Founded in 1958, the Historical Journal publishes on all aspects of history since 1500, providing a forum for younger scholars making a distinguished debut as well as publishing the work of historians with an international reputation. The journal publishes original research in full-length articles and shorter communications as well as major surveys of the field in historiographical reviews and review articles. Contributions are aimed both at specialists and non-specialists.
Full instructions can be found on the Preparing your materials and Submitting your materials pages.
The Historical Journal accepts the following types of article:
- Article*
- Communication*
- Historiographical Review*
- Other Review
- Review Article*
- Roundtable*
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. All or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access. For authors not covered by an agreement, and without APC funding, please see this journal's open access options for instructions on how to request an APC waiver.