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- Contains open access
- ISSN: 0018-2680 (Print), 1748-5959 (Online)
- Editors: A.J. Angulo University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA, and Jack Schneider University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
- Editorial board
History of Education Quarterly is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to publishing high-quality scholarship on the history of education. It is the official journal of the field's leading professional society in the United States, the History of Education Society, and has been published continuously since 1960.The journal encourages submissions from a range of intersecting sub-fields in social, political, economic, intellectual, and cultural history, including (but not limited to): Urban History, Policy History, Sociology of Knowledge, Colonialism and Colonial Education, History of Childhood and Youth, Gender Studies, Ethnic History, Indigenous Education, Cultural Studies, Comparative History, and the History of Ideas.
Latest HEQ&A Podcast
Community and Agency during the US Occupation of the Dominican Republic, 1916-1924
- 08 February 2024,
- In this episode, we talk with Alexa Rodríguez about her recent article in History of Education Quarterly. Open-access link to the article: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/history-of-education-quarterly/article/narrative-from-the-margins-community-and-agency-during-the-us-occupation-of-the-dominican-republic-19161924/A31492112649B9D256B86703BBBF80B6...
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How Long did the School Year Last in Early America?
- 12 June 2023,
- My interest in researching this question stems from reading the reminiscences of Horace Mann, the mid-nineteenth century leader of the public school movement.…...
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History of Education Society Presidential Address 2022
History of Education Society Presidential Address 2022
"Schooling as a White Good" Benjamin Justice
History of Education Quarterly, Volume 63, Issue 2