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- Contains open access
- ISSN: 0887-5367 (Print), 1527-2001 (Online)
- Editors: Victoria Browne Loughborough University, UK, Katharine Jenkins University of Glasgow, UK, Charlotte Knowles University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Aidan McGlynn University of Edinburgh, UK, and Aness Kim Webster Durham University, UK
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Gathering Feminist Voices in the Time of Covid 19
At a time when gathering together is not possible, especially across geographic distance, Hypatia created a gathering of feminist voices in the time of Covid-19 in June 2020.
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Racism and Colonialism in Hegel’s Philosophy:
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Did COVID-19 Increase Xenophobia? Results from a Four-wave Longitudinal Study
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The importance of open access publishing for the arts and humanities
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- Between 2012 and 2014, I held a two-year Wellcome Trust Research Leave Award (WT096499AIA) for a project on women surgeons in Britain, 1860-1918.…
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