1 Introduction
People use conditional sentences and reason with them in everyday life. From an early stage of artificial intelligence (AI), researchers represent conditional sentences as if-then rules and perform deductive inference using them. Production systems or logic programming are examples of this type of systems. However, human conditional reasoning is not always logically valid. In psychology and cognitive science, it is well known that humans are more likely to perform logically invalid but pragmatic inference. For instance, consider the following three sentences:
S: If the team wins the first round tournament, then it advances to the final round.
P: The team wins the first round tournament.
C: The team advances to the final round.
Given the conditional sentence S and the premise P, affirming the antecedent (AA) (or modus ponens) concludes the consequence C. Given S and the negation of the consequence
$\neg\, C$
, denying the consequent (DC) (or modus tollens) concludes the negation of the premise
$\neg\, P$
. AA and DC are logically valid. On the other hand, people often infer P from S and C or infer
$\neg\, C$
from S and
$\neg\, P$
. The former is called affirming the consequent (AC), and the latter is called denying the antecedent (DA). Both AC and DA are logically invalid and often called logical fallacies.
In the pragmatics of conditional reasoning, it is assumed that a conditional sentence is often interpreted as bi-conditional, that is, “ if” is interpreted as “ if and only if,” and such conditional perfection produces AC or DA as invited inference (Geis and Zwicky Reference Geis and Zwicky1971; Horn Reference Horn2000). Psychological studies empirically show that a conditional sentence “p if q" is rephrased into the form “p only if q" with greater frequency for permission/obligation statements (Cheng and Holyoak Reference Cheng and Holyoak1985; Byrne Reference Byrne2005). For instance, the sentence “a customer can drink an alcoholic beverage if he is over 18" is rephrased into “a customer can drink an alcoholic beverage only if he is over 18." It is also reported that AA is easier than DC when a conditional is given as “ if p then q." When a conditional is given as “p only if q," on the other hand, it is rephrased as “ if not q then not p" and this paraphrase yields a directionality opposite which makes DC easier than AA (Braine Reference Braine1978). The fact that people do not necessarily make inferences as in standard logic brings several proposals of new interpretation of conditional sentences in cognitive psychology. Mental logic (Braine and O’Brien 1998) interprets “ if’’ as conveying supposition and introduces a set of pragmatic inference schemas for if-conditionals. Mental model theory (Johnson-Laird Reference Johnson-Laird1983), on the other hand, considers that the meanings of conditionals are not truth-functional, and represents the meaning of a conditional sentence by models of the possibilities compatible with the sentence. A probabilistic approach interprets a conditional sentence “
$p\Rightarrow q$
" in terms of conditional probability
$P(q\mid p)$
, then the acceptance rates of four conditional inferences are represented by their respective conditional probabilities (Oaksford and Chater Reference Oaksford and Chater2001). Eichhorn et al. (Reference Eichhorn, Kern-Isberner and Ragni2018) use conditional logic and define inference patterns as combination of four inference rules (AA, DC, AC, DA). Given a conditional sentence “ if p then q," four possible worlds (combination of truth values of p and q) are considered. An inference in each pattern is then defined by imposing corresponding constraints on the plausibility relation over the worlds.
In this way, the need of considering the pragmatics of conditional reasoning has been widely recognized in psychology and cognitive science. On the other hand, relatively little attention has been paid for realizing such pragmatic inference in computational logic or logic programming (Stenning and Lambalgen 2008; Kowalski Reference Kowalski2011). From a practical perspective, however, people would expect AI to reason like humans, that is, one would expect AI to conclude P from S and C, or
$\neg\, C$
from S and
$\neg\, P$
in the introductory example, rather than conclude unknown. Logic programming is a context-independent language and has a general-purpose inference mechanism by its nature. By contrast, pragmatic inference is governed by context-sensitive mechanisms, rather than context-free and general-purpose mechanisms (Cheng and Holyoak Reference Cheng and Holyoak1985; Cosmides and Tooby Reference Cosmides, Tooby, Barkow, Cosmides and Tooby1992). As argued by Dietz et al. (Reference Dietz, Hölldobler and Ragni2012), computational approaches to explain human reasoning should be cognitively adequate, that is, they appropriately represent human knowledge ( conceptually adequate) and computations behave similarly to human reasoning ( inferentially adequate). Then if we use logic programming for representing knowledge in daily life, it is useful to have a mechanism of automatic transformation of a knowledge base to simulate human reasoning depending on the context in which conditional sentences are used. That is, transform a program to a conceptually adequate form in order to make computation in the program inferentially adequate.
In this paper, we realize human conditional reasoning in answer set programming (ASP) (Gelfond and Lifschitz Reference Gelfond and Lifschitz1991). ASP is one of the most popular frameworks that realize declarative knowledge representation and commonsense reasoning. ASP is a language of logic programming and conditional sentences are represented by rules in a program. Inference in ASP is deduction based on default logic (Reiter Reference Reiter1980), while modus tollens or DC is not considered in ASP. AC and DA are partly realized by abductive logic programming (Kakas et al. Reference Kakas, Kowalski and Toni1992) and program completion (Clark Reference Clark and Press1978), respectively. As will be argued in this paper, however, AC and DA produce different results from them in general. We realize pragmatic AC and DA inferences as well as DC inference in ASP in a uniform and modular way. We introduce the notions of AC completion, DC completion, DA completion, and their variants. We investigate formal properties of those completions and characterize human reasoning tasks in cognitive psychology. We also address applications to commonsense reasoning in AI. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews basic notions of ASP programs considered in this paper. Section 3 introduces different types of completions for human conditional reasoning, and Section 4 presents their variants as default reasoning. Section 5 characterizes human reasoning tasks in the literature, and Section 6 addresses applications to commonsense reasoning. Section 7 discusses related works and Section 8 summarizes the paper.
2 Preliminaries
In this paper, we consider logic programs with disjunction, default negation, and explicit negation. A general extended disjunctive program (GEDP) (Lifschitz andWoo Reference Lifschitz, Woo and Kaufmann1992; Inoue and Sakama Reference Inoue and Sakama1998)
is a set of rules of the form:

$(1\le i\le n)$
are (positive or negative) literals and
$0\leq k\leq l\leq m\leq n$
. A program might contain two types of negation: default negation (or negation as failure) not and explicit negation
. For any literal L,
is called an NAF-literal and define
$\neg\neg L=L$
. We often use the letter
to mean either a literal L or an NAF-literal
. The left of “
" is a disjunction of literals and NAF-literals (called head), and the right of “
" is a conjunction of literals and NAF-literals (called body). Given a rule r of the form (1), define
, and
. A rule (1) is called a fact if
, and it is called a constraint if
is called not- free if
for each rule r in
coincides with an extended disjunctive program (EDP) of Gelfond and Lifschitz (Reference Gelfond and Lifschitz1991) if
for any rule r in
. An EDP
is called (i) an extended logic program (ELP) if
$\mid\!\! head^+(r)\!\!\mid\,\le 1$
for any
and (ii) a normal disjunctive program (NDP) if
contains no negative literal. An NDP
is called (i) a positive disjunctive program (PDP) if
contains no NAF-literal and (ii) a normal logic program (NLP) if
$\mid\!\! head^+(r)\!\!\mid\,\le 1$
for any
. In this paper, we consider ground programs containing no variable and a program means a (ground) GEDP unless stated otherwise.
Let Lit be the set of all ground literals in the language of a program. A set of ground literals
$S\subseteq Lit$
satisfies a ground rule r of the form (1) iff
$body^+(r)\subseteq S$
$body^-(r)\cap S={\varnothing}$
imply either
$head^+(r)\cap S\neq{\varnothing}$
$head^-(r)\not\subseteq S$
. In particular, when
$S\subseteq Lit$
satisfies a constraint r iff
$body^+(r)\not\subseteq S$
$body^-(r)\cap S\neq{\varnothing}$
. The answer sets of a GEDP are defined by the following two steps. First, let
be a not-free GEDP and
$S\subseteq Lit$
. Then, S is an answer set of
iff S is a minimal set satisfying the conditions: (i) S satisfies every rule from
, that is, for each ground rule:

$\{L_{l+1},\ldots,L_m\}\subseteq S$
$\{L_1,\ldots,L_k\}\cap S\ne{\varnothing}$
. (ii) If S contains a pair of complementary literals L and
$\neg L$
, then
.Footnote 1
Second, let
be any GEDP and
$S\subseteq Lit$
. The reduct
by S is a not-free EDP obtained as follows: a rule
of the form (2) is in
iff there is a ground rule r of the form (1) from
such that
$head^-(r)\subseteq S$
$body^-(r)\cap S={\varnothing}$
. For programs of the form
, their answer sets have already been defined. Then, S is an answer set of
iff S is an answer set of
When a program
is an EDP, the above definition of answer sets coincides with that given by Gelfond and Lifschitz (Reference Gelfond and Lifschitz1991). It is shown that every answer set of a GEDP
satisfies every rule from
(Inoue and Sakama Reference Inoue and Sakama1998). An answer set is consistent if it is not Lit. A program
is consistent if it has a consistent answer set; otherwise,
is inconsistent. When a program
is inconsistent, there are two different cases. If
has the single answer set Lit,
is called contradictory; else if
has no answer set,
is called incoherent. The difference of two cases is illustrated by the following example.
Example 2.1 The program
$\Pi_1\,{=}\,\{\,p\leftarrow not\,q,\;\; \neg p\leftarrow \,\}$
is incoherent, while
$\Pi_2\,{=}\,\{\,p\leftarrow q,\;\;~q\leftarrow,\;\; \neg p\leftarrow\,\}$
is contradictory. Note that Lit is not the answer set of
because Lit is not the answer set of
$\Pi_1^{Lit}=\{\,\neg p\leftarrow\,\}$
We write
$\Pi\models_c L$
$\Pi\models_s L$
) if a literal L is included in some (resp. every) consistent answer set of
.Footnote 2 Two programs
are equivalent if they have the same set of answer sets. Two programs
are strongly equivalent if
are equivalent for any program
(Lifschitz et al. Reference Lifschitz, Pearce and Valverde2001). In particular, two rules
are strongly equivalent if
are equivalent for any program
An answer set of a GEDP is not always minimal, that is, a program
may have two answer sets S and T such that
$S\subset T$
. This is in contrast with the case of EDPs where every answer set is minimal.
Example 2.2 Let
be the program:

has two answer sets
By definition, a contradictory GEDP has exactly one answer set Lit, while a consistent GEDP may have the answer set Lit.
Example 2.3 Let
be the program:

has two answer sets
and Lit.
In EDPs, on the other hand, no consistent program has the answer set Lit, and every contradictory program has exactly one answer set Lit (Gelfond and Lifschitz Reference Gelfond and Lifschitz1991).
Suppose a rule r such that

Define a rule
of the form:

that is obtained by shifting “
$not\,L_{k+1}\,;\cdots ;\,not\,L_l $
" in
to “
" in
. The two rules (3) and (4) are strongly equivalent under the answer set semantics.
Proposition 2.1 (Inoue and Sakama Reference Inoue and Sakama1998)
be a program and
$\Phi=\{\,r\mid r\in\Pi\;\;\mbox{and}\;\; head^+(r)={\varnothing}\}$
. Also let
$\Pi'=(\Pi\setminus \Phi)\cup \{\, \eta(r)\mid r\in\Phi\,\}$
. Then
have the same answer sets.
Proposition 2.2 Let
be a program and
$\Psi=\{\,r\mid r\in\Pi,\; head^+(r)={\varnothing}\;\mbox{and}\; head^-(r)\cap body^-(r)\neq{\varnothing}\}$
. Then,
have the same answer sets.
Proof. By Proposition 2.1, every rule (3) in
is transformed to a strongly equivalent constraint (4). When
$head^-(r)\cap body^-(r)\neq{\varnothing}$
for some
$\{ L_{k+1},\ldots,L_l\}\cap \{L_{m+1},\ldots,L_n\}\neq{\varnothing}$
of the form (4). Then,
$\{ L_{k+1},\ldots,L_l\}\subseteq S$
$\{L_{m+1},\ldots,L_n\}\cap S\neq{\varnothing}$
for any set S, and the constraint
is satisfied by any answer set. Hence,
is removed from
and the result follows.
Example 2.4 For any program

is equivalent to the following program (Proposition 2.1):

which is further simplified to
(Proposition 2.2).
Proposition 2.3 Let
be a not-free GEDP. If there is a constraint in
, then
is not contradictory.
Proof. If there is a constraint “
$\leftarrow L_1,\ldots,L_m$
" in
, it is included in
. Since Lit does not satisfy the constraint, it does not become the answer set of
. Hence,
is not contradictory.
3 Human conditional reasoning in ASP
ASP computes answer sets by deduction that is reasoning by AA. In this section, we present methods for reasoning by AC, DC, and DA in ASP.
3.1 AC completion
We first introduce a framework for reasoning by affirming the consequent (AC) in ASP. In GEDPs, a conditional sentence “
${\varphi}\Rightarrow \psi$
" ( if
) is represented by the rule “
" where
is a disjunction “
$L_1\,;\,\cdots\,;\, L_k\, ;\, not\,L_{k+1}\,;\cdots ;\,not\,L_l$
" and
is a conjunction “
". To realize reasoning backward from
, we extend a program
by introducing new rules.
Definition 3.1 (AC completion) Let
be a program and
a rule of the form:

1. For each disjunct in
$head^+(r)$ and
$head^-(r)$ , converse the implication:
(5)\begin{eqnarray}&& L_{l+1},\,\ldots,\,L_m,\, not\,L_{m+1},\,\ldots,\,not\,L_n \;\leftarrow\; L_j \;\;\; (1\leq j\leq k), \end{eqnarray}

In (5) and (6), the conjunction “
$L_{l+1},\,\ldots,\,L_m,\, not\,L_{m+1},\,\ldots,\,not\,L_n$
" appears on the left of “
". The produced (5) (resp. (6)) is considered an abbreviation of the collection of
$(L_{l+1}\leftarrow L_j),\ldots, (not\,L_n\leftarrow L_j)$
$(L_{l+1}\leftarrow not\,L_j),\ldots, (not\,L_n\leftarrow not\,L_j)$
)Footnote 3, hence we abuse the term “rule” and call (5) or (6) a rule. In particular, (5) is not produced if
, and (6) is not produced if
. The set of all rules (5) and (6) is denoted as conv(r).
2. Define
\begin{eqnarray*}ac(\Pi)&\!=\!& \{\; \Sigma_1\,;\,\cdots\, ;\,\Sigma_p \;\leftarrow \; \ell_j \;\mid\\&& \quad \Sigma_i\leftarrow \ell_j \;\, (1\le i\le p)\;\;\mbox{is in}\;\; \bigcup_{r\in\Pi}\, conv(r)\, \}\end{eqnarray*}
$(1\le i\le p)$ is a conjunction of literals and NAF-literals, and
$\ell_j$ is either a literal
$(1\le j\le k)$ or an NAF-literal
$(k+1\le j\le l)$ .
3. The AC completion of
$\Pi$ is defined as:
$$ AC(\Pi) = \Pi \;\cup\; ac(\Pi). $$
$ac(\Pi)$ collects rules “
$\Sigma_i\leftarrow \ell_j$ "
$(1\le i\le p)$ having the same (NAF-)literal
$\ell_j$ on the right of “
$\leftarrow$ ", and constructs “
$\Sigma_1\,;\,\cdots\, ;\,\Sigma_p \;\leftarrow \; \ell_j$ ," which we call an extended rule. Introducing
$ac(\Pi)$ to
$\Pi$ realizes reasoning by AC in
$\Pi$ .
The set
contains an extended rule having a disjunction of conjunctions in its head, while it is transformed to rules of a GEDP. That is, the extended rule:

is identified with the set of
$(m_1\times\cdots\times m_p)$
rules of the form:

By this fact,
is viewed as a GEDP and we do not distinguish extended rules and rules of a GEDP hereafter. The semantics of
is defined by its answer sets.
Example 3.1 Let
be the program:


where the first rule “
$(r,\, not\,s)\,;\, q\leftarrow p$
" is identified with

and the second rule “
$r,\, not\,s\leftarrow not\,q$
" is identified with

$AC(\Pi)\cup \{p\leftarrow\}$
has two answer sets
By definition, if there is more than one rule in
having the same (NAF-)literal in the heads, they are collected to produce a single converse rule in
. For instance,
$\Pi=\{\, p\leftarrow~q,\;\; p\leftarrow~r\,\}$
$ac(\Pi)=\{\, q\,;\,r\leftarrow p\,\}$
but not
$\Lambda=\{\, q\leftarrow p,\;\; r\leftarrow p\,\}$
. Then,
$AC(\Pi)\cup\{ p\leftarrow\}$
has two answer sets
. Suppose that the new fact “
$\neg\, q\leftarrow$
" is added to
. Put
$\Pi'=\Pi\cup\{\,\neg\, q\leftarrow\,\}$
. Then,
$AC(\Pi')\cup\{ p\leftarrow\}$
has the answer set
, which represents the result of AC reasoning in
. If
is used instead of
, however,
$\Pi'\cup\Lambda\cup\{ p\leftarrow\}$
has the answer set Lit. The result is too strong because r is consistently inferred from
$\Pi'\cup\{ p\leftarrow\}$
by AC reasoning. As a concrete example, put
, and
. Then,
has the answer set
$\{\,wet\mbox{-}grass, \neg\, rain, sprinkler\mbox{-}on\,\}$
, while
has the answer set Lit. AC completion derives an antecedent from a consequent, but it does not derive negation of antecedent by its nature. For instance, given
$\Pi=\{\, p\,;\,q\leftarrow r,\;\;\; p\leftarrow\,\}$
$AC(\Pi)\models_s r$
$AC(\Pi)\not\models_c \neg\,q$
Note that in Definition 3.1, the converse of constraints and facts are not produced. When
, r is considered a rule with
in the head, then (5) and (6) become

which has no effect as a rule. On the other hand, when
, r is considered a rule with
in the body, then (5) and (6) respectively become

We do not include this type of rules for constructing
because it would disable AC reasoning. For instance, transform
$\Pi=\{\, p\leftarrow q,\;\;\; p\leftarrow\,\}$
$\Pi'=\Pi\cup\{ q\,; true\leftarrow p\}$
. Then,
is the minimal set satisfying
, and q is not included in the answer set of
. With this reason, constraints and facts are not completed at the first step of Definition 3.1.
The result of AC completion is syntax-dependent in general. That is, two (strongly) equivalent programs may produce different AC completions.
Example 3.2 Let
$\Pi_1=\{\, not\,p\leftarrow q\,\}$
$\Pi_2=\{\, \leftarrow p,q \,\}$
. By Proposition 2.1,
are equivalent, but
$AC(\Pi_1)=\Pi_1\cup \{\, q\leftarrow not\,p\,\}$
. As a result,
has the answer set
has the answer set
In the above example, “
$not\,p\leftarrow q$
” is a conditional sentence which is subject to AC inference, while “
$\leftarrow p,q$
” is a constraint which is not subject to AC inference by definition. For instance, given the conditional sentence “if it is sunny, the grass is not wet" and the fact “the grass is not wet.," people would infer “it is sunny" by AC inference. On the other hand, given the constraint “it does not happen that wet-grass and sunny-weather at the same time" and the fact “the grass is not wet," the number of people who infer “it is sunny" by AC would be smaller because the cause-effect relation between “sunny" and “not wet" is not explicitly expressed in the constraint.
Reasoning by AC is nonmonotonic in the sense that
$\Pi\models_c L$
$\Pi\models_s L$
) does not imply
$AC(\Pi)\models_c L$
$AC(\Pi)\models_s L$
) in general.
Example 3.3 The program
$\Pi=\{\, p\leftarrow not\,q,\;\; r\leftarrow q,\;\; r\leftarrow \,\}$
has the answer set
, while
$AC(\Pi)=\Pi\cup\{\, not\,q\leftarrow p,\;\; q\leftarrow r\,\}$
has the answer set
In Example 3.3, reasoning by AC produces q which blocks deriving p using the first rule in
. As a concrete example, an online-meeting is held on time if no network trouble arises. However, it turns that the web browser is unconnected and one suspects that there is some trouble on the network. Put p=“online-meeting is held on time," q=“network trouble," r=“the web browser is unconnected." In this case, one may withdraw the conclusion p after knowing r. As such, additional rules
may change the results of
. One can see the effect of AC reasoning in a program
by comparing answer sets of
A consistent program
may produce an inconsistent
. In converse, an inconsistent
may produce a consistent
Example 3.4
$\Pi_1=\{\, p\leftarrow \neg\, p,\;\;\; p\leftarrow\,\}$
is consistent, but
$AC(\Pi_1)=\Pi_1\cup \{\, \neg\,p\leftarrow p\,\}$
is contradictory.
$\Pi_2=\{\, \leftarrow not\,p,\;\;\; q\leftarrow p,\;\;\; q\leftarrow\,\}$
is incoherent, but
$AC(\Pi_2)=\Pi_2\cup \{\, p\leftarrow q\,\}$
is consistent.
A sufficient condition for the consistency of
is given below.
Proposition 3.1 If a PDP
contains no constraint, then
is consistent. Moreover, for any answer set S of
, there is an answer set T of
such that
$S\subseteq T$
Proof. A PDP
contains no NAF-literal and every literal in
is a positive literal (or an atom). Then,
is the set of rules
$(\Sigma_1;\cdots;\Sigma_p\leftarrow A_j)$
is an atom and
is a conjunction of atoms. When
contains no constraint, the additional rules in
do not cause inconsistency in
$AC(\Pi)=\Pi\cup ac(\Pi)$
. Suppose that S is an answer set (or a minimal model) of
. Then S is a minimal set satisfying all rules in
. Let
$U=\{\, A\, \mid\, A\in head^+(r)\;\mbox{for any rule}\; r\in ac(\Pi)\;\mbox{such that}\; body^+(r)\subseteq S\,\}$
. Then, there is an answer set T of
such that
$T=S\cup V$
$V\subseteq U$
. Hence, the result holds.
Proposition 3.2 If a program
has the answer set Lit, then
has the answer set Lit.
Proof. If
has the answer set Lit, the reduct
has the answer set Lit. By definition,
$AC(\Pi)^{Lit}=\Pi^{Lit} \cup ac(\Pi)^{Lit}$
is the reduct of
by Lit. Introducing not-free rules in
does not change the answer set Lit of
. Then, Lit is the answer set of
and the result follows.
3.2 DC completion
We next introduce a framework for reasoning by denying the consequent (DC) in ASP. There are two ways for negating a literal – one is using explicit negation and the other is using default negation. Accordingly, there are two ways of completing a program for the purpose of reasoning by DC.
Definition 3.2 (DC completion) Let
be a program. For each rule
of the form:

define wdc(r) as the rule:

and define sdc(r) as the rule:

In particular, (7) or (8) becomes a fact if
, and it becomes a constraint if
. The weak DC completion and the strong DC completion of
are respectively defined as:

By definition,
introduce contrapositive rules in two different ways. In (7), literals
$(1\leq i\leq k;\,l+1\leq i\leq m)$
are negated using default negation not and NAF-literals
$(k+1\leq i\leq l;\,m+1\leq i\leq n)$
are converted to
. In (8), on the other hand, literals
$(1\leq i\leq k;\,l+1\leq i\leq m)$
are negated using explicit negation
and NAF-literals
$(k+1\leq i\leq l;\,m+1\leq i\leq n)$
are converted to
are GEDPs, and their semantics are defined by their answer sets. In particular,
becomes an EDP if
is an EDP.
Note that contraposition of facts or constraints is produced in WDC/SDC. For instance, the fact “
" produces the constraint “
$\leftarrow not\,p$
" by WDC and “
$\leftarrow \neg p$
" by SDC. The fact “
" produces the constraint “
$\leftarrow p$
" by WDC and SDC. On the other side, the constraint “
$\leftarrow p$
" produces the fact “
" by WDC and “
$\neg p\leftarrow$
" by SDC. The constraint “
$\leftarrow not\,p$
" produces the fact “
" by WDC and SDC.
The WDC and SDC produce different results in general.
Example 3.5 Given
$\Pi=\{\,p\leftarrow not\, q\,\}$
, it becomes

has two answer sets
, while
has the single answer set
$\{ p\}$
Example 3.5 shows that WDC is nonmonotonic as
$\Pi\models_s p$
$WDC(\Pi)\not\models_s p$
. SDC is also nonmonotonic (see Example 3.8). The result of DC completion is syntax-dependent in general.
Example 3.6 Let
$\Pi_1=\{\, not\,p\leftarrow q\,\}$
$\Pi_2=\{\, \leftarrow p,q \,\}$
are equivalent (Proposition 2.1). Then,
$SDC(\Pi_1)=\Pi_1\cup \{\, \neg\,q\leftarrow p\,\}$
$SDC(\Pi_2)=\Pi_2\cup\{\,\neg\,p\,; \neg\,q\leftarrow\,\}$
. As a result,
has the answer set
, while
has two answer sets
WDC preserves the consistency of the original program.
Proposition 3.3 If a program
has a consistent answer set S, then S is an answer set of
Proof. Suppose a consistent answer set S of
. Then, for any rule (
$L_1\, ;\,\cdots\, ;\, L_k \leftarrow L_{l+1},\,\ldots,\,L_m$
) in
, either
$\{L_1,\ldots,L_k\}\cap S\neq{\varnothing}$
$\{L_{l+1},\ldots,L_m\}\not\subseteq S$
. In each case, the rule (7) is eliminated in
. Then, S is an answer set of
; hence, the result holds.
The converse of Proposition 3.3 does not hold in general.
Example 3.7 The program
$\Pi=\{\, \leftarrow not\,p \,\}$
has no answer set, while
$WDC(\Pi)=\{\, \leftarrow~not\,p,\;\; p\leftarrow \,\}$
has the answer set
, the next result holds.
Proposition 3.4 Let
be a consistent program such that every constraint in
is not-free (i.e.
for any
). Then,
does not have the answer set Lit.
Proof. Consider
$SDC(\Pi)^{Lit}=(\Pi \;\cup\; \{sdc(r) \,\mid\, r\in \Pi \,\})^{Lit}=\Pi^{Lit}\;\cup\; \{sdc(r) \,\mid\, r\in \Pi \,\}$
(a) If there is a constraint
$r\in \Pi$
such that
, then
by the assumption. Then,
does not have the answer set Lit (Proposition 2.3). (b) Else if there is no constraint in
, then
$\{sdc(r) \,\mid\, r\in \Pi \,\}$
contains no fact by Definition 3.2. Consider two cases. (i) When there is a fact
, sdc(r) becomes a not-free constraint by Definition 3.2. As
contains this constraint, it does not have the answer set Lit (Proposition 2.3). (ii) When there is no fact in
, both
$\{sdc(r) \,\mid\, r\in \Pi \,\}$
contain no fact, so
contains no fact. In this case, no literal is deduced in
and it does not have the answer set Lit. By (a) and (b),
does not have the answer set Lit. Hence, the result follows.
A program
satisfying the condition of Proposition 3.4 may produce an incoherent
Example 3.8 The program
$\Pi = \{\, p\leftarrow q,\;\;\; p\leftarrow \neg q,\;\;\; \neg\,p\leftarrow\, \}$
has the answer set
, but

is incoherent.
Proposition 3.5 If a program
has the answer set Lit, then both
have the answer set Lit. In particular, if
is a contradictory EDP, then
is contradictory.
Proof. The proof is similar to Proposition 3.2. In particular, if
is an EDP, then
is an EDP and the result holds.
Note that in GEDPs, contraposition of a rule does not hold in general. Thus, the program
$\Pi=\{\, p\leftarrow q,\;\; \neg\,p\leftarrow \,\}$
does not deduce
. SDC completes the program as
$SDC(\Pi)=\Pi\cup \{\, \neg\,q\leftarrow \neg\,p,\;\; \leftarrow p\,\}$
and makes
deducible. In this sense, SDC has the effect of making explicit negation closer to classical negation in GEDP.
3.3 DA completion
As a third extension, we introduce a framework for reasoning by denying the antecedent (DA) in ASP. As in the case of DC completion, two different ways of completion are considered depending on the choice of negation.
Definition 3.3 (weak DA completion) Let
be a program and
a rule of the form:

1. For each disjunct in
$head^+(r)$ and
$head^-(r)$ , inverse the implication:
(9)\begin{eqnarray}not\,L_i &\leftarrow& not\,L_{l+1}\,;\,\cdots\, ;\, not\,L_m\,;\, L_{m+1}\,;\cdots\, ;\, L_n\;\; (1\leq i\leq k), \end{eqnarray}

In (9) and (10), the disjunction “
$not\,L_{l+1}\,;\,\cdots\, ;\, not\,L_m\,;\, L_{m+1}\,;\,\cdots\, ;\, L_n$
" appears on the right of “
". The produced (9) (resp. (10)) is considered an abbreviation of the collection of
$(not\,L_i \leftarrow not\,L_{l+1}),\ldots, (not\,L_i \leftarrow L_n)$
$(L_i \leftarrow not\,L_{l+1}),\ldots, (L_i \leftarrow L_n)$
), hence we abuse the term “rule” and call (9) or (10) a rule. In particular, (9) is not produced if
, and (10) is not produced if
. The set of rules (9)–(10) is denoted as winv(r).
2. Define
\begin{eqnarray*}wda(\Pi) &\!=\!& \{\, \ell_i \leftarrow \Gamma_1,\ldots, \Gamma_p \,\mid \\&& \quad \ell_i\leftarrow \Gamma_j\; (1\leq j\leq p)\;\;\mbox{is in}\;\; \bigcup_{r\in\Pi}\; winv(r)\,\}\end{eqnarray*}
$\ell_i$ is either a literal
$(k+1\le i\le l)$ or an NAF-literal
$(1\le i\le k)$ , and each
$(1\le j\le p)$ is a disjunction of literals and NAF-literals.
3. The weak DA completion of
$\Pi$ is defined as:
$$ WDA(\Pi)=\Pi \;\cup\; wda(\Pi).$$
(9) and (10) in winv(r) represent inverse implication from the (default) negation of the conjunction in the body of r to the (default) negation of the disjunction in the head of r.
collects rules “
$\ell_i\leftarrow \Gamma_j$
$(1\leq j\leq p)$
having the same (NAF-)literal
on the left of “
" and constructs “
$\ell_i \leftarrow \Gamma_1,\ldots, \Gamma_p$
," which we call an extended rule. Introducing
realizes reasoning by weak DA. An extended rule has a conjunction of disjunctions in its body, while it is transformed to rules of a GEDP as the case of AC completion. That is, the extended rule:

is identified with the set of
$(m_1\times\cdots\times m_p)$
rules of the form:

By this fact,
is viewed as a GEDP and we do not distinguish extended rules and rules of a GEDP hereafter. The semantics of
is defined by its answer sets.
Example 3.9 Let
be the program:


where the first rule “
$not\,p\leftarrow not\,r\, ;\, s$
" is identified with

and the second rule “
$not\,q\leftarrow (not\,r\,;\, s),\, not\,t$
" is identified with

has the answer set
$\{ s, r\}$
As in the case of AC completion, if there is more than one rule having the same (NAF-)literal in the heads, they are collected to produce a single inverse rule. For instance,
$\Pi=\{\,p\leftarrow q,\;\; p\leftarrow~r\,\}$
$wda(\Pi)=\{\, not\,p\leftarrow not\,q,\,not\,r\,\}$
but not
$\Lambda=\{\, not\,p\leftarrow not\,q,\;\; not\,p\leftarrow not\,r\,\}$
. Suppose that the new fact “
” is added to
. Put
$\Pi'=\Pi\cup\{ r\leftarrow\}$
. Then,
has the answer set
. If
is used instead of
, however,
is incoherent because the first rule of
is not satisfied. The result is too strong because p is deduced by “
$p\leftarrow r$
" and “
" and it has no direct connection to DA inference in the first rule of
. Hence, we conclude
if both q and r are negated in
The strong DA completion is defined in a similar manner.
Definition 3.4 (strong DA completion) Let
be a program and
a rule of the form:

1. For each disjunct in
$head^+(r)$ and
$head^-(r)$ , inverse the implication:
(11)\begin{eqnarray}\neg\,L_i &\leftarrow& \neg\,L_{l+1}\,;\,\cdots\, ;\, \neg\,L_m\,;\, L_{m+1}\,;\cdots\, ;\, L_n\;\; (1\leq i\leq k), \end{eqnarray}

As in the case of WDA, the produced (11) (resp. (12)) is considered an abbreviation of the collection of
$(\neg\,L_i \leftarrow \neg\,L_{l+1}),\ldots, (\neg\,L_i \leftarrow L_n)$
$(L_i \leftarrow \neg\,L_{l+1}),\ldots, (L_i \leftarrow L_n)$
), hence we call (11) or (12) a rule. In particular, (11) is not produced if
, and (12) is not produced if
. The set of rules (11)–(12) is denoted as sinv(r).
2. Define
\begin{eqnarray*}sda(\Pi) &\!=\!& \{\, \ell_i \leftarrow \Gamma_1,\ldots, \Gamma_p \,\mid \\&& \quad \ell_i\leftarrow \Gamma_j\; (1\leq j\leq p)\;\;\mbox{is in}\;\; \bigcup_{r\in\Pi}\; sinv(r)\,\}\end{eqnarray*}
$\ell_i$ is either a literal
$(k+1\le i\le l)$ or
$(1\le i\le k)$ , and each
$(1\le j\le p)$ is a disjunction of positive/negative literals.
3. The strong DA completion of
$\Pi$ is defined as:
$$ SDA(\Pi)=\Pi \;\cup\; sda(\Pi).$$
As in the case of WDA, extended rules in
are transformed to rules of a GEDP. Then,
is viewed as a GEDP and its semantics is defined by its answer sets. In particular,
becomes an EDP if
is an EDP.
The result of DA completion is syntax-dependent in general.
Example 3.10 Let
$\Pi_1=\{\, not\,p\leftarrow q\,\}$
$\Pi_2=\{\, \leftarrow p,q \,\}$
are equivalent (Proposition 2.1). Then,
$WDA(\Pi_1)=\Pi_1\cup \{\, p\leftarrow not\,q\,\}$
. As a result,
has the answer set
has the answer set
Both WDA and SDA are nonmonotonic in general.
Example 3.11 (1)
$\Pi_1=\{\, p\leftarrow not\,q,\;\; not\,q\leftarrow p\,\}$
$WDA(\Pi_1)=\Pi_1\cup \{\, not\,p\leftarrow q,\;\; q\leftarrow not\,p\,\}$
. Then,
$\Pi_1\models_s p$
$WDA(\Pi_1)\not\models_s p$
. (2)
$\Pi_2=\{\, p\leftarrow not\,\neg r,\;\; r\leftarrow not\,q,\;\; q\leftarrow\,\}$
$SDA(\Pi_2)=\Pi_2\cup \{\, \neg\,p\leftarrow \neg\,r,\;\; \neg\,r\leftarrow q\,\}$
. Then,
$\Pi_2\models_c p$
$SDA(\Pi_2)\not\models_c p$
When a program is a consistent EDP, the WDA does not introduce a new answer set.
Proposition 3.6 Let
be an EDP. If S is a consistent answer set of
, then S is an answer set of
Proof. When
is an EDP, the rules (10) are not included in winv(r). By the rules (9) in winv(r), rules of the form (
$not\,L_i\leftarrow \Gamma_1,\ldots, \Gamma_p$
) are produced in
, which are identified with the collection of rules (
$not\,L_i\leftarrow \ell_{j_1}^1,\ldots \ell_{j_p}^p$
) where
$(1\le k\le p)$
is an (NAF-)literal. These rules are converted into the strongly equivalent constraint (
$\leftarrow L_i,\ell_{j_1}^1,\ldots, \ell_{j_p}^p$
) (Proposition 2.1). The additional constraints may eliminate answer sets of
, but do not introduce new answer sets. Thus, a consistent answer set S of
is also a consistent answer set of
Proposition 3.7 If a program
has the answer set Lit, then both
have the answer set Lit. In particular, if
is a contradictory EDP, then
is contradictory.
Proof. The proof is similar to Proposition 3.2. In particular, if
is an EDP, then
is an EDP and the result holds.
As in the case of AC, a consistent program
may produce an inconsistent
. In converse, an incoherent
may produce a consistent
$\Pi_1=\{\, not\, p\leftarrow p\,\}$ , which is equivalent to
$\{\,\leftarrow p\,\}$ (Proposition 2.1), is consistent, but
$WDA(\Pi_1)=\Pi_1\cup\{\, p\leftarrow not\,p\,\}$ is incoherent.
$\Pi_2=\{\,\neg\,p\leftarrow p,\;\; \neg\,p\leftarrow\,\}$ is consistent, but
$SDA(\Pi_2)\!=\Pi_2\cup\{\, p\leftarrow \neg\,p\,\}$ is contradictory.
$\Pi_3=\{\, not\,p\leftarrow q,\;\;\leftarrow not\,p\,\}$ , which is equivalent to
$\{\,\leftarrow p,q,\;\; \leftarrow not\,p\,\}$ (Proposition 2.1), is incoherent, but
$WDA(\Pi_3)=\Pi_3\cup\{\, p\leftarrow not\,q\,\}$ is consistent (having the answer set
$\{p\}$ ).
$\Pi_4=\{\, \leftarrow not\,p,\;\; \neg\, p\leftarrow not\,q,\;\; q\leftarrow\,\}$ is incoherent, but
$SDA(\Pi_4)=\Pi_4\cup\{\, p\leftarrow q\,\}$ is consistent (having the answer set
$\{p,q\}$ ).
4 AC and DA as default reasoning
AC and DA are logically invalid and additional rules for AC and DA often make a program inconsistent. In this section, we relax the effects of the AC or DA completion by introducing additional rules as default rules in the sense of Reiter (Reference Reiter1980). More precisely, we capture AC and DA as the following default inference rules:

The default AC rule says: given the conditional “
${\varphi}\Rightarrow \psi$
" and the fact
, conclude
as a default consequence. Likewise, the default DA rule says: given the conditional “
${\varphi}\Rightarrow \psi$
" and the fact
, conclude
as a default consequence. We encode these rules in ASP.
4.1 Default AC completion
The AC completion is modified for default AC reasoning.
Definition 4.1 (default AC completion) Let
be a program. For each rule
of the form:

define dac(r) as the set of rules:

$\Delta=not\,\neg\,L_{l+1},\,\ldots,\,not\,\neg\, L_m,\, not\,L_{m+1},\,\ldots,\,not\,L_n$
. As before, (13) is not produced if
; and (14) is not produced if
. The default AC completion of
is defined as:

in which

where each
$(1\le i\le p)$
is a conjunction of literals and NAF-literals, and
is either a literal
$(1\le j\le k)$
or an NAF-literal
$(k+1\le j\le l)$
, rules in
are converted into the form of a GEDP, then
is viewed as a GEDP. Compared with the AC completion, the DAC completion introduces the conjunction
of NAF-literals to the body of each rule. Then, the rules “
$\Sigma_1\,;\,\cdots\, ;\,\Sigma_p \,\leftarrow \, \ell_j,\,\Delta_i$
" having the same head with different bodies are constructed for
Example 4.1 Let
$\Pi=\{\,p\leftarrow q,\;\; p\leftarrow r,\;\; p\leftarrow,\;\; \neg r\leftarrow\,\}$
. Then,
$DAC(\Pi)=\Pi\cup dac(\Pi)$

As a result,
has the answer set
$\{p,q,\neg r\}$
We say that a set S of ground literals satisfies the conjunction “
" of ground literals if
$\{L_1,\ldots,L_k\}\subseteq S$
; and S satisfies the conjunction “
" of ground NAF-literals if
$\{L_1,\ldots,L_k\}\cap S={\varnothing}$
has a consistent answer set,
does not change it.
Proposition 4.1 Let
be a program. If
has a consistent answer set S, then S is an answer set of
Proof. Suppose that
has a consistent answer set S. For each rule (
$\Sigma_1\,;\,\cdots\, ;\,\Sigma_p \;\leftarrow \; L_j$
$(1\le j\le k)$
$L_j\in S$
implies that S satisfies some conjunction
$(1\le i\le p)$
. In this case, S satisfies
$L_j\in S$
implies that S satisfies
for each rule (
$\Sigma_1\,;\,\cdots\, ;\,\Sigma_p \;\leftarrow \; L_j,\Delta_i$
) in
. Likewise, for each rule (
$\Sigma_1\,;\,\cdots\, ;\,\Sigma_p \;\leftarrow \; not\,L_j$
$(k+1\le j\le l)$
$L_j\not\in S$
implies that S satisfies some
$(1\le i\le p)$
. In this case, S satisfies
$L_j\not\in S$
implies that S satisfies
for each rule (
$\Sigma_1\,;\,\cdots\, ;\,\Sigma_p \;\leftarrow \; not\,L_j,\Delta_i$
) in
. Then,
and the result follows.
DAC does not introduce the contradictory answer set Lit unless the original program has Lit as an answer set.
Proposition 4.2 Let
be a program. If
has the answer set Lit, then
has the answer set Lit.
Proof. If
has the answer set Lit, then
$DAC(\Pi)^{Lit}=\Pi^{Lit}\cup dac(\Pi)^{Lit}$
has the answer set Lit. Since
has the answer set Lit. Hence,
has the answer set Lit.
possibly turns a contradictory
into a consistent program.
Example 4.2 (cont. Example 3.4) Let
$\Pi_1=\{\, p\leftarrow \neg\, p,\;\; p\leftarrow \,\}$
. Then,
$DAC(\Pi_1)=\Pi_1\cup \{\, \neg\, p\leftarrow p,\, not\,p \,\}$
has the single answer set
. So
is contradictory, but
is consistent.
is incoherent,
does not resolve incoherency in general.
Example 4.3 Let
$\Pi=\{\, p\leftarrow q,\;\; p\leftarrow,\;\; \leftarrow q \,\}$
. Then,
$AC(\Pi)=\Pi\cup \{\, q\leftarrow p \,\}$
is incoherent.
$DAC(\Pi)=\Pi\cup \{\, q\leftarrow p,\, not\,\neg\,q \,\}$
is still incoherent.
4.2 Default DA completion
The DA completion is modified for default DA reasoning.
Definition 4.2 (default DA completion) Let
be a program. Define

, winv(r), and sinv(r) are the same as those in Definitions 3.3 and 3.4. In addition,
, and
, and
. The weak default DA completion and the strong default DA completion of
are respectively defined as:

Rules in
are converted into the form of a GEDP, so
are viewed as GEDPs. Like the DAC completion, both WDDA and SDDA introduce an additional NAF-literal to each rule.
) has a consistent answer set,
) does not change it.
Proposition 4.3 Let
be a program. If
) has a consistent answer set S, then S is an answer set of
Proof. Suppose that
has a consistent answer set S. If
$L_i\in S,$
$\neg\,L_i\not\in S$
is eliminated in
. Else if
$L_i\not\in S$
$\neg\,L_i\in S$
, there is another rule (
$\ell_i \leftarrow \Gamma_1,\ldots, \Gamma_p,\,\delta^w_i$
) in
such that
. Then,
is eliminated in
. Thus,
. Similarly,
. Hence, the result follows.
WDDA or SDDA does not introduce the contradictory answer set Lit unless the original program has Lit as an answer set.
Proposition 4.4 Let
be a program. If
) has the answer set Lit, then
has the answer set Lit.
Proof. If
has the answer Lit, then
$WDDA(\Pi)^{Lit}=\Pi^{Lit}\cup wdda(\Pi)^{Lit}$
has the answer set Lit. Since
has the answer set Lit. Hence,
has the answer set Lit. The case of
is proved in a similar manner.
) possibly turns a contradictory
) into a consistent program, while it does not resolve incoherency in general.
Example 4.4 (cont. Example 3.12) Let
$\Pi_1=\{\, not\,p\leftarrow p \,\}$
is incoherent.
$WDDA(\Pi_1)=\Pi_1\cup \{\, p\leftarrow not\,p,\, not\,\neg\,p \,\}$
is still incoherent. Let
$\Pi_2=\{\, \neg\, p\leftarrow p,\;\;\; \neg\, p\leftarrow \,\}$
is contradictory.
$SDDA(\Pi_2)=\Pi_2\cup \{\, p\leftarrow \neg\,p,\, not\,\neg \,p \,\}$
has the consistent answer set
$\{\neg p\}$
5 Characterizing human reasoning tasks
5.1 Suppression task
Byrne (Reference Byrne1989) provides an empirical study which shows that human conditional reasoning can be nonmonotonic in the so-called suppression tasks. She verifies the effects in different types of conditional reasoning by experimental testing on college students. Students are divided into three groups: the first group receives simple conditional arguments; the second group receives conditional arguments accompanied by another conditional sentence with an alternative antecedent; and the third group receives conditional arguments accompanied by another conditional sentence with an additional antecedent. More precisely, suppose the following three conditional sentences:
: If she has an essay to write then she will study late in the library.
: If she has some textbooks to read then she will study late in the library.
: If the library stays open then she will study late in the library.
Given the conditional sentence
represents a sentence with an alternative antecedent, while
represents a sentence with an additional antecedent. The antecedent of
is considered an alternative sufficient condition for studying late in the library. By contrast, the antecedent of
is considered an additional sufficient condition for studying late in the library. Table 1 presents the percentages of inferences made by subjects from the three kinds of arguments.
Table 1. The percentages of inferences in experiments (Byrne Reference Byrne1989)

By the table, given the sentence
and the fact: “she will study late in the library," the 71% of the first group concludes: “she has an essay to write" by AC. When
is accompanied by a conditional
containing an alternative antecedent, on the other hand, the percentage of subjects who perform AC inference reduces to 13%. The reason is that people know that the alternative: “She has some textbooks to read,” could be the case instead. Similar reduction is observed for DA. Byrne argues that those fallacious inferences are suppressed when a conditional is accompanied by an alternative antecedent. She also observes that the inference patterns change when
is accompanied by a conditional
containing an additional antecedent. In Table 1, the number of subjects who conclude: “She will study late in the library" by AA reduces to 38%, and the number of subjects who conclude: “She does not have an essay to write" by DC reduces to 33%. By contrast, the suppression of AC and DA are relaxed, 54% of subjects make AC and 63% of subjects make DA. Byrne then argues that “valid inferences are suppressed in the same way as fallacious inferences."
The suppression task is characterized in our framework as follows. First, the sentence
is represented as the rule: “
$library \leftarrow essay$
." Then, four conditional inferences (AA, DC, AC, DA) in simple arguments are respectively represented by the following programs:

has the answer set
$\{\,library, essay\,\}$
in which AA inference is done. By contrast, DC, AC, and DA inferences are not performed in
, and
, respectively. To realize those inferences, consider completions such that

has the answer set
$\{\,\neg\,library, \neg\,essay\,\}$
has the answer set
$\{\,library, essay\,\}$
, and
has the answer set
$\{\,\neg\,library, \neg\,essay\,\}$
. As a result, DC, AC, and DA inferences are performed in
, and
, respectively.
Next, consider the alternative arguments
. They are represented by the programs:

The program
$\Pi_0^{\rm ALT}$
has the answer set
$\{\,library, essay\,\}$
in which the result of AA inference does not change from
. Programs
$\Pi_1^{\rm ALT}$
$\Pi_2^{\rm ALT}$
, and
$\Pi_3^{\rm ALT}$
are completed as follows:

$SDC(\Pi_1^{\rm ALT})$
has the answer set
$\{\,\neg\,library, \neg\,essay, \neg\,text\,\}$
$AC(\Pi_2^{\rm ALT})$
has the two answer sets
$\{\,library, essay\,\}$
$\{\,library, text\,\}$
, and
$SDA(\Pi_3^{\rm ALT})$
has the answer set
. As a result,
$SDC(\Pi_1^{\rm ALT})\models_s \neg\,essay$
$AC(\Pi_2^{\rm ALT})\not\models_s essay$
, and
$SDA(\Pi_3^{\rm ALT})\not\models_s \neg\,library$
, which indicate that AC and DA inferences are suppressed while DC is not suppressed. In this way, the completion successfully represents the effect of suppression of AC/DA inference in alternative arguments.
means that inference succeeds;
means that inference is suppressed.
In additional arguments, on the other hand, Byrne (Reference Byrne1989)observes that AA/DC inference is also suppressed. Our completion method does not characterize the suppression of AA inference because we enable fallacious inferences by AC/DA completion while still keep the valid AA inference. Byrne (Reference Byrne1989) says “ people may consider that certain other conditions are necessary for this conclusion to hold, for example, the library must remain open. Thus, conditionals are frequently elliptical in that information that can be taken for granted is omitted from them." In the above example, the availability of the library is necessary for studying in it but it is just omitted in the initial premises. Then, it is considered that the rule: “
$library\leftarrow essay$
" in mind is overwritten by the rule: “
$library\leftarrow essay,\, open$
" when the additional antecedent is given. Let

The program
$\Pi_0^{\rm ADD}$
has the answer set
, thereby
$\Pi_0^{\rm ADD}\not\models_s library$
. Then, the result of AA inference is suppressed. Programs
$\Pi_1^{\rm ADD}$
$\Pi_2^{\rm ADD}$
$\Pi_3^{\rm ADD}$
are completed as follows:

$SDC(\Pi_1^{\rm ADD})$
has the two answer sets
$\{\,\neg\,library, \neg\,essay\,\}$
$\{\,\neg\,library, \neg\,open\,\}$
$AC(\Pi_2^{\rm ADD})$
has the answer set
$\{\,library, essay, open\,\}$
, and
$SDA(\Pi_3^{\rm ADD})$
has the the answer set
$\{\,\neg\,essay, \neg\,library\,\}$
. As a result,
$SDC(\Pi_1^{\rm ADD})\not\models_s \neg\,essay$
$AC(\Pi_2^{\rm ADD})\models_s essay$
, and
$SDA(\Pi_3^{\rm ADD})\models_s \neg\,library$
. This indicates that DC is suppressed but AC and DA are not suppressed, which explains the results of Byrne (Reference Byrne1989).
The results of inferences using completion are summarized in Table 2. By the table, the suppression of AC and DA in face of an alternative antecedent is realized in our framework. The suppression of AA and DC in face of an additional antecedent is also realized if the additional condition is written in the antecedent of the original conditional sentence.
Table 2. Summary of inferences made by completion

5.2 Wason selection task
Wason (Reference Wason1968) introduces the selection task for examining human conditional reasoning. The task is described as follows. There are four cards on a table, each of which has a letter on one side and a number on the other. Suppose that those cards are showing respectively D, K, 3, 7. Given the sentence: “Every card which has the letter D on one side has the number 3 on the other side," then which cards are to be turned over in order to verify the truth of the sentence? Testing on college students, it turns out that a relatively small number of students select the logically correct answer “D and 7” (4%), while others select “D and 3” (46%) or D alone (33%) (Wason and Shapiro Reference Wason and Shapiro1971). The result shows that people are likely to perform AC inference but less likely to perform logically correct DC inference in this task. The situation is characterized in our framework as follows.
The sentence: “Every card which has the letter D on one side has the number 3 on the other side" is rephrased as “If a card has the letter D on one side, then it has the number 3 on the other side." Then, it is represented by the program:

means the number 3 and
means the letter D. Four cards on the desk are represented by the facts:

Then, each card is checked one by one.
$\Pi_W\cup \{\ell_D\leftarrow\}$ has the answer set
$\{\ell_D, n_3\}$ . If the other side of
$\ell_D$ is not the number 3, however,
$\{\ell_D, n_3\}\cup\{\neg n_3\}$ is contradictory. To verify the consistency, one has to turn over the card of D.
$\Pi_W\cup \{\ell_K\leftarrow\}$ has the answer set
$\{\ell_K\}$ . Since both
$\{\ell_K\}\cup\{n_3\}$ and
$\{\ell_K\}\cup\{\neg n_3\}$ are consistent, there is no need to turn over the card of K.
$\Pi_W\cup \{n_3\leftarrow\}$ has the answer set
$\{n_3\}$ . Since both
$\{n_3\}\cup\{\ell_D\}$ and
$\{n_3\}\cup\{\neg \ell_D\}$ are consistent, there is no need to turn over the card of 3.
$\Pi_W\cup \{n_7\leftarrow\}$ has the answer set
$\{n_7\}$ . Since both
$\{n_7\}\cup\{\ell_D\}$ and
$\{n_7\}\cup\{\neg\ell_D\}$ are consistent, there is no need to turn over the card of D.
As the standard ASP does not realize DC inference, it characterizes reasoners who select only D as shown above.
By contrast, people who choose D and 3 are likely to perform AC inference using the conditional sentence. In this case, the situation is represented as

$AC(\Pi_W)\cup \{n_3\leftarrow\}$
has the answer set
. If the other side of
is not the letter D, however,
is contradictory. To verify the consistency, they opt to turn over the card of 3 as well as the card of D.
Finally, those who choose D and 7 perform weak DC inference asFootnote 4

The program
$\mathit{WDC}(\Pi_W)\cup \{n_7\leftarrow\}$
has the answer set
. However, if the other side of
is the letter D,
$\mathit{WDC}(\Pi_W)\cup \{n_7\leftarrow\}\cup\{ \ell_D\leftarrow\}\cup \{\leftarrow n_3,n_7\}$
is incoherent, where the constraint “
$\leftarrow n_3, n_7$
" represents that one card cannot have two numbers. To verify the consistency, they need to turn over the card of 7 as well as the card of D.Footnote 5
It is known that the Wason selection task is context dependent and the results change when, for instance, it is presented with a deontic rule. Griggs and Cox (Reference Griggs and Cox1982) use the rule: “If a person is drinking beer, then the person must be over 19 year of age." There are four cards on a table as before, but this time a person’s age is on one side of a card and on the other side is what the person is drinking. Four cards show, “beer,” “coke,” “16,” and “22,” respectively. Then select the card(s) needed to turn over to determine whether or not no person is violating the rule. In this drinking-age problem, almost 75% of participants select logically correct answers “beer” and “16.” To characterize the situation, (W)DC completion is used for representing selection tasks in deontic contexts.
6 Applications to commonsense reasoning
The AC, DC, DA completions realize human conditional reasoning in ASP. In addition, they are used for computing commonsense reasoning in AI.
6.1 Abduction and prediction
Abduction reasons from an observation to explanations. An abductive logic program (Kakas et al. Reference Kakas, Kowalski and Toni1992) is defined as a pair
is a program and
$\Gamma\, (\subseteq Lit$
) is a set of literals called abducibles.Footnote 6 It is assumed that abducibles appear in the head of no rule in
. Given an observation O as a ground literal, the abduction problem is to find an explanation
$E\,(\subseteq \Gamma)$
satisfying (i)
$\Pi\cup E\models_x O$
and (ii)
$\Pi\cup E$
is consistent, where
is either
depending on the problem. Here we consider
that realizes credulous abduction. In GEDP, the abduction problem is characterized as follows. Let us define

Proposition 6.1 (Inoue and Sakama 1998) Let
be an abductive program. Given an observation O, a set
is an explanation of O iff
$\Pi\cup abd(\Gamma)\cup \{\,\leftarrow not\,O \,\}$
has a consistent answer set S such that
Example 6.1 Consider

represents that a train arrives on time unless there is an accident. Given the observation
, it has the explanation
. The problem is represented as the GEDP:

which has the answer set
$S=\{ \neg\,arrive\_on\_time,\; accident \}$
Since abduction reasons backward from an observation, it is characterized using AC inference as follows.
Proposition 6.2 Let
be an abductive program and O an observation.
(i) A set
$E\subseteq\Gamma$ is an explanation of O if
$O\in head^+(r)$ for some
$r\in\Pi$ and
$AC(\Pi)\cup \{ O\}$ has a consistent answer set S such that
$S\cap\Gamma=E$ .
(ii) If a set
$E\subseteq\Gamma$ is an explanation of O, then there is
$\Pi'\subseteq\Pi$ such that
$AC(\Pi')\cup \{ O\}$ has a consistent answer set S such that
$S\cap\Gamma=E$ .
(i) Suppose that
$O\in head^+(r)$ for some
$r\in\Pi$ and
$AC(\Pi)\cup \{ O\}$ has a consistent answer set S such that
$S\cap\Gamma=E$ . By the definition of
$AC(\Pi)$ , there is a path from O to literals in E in the dependency graphFootnote 7 of the program
$AC(\Pi)^S\cup\{O\}$ where
$AC(\Pi)^S$ is the reduct of
$AC(\Pi)$ by S. In this case, O is reached by reasoning forward from E in
$\Pi^S$ , and S is an answer set of
$\Pi^S\cup E$ such that
$O\in S$ . This implies that
$\Pi\cup E\cup\{\leftarrow not\,O\}$ has a consistent answer set S such that
$abd(\Gamma)^S=E$ , and the result holds by Proposition 6.1
(ii) If
$E\subseteq\Gamma$ is an explanation of O, there is
$\Pi'\subseteq\Pi$ such that
$\Pi'\cup abd(\Gamma)\cup\{\leftarrow not\,O\}$ has a consistent answer set S satisfying
$S\cap\Gamma=E$ (Proposition 6.1). Select a minimal set
$\Pi'$ of rules such that there is no
$\Pi''\subset\Pi'$ satisfying the above condition. In this case,
$abd(\Gamma)^S=E$ is obtained by reasoning backward from O in
$(\Pi')^S$ , and S is a minimal set satisfying
$(\Pi')^S\cup ac(\Pi')^S\cup\{O\}$ . Then,
$AC(\Pi')\cup \{ O\}$ has a consistent answer set S such that
$S\cap\Gamma=E$ .
In Example 6.1,
$AC(\Pi_1)\cup \{ O\}$

which has the answer set
$S=\{\, \neg\,arrive\_on\_time,\, accident\,\}$
. By
is the explanation.
Note that
introduces converse of every rule, while explanations are computed using the AC completion of a subset
$\Pi'\subseteq \Pi$
in general (Proposition 6.2(ii)).
Example 6.2 Let
$\Pi=\{\, p\leftarrow a,\;\; q\leftarrow \neg a,\;\; q\leftarrow\,\}$
$\Gamma=\{a,\neg a\}$
. Then
has the explanation
, while
$AC(\Pi)\cup\{O\}=\Pi\cup\{\, a\leftarrow p,\;\; \neg a\leftarrow q,\;\; p\leftarrow\,\}$
is contradictory. By putting
$\Pi'=\{\, p\leftarrow a\,\}$
has the consistent answer set
As illustrated in Example 6.2, abduction and AC completion produce different results in general.
Abductive logic programs of Kakas et al. (Reference Kakas, Kowalski and Toni1992) cannot compute explanations when contrary to the consequent is observed. For instance, consider
such that

Given the observation
, no explanation is obtained from
. Generally, a program
does not necessarily contain a pair of rules r and r’ that define L and
$\neg L$
, respectively. When there is a rule defining L but no rule defining
$\neg L$
, abduction computes no explanation for the observation
$O=\neg L$
. The problem is resolved by reasoning by DC. For the rule r in
, sdc(r) becomes

computes the explanation
In contrast to SDC, WDC is used for abduction from negative observations. A negative observation represents that some evidence G is not observed, and it is represented as
, which should be distinguished from the (positive) observation
meaning that
is observed. In the abductive program
, the negative observation
is explained using wdc(r):

has the answer set
In this way, both AC and DC are used for computing explanations deductively, and DC is used for computing explanations that are not obtained using the framework of Kakas et al. (Reference Kakas, Kowalski and Toni1992). Moreover, AC and DC realize prediction by combining abduction and deduction.
Example 6.3 Consider

The third rule in
says: if there is an accident, a newspaper will report it. Given the observation
$AC(\Pi_3)\cup \{ O\}\models_s newspaper$
As such, AC or DC combines abduction and deduction to realize prediction.
6.2 Counterfactual reasoning
A counterfactual is a conditional statement representing what would be the case if its premise were true (although it is not true in fact). Lewis (Reference Lewis1973) introduces two different types of counterfactual sentences. Given two different events
, two counterfactual sentences are considered: “if it were the case that
, then it would be the case that
" (written
) and “if it were the case that
, then it might be the case that
" (written
). Here
. We consider counterfactual reasoning such that what would be the case if some facts were not true. We then realize Lewis’s two types of counterfactual reasoning using DA inference in ASP.
Definition 6.1 (counterfact) Let
be a fact of the form:

Then, the counterfact
is the set of facts such that

Given a set
of facts, define

We say that
satisfies the conjunction “
" if
$\{\, L_i\leftarrow \,\mid\, l+1\le i\le m\}\subseteq\overline{\Sigma}$
$\{\, L_j\leftarrow \,\mid\, m+1\le i\le n\}\cap\overline{\Sigma}={\varnothing}$
Definition 6.2 (counterfactual program) Let
be a program and
a set of facts in
. Then, a counterfactual program
is defined as

$\lambda\in Lit$
, define

By definition,
is obtained from
by removing a set
of facts, and instead introducing a set
of counterfacts as well as strong DA rules
) means that if the counterfacts
were the case, then
is included in every (resp. some) answer set of
Example 6.4 Consider the program

An event is scheduled to take place in either London or Paris if it is not virtual. The pandemic turns the event into virtual, however. Suppose a counterfactual sentence: “ if there were no pandemic, the event would not be virtual." Putting

has two answer sets:

As a result, it holds that

Given a consistent program
, it might be the case that the program
is inconsistent. To eliminate contradictory
, default DA completion is used instead of DA completion. Define
that is obtained by replacing
by its default version
in Definition 6.2. The next result holds by Proposition 4.4.
Proposition 6.3 Let
be an EDP and
a set of facts in
. If
is consistent, then
is not contradictory.
Proof. Put
. Since facts are set aside in (SD)DA completion,
$\Omega_D=\Pi'\cup sdda(\Pi)=\Pi'\cup sdda(\Pi')=SDDA(\Pi')$
. Suppose that
has the answer set Lit. Then
has the answer set Lit (Proposition 4.4). Since
is an EDP,
is inconsistent, which contradicts the assumption that
is consistent. Hence, the result holds.
6.3 Neighborhood inference
Cooperative query answering analyzes the intent of a query and provides associated information relevant to the query (Chu et al. Reference Chu, Chen and Lee1990). Neighborhood inference (Gaasterland et al. Reference Gaasterland, Godfrey and Minker1992) is a technique used for such a purpose and reasons up/down in a taxonomy of atoms to reach neighboring solutions.
Example 6.5 A travel agency has flight information represented by the program

where “
$travel(X,Y)\leftarrow flight(Z)$
" means that a flight Z is used for traveling from X to Y. Suppose that a customer asks the availability of a flight AF1681 from LHR to CDG. Unfortunately, no ticket is available on the requested time of a day. The agent then proposes an alternative flight BA306 that is still available.
In this scenario, from the request flight(AF1681) the agent understands that the customer wants to travel from London (LHR) to Paris (CDG). The request flight(AF1681) is then relaxed to travel(LHR,CDG) and reaches the fact flight(BA306).
Neighborhood inference consists of two steps: generalization from the body to the head of one rule and specialization from the head to the body of another rule. The generalization is the inference of affirming the antecedent, while the specialization is the inference of affirming the consequent. Then, neighborhood inference is realized by combining AA and AC. In what follows, we consider a binary program
that consists of ground rules of the form “
$L_1\leftarrow L_2$
" where
are positive/negative literals (
is possibly empty).
is partitioned into the set of non-factual rules
and the set of facts
, that is,
Definition 6.3 (neighborhood solution) Let
be a binary program such that
$\Pi=\Pi_R\cup \Pi_F$
and G a ground literal representing a request. Define

If U and V are non-empty and
$\Pi_R\cup ac(V)\cup \{G\}$
has a consistent answer set S, then
$S\cap \Pi_F$
is called a neighborhood solution of G.
By definition, the AC completion is applied to a part of the program, which realizes neighborhood inference based on a request.
Example 6.6 (cont. Example 6.5) Given the request
$U=\{\, travel(LHR,CDG)\leftarrow flight(AF1681) \,\}$
$V=\{\, travel(LHR,CDG)\leftarrow flight(BA306) \,\}$
. Then,
$ac(V)=\{\,flight(BA306)\leftarrow travel(LHR,CDG)\,\}$
, and
$\Pi_R\cup ac(V)$

$\Pi_R\cup ac(V)\cup \{G\}$
has the answer set

$S\cap \Pi_F=\{ flight(BA306) \}$
is a neighborhood solution of G.
Proposition 6.4 Let
be a binary program and G a ground literal representing a request. If U and V in Definition 6.3 are non-empty and
is consistent, G has a neighborhood solution.
Proof. Since
$\Pi_R\cup ac(V)\subseteq AC(\Pi)$
$\Pi_R\cup ac(V)\cup \{G\}$
has a consistent answer set S. In this case, G has a neighborhood solution
$S\cap \Pi_F$
7 Related work
There is a number of studies on human conditional reasoning in psychology and cognitive science. In this section, we focus on related work based on logic programming and its application to common sense reasoning.
7.1 Completion
The idea of interpreting if-then rules in logic programs as bi-conditional dates back to Clark (Reference Clark and Press1978). He introduces predicate completion in normal logic programs (NLPs), which introduces the only-if part of each rule to a program. Given a propositional NLP
, Clark completion
is obtained by two steps: (i) all rules “
$p\leftarrow B_1$
, “
$p\leftarrow B_k$
" in
having the same head p are replaced by “
$p\leftrightarrow B_1\vee\cdots\vee B_k,$
" where
$(1\le i\le k)$
is a conjunction of literals; and (ii) for any atom p appearing in the head of no rule in
, add “
$p\leftrightarrow \mathit{false.}$
" The AC completion introduced in this paper extends the technique to the class of GEDP, while the result is generally different from Clark completion in NLPs. For instance, given the program:

Clark completion becomes

represent true and false, respectively.
has the single completion model called a supported model (Apt et al. Reference Apt, Blair, Walker and Kaufmann1988)
. In contrast,

has the answer set
. The difference comes from the fact that in
, q is identified with false but this is not the case in
. In Clark completion, undefined atoms (i.e. atoms appearing in the head of no rule) are interpreted false. We do not use this type of completion because it disturbs the basic type of AC reasoning that infers q from p and “
$p\leftarrow q$
." Clark completion is extended to normal disjunctive programs by several researchers (Lobo et al. Reference Lobo, Minker, Rajasekar, Press and Cambridge1988; Alviano and Dodaro Reference Alviano and Dodaro2016; Nieves and Osorio Reference Nieves and Osorio2018).Those extensions reduce to Clark completion in NLPs, so that they are different from the AC completion. We also introduce the DC completion and the DA completion. When
$\Pi_2=\{\, p\leftarrow not\,q\,\}$
$Comp(\Pi_2)=\{\, p\leftrightarrow \neg q,\;\; q\leftrightarrow\bot \,\}$
has the supported model
. On the other hand,

has two answer sets
. When
$\Pi_3=\{\, p\leftarrow not\,q,\;\; p\leftarrow q,\;\; q\leftarrow p\,\}$
$Comp(\Pi_3)=\{\, p\leftrightarrow q\vee\neg q,\;\; q\leftrightarrow p\,\}$
has the supported model
. In contrast,

has no answer set. As such, completion semantics introduced in this paper is generally different from Clark completion in NLPs.
The weak completion (Hölldobler and Kencana Ramli Reference Hölldobler and Kencana Ramli2009) leaves undefined atoms unknown under 3-valued logic. In the program
$\Pi_1=\{\, p\leftarrow q,\;\; p\leftarrow \,\}$
, the weak completion becomes

which is semantically equivalent to
$\{\, p\leftrightarrow \top \,\}$
. Then, p is true but q is unknown in
, which is again different from
that has the answer set
. In the program
$\Pi_2=\{\, p\leftarrow not\,q\,\}$
, the weak completion becomes

then both p and q are unknown. In contrast,
has two answer sets
, and
has the single answer set
7.2 Human conditional reasoning
Stenning and Lambalgen (2008) formulate human conditional reasoning using Clark’s program completion under the three-valued logic of Fitting (Reference Fitting1985). They represent a conditional sentence “if p then q" as a logic programming rule:Footnote 8

where ab represents an abnormal atom. In this setting, DA is represented as

The rule “
" means that A is a proposition to which the closed world assumption (Reiter Reference Reiter and Press1978) is applied. If a program does not contain “
" nor any other rule in which A occurs in its head, then A is interpreted unknown. Then, its completion

derives “
." On the other hand, completion does not realize AC or DC inference by itself. In their framework, AC is represented as

while its completion

does not derive p. Likewise, DC is represented as

while its completion

does not derive “
." They then interpret “
$q\leftarrow p\wedge\neg ab$
" as an integrity constraint meaning that “if q succeeds (resp. fails) then “
$p\wedge\neg ab$
” succeeds (resp. fails)" to get the AC consequence p (resp. DC consequence
$\neg p$
Stenning and Lambalgen (2008) characterize the suppression task in their formulation. The sentence “If she has an essay to write then she will study late in the library" is represented as:

Given the negation of antecedent
$\neg essay$
(or equivalently, the CWA rule “
"), the completed program:

derives “
". Next, suppose that the conditional with an alternative antecedent: “If she has some textbooks to read then she will study late in the library" is given. The program becomes

Given the fact
$\neg essay$
(or equivalently, the CWA rule “
"), the completed program:

does not derive “
". Thus, the DA inference is suppressed. They also characterize Byrne’s suppression of valid inference. Suppose the conditional with an additional antecedent: “If the library stays open then she will study late in the library." The program becomes

They also introduce interaction of abnormality atoms as

Completing these four rules with “
$ab_1\leftarrow \bot$
" and “
" produces

which reduces to

Then, essay alone does not deduce library, so the AA inference is suppressed. Stenning and Lambalgen (2008) argue that most people represent the effect of an additional premise formally as “
$p\leftarrow q\wedge r$
" and that of an alternative premise formally as “
$p\leftarrow q\vee r$
." This argument coincides with our view addressed in Section 5.1.
Dietz et al. (Reference Dietz, Hölldobler and Ragni2012) point out a technical flaw in the formulation by Stenning and Lambalgen (2008). In the above example, open and library are unknown ( U) under the 3-valued logic, then the rule “
$library\,\leftarrow\, open\wedge \neg ab_3$
" becomes “
${\sf U}\leftarrow {\sf U.}$
" Under the Fitting semantics, however, the truth value of the rule “
${\sf U}\leftarrow {\sf U}$
" is
${\sf U}$
, then it does not represent the truth of the rule “
$library\,\leftarrow\, open\wedge \neg ab_3$
." To remedy the problem, they employ Łukasiewicz’s 3-valued logic which maps “
${\sf U}\leftarrow {\sf U}$
" to
. Dietz et al. (Reference Dietz, Hölldobler and Ragni2012) also characterize the suppression effects in AC or DC using an abductive logic program
$\langle\,\Pi, \Gamma\,\rangle$
with abducibles
$\Gamma=\{\, p\leftarrow\bot,\;\; p\leftarrow\top\,\}$
. Consider
$\langle\,\Pi_1, \Gamma_1\,\rangle$

the weakly completed program of

The observation
derives “
," then “
" is the skeptical explanation of O. When the additional rules and abducibles

are given, the weakly completed program of

The observation
derives “
$essay\vee text\leftrightarrow\top,$
" and there are two credulous explanations “
" and “
" in
. In this case, “
" is not concluded under skeptical reasoning, which represents the suppression of AC.
Comparing the above mentioned two studies with our approach, there are several differences. First, they translate a conditional sentence “if p then q" into the rule “
$q\leftarrow p\wedge \neg\,ab.$
" However, it is unlikely that people who commit logical fallacies, especially younger children (Rumain et al. Reference Rumain, Connell and Braine1983), translate the conditional sentence into the rule of the above complex form in their mind. We represent the conditional sentence directly as “
$q\leftarrow p$
" and assume that people would interpret it as bi-conditional depending on the context in which it is used. Second, in order to characterize AC or DC reasoning, Stenning and Lambalgen (2008) interpret a conditional sentence as an integrity constraint, while Dietz et al. (Reference Dietz, Hölldobler and Ragni2012) use abductive logic programs. Our framework does not need a specific interpretation of rules (such as integrity constraints) nor need an extra mechanism of abductive logic programs. Third, they use a single (weak) completion for all AC/DA/DC reasoning, while we introduce different types of completions for each inference. By separating respective completions, individual inferences are realized in a modular way and freely combined depending on their application context. For instance, we use AC and (S)DA completion to characterize the suppression task (Section 5.1), while use AC and (W)DC completion to characterize Wason selection task (Section 5.2). Fourth, they handle normal logic programs, while our framework can handle a more general class of logic programs containing disjunction and two different types of negation. For instance, consider the rule: “
$buy\_car \,;\, buy\_house \leftarrow win\_lottery$
" (if she wins the lottery, she buys a car or a house). When it is known that
is true, one may infer
by AC inference. The AC completion realizes such an inference by introducing rules: “
$win\_lottery\leftarrow buy\_car$
" and “
$win\_lottery\leftarrow buy\_house.$
Cramer et al. (Reference Cramer, Hölldobler and Ragnl2021) represent conditionals as in Stenning and Lambalgen (2008) and use the weak completion and abductive logic programs as in Dietz et al. (Reference Dietz, Hölldobler and Ragni2012). They formulate different types of conditionals based on their contexts and argue in which case AC or DC is more likely to happen. More precisely, a conditional sentence whose consequent appears to be obligatory given the antecedent is called an obligation conditional. An example of an obligation conditional is that “ if Paul rides a motorbike, then he must wear a helmet." If the consequence of a conditional is not obligatory, then it is called a factual conditional. The antecedent A of a conditional sentence is said to be necessary iff its consequent C cannot be true unless A is true. For example, the library’s being open is a necessary antecedent for studying in the library. Cramer
argue that AA and DA occur independently of the type of a conditional. On the other hand, in AC most people will conclude A from “
$A\Rightarrow C$
" and C, while the number of people who conclude nothing will increase if A is a non-necessary antecedent. In DC, most people will conclude
from “
$A\Rightarrow C$
" and
, while the number of people who conclude nothing will increase if the conditional is factual. Those assumptions are verified by questioning participants who do not receive any education in logic beyond high school training. They then formulate the situation by introducing the abducible “
" if the antecedent is non-necessary, and “
" if the conditional is factual. In the former case, the observation C does not imply A because the additional “
" can make C explainable by itself. As a result, A is not a skeptical explanation of C. In the latter case, the observation
$\neg\, C$
does not imply
$\neg\, A$
because if one employs the explanation “
" then “
$C\leftarrow A\wedge \neg ab$
" does not produce “
$C\leftrightarrow A$
Dietz et al. (Reference Dietz, Fichte and Hamiti2022) use logic programming rules to represent different types of conditionals. For instance,

represents MP that
${\sf concl}$
follows if a sufficient premise is asserted to be true. By contrast,

represents DA that
${\sf concl}$
does not follow if a necessary premise is asserted to be false. With these rules, Byrne’s suppression effect is represented as follows. First, given the fact
${\sf prem(essay)}$
${\sf sufficient(essay)}$

${\sf library}$
. Next, given the additional fact
${\sf necessary(open)}$
and in the absence of
${\sf prem(open)}$

has the effect of withdrawing
${\sf library}$
. In the current study, we do not distinguish different types of conditionals as in Cramer et al. (Reference Cramer, Hölldobler and Ragnl2021) and Dietz et al. (Reference Dietz, Fichte and Hamiti2022). However, completion is done for individual rules, so we could realize partial completion by selecting rules
$\Pi'\subseteq \Pi$
that are subject to be completed in practice. More precisely, if a program
consists of rules
having necessary antecedents and
having non-necessary antecedents, apply AC completion to
while keep
as they are. The resulting program then realizes AC inference using
only. Likewise, if a program
consists of rules
having obligatory consequents and
having factual consequents, apply DC completion to
while keep
as they are. The resulting program then realizes DC inference using
only. Such a partial completion is also effectively used for commonsense reasoning in this paper (Proposition 6.2(ii), Definition 6.3).
7.3 Commonsense reasoning
Console et al. (Reference Console, Dupré and Torasso1991) and Fung and Kowalski (Reference Fung and Kowalski1997) compute abduction by deduction using Clark completion. Abduction using AC and DC completion is close to those approaches, while the approach based on Clark completion is restricted to normal logic programs (NLPs). We argued that a (positive) observation
$O=\neg G$
is distinguished from a negative observation
, but such a distinction is not considered in NLPs handling only default negation. Inoue and Sakama (Reference Inoue and Sakama1999) introduce transaction programs to compute extended abduction. Extended abduction computes explanations for not only (positive) observations but also negative ones. A transaction program is constructed based on the converse of conditionals, and its semantics is operationally given as a fixpoint of the program. A transaction program is a meta-level specification of the procedure and is different from the current approach. Moreover, a transaction program is defined for NLPs only.
Pereira et al. (Reference Pereira, Aparício and Alferes1991, 2017) realize counterfactual reasoning in logic programming. In Pereira et al. (Reference Pereira, Aparício and Alferes1991), a counterfactual conditional “
${\varphi} >\psi$
" (meaning
) is evaluated in a program
by adding
and computing the maximal non-contradictory submodels of the new program. Then, the counterfactual conditional is true iff
holds in all such submodels. Pereira and Saptawijaya (Reference Pereira and Saptawijaya2017) first use abduction to compute possible causes of an event. Next, they assume counterfactual assumption and verify whether an expected outcome will happen under possible causes. These studies consider extended/normal logic programs under the well-founded semantics and realize counterfactual reasoning via program revision or abductive reasoning. Unlike our approach, they do not introduce new rules for DA inference in counterfactual reasoning.
Gaasterland et al. (Reference Gaasterland, Godfrey and Minker1992) introduce neighborhood inference for query answering in Horn logic programs. The scope of a query is expanded by relaxing the specification, which allows a program to return answers related to the original query. They introduce a meta-interpreter to realize it and argue for control strategies. We show that similar reasoning is simulated in ASP using the AC completion.
8 Conclusion
This paper studies a method of realizing human conditional reasoning in ASP. Different types of completions are introduced to realize logically invalid inferences AC and DA as well as a logically valid inference DC. They are applied to representing human reasoning tasks in the literature and are also used for computing common sense reasoning in AI. In psychology and cognitive science, empirical studies show that people perform AC, DA, or DC inference depending on the context in which a conditional sentence is used. We could import the results of those studies and encode knowledge in a way that people are likely to use it. The proposed theory is used for such a purpose to realize pragmatic inference in ASP and produce results that are close to human reasoning in practice.
Completions introduced in this paper are defined in a modular way, so one can apply respective completion to specific rules of a program according to their contexts. They are combined freely and can be mixed in the same program. Those completions are general in the sense that they are applied to logic programs containing disjunction, explicit, and default negation. Since a completed program is still in the class of GEDPs and a GEDP is transformed to a semantically equivalent EDP (Inoue and Sakama Reference Inoue and Sakama1998), answer sets of completed programs are computed using existing answer set solvers.