Improving our understanding of Londinium
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- 21 November 2016, pp. 1692-1699
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Marc Oxenham & Hallie Buckley (ed.). The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. xxviii+683 pages, 111 b&w illustrations, 126 tables. 2016. Abingdon: Routledge; 978-1-138-77818-4 hardback £140.
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Danielle Stordeur . Le village de Jerf el Ahmar (Syrie, 9500–8700 av. J.-C.). L'architecture, miroir d'une société néolithique complexe. 2015. 371 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. Paris: CNRS; 978-2-271-08740-9 paperback €69.
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Elizabeth C. Banks . Lerna VII: the Neolithic settlement. 2016. xxi+579 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations, 13 tables. Oxford & Havertown (PA): American School of Classical Studies at Athens; 978-0-87661307-8 hardback £89.
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Johannes Müller , Knut Rassmann & Mykhailo Videiko (ed.). Trypillia mega-sites and European prehistory 4100–3400 BCE (Themes in Contemporary Archaeology 2). 2016. xviii+311 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations, tables. London: Routledge; 978-1-910-52602-6 hardback £55.
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T.J. Wilkinson , Edgar Peltenburg & Eleanor Barbanes Wilkinson (ed.) Carchemish in context: The Land of Carchemish Project, 2006–2010 (BANEA Monograph 4). 2016. xi+238 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. Oxford & Philadelphia (PA): Oxbow; 978-1-78570-111-5 hardback £45.
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Jacqueline I. McKinley , Matt Leivers , Jörn Schuster , Peter Marshall , Alistair J. Barclay & Nick Stoodley . Cliffs End Farm, Isle of Thanet, Kent (Wessex Archaeology 31). 2014. xvii+318 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations, tables. Oxford & Havertown (PA): Wessex Archaeology; 978-1-874350-70-5 hardback £35.
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Sheena Panja , Arun K. Nag & Sunando Bandhopadhyay . Living with floods: archaeology of a settlement in the Lower Ganga Plains, c. 600–1800 CE. 2015. xvi+292 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations. Delhi: Primus; 978-93-84082-59-8 hardback INR 1900.
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Georgios Deligiannakis . The Dodecanese and the eastern Aegean Islands in Late Antiquity, AD 300–700. 2016. xxi + 232 pages, 185 b&w illustrations. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 978-0-19-874599-0 hardback £105.
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Sylvie Blétry (ed.). Zénobia-Halabiya, habitat urbain et nécropoles. Cinq années de recherches de la mission syro-française (2006–2010) (Cuadernos Mesopotámicos 6). 572 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations, tables. 2015. Ferrol: Sociedade Luso-Galega de Estudos Mesopotámicos; 978-84-608-1605-8; hardback €68.
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Anne Crone & Erlend Hindmarch , with Alex Woolf . Living and dying at Auldhame: the excavation of an Anglian monastic settlement and medieval parish church. 2016. xvi+233 pages, numerous colour and b&w illustrations, tables. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland; 978-1-908332-01-1 hardback £25.
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Jonny Geber . Victims of Ireland's Great Famine: the bioarchaeology of mass burials at Kilkenny Union Workhouse. 2015. xxiii+285 pages, numerous b&w illustrations, tables. Gainesville: University Press of Florida; 978-0-8130-6117-7 hardback $84.95
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New Book Chronicle
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Project Gallery
Between mountain and plain: new evidence for the Middle Palaeolithic in the northern Susiana Plain, Khuzestan, Iran
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Shubayqa 6: a new Late Natufian and Pre-Pottery Neolithic A settlement in north-east Jordan
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Al-Ashoosh: a third-millennium BC desert settlement in the United Arab Emirates
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Delphi4Delphi: first results of the digital archaeology initiative for ancient Delphi, Greece
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Pet cats at the Early Roman Red Sea port of Berenike, Egypt
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The archaeological potential of Durham University's Sudan Archive
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