12 results
2 - The General Right to Conscientious Exemption in US Law
- Book:
- A General Right to Conscientious Exemption
- Published online:
- 27 July 2020
- Print publication:
- 16 July 2020, pp 20-46
- Chapter
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8 - The First Amendment Religion Clauses in the United States Supreme Court
- from Part II - Historical Interpretations
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty
- Published online:
- 17 December 2019
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2020, pp 219-248
- Chapter
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10 - Two Concepts of Religious Liberty
- from Part III - Law, Politics, and Economics
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty
- Published online:
- 17 December 2019
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2020, pp 276-306
- Chapter
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9 - Religious and Secular Presuppositions in First Amendment Interpretations
- from Part III - Law, Politics, and Economics
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty
- Published online:
- 17 December 2019
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2020, pp 251-275
- Chapter
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6 - Religious Tests, Loyalty Oaths, and the Ecclesiastical Context of the First Amendment
- from Part II - Historical Interpretations
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty
- Published online:
- 17 December 2019
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2020, pp 166-192
- Chapter
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2 - The Philosophical Meaning of Religious Exercise
- from Part I - Philosophical Foundations
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty
- Published online:
- 17 December 2019
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2020, pp 45-73
- Chapter
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- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty
- Published online:
- 17 December 2019
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2020, pp 1-12
- Chapter
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12 - Corporate Religious Liberty and the Culture Wars
- from Part III - Law, Politics, and Economics
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty
- Published online:
- 17 December 2019
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2020, pp 334-364
- Chapter
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14 - The Two Separations
- from Part III - Law, Politics, and Economics
- Book:
- The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty
- Published online:
- 17 December 2019
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2020, pp 396-427
- Chapter
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The Cambridge Companion to the First Amendment and Religious Liberty
- Published online:
- 17 December 2019
- Print publication:
- 09 January 2020
14 - Antonin Scalia: Devout Christian; Worldly Judge?
- Book:
- Great Christian Jurists in American History
- Published online:
- 24 June 2019
- Print publication:
- 04 July 2019, pp 245-264
- Chapter
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- Journal:
- Journal of Law and Religion / Volume 32 / Issue 2 / July 2017
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 31 July 2017, pp. 227-262
- Article
- You have access
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