Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Veit, Walter
Health, consciousness, and the evolution of subjects.
Vol. 201,
Issue. 1,
Veit, Walter
Towards a Comparative Study of Animal Consciousness.
Biological Theory,
Vol. 17,
Issue. 4,
Grossmann, Tobias
Extending and refining the fearful ape hypothesis.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
Vol. 46,
Issue. ,
Veit, Walter
Browning, Heather
Hominin life history, pathological complexity, and the evolution of anxiety.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
Vol. 46,
Issue. ,
Veit, Walter
Defending the Pathological Complexity Thesis.
Biological Theory,
Vol. 18,
Issue. 3,
Veit, Walter
The role of consciousness in adaptive behaviour: A philosophy for the science of animal consciousness.
Adaptive Behavior,
Target article
Self-protection as an adaptive female strategy
Related commentaries (22)
An expanded “staying alive” theory (SAT) underplays complexity in Homo sapiens
Beyond individual sex differences: “Staying alive theory” as an adaptive complex
Biological sex, by-products, and other continuous variables
Female advantage in threat avoidance manifests in threat reaction but not threat detection
Harm or protection? Two-sided consequences of females' susceptible responses to multiple threats
Only as a last resort: Sociocultural differences between women and men explain women's heightened reaction to threat, not evolutionary principles
Pathological complexity and the evolution of sex differences
Psychological and behavioral implications of self-protection and self-enhancement
Sex differences are insufficient evidence of ecological adaptations in human females
Sex differences in longevity are relative, not independent
Sex-dependent selection, ageing, and implications for “staying alive”
Societies also prioritize female survival
Somatic maintenance/reproduction tradeoffs and human evolution
Staying alive enhances both women's and men's fitness
Staying alive includes adaptations for catalyzing cooperation
The pregnancy compensation hypothesis, not the staying alive theory, accounts for disparate autoimmune functioning of women around the world
The “staying alive” theory reinforces stereotypes and shows women's lower quality of life
Toward a more domain-specific conceptualization of female traits: A commentary on Benenson et al. (2022)
Women amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Self-protection through the behavioral immune system
Women need to stay alive and protect reproductive choice
Women take risks to help others to stay alive
“Staying alive” in the context of intimate partner abuse
Author response
Females undergo selection too