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Searching for spots: a comprehensive survey for the Arabian leopard Panthera pardus nimr in Saudi Arabia
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Determination of a steady-state isotope dilution protocol for carbon oxidation studies in the domestic cat
- Journal:
- Journal of Nutritional Science / Volume 12 / 2023
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 29 May 2023, e62
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Four - Terrestrial Mammals
- Book:
- The Living Planet
- Published online:
- 13 April 2023
- Print publication:
- 20 April 2023, pp 65-86
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Fertility Control: An Option for Non-Lethal Control of Wild Carnivores?
- Journal:
- Animal Welfare / Volume 7 / Issue 4 / November 1998
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 11 January 2023, pp. 339-364
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Present but not detected: new records increase the jaguar's area of occupancy in the coastal Atlantic Forest
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Threat analysis for more effective lion conservation
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Determinants of herder attitudes towards the Vulnerable snow leopard Panthera uncia in Yushu Prefecture, China
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Camera-trap surveys reveal high diversity of mammals and pheasants in Medog, Tibet
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Evaluation of human attitudes and factors conducive to promoting human–lion coexistence in the Greater Gir landscape, India
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Changes in attitudes toward wolves before and after an inaugural public hunting and trapping season: early evidence from Wisconsin's wolf range
- Journal:
- Environmental Conservation / Volume 43 / Issue 1 / March 2016
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 21 May 2015, pp. 45-55
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Local hunting of carnivores in forested Africa: a meta-analysis
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The importance of farmland for the conservation of the brown hyaena Parahyaena brunnea
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Investigating the role of wild carnivores in the epidemiology of bovine neosporosis
- Journal:
- Parasitology / Volume 140 / Issue 3 / March 2013
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 15 October 2012, pp. 296-302
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Predation on livestock by large carnivores in the tropical lowlands of Guatemala
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Intestinal fermentation modulates postprandial acylcarnitine profile and nitrogen metabolism in a true carnivore: the domestic cat (Felis catus)
- Journal:
- British Journal of Nutrition / Volume 104 / Issue 7 / 14 October 2010
- Published online by Cambridge University Press:
- 27 April 2010, pp. 972-979
- Print publication:
- 14 October 2010
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