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- 16 February 2009, pp. 155-157
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Artists and Society - James Whitley: Style and Society in Dark Age Greece: the Changing Face of a Pre-literate Society 1100–700 B.C. (New Studies Archaeology.) Pp. xx + 225; 21 figs., 39 plates. Cambridge University Press, 1991. £32.50.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 400-401
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Terracotta Moulds - †Clairève Grandjouan (completed by Eileen Markson and Susan I. Rotroff): Hellenistic Relief Molds from the Athenian Agora. (Hesperia, Suppl., 23.) Pp. xx + 75; 1 plan, 2 figs., 34 plates. Princeton, New Jersey: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1989. Paper.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 402-403
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The ‘Small Towns’ of Roman Britain - Barry C. Burnham, John Wacher: The ‘Small Towns’ of Roman Britain. Pp. xii + 388; 107 illustrations. London: Batsford, 1990. £45.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 157-158
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The Alphabet Race - Martin Bernal: Cadmean Letters: the Transmission of the Alphabet to the Aegean and Further West before 1400 B.C. Pp. xiii + 156; 10 tables, 2 charts, 3 maps. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1990. $19.50.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 159-160
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Early Hellenistic Coinage - †Otto Mørkholm (edited by Philip Grierson and Ulla Westermark): Early Hellenistic Coinage from the Accession of Alexander to the Peace of Apamea (336–188 B.C.). Pp. xxii + 273; 45 plates (656 illustrations), 6 maps, 3 tables, 3 figs. Cambridge University Press, 1991. £60.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 403-405
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Ostraka - Mabel L. Lang: The Athenian Agora, 25: Ostraka. Pp. xvii + 188; 30 figs., 11 plates, 1 plan. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1990. $55.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 160-162
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 405-407
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The Economy of Roman Spain - Michel Ponsich: Aceite de oliva y salazones de pescado: factores geo-economicos de Bética y Tingitania. Pp. 253; 115 photographs and drawings, 4 maps. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1988. Paper. - J. M. Blázquez: Agricultura y minería romanas durante el alto imperio. (Historia del mundo antiguo, Roma, 54.) Pp. 71; 13 colour photographs, Madrid: Akal, 1991. Paper. - Emilio Rodríguez Almeida. Los tituli picti de las ánforas olearias de la Bética, I: Tituli picti de los Severos y de la Ratio Fisci. Pp. 219; 83 pages of drawings. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1989. Paper.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 407-409
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Early Latin Inscriptions - Rudolf Wachter: Altlateinische Inschriften: sprachliche und epigraphische Untersuchungen zu den Dokumenten bis etwa 150 v. Chr. (Europäische Hochschulschriften, XV. 38.) Pp. xxiv + 551; numerous figs. Bern, Frankfurt am Main, New York and Paris: Peter Lang, 1987. Paper, Sw. frs. 89.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 409-410
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 167-168
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 168-170
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 415-416
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 170-171
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Honour to G. L. Cawkwell - Michael A. Flower, Mark Toher (edd.): Georgica: Greek Studies in Honour of George Cawkwell. (Bulletin Suppl., 58.) Pp. x + 192; 1 photo. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 1991. Paper, £35.
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- 16 February 2009, pp. 416-418
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