1 Introduction
Since the discovery of the von Neumann inequality the theory of spectral sets has evolved in many directions, see, e.g., [Reference Badea, Beckermann and Hogben2] for a broad overview. Our interest will lie in C-spectral sets. Recall that a compact, simply connected set
$\Omega $
is a C-spectral set (
) for the operator T if it contains the spectrum of T and satisfies the inequality

(see Section 3 for details). A particularly well-studied C-spectral set for a Hilbert space operator T is the numerical range
$ W(T) := \{ \langle Tx, x \rangle : \langle x, x \rangle = 1 \}. $
The first result underlining the role of the numerical range in this context is the seminal work by Delyon–Delyon [Reference Delyon and Delyon24], in which the constant C depends on
. In 2007 Crouzeix [Reference Crouzeix21] showed that there exists a universal constant C between
such that the numerical range of T is a C-spectral set. Crouzeix’s conjecture [Reference Crouzeix20], stating that the optimal constant for C is
, remains open to this day. The best estimate so far of the constant
was provided by Crouzeix and Palencia [Reference Crouzeix and Palencia22] in 2017, see also [Reference Ransford and Schwenninger40, Reference Schwenninger, de Vries, Ptak, Woerdeman and Wojtylak42] for shorter proofs. In due course the conjecture was shown to be true in certain special cases, see, e.g., [Reference Bickel and Gorkin6–Reference Bickel, Corbett, Glenning, Guan and Vollmayr-Lee8, Reference Chen, Greenbaum and Trogdon16, Reference Choi17, Reference Crouzeix, Greenbaum and Li23, Reference O’Loughlin and Virtanen38]. We also mention recent results [Reference Malman, Mashreghi, O’Loughlin and Ransford36, Theorem 2, Proposition 26] showing that the value
$1+\sqrt {2}$
is not attained for any Hilbert space operator.
Meanwhile, the theory of spectral sets in Banach spaces appears to be much more demanding. Recall that the von Neumann inequality can be restated as saying that the closed unit disk is a
-spectral set for any contraction on a Hilbert space. In contrast to this, there are Banach-space contractions for which the closed unit disk fails to be a C-spectral set for every
$C> 0$
. This is usually argued in the literature by saying that there exists an operator with unit norm which is not polynomially bounded, see e.g., [Reference Cohen19, Section 4] or [Reference Gillespie26, Reference Gillespie27, Reference Lebow33]. On the other hand, Katsnelson and Matsaev demonstrated in [Reference Katsnelson and Matsaev31] that for any contraction T on any Banach space the disk
$3\overline {\mathbb {D}}$
is a 1-spectral set, and furthermore, that the constant 3 is sharp. In fact, this result is a trivial consequence of a much older inequality attributed to Bohr, see [Reference Bohr11], for disk algebra functions, see also [Reference Paulsen and Singh39] for a recent short proof and [Reference Knese32] for multivariate analogs.
This article deals with the question to what extent the fact that the numerical range is C-spectral for Hilbert spaces operators can be generalized to Banach algebras. The most suitable generalization of the numerical range seems to be the algebraic numerical range of an element T of a Banach algebra
$\mathcal A$
, i.e., the set

where I stands for the unit and
$\mathcal {A}'$
stands for its dual space. Like in the Hilbert space setting, the algebraic numerical range contains the spectrum and is contained in the disk of radius
$\left \| T\right \|$
. It is also clear from the definition that
$V(\alpha T)=\alpha T$
$\alpha \in {\mathbb {C}}$
. Hence, one may assume without loss of generality that T is of norm one and consequently
is then contained in the closed unit disk. Note that for operators with unit norm C-spectrality of
trivially implies polynomial boundedness. The above mentioned examples on Banach spaces thus provide operators for which (1.1) with
$\Omega =V(T)$
does not hold for any
. We will strengthen this by showing that there even exists a polynomially bounded operator T with unit norm such that
is not C-spectral for any C, see Example 6.2.
The article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review preliminary properties of the algebraic numerical range. In Section 3, we introduce the spectral constant of the numerical range and discuss its general properties. In Section 4, we discuss matrix algebras. In Section 5, we focus on some special classes of Banach algebras for which the numerical-range spectral constant is finite: Continuous function algebras and Calkin algebras. In particular, this shows that Crouzeix’s conjecture on Hilbert space operators can be rephrased based on the essential numerical range instead of the numerical range. In Section 6, we provide several examples in which the spectral constant of the numerical range is infinite. Namely, we consider the shift operators in
$\ell ^p$
and a cut-shift in a combinatorial Banach space. In Section 7, we study in detail the case of
$2\times 2$
-matrices for
$\ell _1$
induced norm and show that the spectral constant of any
$2\times 2$
-matrix is bounded above by
The striking fact about Crouzeix’s result is that the numerical range is a C-spectral set with an absolute constant C. In particular, this shows that the constant can be bounded independently of the dimension of the Hilbert space. While our results show that the latter is not true for general Banach algebras, we prove that for the specific case of
$\mathcal {B}(\mathbb {C}^2)$
with the induced
-norm, there also exists a uniform bound on the spectral constant. It is interesting to note that our proof strongly exploits a nice representation, of interest in its own right, of the corresponding (algebraic) numerical range for the particular space. This, in a way, relates to Crouzeix’s initial result on
$2\times 2$
-matrices [Reference Crouzeix20] (with the optimal constant
), strongly resting on the fact that the (Hilbert space) numerical range is an ellipse in that case.
2 Preliminaries
$\mathcal {A}$
be a complex Banach algebra with a unit I, and let
$ \mathcal {A}'$
denote the set of continuous linear functionals on
$\mathcal A$
(dual space). For
$T \in \mathcal {A}$
, the algebraic numerical range
is defined as

The set
is compact and convex. We denote by
$\mathcal B(X)$
the algebra of bounded linear operators on a Banach space X. Recall for
$\mathcal A$
being the algebra
$\mathcal B(H)$
of bounded operators on a Hilbert space H, the algebraic numerical range coincides with the closure of the usual numerical range, cf. [Reference Stampfli and Williams44, Theorem 6].
To specify the algebra with respect to which
is defined, we will sometimes write
$V(T, \mathcal {A})$
. Usually, we will do this in connection with the following important observation [Reference Bonsall and Duncan12, Theorem 4]: If
$\mathcal {B}\subseteq \mathcal {A}$
is a subalgebra of
$\mathcal {A}$
sharing the same unit, then

for all
$T\in \mathcal {B}$
. Further, by
$\nu (T)$
we define the algebraic numerical radius

For the basic properties of the algebraic numerical range we refer the reader to [Reference Bonsall and Duncan12]. Below we only highlight the ones that are most relevant for our purposes. For further results on equivalent definitions and geometry see, e.g., [Reference Bonsall and Duncan13, Reference Lumer35, Reference Stampfli and Williams44].
The algebraic numerical range always contains the spectrum

In the commutative case the inclusion goes easily by characters, for the general case we refer to [Reference Bonsall and Duncan12, Theorem 6] and [Reference Stampfli and Williams44, Theorem 1]. In particular, the spectral radius
$\rho (T):=\sup _{\lambda \in \sigma (T)}|\lambda |$
$\rho (T)\leq \nu (T)$
. Further, for any
$T\in \mathcal {A}$
it holds that

see [Reference Bonsall and Duncan12, Section 4, Theorem 1, p. 34], and if
$\mathcal A$
is a
-algebra the constant
$ {\mathrm {e}}$
can be improved to
, see [Reference Sz.-Nagy, Foias, Bercovici and Kérchy45].
The following equality shown in [Reference Stampfli and Williams44, Theorem 4], see also [Reference Hildebrandt29], will be of particular importance when searching for an explicit form of the algebraic numerical range:

$D(z,r)\subset \mathbb C$
denotes a closed disk of radius r centered at z. An immediate consequence is that
is a compact convex subset of
${\mathbb {C}}$
. An even more useful result for plotting approximations of
is [Reference Bonsall and Duncan12, Theorem 2.5], which states that the algebraic numerical range
can be represented as an intersection of hyperplanes:



Recall that the algebraic numerical range is preserved under affine transformations:

for all
$\alpha ,\beta \in \mathbb {C}$
$T\in \mathcal A$
(however, in general not under polynomial transformations). This, together with (2.2), implies that

Another simple yet useful observation we provide along with the proof. We write
$d_{\mathrm {H}}$
for the Hausdorff metric on the set of non-empty compact subsets of the complex plane.
Lemma 2.1 Let
$\mathcal {A}$
be a unital Banach algebra. For all
$S,T\in \mathcal {A}$
it holds that

In particular, the mapping
$T\mapsto V(T)$
is uniformly continuous.
Proof For each
$\phi \in \mathcal {A}^{*}$
$\phi (1)=1$
$\|\phi \|=1$
we have

and, likewise,

So by definition of the Hausdorff distance, we have

as desired.
We conclude this list of properties of
with the following estimate for the growth of the resolvent, cf. [Reference Stampfli and Williams44, Lemma 1],

3 Spectral constants
Let us turn to the main object of the study. Hereinafter let
$\mathcal A$
denote a complex Banach algebra with the unit I. Let
$\Omega $
be an open or closed, simply connected bounded set. We say that
$\Omega $
is a C-spectral set for
$T\in \mathcal A$
$\Omega $
contains the spectrum of T and (1.1) holds. Note that it is also possible to define C-spectrality for multiply connected and unbounded sets, replacing polynomials by rational functions. However, this is not relevant for the purposes of the current article.
We say that an element
$T\in \mathcal A$
is polynomially bounded if there exists
such that

for all
$p\in \mathbb {C}[z]$
. We will typically investigate whether
$\left \| T\right \|\overline {\mathbb D}$
is a C-spectral set for T, which is equivalent to
$T/\left \| T\right \|$
being polynomially bounded.
For an element
$T\in \mathcal A$
we consider the linear mapping

and we define the numerical-range spectral constant of T as

$\inf \emptyset =\infty $
. If finite,
$\Psi (T)$
is the smallest
$C\geq 0$
for which (1.1) holds with
$\Omega =V(T)$
. Note that for
$T=\lambda _0 I$
$\lambda _0\in {\mathbb {C}}$
) we have
$\Psi (T)=1$
. For T not being the multiple of the unit I we have that
is a convex set that is not a singleton, cf. (2.8). In this case
$\Psi (T)$
is the operator norm of
$\Phi _T$
with respect to the supremum norm on
and the usual norm on
$\mathcal A$
, provided
$\Phi _T$
is bounded. As was already pointed out in the introduction, if T is a contraction that is not polynomially bounded, we have
$\Psi (T,\mathcal {B}(X))=\infty $
, due to the first inequality in (2.2).
Finally, we define the (algebraic) numerical-range spectral constant of the algebra
$\mathcal A$

Later on we will skip the adjective “algebraic” for brevity. Directly from (2.1), we get that if
$\mathcal B$
is a subalgebra of
$\mathcal {A}$
sharing the same unit. Then

note that we do not assume that any of these numbers are finite. Let us discuss the elementary properties of the function
$T\mapsto \Psi (T)$
Proposition 3.1 The function
$\mathcal A \ni T\mapsto \Psi (T)\in [0,+\infty ]$
has the following properties:
$\Psi (\cdot )$ is bounded from below by 1;
$\Psi (\cdot )$ is lower semi-continuous;
$\Psi (\cdot )$ attains its minimum on every compact set;
$\Psi (\alpha T+\beta I)=\Psi (T)$ for every
$\alpha \in {\mathbb {C}}\setminus \{0\}$ ,
$\beta \in \mathbb {C}$ ,
$T\in \mathcal A$ ;
(v) for any
$C\in [1,\infty )$ , the set
$\{ T\in \mathcal A: \Psi (T)>C \}$ is open and if it is nonempty then
$\lambda _0 I$ belongs to its boundary for any
$\lambda _0\in {\mathbb {C}}$ ;
$\Psi (\cdot )$ is not continuous, unless it is constantly equal to one.
Proof Taking the polynomial
shows (i).
(ii) Assume the contrary, i.e., that
$\Psi (\cdot )$
is not lower semicontinuous at some point T in
$\mathcal {A}$
. Then there exists
$C\in (0,\infty )$
, an
and a convergent sequence
$T_{k}\to T$
such that
$\Psi (T)>C+\varepsilon $
$\Psi (T_{k})\leq C$
for all
$k\geq 1$
. Note that C is finite, regardless of whether
$\Psi (T)$
is finite or not. Further, there exists a polynomial
$p\in \mathbb {C}[z]$
such that
$\sup _{V(T)}|p|=1$
$\|p(T)\|\geq C+\varepsilon $
. Now fix a number

$V(T_{k})\to V(T)$
with respect to the Hausdorff metric, there exists an integer
$N_{1}\geq 1$
such that
$\sup _{V(T_{k})}|p|\leq 1+\delta $
for all
$k\geq N_{1}$
. Since
$p(T_{k})\to p(T)$
, there also is an integer
$N_{2}\geq 1$
such that
$\|p(T_{k})\|\geq (1+\delta )^{-1}\|p(T)\|$
for all
$k\geq N_{2}$
. Thus, for
$k\geq N:=\max \{N_{1},N_{2}\}$
we have

However, this implies that
$\Psi (T_{k})>C$
for all
$k\geq N$
, which is a contradiction.
(iii) follows directly from (ii). To see (iv) define the mapping
$\Lambda :{\mathbb {C}}[z]\ni p (z)\mapsto p(\alpha z+\beta )\in {\mathbb {C}}[z]$
for fixed
$\alpha \neq 0$
$\beta \in {\mathbb {C}}$
and note that it is bijective. Hence, by (2.7),

(v) Let us fix
. Then the set
$\mathcal S:=\{ T\in \mathcal A: \Psi (T)> C \}$
is open as the function
$\Psi (\cdot )$
is lower semi-continuous. Fix
$\lambda _0\in {\mathbb {C}}$
and take any T with
$\Psi (T)=C_0\in [C,\infty ]$
. Then
$\Psi (\alpha T+ \lambda _0 I)=C_0$
for any
$\alpha \neq 0$
, hence
$\lambda _0 I$
is in the closure of
$\mathcal S$
. As
$\Psi (I)=1$
we have that
$\lambda _0I$
is on the boundary of
$\mathcal S$
. Statement (vi) is also a consequence of this reasoning.
We provide one more elementary property of the function
$\Psi (\cdot )$
. Given a Banach space X and its dual
we naturally define the adjoint
$T'\in \mathcal B(X')$
$T\in \mathcal B(X)$
. Recall that the map
$T\mapsto T'$
is a linear isometry. The following lemma shows that the algebraic numerical range and numerical-range spectral constants (3.1) coincide for T and
Lemma 3.2 Let X be any Banach space. For any
$T\in \mathcal {B}(X)$
the following is true:
$V(T',\mathcal {B}(X'))=V(T,\mathcal {B}(X))$ ;
$\Psi (T',\mathcal {B}(X'))=\Psi (T,\mathcal {B}(X))$ ;
$\Psi _{\mathcal {B}(X)}\leq \Psi _{\mathcal {B}(X')}$ , with the inequality being an equality for reflexive X.
Proof (i) Since for any
$\theta \in \mathbb {R}$
we have

the result follows from (2.4).
(ii) For
$\zeta \in \mathbb {C}$
we trivially have

Assume that T is not a scalar multiple of
. By (i) we have

as desired.
The inequality in statement (iii) is now obvious. Further, if X is reflexive, then
$T\mapsto T'$
is surjective and the equality follows.
$\varepsilon $
-hull (
) of a compact set
$S \subseteq {\mathbb {C}}$
is defined as
$S_\varepsilon = \{x \in {\mathbb {C}} \mid {\mathrm {dist}}(x,S) \leq \varepsilon \} $
. As it was already mentioned in the introduction, the constant
$\Psi _{\mathcal A}$
might be infinite for some algebras. However, both the
$\varepsilon $
-hull of the algebraic numerical range
$V(T)_{\varepsilon }$
and the disk
$(1+\varepsilon )\left \| T\right \| \overline {\mathbb D}$
are C-spectral sets, as the following proposition shows.
Proposition 3.3 For every Banach space X, any operator
$T\in \mathcal {B}(X)$
we have

where d is the diameter of
. In particular, if
$\left \| T\right \|\leq 1$
, then
is a
-spectral set. Furthermore, for arbitrary
$\left \| T\right \|$

Proof Since
$V(T)_{\varepsilon d}$
is convex, its compact boundary
$\partial V(T)_{\varepsilon d}$
is locally the graph of a Lipschitz function and hence it is rectifiable. The first statement follows now directly from the Cauchy integral formula (or, more precisely, from the Riesz–Dunford calculus) and from the estimate (2.9). The fact that
is a
-spectral set follows from taking
$\varepsilon =1/2$
, so that
$\varepsilon d\leq \varepsilon \cdot 2\left \| T\right \|\leq 1$
To see the second statement let
$T\in \mathcal {B}(X)$
$p(z)=\sum _{k=0}^{n}a_{k}z^{k}$
. Further, let
$c=(1+\varepsilon )\|T\|$
and consider

$f(z)=\sum _{k=0}^{n}a_{k}c^{k}z^{k}$
$z\in \mathbb {D}$
, the norm
$\left \|{\cdot }\right \|_{H^{2}(\mathbb {D})}$
refers to the norm of the Hardy space
$H^{2}(\mathbb {D})$
$C_{\varepsilon }$
to the constant above. Finally, we use that
$H^{\infty }(\mathbb {D})$
, the space of bounded analytic functions on
$\mathbb {D}$
, embeds continuously into
$H^{2}(\mathbb {D})$
. More precisely,

which finishes the proof.
Remark 3.4 Clearly the first estimate in Proposition 3.3 is not sharp, as for T with
being the disk of radius
$\left \| T\right \|$
(e.g., when T is the forward shift on
$\ell ^1$
) the second bound is better. Furthermore, for large
$\varepsilon $
the second bound is also not optimal. For example, taking
$\varepsilon =2$
in Proposition 3.3 leads to the estimate
$\|f(T)\|\leq C\sup _{|z|\leq 3\|T\|}|f(z)|$
$C=3/\sqrt {8}\geq 1.06$
for all polynomials f, while it is known that this inequality holds even with
, see [Reference Bohr11, Reference Katsnelson and Matsaev31, Reference Paulsen and Singh39].
4 Finite dimensional algebras
Let us recall that an element A of a Banach algebra is called algebraic if there exists a polynomial p such that
. This is equivalent to the fact that A generates a finite-dimensional subalgebra. The central theorem of this section is the following.
Theorem 4.1 For any unital Banach algebra
$\mathcal {A}$
the numerical-range spectral constant
$\Psi (T, \mathcal {A})$
is finite for all algebraic elements T of
$\mathcal {A}$
For the proof we need the following lemma, based on the estimation of the resolvent growth near the algebraic numerical range, see [Reference Stampfli and Williams44].
Lemma 4.2 Let
$\left \|{\cdot }\right \|$
be any unital submultiplicative norm on
$\mathbb {C}^{n\times n}$
. Let
$T\in \mathbb {C}^{n\times n}$
$\lambda \in \sigma (T)$
be given. If
$\lambda $
belongs to the boundary
$\partial V(T)$
, then
$\lambda $
is a semisimple eigenvalue.
Proof Suppose that
$\lambda \in \partial V(T)$
is not semisimple. Then the Jordan normal form of T contains a Jordan block J corresponding to
$\lambda $
of size s, where
$1 < s \leq n$
. Since
$\lambda \in \partial V(T)$
, we can find a sequence
$(\lambda _{i})_{i\in \mathbb {N}}$
$\mathbb {C}\setminus V(T)$
such that
$\lambda _{i}\to \lambda $
$d_{i}:=d(\lambda _{i},V(T))=|\lambda _{i}-\lambda |$
. Let
be the sth standard basis vector of
$\mathbb {C}^{s}$
and let
$\left \|{\cdot }\right \|_1$
denote the operator norm induced by the
$\ell _1$
-norm on
${\mathbb {C}}^s$
. Note that

On the other hand,

depends only on the similarity transformation for the Jordan decomposition of T and the equivalence between the norms
$\left \|{\cdot }\right \|_{1}$
$\left \|{\cdot }\right \|$
. The last inequality follows directly from (2.9). We deduce that

which contradicts
$d_{i}\to 0$
Proof (of Theorem 4.1) Since T generates a finite-dimensional subalgebra, due to (3.3) it is enough to consider only finite-dimensional unital Banach algebras
$\mathcal {A}$
. Furthermore, any such algebra
$\mathcal {A}$
can be isometrically embedded in
$\mathcal {B(A)}$
. Therefore, once again by (3.3), it is enough to consider only unital Banach algebras of operators on finite-dimensional spaces. In other words, it is enough to show that for fixed
$n\in \mathbb N$
, fixed
$T\in {\mathbb {C}}^{n,n}$
and fixed unital Banach algebra norm
$\left \|{\cdot }\right \|$
${\mathbb {C}}^{n,n}$
one has
$\Psi (T, \mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^n, \left \|\cdot \right \|)) < \infty $
. Note that for some constant C (depending on the norm and hence implicitly on the dimension n) we have that
$\left \|{p(T)}\right \|\leq C \left \|{p(T)}\right \|_2$
for any polynomial
. Hence, we subsequently reduce the proof to showing that

with some constant
possibly dependent on T. Let
denote the Jordan form of T and let S denote the corresponding similarity transformation. We write

$\lambda _1,\dots ,\lambda _r$
are the semisimple eigenvalues written with their multiplicities and R consists of all nontrivial Jordan blocks (possibly one of these two parts constituting
might be void). Recall that the algebraic numerical range
$V(T, \mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^n, \left \|\cdot \right \|))$
has the property that all eigenvalues of T on its boundary are semisimple by Lemma 4.2. Hence, the eigenvalues of R (if there are any) lie inside the interior of
$V(T, \mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^n, \left \|\cdot \right \|))$
, by Lemma (4.2). The boundary
$\partial V(T,\mathcal {B}({\mathbb {C}}^n,\left \|{\cdot }\right \|))$
is rectifiable. Estimating in a routine way the Cauchy integral formula we receive
$\left \|{p(R)}\right \|\leq C_1 \sup _{V(T, \mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^n, \left \|\cdot \right \|))}|p|$
for any polynomial p and some constant
, depending on the maximum of the norm of the resolvent of R on
$\partial V(T, \mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^n, \left \|\cdot \right \|))$
. Therefore,


for all
$p\in {\mathbb {C}}[z]$
, from which we obtain the constant
Immediately we provide an example that the numerical-range spectral constant
$\Psi _{\mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^n,\left \|\cdot \right \|_p)}$
of the matrix algebra with the
$\ell ^p$
-induced norm depends on the dimension n. It should not come as surprise that the “bad” matrix will be the Jordan block

The following facts we use to derive suitable operator norm estimates are well known and can be traced back to the works of Shapiro [Reference Shapiro43] and Rudin [Reference Rudin41]. There exists
such that for every
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
there exists a polynomial
$f_{n}=\sum _{k=0}^{n-1}\alpha _{k}z^{k}$
of degree
, with coefficients
$\alpha _k$
all equal to either
, and satisfying

The best known constant is
$\Delta =\sqrt 6$
, see [Reference Balister3]. We also refer to [Reference Balister, Bollobás, Morris, Sahasrabudhe and Tiba4] for a recent solution of the related Littlewood conjecture [Reference Littlewood34], stating that there even exist such polynomials satisfying the lower bound
$ \delta \sqrt {n}\leq |f_{n}(z)|\leq \Delta \sqrt {n}$
with some constants
$0<\delta \leq \Delta $
independent of n.
Theorem 4.3 Let
$p\in [1,\infty ]$
with Hölder conjugate
$q\in [1,\infty ]$
. The numerical-range spectral constant (3.1) of the Jordan block in the
$\ell ^p$
-induced norm satisfies

for all
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
Proof The first inequality follows from the fact that
$\left \|{J_n}\right \|\leq 1$
. To see the second one observe that for any polynomial f of degree
with coefficients
$\alpha _{0},\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\ldots ,\alpha _{n-1}$
the polynomial functional calculus of
is given by

From this it quickly follows that

and, under the Banach space isomorphism
$(\mathbb {C}^{n},\left \|{\cdot }\right \|_{p})'=(\mathbb {C}^{n},\left \|{\cdot }\right \|_{q})$

Applying this to the polynomials from (4.1), we conclude that

as desired.
It remains unknown whether
$\Psi _{\mathcal {A}}$
is finite for every matrix algebra
$\mathcal A$
5 Infinite-dimensional algebras with finite constant
$\Psi _{\mathcal A}$
The numerical-range spectral constant of the algebra
$\mathcal B({H})$
, where H is a Hilbert space of any infinite dimension, has a special role. Namely, it follows from [Reference Crouzeix21] that

The universal constant
$\Psi _{\mathrm {Cro}}$
appearing above is called the Crouzeix constant, see the introduction for a brief review on related results. Here we recall that
$2\leq \Psi _{\mathrm {Cro}}\leq 1+\sqrt 2$
It follows from (3.3) that if
$\mathcal A$
is a C*-algebra, then, as a subalgebra of
$\mathcal B(H)$
for some Hilbert space H, we obtain

Further, there exist several sufficient conditions for embeddability of a given algebra (not necessarily a *-algebra) in
$\mathcal B(H))$
, see e.g., [Reference Blecher9, Reference Blecher and Le Merdy10], guaranteeing in turn (5.2). Let us now present two instances where the numerical range-spectral constant (3.2) can be computed explicitly.
Theorem 5.1 Let X be a compact space and let
$\mathcal B$
be a Banach algebra. Let
$C(X,\mathcal B)$
be the Banach algebra of
$\mathcal B$
-valued continuous functions on X with the norm
$\left \| f\right \|:=\sup _{x\in X}\left \|{ f(x)}\right \|_{\mathcal {B}}$
. Then the corresponding numerical-range spectral constants, defined in (3.2), satisfy

regardless of whether
$\Psi _{\mathcal B}$
is finite or not. In particular, for any unital commutative C*-algebra
$\mathcal A$
the constant
$\Psi _{\mathcal A}$
equals 1.
Proof Assume first that
$\Psi _{\mathcal B}$
is finite. Let
$f\in C(X,\mathcal B)$
. Note that each pair
$(x,\phi )$
, where
$x\in X$
$\phi \in \mathcal B'$
$\left \|{\phi }\right \|=1=\phi (I)$
, constitutes a functional
$f\mapsto \phi (f(x))$
in the dual space
$C(X,\mathcal B)'$
. Therefore,

which shows the inequality
$\Psi _{C(X,\mathcal B)}\leq \Psi _{\mathcal B}$
. The reverse inequality, and the case
${\Psi _{\mathcal B}=\infty} $
follow by identifying
$\mathcal B$
with constant functions in
$C(X,\mathcal B)$
and applying (3.3).
The second statement follows from identifying
$\mathcal A$
with the algebra
$ C(X,{\mathbb {C}})$
and Proposition 3.1(i).
Given a Hilbert space
$ H $
, the Calkin algebra is defined as the quotient

$\mathcal K( H )$
denotes the ideal of compact operators in the bounded linear operators
$\mathcal {B}(H)$
on H. For an operator
$T\in \mathcal B(H)$
its equivalence class will be denoted by
. In the proof below a mapping between two C*-algebras is called an embedding if it is a linear isometry that is multiplicative and preserves the involution and identity.
Theorem 5.2 For a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space H we have the following equality between the numerical-range spectral constants (3.2)

Furthermore, for any
$T\in \mathcal {B}(H)$
, we have

for some
$K\in \mathcal {K}(H)$
Proof Let us recall that the quotient of a C*-algebra by a closed *-ideal is again a C*-algebra. Thus the Calkin algebra is a C*-algebra. Then the inequality
$ \Psi _{ \mathcal {C}( H ) }\leq \Psi _{\mathrm {Cro}}$
follows from (5.2) and (5.1) via the fact that
$\mathcal {C}(H)$
can be embedded in a C*-subalgebra of
$\mathcal B(\tilde H)$
for some Hilbert space
$\tilde H$
. The reverse inequality follows again from (5.2) and (5.1) and the fact that the algebra
$\mathcal B( {\mathbb {C}}^d, \left \|{\cdot }\right \|_2)$
can be embedded in a C*-subalgebra of the Calkin algebra
$\Psi _{ \mathcal {C}( H ) }$
. Below we present a simple proof of the latter fact, referring also to [Reference Farah, Katsimpas and Vaccaro25] for a rich theory of embedings of C*-algebras into the Calkin algebra.
Note that it is enough to embed
$\mathcal B( {\mathbb {C}}^d, \left \|{\cdot }\right \|_2)$
$\mathcal C(H_0)$
for some separable Hilbert space
. We define
$H_{0}:=\ell ^{2}\otimes \mathbb {C}^{d}$
and let
$\pi (T)=[I_{\ell ^{2}}\otimes T]\in \mathcal {C}(H_0)$
. Let
be an orthogonal projection on the first k basis vectors of
$\ell ^2$
and let
$Q_k=(I_{\ell ^2} - P_k)\otimes I_{{\mathbb {C}}^d}$
. By [Reference Müller37, Proposition 6], we have that

Hence, the mapping
$\pi $
is an isometry, it is also clearly linear, multiplicative, and preserves the adjoint and identity.
Let us show now (5.4). By [Reference Chui, Smith, Smith and Ward18] (see also [Reference Müller37]) there exists
$K\in \mathcal {K}(H)$
such that
$V(T+\mathcal {K}(H))=V(T+K)$
. It follows that

for any polynomial p.
6 Algebras with infinite constant
$\Psi _{\mathcal A}$
Below we show that the numerical-range spectral constant
$\Psi (\cdot )$
(see (3.1)) can attain the value
$\infty $
as soon as we step away from C*-algebras or matrix Banach algebras. We use the classical left- and right-shift operators and compute their algebraic numerical range
for completeness.
Theorem 6.1 Let
$p\in [1,\infty ]$
. The left-shift L and right-shift R satisfy:
$V(L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))=V(R,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))=\overline {\mathbb {D}}$ ;
$\Psi (L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))=\Psi (R,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))=\begin {cases} 1&p=2\\ \infty &p\neq 2 \end {cases}$ .
Proof Suppose that
$p\in [1,\infty )$
with Hölder conjugate
$q\in (1,\infty ]$
, then
$(\ell ^{p})'=\ell ^{q}$
$\ell ^{q}$
is the dual space of
$\ell ^{p}$
) with
and using Lemma 3.2 we deduce that

$p=\infty $
we have
$\ell ^{\infty }=(\ell ^{1})'$
and therefore

Hence it suffices to prove both (i) and (ii) only for the left-shift L.
(i) Assume
$p\in [1,\infty )$
. Since
$\nu (L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))\leq \|L\|_{p}=1$
, we have
$V(L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))\subseteq \overline {\mathbb {D}}$
. To see that the reverse inclusion holds, define for each
$\theta \in \mathbb {R}$
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
the vector

and observe that

which after letting
$n\to \infty $
$\sup \operatorname{Re}{\mathrm{e}}^{i\theta } V(L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))\geq 1$
by the equality (2.6). The case
$p=\infty $
follows from a similar but more direct argument using the vector
$x_{\theta }:=(1,{\mathrm{e}}^{-i\theta },0,\ldots )$
$\theta \in \mathbb {R}$
(ii) The case
follows directly from von Neumann’s inequality as
$V(L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{2}))=\overline {\mathbb {D}}$
. Assume
$p\in [1,\infty ]\setminus \{2\}$
and let
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
be arbitrary. Let
$P_{n}\colon \ell ^{p}\to (\mathbb {C}^{n},\left \|{\cdot }\right \|_{p})$
$Q_{n}\colon (\mathbb {C}^{n},\left \|{\cdot }\right \|_{p})\to \ell ^{p}$
be defined by

$P_{n}Q_{n}=I_{\mathbb {C}^{n}}$
. For every
$f\in \mathbb {C}[z]$
, we infer

and therefore
$\|f(L)\|_{p}\geq \|f(J_{n})\|_{p}$
. It follows that

by Theorem 4.3. Thus
$p\neq 2$
$\Psi (L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))=\infty $
as desired.
Theorem 6.1 says that both shifts on
$\ell ^{p}$
$p\neq 2$
) are examples of operators with operator norm
and numerical-range spectral constant
$\infty $
, the latter being due to the fact that they are both not polynomially bounded. In the next example, we construct a polynomially bounded operator T on a Banach space X with
$\Psi (T)=\infty $
Example 6.2 Consider the left-shift operator
$L\colon \ell ^{p}\to \ell ^{p}$
$p\neq 2$
. Endow
$\mathbb {C}^{2}$
with the standard Hilbert norm and consider the algebraic direct sum

Equip X with a Banach norm so that the induced operator norm on
$\mathcal {B}(X)$
$\|A\oplus B\|=\max \{\|A\|_{2},\|B\|_{p}\}$
for all
$A\in \mathcal {B}(\mathbb {C}^{2})$
$B\in \mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p})$
. Consider the matrix

and define the operator from X to X as

It is clear that
. Since
$V(E,\mathcal {B}(\mathbb {C}^{2}))=V(\tfrac {1}{2}L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))=\tfrac {1}{2}\overline {\mathbb {D}}$
, it quickly follows that

for all
$\theta \in \mathbb {R}$
and therefore
$V(T,\mathcal {B}(X))=\tfrac {1}{2}\overline {\mathbb {D}}$
as well.
Let us now prove that T is polynomially bounded. By the von Neumann inequality we have
$\|f(E)\|_{2}\leq \sup _{\overline {\mathbb {D}}}|f|$
for all polynomials f, while by Proposition 3.3 we have
$\|f(\frac {1}{2}L)\|_{p}\leq \frac {2\sqrt 3}3\sup _{\overline {\mathbb {D}}}|f|$
for all polynomials f. We deduce that

for all polynomials f.
Finally, we show that
$\Psi (T,\mathcal {B}(X))=\infty $
. Since
$V(\tfrac {1}{2}L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))=\tfrac {1}{2}\overline {\mathbb {D}}$
$\Psi (\tfrac {1}{2}L,\mathcal {B}(\ell ^{p}))=\infty $
, there exists for each positive integer n some polynomial
such that

From this we deduce that

for all
$n\in \mathbb {N}$
and the claim follows. It remains an open question whether the constant
$\frac {2\sqrt {3}}3$
in (6.1) is optimal. In particular, it is unknown whether there exists an operator T of norm 1 which is polynomially bounded with constant 1 but with
$\Psi (T)=\infty $
We now turn our attention to combinatorial Banach spaces. We will show that for a large class of these spaces the universal spectral constant is infinite. Our idea is based on the spreading property, hence it will include important examples such as the Schreier space and the Tsirelson space, see, e.g., [Reference Borodulin-Nadzieja, Farkas, Jachimek and Pelczar-Barwacz14] and the references therein. Let
$\mathcal {F}$
be a family of subsets of the positive integers
$\mathbb {N}$
, satisfying the following properties:
(1) every
$i \in \mathbb {N} $ belongs to some
$F \in \mathcal {F}$ ;
(2) if
$\{l_1,l_2,\dots ,l_n\} \in \mathcal {F}$ and
$l_i \leqslant k_i$ for
$k_{i}\in \mathbb {N}$ and all
$i=1,\dots ,n$ , then
$\{k_1,k_2,\dots ,k_n\} \in \mathcal {F}$ , (spreading property);
(3) for each
$ n\geq 1$ there exists
$ F \in \mathcal {F}$ such that
$|F|\geq n$ .
See also [Reference Gowers28]. Consider the following norm on the space
of finitely supported sequences:

We define the combinatorial Banach space
$\mathcal {S}$
as the completion of
with respect to the above norm. Below we show that the numerical-range spectral constant (3.2) of the algebra
$\mathcal {B}(\mathcal S)$
is infinite.
Theorem 6.3 Let
$\mathcal S$
be a combinatorial Banach space, defined as above, satisfying (1)–(3). Then
$\Psi _{\mathcal {B}(\mathcal S)}=\infty $
Proof Let us fix a number
$k \in \mathbb {N}$
. By property (3) of a combinatorial Banach space, there exists
$n\geq k$
such that there exists a subset
$(k_1,\dots , k_n) \in \mathcal {F}$
. Thanks to the spreading property we have that

denote the projection onto the coordinates
$k_n+1,\dots , k_n+n$
and R be the right shift, both defined on
. Define the following linear operator

Observe that
$\left \|{S_n}\right \|\leq 1$
, hence, it extends to a bounded operator of norm not greater than 1 on the whole space
$\mathcal S$
. Indeed, we have

where the last inequality follows due to (6.3).
Further, observe that
$\left \|{S_n+\lambda I}\right \|_{\mathcal {S}} \leq |\lambda | +1$
$\lambda \in {\mathbb {C}}$
. In fact, we have equality. To see this, take
$x= e_{k_n}=(0, \dots , 0,1, 0,\dots )$
(unit on the
th position) and note that it is a unit vector, due to (6.3). Hence,

again thanks to (6.3). From this, together with (2.3), we obtain that
$ V(S_n)$
is the closed unit disk.
be the polynomials as in (4.1). From the form of
we see that

$f_{n+1}(z)=\alpha _{0}+\alpha _{1}z+\dots +\alpha _{n}z^{n}$
$\alpha _j\in \{-1,1\}$
$j=0,\dots ,n$
). Hence, using (6.3) for the final time,

$\sup _{z\in \overline {\mathbb {D}}}|f_{n+1}(z)| \leq \sqrt {6} \sqrt {n+1}$
, which shows that
$\Psi _{\mathcal {B}(\mathcal S)}=\infty $
Remark 6.4 There are several possibilities to extend the results of the current section using similar methods. First, Theorem 6.3 can be easily extended to higher order spaces, cf. [Reference Antunes, Beanland and Chu1, Reference Beanland, Duncan, Holt and Quigley5]. Second, one can show that for the algebra
$\mathcal B(C(K))$
the spectral constant of the numerical range is infinite, under mild assumptions on K, in particular covering Theorem 6.1 for
$p=\infty $
. We refrain from doing this, and in the subsequent section we concentrate on the analysis of the case where the numerical range is not necessarily a disk.
$\ell ^1$
-induced norm
In this section we give explicit bounds of the numerical-range spectral constant
$\Psi _{\mathcal A}$
, see (3.2), for the algebra of
$2 \times 2$
-matrices with the operator norm
$\left\|\cdot \right\|_1$
induced by the
$\ell ^1$
-norm on
$\mathbb {C}^2$
Theorem 7.1 The following inequalities hold:
$1.1<\Psi _{\mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^{2}, \left \|\cdot \right \|_1) }\leq 13$
We divide the proof of this estimate into several steps. First we show that the algebraic numerical range in the
$\ell ^1$
-induced norm algebra is the Gershgorin column set. This natural result is crucial and, to the best of our knowledge, cannot be found in the literature. The statement of Theorem 7.1 follows directly from Lemma 7.4, Lemma 7.5 (the upper bound), and Example 7.7 (the lower bound).
Theorem 7.2 In the algebra
$\mathcal B(\ell ^1,\left \|\cdot \right \|_1)$
the algebraic numerical range of a bounded operator T equals

$ (t_{k,j})_{k\in \mathbb N}:=Te_j$
$e_1,e_2,\dots $
is the canonical basis of
$\ell ^1$
Therefore, the algebraic numerical range of a matrix
$T = [t_{i,j}]_{ij=1}^n$
in the algebra
$\mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^{n\times n},\left \|{\cdot }\right \|_{1})$
is given by the convex hull of the Gershgorin disks corresponding to its columns.
Proof Before we proceed with the proof let us note that the operator norm of
$T\in \mathcal B(\ell _1, \left \|\cdot \right \|_1)$
can be calculated similarly to
$\ell ^1$
-matrix norm. Namely, let
$e_1,e_2,\dots $
be the canonical basis of
$\ell ^1$
and let
$e_1^*,e_2^*,\dots $
denote their dual operators (i.e., the coefficient functionals corresponding to the Schauder basis
$(e_{j})_{j=1}^{\infty }$
). Define
$t_{k,j} = e_k^* Te_j$
. Then the norm is given by

Now let us fix an angle
$\theta \in [0,2\pi )$
. Our goal is to find the supporting hyperplane
$H_{\theta }$
for the set
using formulas (2.4)–(2.6). To simplify calculations let us rotate the coordinate complex plane by
$\theta $
, so that

Then the distance
can be expressed as

For each
$\alpha $
let us choose a sequence of indices
$(j_m)_{m\in \mathbb N}$
approaching the supremum above and define a function

Note that the function
$g(\alpha ):=\frac {1}{\alpha }(\left \|{I+\alpha T}\right \| - 1)$
is decreasing, as for any
$\alpha <\beta $
we have

Hence, we infer that

Next we show that
satisfies the conditions of the Moore–Osgood theorem to switch the order of the limits. Note that
$\lim \limits _{m\to \infty } f(1/n,m) = \frac {\left \|{I + 1/n T'}\right \|_{1} - 1}{1/n} <\infty $
for each
$n\in \mathbb N$
by the definition. To find the other limit observe that for an arbitrary complex number
, we have

And consequently,

Let us show that
$\lim \limits _{n\to \infty } f(1/n,m)$
is also uniform in m. Observe that
$|t^{\prime }_{k,j}|\leq \|T\|_1$
for all
. For
let us choose
$n>\frac {2}{\varepsilon }M^2$
, where
$M:= \max \{1,\left \|{T}\right \|_1\}$
. For simplicity let
$t^{\prime }_{j_m,j_m} = a_m+ib_m$
be the decomposition into real and imaginary parts. Then

for all
$m\in \mathbb N$
. Hence, we can change the order of the limits in the definition of
, which together with the equality (7.1) provides

Let us now fix j and consider the Gershgorin disk corresponding to the jth column of
, i.e.,
$D(t^{\prime }_{j,j}, \sum _{k=1, k\neq j}^{\infty } | t_{k,j}'|)$
. Let us look at its vertical tangent lines. If the Gershgorin disk is just a point there is only one such line passing through
, let us call it
$l_{j,\theta }$
. Otherwise there are two such lines. Let us denote their touch points as
and without loss of generality assume that
$\text {Re}(p_1) < \text {Re}(p_2)$
. Then we denote the line corresponding to
$l_{j, \theta }$
(see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Illustration of the Gershgorin disk
$D(t^{\prime }_{j,j}, \sum _{k=1, k\neq j}^{\infty } | t_{k,j}'|)$
together the tangent line
$l_{j,\theta }$
. Its radius and the distance from 0 to its center is highlighted. The left picture shows an example when
$\text {Re}(t_{j,j}')$
is positive and the right one corresponds to the negative case.
Now it can be easily seen that the expression
$\sum _{k=1, k\neq j}^{n} | t_{k,j}'| + \text {Re}(t_{j,j}')$
is equal to the distance from
to the tangent line
$l_{j,\theta }$
, which, in turn, is equal to
$\text {Re}(p_2)$
. So,
is equal to the supremum of such distances from
$l_{j,\theta }$
over all
$j\in \mathbb N$
. Hence, half-plane
contains all Gershgorin disks and, moreover, it is tangent to the closure of their convex hull. That means that
$H' = H_{\theta }(T)$
is simultaneously a supporting half-plane for the algebraic numerical range
and for the convex hull of the disks. Since both these sets are convex, they must be equal.
Remark 7.3 Note that Theorem 7.2 along with the inclusion
$\sigma (T)\subseteq V(T)$
discussed in Section 2, provides a broader explanation of why the Gershgorin set contains the eigenvalues. Additionally, it is worth recalling the relationship between the Gershgorin sets and the classical numerical range, as discussed in [Reference Chang, Gau, Wang and Wu15, Reference Johnson30]. Namely, the classical numerical range is always contained in the convex hull of the union of the disks

which makes the latter set automatically a
$(1+\sqrt 2)$
-spectral set in the algebra
$\mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^{n\times n},\left \|\cdot \right \|_{\ell ^2})$
and a
$\sqrt {n}(1+\sqrt 2)$
-spectral set in the algebra
$\mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^{n\times n},\left \|\cdot \right \|_{\ell ^1})$
. It is, however, easy to verify that in general neither
$V(T, \mathcal B(\mathbb {C}^{n},\left \|\cdot \right \|_1))$
contains the classical numerical range nor conversely.
Now let us consider separate cases depending on the Jordan form of the
$2\times 2$
Lemma 7.4 If
$T\in {\mathbb {C}}^{2,2}$
is similar to a Jordan block of size 2 then
$\Psi (T; \mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^{2}, \left \|\cdot \right \|_1) ) \leq 2+\sqrt 2$
Proof Observe that T can be written in the following from

$\Psi (\alpha T + \beta I) = \Psi (T)$
(see Proposition 3.1), we can assume
. Then T takes form

and its algebraic numerical range
is given by the convex hull of two disks
. Let us take a polynomial
$p \in \mathbb {C} [z]$
such that
$\sup \limits _{z\in V(T)} |p(z)|=1$
. By a straightforward computation, we have

and so
$ ||p(T)||_1 = \max \{ |p(0) - ac p'(0)| + |c^2 p'(0)|,\ |p(0) + ac p'(0)| + |a^2 p'(0)| \} $
Notice that the disk
$D\left (0,\frac {|a|^2 +|c|^2}{2}\right )$
is contained in the algebraic numerical range
. This can be seen by calculating the midline of the trapezoid formed by a common tangent to two disks
and radii drawn to this tangent (see Figure 2). So, p is analytic in
$D\left (0,\frac {|a|^2 +|c|^2}{2}\right )$
and bounded by 1. Hence, by Cauchy’s inequality for the Taylor series coefficients of a complex analytic function, we get
$|p'(0)| \leq \frac {2}{|a|^2+ |c|^2}$

Figure 2: Illustration of the two disks
with highlighted trapezoid formed by their common tangent and radii drawn to this tangent. The circle with dotted line illustrates the disk
$D\left (0,\frac {|a|^2 +|c|^2}{2}\right )$
which is contained in the closure of the convex hull of

Using the fact that the function
$f(\alpha ,\beta )=\frac {\alpha \beta + \beta ^2}{\alpha ^2+\beta ^2}$
is bounded by
$(1+\sqrt {2})/2$
$0<\alpha \leq \beta $
we obtain

as desired.
Lemma 7.5 If
$T\in {\mathbb {C}}^{2,2}$
is a diagonalizable matrix then
$\Psi (T; \mathcal B({\mathbb {C}}^{2}, \left \|\cdot \right \|_1) ) \leq 13$
Proof The matrix T can be written in the form

$\Psi (\lambda I) = 1$
, let us assume
$x\neq 0$
$x\neq y$
. Also, since
$\Psi (T)=\Psi (\frac {1}{x}(T-yI))$
, we can assume
. Then

Let us fix a polynomial
$p \in \mathbb {C} [z]$
such that
$\sup \limits _{z\in V(T)} |p(z)|=1$
. Notice that

and hence by the triangle inequality

$\sup _{V(T)}|p|\leq 1$
, we clearly have
$|p(0)-p(1)|\leq 2$
$|p(0)|\leq 1$
. Thus, if
$\|T\|_{1}\leq 6$
, then

Now assume that
$\left \|{T}\right \|_1> 6$
. Observe that the algebraic numerical range
is given by the convex hull of Gershgorin disks
$D_1:=D(ad, |cd|)$
. Each of the eigenvalues
of T belongs to at least one of the disks
by the Gershgorin circle theorem.
Define a polynomial
$q\in \mathbb C[z]$
. Notice that
and also
$|q(z)| \leq |p(z)|+ |p(0)| \leq 2$
$z\in V(T)$
. Let
denote the maximal radius such that
$D(0,r_0) \subseteq V(T)$
. If
$r_0 \geq 1$
, then, by Schwarz’s lemma,

Otherwise, if
, then the same inequality holds trivially, as then
$|q(1)|\leq 2 \leq \frac {2}{r_0}$
Next we estimate
. Draw the line l tangent to disks
which is closer to 0 (see Figure 3). Let
denote the orthogonal projections of
onto l. Consider the trapezoid formed by the centers of
, and the points where l meets the disks. Let us recall that
$ad - bc = 1$
, so the midpoint of
$(ad - bc)/2 = 1/2$
. Then it is easy to see that the line segment with endpoints
is a midline of this trapezoid and hence
$|t_{1/2} - 1/2 | = \frac {1}{2}(|ab|+|cd|)$

Figure 3: Illustration of the disks
$D_1:=D(ad, |cd|)$
with highlighted trapezoid formed by their common tangent l closest to 0 and radii drawn to it.
denote the projection of
onto the midline. Then we have
$|t_0|=|t_{1/2}-m_0| = |t_{1/2} - 1/2| - |m_0-1/2|$
. It is easy to see that
$|m_0-1/2|\leq 1/2$
as it is a leg in a right triangle with hypotenuse of length
. Altogether we get

Depending on the values of
we now distinguish between several cases.
Case 1:
$|a| \leq |c|$
$|b| \leq |d|$
, or equivalently
$0,1\in D_1$
. In this case, we have
$\|T\|_{1}=|ad|+|cd|\leq 2|cd|$
. Inequality (7.2) together with (7.3) gives

Since we also assumed
, we have
and hence
$\frac {2|cd|}{|cd|-1}<3$
. Altogether we get

Case 2:
$|a|> |c|$
$|b|> |d|$
, or equivalently
$0,1\in D_2$
. This case is symmetrical to the previous Case 1. Indeed, we have
$6<\left \|{T}\right \|=|ab|+|cb|\leq 2|ab|$

Case 3:
$|a| \leq |c|$
$|b|> |d|$
, or equivalently
$0\in D_1$
$1\in D_2$
. In this case inequality (7.2) together with (7.3) gives

Let us estimate difference
. Firstly
due to our assumption
. On the other hand, since
$|a|\leq |c|$
, by the triangle inequality we have
$|bc|-|cd|\leq |bc|-|ad|\leq |bc-ad|=1$
. So,

where in the last line we use the assumption
$\left \|{T}\right \|=|ab|+|bc|>6$
which implies
$\frac {\left \|{T}\right \|}{\left \|{T}\right \|-2}\leq \frac {3}{2}$
Case 4:
$|a|> |c|$
$|b| \leq |d|$
, or equivalently
$0\in D_2$
$1\in D_1$
. This case is symmetrical to Case 3. Similar reasoning gives
$0<|ad|-|ab|\leq |ad|-|bc|\leq |ad-bc|=1$

Directly from Theorems 5.1 and 7.1 we receive the following explicit example of an infinite-dimensional algebra, which is not a C*-algebra, but nonetheless has a finite spectral constant.
Corollary 7.6 Let X be a compact space, consider the Banach algebra
$\mathcal A=C(X,\mathcal {\mathbb {C}}^{2,2})$
of matrix-valued functions on X with the norm
$\left \| f\right \|:=\sup _{x\in X}\left \|{ f(x)}\right \|_1$
. Then
$ \Psi _{\mathcal A}\in [1.1, 13]. $
The following example illustrates that the constant
$\Psi _{\mathcal B(\mathbb C^2,\left \|{\cdot }\right \|_1)}$
is greater than 1.
Example 7.7 Consider the matrix
$T=\begin {bmatrix} 2 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \end {bmatrix}$
and the function
$f(z) = \cos (z)$
. Since

a straightforward calculation shows that

and that the algebraic numerical range is given by
$V(T)=\text {conv}( \overline {\mathbb {D}} \cup \{2\} )$
. On the other hand, notice that

and so

Hence we have


8 Conclusions
We have discussed the spectral constant of the numerical range for various Banach algebras. Summarizing, we see three appearing questions for future research.
1. Is it true that
$\Psi _{\mathcal A}<\infty $
for any matrix algebra
$\mathcal A$
? More generally, is
$\Psi (T)$
uniformly bounded for all Banach-algebra elements that are algebraic of a fixed degree n?
2. Does there exist an operator T which is polynomially bounded with constant 1, but with
$\Psi (T)=\infty $
3. Is it true that
$\Psi (T)<\infty $
for all bounded operators on a combinatorial Banach space with the spreading property, in particular on the Schreier space?
The authors are indebted to Michael Hartz, Tomasz Kania, and Anna Pelczar-Barwacz for fruitful discussions. The comments of the referees have led to a substantial improvement of the manuscript, which is here gratefully acknowledged. The figures were created with GeoGebra.