabine Kropp, Aadne Aasland, Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Jørn Holm-Hansen and Johannes Schuhmann (editors). 2018. London: Palgrave Macmillan. xi + 249 p, hardcover. ISBN 978-3-319-61701-5. £109.99. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-61702-2
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- 22 April 2018, pp. 191-192
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International climate change law. Daniel Bodanksy, Jutta Brunée, and Lavanya Rajamani. 2017. Oxford: Oxford University Press. xxxix + 374 p, softcover. ISBN 978-0-19-966430-6. £39.99.
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- 16 March 2018, pp. 92-93
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The polar adventures of a rich American dame. A life of Louise Arner Boyd. Joanna Kafarowski. 2017. Toronto: Dundurn. 368 p, softcover. ISBN 978-1-45973-970-3. $24.99.
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- 31 May 2018, pp. 192-193
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Arctic Yearbook 2016. Lassi Heininen, Heather Exner-Pirot and Joël Plouffe (Eds). 2016. Akureyri: Northern Research Forum. 496 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISSN 2298–2418. Freely available at:
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- 23 May 2018, pp. 193-194
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Climate change impacts on ocean and coastal law. U.S. and international perspectives. Randall S. Abate (Ed.). 2015. Oxford: Oxford University Press. xli + 699 p, hard cover. ISBN 978-0-19-936874-7. £107.50
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 16 July 2018, pp. 194-195
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