WYNFFERTHYNGE Compotus Hugonis John’, balliui & parcarij ibidem, de anno regni regis Edwardi quarti septimo.
Decays of rent.
Fryst in the decaye of the rent of 30 acris of lond, sumtyme William Sherreve, in Gyssynge & Symplynge, for the fee ys not knowe, be yere 7s 6½d. Also in the distres of the rent of 26 acris of lond and 3 rod in Haywod, the whyche payd be yere 22s 3½d, and nowe yt payth but 14s be yere, 8s 3½d. Also 3 chekeyes were wont to corne of the rent of a plase be syde Salmannes in Haywode, for the fee ys nat knowe, be yere 2d. Also in the decaye of the rente of 1 mese, a grove of wode & 3 akeris of lond, late William Crappynge, in Dysse, for the fee ys nat knowe, be yere 2s. Also in the decay of the rente of 19 acr’ di’ of peperlond lyth in the lordys handys, overe 4s of yssues thys yere, 6s. Also for certeyn’ lond, late Couperes, in Burstoun, be the seyd cause, 9d be yere. Also for 1 rod lond, late Geffrey Rowes, be the same cause, be yere 1d. Also for 1 akere (&i) 1 rod of lond, late the seyd Geffrey, be the seyd cause, be yere 3½d. Also in the decaye of the rent of the dayehouse within the manere, for yt ys brond doune &c’, 6s 8d. Also for the ferme of the faldage ys in the lordis handys, be yere 3s 4d. Also for 6 capoun, late resseyuid of John Forneset, William Bydwell & Harry Yongeman, for to have comyn in Ovtewode Grene and the seyd comyn’ ys in debate thys yere, 18d. Also payd the lord of Norffolk for sevt of court for Huluerwod, be yere 6d.
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- The Grey of Ruthin ValorThe Valor of the English Lands of Edmund Grey, Earl of Kent, Drawn up from the Ministers' Accounts of 1467-8, pp. 136 - 144Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2023