Nilpotency concepts for skew braces are among the main tools with which we are nowadays classifying certain special solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation, a consistency equation that plays a relevant role in quantum statistical mechanics and in many areas of mathematics. In this context, two relevant questions have been raised in F. Cedó, A. Smoktunowicz and L. Vendramin (Skew left braces of nilpotent type. Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 118 (2019), 1367–1392) (see questions 2.34 and 2.35) concerning right- and central nilpotency. The aim of this short note is to give a negative answer to both questions: thus, we show that a finite strong-nil brace B need not be right-nilpotent. On a positive note, we show that there is one (and only one, by our examples) special case of the previous questions that actually holds. In fact, we show that if B is a skew brace of nilpotent type and
$b\ \ast \ b=0$ for all
$b\in B$, then B is centrally nilpotent.