BADMONDESFELD Compotus Johannis Graue, balliui ibidem, de anno regni regis Edwardi quarti septimo.
Decayis of rent’.
Fryst in the aloweaunse of the rent assise of (Lalefoc) Lalleford be yere, for yt felle in to the lordys handys for defaute of an heyere, 3s. Also for a ten’ callyd Papris be the same cause, be yere 2s 1d. (Et in allocacione redditus 1 cotagijc) Also in the aloweaunse of the rente of a cotage, late William Colyourus, be yere 3d. Also in the distres of the rent of of a tenement callyd Lalleford, the whyche payd be yere 20s, and nowe yt payth but 10s be yere, 10s. Also in the aloweauns of the wark’ of a ten’, late Robard Stanbrygh, for mi lord hath grauntid the seyd ten’ to John Graue and to hys heyeris with ovte enny work’, be yere 9d. Also alowyd to the seyd bayly for 33 hervest workes for diueris cotag’ & tenement’ that bene grauntid with ovte werkes doynge be yere as yt aperit be the rental there, be yere 4s 1½d. Also for 1 heywerk 1d. A wedynge, 1d. Also for the rent of Machounesgroue, for yt ys cosyd in the parke, be yere 4d. Also in the aloweauns’ of the rent of diueris tenement’ and londys beynge in the lordys hand’ and the fees nat knowe with yn the seyd lordsheph as yt aperit be a rental there mad’ in the yere of the reyne of kynge H the 6ti. the 14the yere, 11s 1¾d./Also in the distres of the rente of a ten’ collyd Papris, the wheche payd be yere 10s, and yt payith b’ut 6s8d be yere, 3s 4d. Also for the distres of the rente and the ferme of diuers’ londys of the demays in Admondescroft, for yt ys not late to the fulleferme, be yere 12d. Also for 2 hennes, the whyche be no’ leveabull, 4d be yere. Also for the rent of a dyke lyth vndere the parke, for yt ys in the lordys handys, be yere 2d. Also for the rent of Evecot, the lasse this yere 7d.
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- The Grey of Ruthin ValorThe Valor of the English Lands of Edmund Grey, Earl of Kent, Drawn up from the Ministers' Accounts of 1467-8, pp. 129 - 135Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2023