HEMYNGFORD QUIES Compotus Thome Burtoun, balliui ibidem, de anno regni regis Edwardi quarti septimo.
Decayes of rent.
Fryst in the decay of the rent of 2 cotag’, late John Deneyes, for they ly in the lord’ hand’, 5s. Also 19 acr’ lond, 1 akere mede, late Robyn Robynes, be the same cause, be yere 5s 6d. Also 2 acris of lond, late in the tenour of John Smyth of Stantoun be (thei) same cause, 12d. Also in the decay of 2 acr’ lond, late in the tenour of Robard Marchall, be the seyd cause, 19d. Also 2 akeris of lond, late in the tenour of John Nicholles, be the same cause, 18d. Also a ten’, late in the tenour of Thomas Glouere, cause aboue seyd, be yere 22d. Also 2 acr’ of lond, late in the tenour of John Taylour, the seyd cause, 11d. Also a ten’ callyd Marecolis thys yere, 2s 8d.
Decayes of rente.
Fryst in the aloweaunse of the (frei) rent of (Gc) Quies, late Benet Langefordys, for my lord hath boughte the seyd Quies, be yere 5s 1d. Also in the decaye of the rente of a quartroun of lond, late Hogounnes, for the fee ys nat knowe &c’, 3s 1d. Also a croft of lond, sumtyme Rof ’ Brayis, be the same cause, 7s. Also in the decaye of the rente of a rodd and ahalf of lond, late in the tenour of John Hame, be the same cause, be yere 9d. Also for certeyn lond, late Vernones, for the fee ys not knowe, 11d. Also payd to the sherreve for pypesiluere, be yere 4s. Also in the decaye of the rent of a tofte in Hemyngford, late Johnis Gromond, for yt ys in the lordys hand’, 12d. Also for acotage, late herdys, be the same cause, 16d. Also in the aloweaunse of rente of a ten’ of John Vsshere, millere, for as miche as yt ys grauntid to hym for reparac’ as this yere, 10s.
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- The Grey of Ruthin ValorThe Valor of the English Lands of Edmund Grey, Earl of Kent, Drawn up from the Ministers' Accounts of 1467-8, pp. 122 - 127Publisher: Boydell & BrewerFirst published in: 2023