Ancient Mesoamerica | How to propose a Special Section for Ancient Mesoamerica | How to propose a Compact Section for Ancient Mesoamerica | Article Types
Ancient Mesoamerica
Ancient Mesoamerica will publish primarily in English, but will also feature contributions in Spanish. All papers will have Spanish (or English) summaries as a regular feature to enhance scholarly communication. Ancient Mesoamerica unifies several different fields from archaeology to ethnohistory, art history, and beyond. The journal also aims to reach nonspecialist readers.
The Editorial team will gladly discuss topics or contents of manuscripts prior to submission.
Ancient Mesoamerica will consider proposals for Special and Compact Sections. For information on how to submit a proposal, please see below.
This journal operates a double-anonymous peer review policy.
How to propose a Special Section for Ancient Mesoamerica
A Special Section is an excellent venue for publishing a group of papers from a symposium at a professional meeting, the results of a collaborative research project, or a set of papers on a focused topic. A Special Section should contain at least three and no more than six papers, including the Introduction written by the coordinator(s) of the section. Each paper can consist of a maximum of 7,000 words, exclusive of references. Illustrations are limited to 20 per paper. The use of color illustrations is possible, though the author is responsible for the additional cost of color images for the print version.
Coordinators are not considered “guest editors,” but they are responsible for enlisting authors and their contributions, defining a coherent theme for the section, and seeing that all papers are submitted at approximately the same time, per previous agreement with the Editors. All papers are subject to peer review through the process established for the journal. Each paper of a special section must pass peer review on its own merit. Inclusion of a paper in a Special Section does not guarantee its acceptance. Coordinators should review all papers before submission to ScholarOne to ensure high quality and adherence to the theme.
After peer review, papers go through the same revision process (if applicable) as other manuscripts. In the case of a Special Section, it is imperative that all contributions are revised and uploaded to ScholarOne around the same time so that all papers can appear in print at the same time.
The Editors are always willing to discuss ideas for Special Sections and encourage you to contact us before submission of a proposal to ensure suitability for publication in Ancient Mesoamerica.
To propose a Special Section, please complete this form, which includes further information about how a proposal will be assessed. Your proposal must describe what is unique, timely, and relevant about this section that warrants publication together as a group of papers. Once the proposal is received, the editors will contact you after reviewing it to determine its appropriateness for the journal.
Papers for special sections should also conform with Ancient Mesoamerica’s instructions for contributors .
Please email the completed form to: [email protected]
Special Section proposers should indicate the expected time frame for submission of manuscripts.
How to propose a Compact Section for Ancient Mesoamerica
Ancient Mesoamerica provides an excellent venue for publishing a select group of papers from a symposium at a professional meeting, the results of a collaborative research project, or a set of well-researched papers on an in-depth analysis of a specific topic or site, or papers using a method on a series of sites for broader interpretations. The journal receives a large number of proposals so that acceptance is highly competitive and must be approved by the Journal Boards.
A Compact Section should contain the introductory analysis followed by smaller components of specific data and interpretations. The total length should be no longer than that of a Special Section (40K words), but the composition is different in order to provide distinct authorship credit to those contributing data to the overall results. There should be an introduction written by the Coordinator(s) that summarizes the topic and the data that follow; it should be at most 7,000 words in length, exclusive of references and with up to 20 figures. This introduction can be followed by up to 11 shorter data papers, each a maximum of 3,000 words and up to 9 figures, exclusive of references. All papers in a Compact Section are published online only. The use of color illustrations is possible for online publications.
The Coordinator(s) should complete this form (Spanish version) by filling in all information so that the proposal for the Compact Section may be fairly evaluated by the Editors and Editorial and Advisory Boards. Incomplete forms will be returned and will not be evaluated. Please submit this document as your proposal.
Papers for Compact Sections should also conform with Ancient Mesoamerica’s instructions for contributors .
Please email the completed form to: [email protected]
Compact Section proposers should indicate the expected time frame for submission of manuscripts.
Article Types
Ancient Mesoamerica publishes:
- Research Article*
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. If publishing Gold OA, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.
Last updated 22 August 2022