‘In this capacious transnational account, Mohandesi helps us see how shifting visions of Leninism and the Vietnam war were the critical fulcrums through which human rights came to displace anti-imperialism in 1970s French and American radical politics and the enduring significance of those transformations for the human rights project today.’
Mark Philip Bradley - author of The World Reimagined: Americans and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century
‘This is one of the very best recent manuscripts on the history of the Long Sixties and Seventies in any language. Well-written, well-informed and always challenging. Exemplary in its juxtaposition of internationalism, anti-imperialism and human rights, future scholars will be unable to avoid or ignore this pathbreaking work.’
Gerd-Rainer Horn - author of The Moment of Liberation in Western Europe: Power Struggles and Rebellions, 1943–1948
‘In luminous prose and with incisive clarity, Salar Mohandesi’s brilliant excavation of the rise and fall of radical anti-Vietnam War activism illuminates key strands of the 20th century: the power of Leninist anti-imperialism, the shifting shapes of internationalism, the rise of human rights, the appeal of self-determination, and the dynamics of transnational activism. Essential reading.’
Barbara Keys - author of Reclaiming American Virtue: The Human Rights Revolution of the 1970s
‘Offering a rich tapestry of the complex evolution of global connections, [t]his intricately researched study explores the influence of anti-imperialist theories and conceptualizations that particularly centered on the conflagration in Vietnam. Vietnamese revolutionaries served as models for like-minded young rebels elsewhere, particularly helping to shape radical political movements in both France and the US. … Highly recommended.’
R. C. Cottrell
Source: Choice
‘… the book is admirable for its coherence and clarity, and it should be read by all students of the global 1960s and of radical politics in the twentieth century.’
Pedro Monaville
Source: American Historical Review