What motivates hunters to target exotic or endemic species on the island of São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea?
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 24 February 2014, pp. 278-286
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Spatial and temporal patterns of harvesting of the Vulnerable pig-nosed turtle Carettochelys insculpta in the Kikori region, Papua New Guinea
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 14 July 2014, pp. 659-668
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What we (don't) know about the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on felids
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 11 August 2014, pp. 96-106
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Identifying essential ecological factors underpinning the development of a conservation plan for the Endangered Australian tree Alectryon ramiflorus
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 25 February 2015, pp. 453-460
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Short Communication
Opportunistic behaviour or desperate measure? Logging impacts may only partially explain terrestriality in the Bornean orang-utan Pongo pygmaeus morio
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 22 January 2015, pp. 461-464
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Co-extinct and critically co-endangered species of parasitic lice, and conservation-induced extinction: should lice be reintroduced to their hosts?
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 22 August 2014, pp. 107-110
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Factors influencing the occurrence and vulnerability of the Travancore tortoise Indotestudo travancorica in protected areas in south India
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 01 May 2014, pp. 669-676
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The effect of bushmeat consumption on migratory wildlife in the Serengeti ecosystem, Tanzania
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 July 2014, pp. 287-294
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The dichotomy between protection and logging of the Endangered and valuable timber species Amburana cearensis in north-west Argentina
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 19 February 2014, pp. 111-117
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Of Pongo, palms and perceptions: a multidisciplinary assessment of Bornean orang-utans Pongo pygmaeus in an oil palm context
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 30 May 2014, pp. 465-472
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Spatial distribution of snares in Ruma National Park, Kenya, with implications for management of the roan antelope Hippotragus equinuslangheldi and other wildlife
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 12 May 2014, pp. 295-302
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Assessing the efficacy of direct conservation interventions: clutch protection of the leatherback marine turtle in the Dominican Republic
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 01 July 2014, pp. 677-686
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Looking beyond parks: the conservation value of unprotected areas for hornbills in Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Himalaya
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 13 March 2014, pp. 303-311
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Dead or alive? Comparing costs and benefits of lethal and non-lethal human–wildlife conflict mitigation on livestock farms
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 30 April 2014, pp. 687-695
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Conservation assessment of the endemic plants of the Tuscan Archipelago, Italy
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 31 July 2014, pp. 118-126
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Population status of the Bornean orang-utan Pongo pygmaeus in a vanishing forest in Indonesia: the former Mega Rice Project
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 August 2014, pp. 473-480
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Conservation ecology of rare plants within complex local habitat networks
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 24 February 2014, pp. 696-703
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Persistence and protection of the Vulnerable Bengal slow loris Nycticebus bengalensis in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, north-east India
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 22 July 2014, pp. 127-132
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A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of conservation attention at the species level
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 21 November 2014, pp. 481-491
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Accounting for the low survival of the Critically Endangered northern bald ibis Geronticus eremita on a major migratory flyway
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 13 February 2014, pp. 312-320
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