be a
-dimensional standard graded
-domain over a perfect field
of characteristic
that is
-finite. For every finitely generated
and every natural number
, we denote by
$F^{e\ast }(M)=M\otimes _{R}\text{}^{e}R$
iteration of the Frobenius functor given by base change along the Frobenius homomorphism. In particular, if
is an ideal of
, we have that
$F^{e\ast }(R/I)\cong R/I^{[p^{e}]}$
. We denote by
a power of the characteristic. Let
be a graded
-module. The function

and the limit

are called the generalized Hilbert–Kunz function and the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity of
, respectively. If
is an
-primary ideal, then
coincide with the classical Hilbert–Kunz function and multiplicity. For a survey on the classical Hilbert–Kunz function and multiplicity, see [Reference Huneke10].
The generalized Hilbert–Kunz function and multiplicity were first introduced, under a different name and notation, by Epstein and Yao in [Reference Epstein and Yao8], and studied in detail by Dao and Smirnov in [Reference Dao and Smirnov6], where they proved the existence of
under some assumptions, for example if
is a module over a Cohen–Macaulay isolated singularity. In the same paper, they studied the behavior of the function
and compared it with the classical Hilbert–Kunz function. Further study of the generalized Hilbert–Kunz function and multiplicity has been made by Dao and Watanabe in [Reference Dao and Watanabe7], where they computed
is a module over a ring of finite Cohen–Macaulay type, or it is an ideal of a normal toric singularity.
In this paper, we study the function
for a graded module
over a two-dimensional standard graded normal domain over an algebraically closed field. In [Reference Brenner3], Brenner proved that if
is a homogeneous
-primary ideal, then the Hilbert–Kunz function of
has the following form:

is a rational number and
is a bounded function, which is eventually periodic if
is the algebraic closure of a finite field. In [Reference Dao and Smirnov6, Example 6.2], Dao and Smirnov exhibited numerical evidence that in this setting also the generalized Hilbert–Kunz function has the same form. Using an extension of the methods of Brenner, we are able to prove their claim. In fact, we obtain in Theorem 3.2 that the generalized Hilbert–Kunz function of a graded module
has the form

is a bounded function, which is eventually periodic if
is the algebraic closure of a finite field. Moreover, we give an explicit formula for
in terms of the Hilbert–Kunz slope of certain locally free sheaves on the projective curve
. As a consequence of this fact, we obtain that the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity
exists, and it is a rational number.
Furthermore, in the last section of the paper, we consider the following problem. Assume that
is a standard graded
-domain of relative dimension 2, and
is a graded
-module. For each prime number
, we may consider the reduction
and the extended module
$M_{p}:=M\otimes _{R}R_{p}$
. For this module, we compute the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity
, and we ask whether the limit

exists. Using a result of Trivedi [Reference Trivedi12], we are able to prove (Theorem 4.4) that the previous limit exists, and it is in fact a rational number, assuming that the rings
are normal two-dimensional domains for almost all prime numbers.
After submitting the first version of this paper, the referee and Asgharzadeh pointed us to a recent paper of Vraciu [Reference Vraciu13]. There, she provides another method to prove Theorem 3.2 for ideals by showing that under suitable conditions, which are fulfilled in our situation, the generalized Hilbert–Kunz function of a homogeneous ideal can be expressed as a
-linear combination of the classical Hilbert–Kunz function of
-primary ideals. The relevant condition is called the
property, and was introduced by Hochster and Huneke in [Reference Hochster and Huneke9]. This condition is known to hold in some special cases, but it is an open problem whether it holds in a more general setting (see [Reference Asgharzadeh1]).
1 Reflexive modules
We recall some preliminary facts concerning reflexive modules. Let
be a two-dimensional normal domain with homogeneous maximal ideal
, and let
be the punctured spectrum of
; that is,
$U=\text{Spec}R\setminus \{\mathfrak{m}\}$
We denote by
$(-)^{\ast }$
the functor
. If
is an
-module, then the module
$M^{\ast \ast }$
is called the reflexive hull of
. There is a canonical map

is injective,
is said to be torsionless; if
is an isomorphism, then
is called reflexive. Finitely generated projective modules are reflexive, but the converse does not hold in general. We recall the following geometric characterization of the reflexive hull in the normal situation (cf. [Reference Burban and Drozd5, Proposition 3.10]):

denotes the coherent sheaf associated to the module
. It follows that the restriction of this sheaf to the punctured spectrum
coincides with the sheaf
$\widetilde{M^{\ast \ast }}|_{U}$
. Moreover, if
is reflexive, the sheaf
is locally free.
The following lemma is a well-known fact (see [Reference Bruns and Herzog4, Proposition 1.4.1]). We give a proof here for the sake of completeness.
Lemma 1.1. Let
be a normal domain of dimension at least
with homogeneous maximal ideal
, and let
be a reflexive submodule of
. Then,

Proof. We consider the short exact sequence
$0\rightarrow I\rightarrow R^{n}\rightarrow R^{n}/I\rightarrow 0$
, and we apply the local cohomology functor
. We obtain a long exact sequence

are reflexive modules over a normal domain, they have depth at least
. It follows that
, hence
too. ◻
We mention also the following result (cf. [Reference Dao and Watanabe7, Proposition 2.2]), concerning the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity of reflexive ideals.
Proposition 1.2. Let
be a standard graded domain of dimension
, and let
be a homogeneous reflexive ideal of
. Then,
if and only if
is principal.
The fact that principal reflexive ideals have generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity
holds also in dimension
, and is a consequence of Lemma 1.1. In fact, if
is a principal ideal, then
is again principal, and in particular reflexive. It follows that
$H_{R_{+}}^{0}(F^{e\ast }(R/I))\cong H_{R_{+}}^{0}(R/I^{[p^{e}]})=0$
, so
Lemma 1.3. Let
be a normal
-domain of dimension
$d\geqslant 2$
over an algebraically closed field
of prime characteristic
. Let
be a nonzero homogeneous ideal of
such that
exists, and let
$f\neq 0$
be a homogeneous element of
. Then,

Proof. From the short exact sequence
$0\rightarrow I\rightarrow R\rightarrow R/I\rightarrow 0$
and the corresponding long exact sequence of local cohomology modules with support in
, we obtain that
$H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{0}(R/I)\cong H_{\mathfrak{m}}^{1}(I)$
. It follows that the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity can be seen as

Then, the
-module isomorphism
$f^{q}I^{[q]}\cong I^{[q]}$
implies the claim.◻
Remark 1.4. Let
be an element of the divisor class group
, and let
be a homogeneous reflexive ideal representative of this element. If
is a standard graded normal
-domain of dimension
, with
algebraically closed and of positive characteristic, we obtain a function
$e_{gHK}(-):\text{Cl}(R)\rightarrow \mathbb{Q}$
$[I]\mapsto e_{gHK}(R/I)$
. Thanks to Theorem 3.2 and Lemma 1.3, this function is well defined, and we have
. This does not mean that the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity for all ideals
that are invertible on the punctured spectrum depends only on
. For example, the homogeneous maximal ideal
and its reflexive hull
$\mathfrak{m}^{\ast \ast }=R$
define the same element in the class group, but
$e_{gHK}(R/\mathfrak{m})=e_{HK}(\mathfrak{m})\neq 0$
in general, while
. Moreover, Proposition 1.2 implies that the preimage of
is trivial. This does not mean that the function
is injective, since in general it is not a group homomorphism as in the case of Example 3.6.
Therefore, the following question makes sense.
Question 1.5. Given two homogeneous reflexive ideals
, is there a formula for
in terms of
2 The Hilbert–Kunz slope
be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field with a very ample invertible sheaf of degree
$\deg {\mathcal{O}}_{Y}(1)=\deg Y$
. We recall some classical notions of vector bundles, and some definitions from [Reference Brenner2] and [Reference Brenner3]. We refer to these papers for further details and explanations.
be a locally free sheaf of rank
. The degree of
is defined as the degree of the corresponding determinant line bundle
$\text{deg}{\mathcal{S}}=\deg \bigwedge ^{r}{\mathcal{S}}$
. The slope of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{S}})=\deg {\mathcal{S}}/r$
. The degree is additive on short exact sequences, and moreover
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{S}}\otimes {\mathcal{T}})=\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{S}})+\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{T}})$
The sheaf
is called semistable if for every locally free subsheaf
${\mathcal{T}}\subseteq {\mathcal{S}}$
, the inequality
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{T}})\leqslant \unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{S}})$
holds. If the strict inequality
holds for every proper subsheaf
${\mathcal{T}}\subset {\mathcal{S}}$
, then
is called stable.
For any locally free sheaf
, there exists a unique filtration, called Harder–Narasimhan filtration,
${\mathcal{S}}_{1}\subseteq \cdots \subseteq {\mathcal{S}}_{t}={\mathcal{S}}$
, with the following properties:
${\mathcal{S}}_{k}$ is locally free;
${\mathcal{S}}_{k}/{\mathcal{S}}_{k-1}$ is semistable;
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{S}}_{k}/{\mathcal{S}}_{k-1})>\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{S}}_{k+1}/{\mathcal{S}}_{k})$ .
If the base field has positive characteristic, we can consider the absolute Frobenius morphism
$F:Y\rightarrow Y$
on the curve and its iterates
. In general, the pullback via
of the Harder–Narasimhan filtration of
is not the Harder–Narasimhan filtration of
$F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{S}}$
, since the quotients
$F^{e\ast }({\mathcal{S}}_{k})/F^{e\ast }({\mathcal{S}}_{k-1})$
need not be semistable.
In [Reference Langer11], Langer proved that for
$q\gg 0$
, there exists the so-called strong Harder–Narasimhan filtration of
$F^{e\ast }({\mathcal{S}})$
. In fact, there exists a natural number
such that the Harder–Narasimhan filtration of
$F^{e_{0}\ast }({\mathcal{S}})$

has the property that the quotients
$F^{e\ast }({\mathcal{S}}_{e_{0},k})/F^{e\ast }({\mathcal{S}}_{e_{0},k-1})$
of the pullback along
are semistable. Thus, for
$e\geqslant e_{0}$
, we have
$F^{e\ast }({\mathcal{S}})=F^{(e-e_{0})\ast }(F^{e_{0}\ast }({\mathcal{S}}))$
, and the Harder–Narasimhan filtration of
$F^{e\ast }({\mathcal{S}})$
is given by

For ease of notation, we put
${\mathcal{S}}_{e,k}:=F^{(e-e_{0})\ast }({\mathcal{S}}_{e_{0},k})$
for every
$e\geqslant e_{0}$
$0\leqslant k\leqslant t$
. The length
of such a sequence and the ranks of the quotients
are independent of
, while the degrees are not. We define the following rational numbers:
$\bar{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{k}=\bar{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{k}({\mathcal{S}})=\frac{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{S}}_{e,k}/{\mathcal{S}}_{e,k-1})}{p^{e}}$ , where
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}(-)$ denotes the usual slope of the bundle;
$r_{k}=\text{rank}({\mathcal{S}}_{e,k}/{\mathcal{S}}_{e,k-1})$ ;
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D708}_{k}=-\frac{\bar{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{k}}{\text{deg}Y}$ .
Remark 2.1. We point out that the numbers
are rational and independent from
$e\gg 0$
. In fact, we have that
$\sum _{k=1}^{t}r_{k}\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{S}}_{e,k}/{\mathcal{S}}_{e,k-1})=\deg (F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{S}})=p^{e}\deg {\mathcal{S}}$
, which implies the relation

Definition 2.2. Let
be a locally free sheaf over a projective curve over an algebraically closed field of prime characteristic, and let
be as above. The Hilbert–Kunz slope of
is the rational number

This notion was introduced by the first author in [Reference Brenner3], where he also proved Theorem 2.5 below.
Example 2.3. Let
be a line bundle, then
is semistable of slope
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}({\mathcal{L}})=\deg {\mathcal{L}}$
. The pullback along Frobenius is again a line bundle,
$F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{L}}={\mathcal{L}}^{q}={\mathcal{L}}^{\otimes q}$
, with
. It follows that
$0\subseteq {\mathcal{L}}$
is the strong Harder–Narasimhan filtration of
, and the Hilbert–Kunz slope is just

Example 2.4. Let
$d_{1}<d_{2}<\cdots <d_{m}$
be nonnegative integers, and let
${\mathcal{T}}:=\bigoplus _{i=1}^{m}{\mathcal{O}}(-d_{i})^{\oplus r_{i}}$
, where
$r_{i}\in \mathbb{N}$
. The Harder–Narasimhan filtration of

The quotients are direct sums of line bundles of the same degree, so their pullbacks under Frobenius are semistable. Hence, this is also the strong Harder–Narasimhan filtration of
with invariants
, and
$\bar{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{k}=\deg {\mathcal{O}}(-d_{k})=-d_{k}\deg {\mathcal{O}}_{Y}(1)=-d_{k}\deg Y$
. Then, the Hilbert–Kunz slope of

Theorem 2.5. (Brenner [Reference Brenner3])
denote a smooth projective curve of genus
over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic
, and let
for a nonnegative integer
. Let
$0\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}\rightarrow {\mathcal{T}}\rightarrow {\mathcal{Q}}\rightarrow 0$
denote a short exact sequence of locally free sheaves on
. Then, the following hold.
(1) For every nonnegative integer
$e$ , the alternating sum of the dimensions of the global sections is
$$\begin{eqnarray}\displaystyle & & \displaystyle \mathop{\sum }_{m\in \mathbb{Z}}\left(h^{0}(F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{S}}(m))-h^{0}(F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{T}}(m))+h^{0}(F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{Q}}(m))\right)\nonumber\\ \displaystyle & & \displaystyle \quad =\frac{q^{2}}{2\deg Y}\left(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{HK}({\mathcal{S}})-\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{HK}({\mathcal{T}})+\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{HK}({\mathcal{Q}})\right)+O(q^{0}).\nonumber\end{eqnarray}$$
(2) If the field is the algebraic closure of a finite field, then the
$O(q^{0})$ -term is eventually periodic.
The alternating sum in Theorem 2.5 is, in fact, a finite sum for every
. For
$m\ll 0$
, the locally free sheaves have no global sections, so all of the terms are
, and for
$m\gg 0$
, we have
$H^{1}(Y,F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{S}}(m))=0$
, and the sum is
. Moreover, the sum is the dimension of the cokernel

In [Reference Brenner3], Brenner uses Theorem 2.5 to prove that the Hilbert–Kunz function of a homogeneous
-primary ideal
in a normal two-dimensional standard graded
has the following form:

is a rational number and
is a bounded function, which is eventually periodic if
is the algebraic closure of a finite field. In particular, if
is generated by homogeneous elements
$f_{1},\ldots ,f_{n}$
of degrees
$d_{1},\ldots ,d_{n}$
, and
denote the numerical invariants of the strong Harder–Narasimhan filtration of the locally free sheaf
$\text{Syz}(f_{1},\ldots ,f_{n})$
on the curve
, then the Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity of
is given by

In Section 3, we apply this method to deduce a similar result for the generalized Hilbert–Kunz function, and answer a question of Dao and Smirnov [Reference Dao and Smirnov6, Example 6.2].
3 The generalized Hilbert–Kunz function in dimension
Lemma 3.1. Let
be a two-dimensional normal
-domain of positive characteristic
with homogeneous maximal ideal
. We denote by
$U=\text{Spec}R\setminus \{\mathfrak{m}\}$
the punctured spectrum. Let
be a finitely generated graded
-module with a presentation

$J=I^{\ast \ast }$
be the reflexive hull of
(considered inside
), and let
be the coherent sheaf corresponding to
, that is,
, then

, and
$\text{im}F^{e\ast }I$
denotes the image of the map
$F^{e\ast }I\rightarrow F^{e\ast }R^{n}\cong R^{n}$
Before proving the lemma, we explain the right-hand side of the equality (3).
First of all, in virtue of (1), we have
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(U,F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{L}})=(F^{e\ast }J)^{\ast \ast }$
, so the second equality is clear. Then, the inclusion
factors through the reflexive module
. Applying the Frobenius functor to these maps, we get a commutative diagram

Since the functor
$F^{e\ast }$
is not left exact in general, the maps in (4) are not injective. For this reason, we consider the image
$\text{im}F^{e\ast }I\subseteq R^{n}$
is normal,
is smooth, and the absolute Frobenius morphism
$F^{e}:U\rightarrow U$
is exact on
. Therefore, we pull back along
the inclusion
, and we take sections on
, obtaining the inclusion

Therefore, the quotient
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(U,F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{L}})/\text{im}F^{e\ast }I$
is a quotient of submodules of
Proof. We apply the functor
$F^{e\ast }$
to the short exact sequence (2), and we get
$F^{e\ast }I\rightarrow R^{n}\rightarrow F^{e\ast }M\rightarrow 0$
. Therefore, we have

Then, we consider the short exact sequence

Taking local cohomology yields

The module
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(U,F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{L}})$
is reflexive by (1), then by Lemma 1.1 the last module of the previous sequence is
. Therefore, we get the following isomorphism:

The last equality holds because the module
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}(U,F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{L}})/\text{im}F^{e\ast }I$
has support in
, since the sheaves
coincide on
. Then, the desired formula follows from (5) and (6).◻
Theorem 3.2. Let
be a two-dimensional normal standard graded
-domain over an algebraically closed field
of prime characteristic
, and let
be a finitely generated graded
-module. Then, the generalized Hilbert–Kunz function of
has the form

is a rational number and
is a bounded function.
Moreover, if
is the algebraic closure of a finite field, then
is an eventually periodic function. In particular, given a graded presentation of

and the corresponding short exact sequence of locally free sheaves on the curve

then the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity of

Proof. Let
$u_{1},\ldots ,u_{m}$
be homogeneous generators of
of degrees
$e_{1},\ldots ,e_{m}$
, respectively, and let

be the corresponding short exact sequence. Let
$f_{1},\ldots ,f_{n}$
be homogeneous generators of
of degrees
$d_{1},\ldots ,d_{n}$
respectively and let

be the corresponding graded short exact sequence. This last sequence induces the short exact sequence (7) on
, and the short exact sequence

on the punctured spectrum
. The modules
are submodules of finite free
-modules, so they are torsion-free. It follows that the corresponding sheaves
are locally free, since
is regular. Moreover, if
$J=I^{\ast \ast }$
is the reflexive hull of
, and
is the coherent sheaf corresponding to
, we have that
as sheaves on
From Lemma 3.1, the generalized Hilbert–Kunz function of
is given by

To compute the last sum, we consider the sequence (7), we pull it back along the
absolute Frobenius morphism on
and we tensor with
, for an integer
. We obtain an exact sequence

Then, we take global sections
of the last sequence and we get

We are interested in the cokernel of the map
. Its image is clearly
. For the evaluation of the sheaf
$F^{e\ast }{\mathcal{Q}}(m)$
, we consider the sequences (7) and (8), and we obtain

Therefore, we get

It follows that

We compute the last sum with Theorem 2.5, and we obtain the desired formula for the generalized Hilbert–Kunz function.
For the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity, it is enough to notice that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{HK}({\mathcal{T}})=(\deg Y)^{2}\sum _{i=1}^{n}d_{i}^{2}$
, by Example 2.4.◻
Corollary 3.3. Let
be a nonzero ideal generated by homogeneous elements
$f_{1},\ldots ,f_{n}$
of degrees
$d_{1},\ldots ,d_{n}$
, respectively, and let
be the degree of the ideal sheaf associated to
. Then, the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity of
is given by

are the numerical invariants of the strong Harder–Narasimhan filtration of the syzygy bundle
$\text{Syz}(f_{1},\ldots ,f_{n})$
Proof. In this case, the presenting sequence of
is just
$0\rightarrow I\rightarrow R\rightarrow R/I\rightarrow 0$
, and the sequence (7) is then

Therefore, by Theorem 3.2, the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity of
is given by

In this situation,
is a line bundle, so by Example 2.3,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{HK}({\mathcal{Q}})=(\deg {\mathcal{Q}})^{2}=d^{2}$
, and by definition,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{HK}(\text{Syz}(f_{1},\ldots ,f_{n}))=\sum _{k=1}^{t}r_{k}\bar{\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}_{k}^{2}$
Example 3.4. Let
be a homogeneous element of degree
, and let
. Then, we have
$0\rightarrow {\mathcal{O}}_{Y}(-a)\xrightarrow[{}]{\simeq }{\mathcal{L}}\rightarrow 0$
; hence,
. Since
is principal, the degree of the ideal sheaf associated to
$a\cdot \deg Y$
. The generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity is then

in accordance with Proposition 1.2.
Example 3.5. Let
be a prime ideal of height 1 generated by two homogeneous elements
of degrees
, respectively. Then, the syzygy sequence is

the line bundle of, say, degree
associated to the ideal
. From this sequence, we see that the syzygy bundle has rank 1 and degree
$\deg Y(-a-b)-d$
. Therefore, we have

Example 3.6. Let
be a point of the smooth projective curve
, and let
$I\subseteq R$
be the corresponding homogeneous prime ideal of height 1. The ideal
is minimally generated by two linear forms
. In fact,
correspond to two hyperplanes in the projective space where
is embedded which meet transversally in
. Then, using the notations of Example 3.5, we have
, and
, since the line bundle
associated to the ideal
is a subsheaf of
. Therefore, we obtain

4 The limit of generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity
be a standard graded domain flat over
such that almost all fiber rings
$R_{p}=R\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}}\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$
are geometrically normal two-dimensional domains. We define
$R_{0}:=R\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}}\mathbb{Q}$
and the corresponding projective curve
over the generic point. We denote by
the projective curve over the prime number
. This is a smooth projective curve for almost all primes. If
is a sheaf over the curve
, we denote by
) the corresponding restriction to the curves
Remark 4.1. In our setting, the curves
are not defined over an algebraically closed field. However, we may consider the curves
$\overline{Y}_{0}:=Y_{0}\times _{\mathbb{Q}}\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$
$\overline{Y}_{p}:=Y_{p}\times _{\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}}\overline{\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}}$
, which are smooth projective curves over the algebraic closures. We can consider the definitions of degree, slope, semistable, HN filtration and strong HN filtration for these curves, and transfer them to the original curves
. Therefore, we move to the algebraic closure and back whenever this is convenient.
be a graded
-module. For every prime
, we can consider the reduction to characteristic
$M_{p}:=M\otimes _{R}R_{p}\cong M\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}}\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$
, and compute the generalized Hilbert–Kunz multiplicity
of the
. Since the projective curve
is smooth for almost all primes
, by Theorem 3.2, we know that
exists, and that it is rational for these primes. We are interested in the behavior of
$p\rightarrow +\infty$
We introduce the following characteristic zero version of the Hilbert–Kunz slope.
Definition 4.2. Let
be a locally free sheaf over a projective curve over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let
${\mathcal{S}}_{1}\subseteq \cdots \subseteq {\mathcal{S}}_{t}={\mathcal{S}}$
be the Harder–Narasimhan filtration of
. For every
$k=1,\ldots ,t$
, we set
. The Hilbert–Kunz slope of
is the rational number

The name Hilbert–Kunz slope is justified by the following result of Trivedi (cf. [Reference Trivedi12, Lemma 1.14]).
Lemma 4.3. (Trivedi)
$h\in \mathbb{Z}_{+}$
, let
be a smooth projective curve over
, and let
be a locally free sheaf over
. We denote by
the restrictions of
, for
$p\nmid h$
. Then,

Theorem 4.4. Let
be a standard graded domain flat over
such that almost all fiber rings
$R_{p}=R\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}}\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$
are geometrically normal two-dimensional domains. Let
be a graded
-module with a graded presentation

and corresponding short exact sequence of locally free sheaves
$0\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathcal{T}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathcal{Q}}_{0}\rightarrow 0$
on the generic fiber
, with notations as above. Then, the limit

exists, and it is equal to the rational number

Proof. Let
$u_{1},\ldots ,u_{m}$
be homogeneous generators of
-module, and let
$f_{1},\ldots ,f_{n}$
be homogeneous generators of
$I:=\text{Syz}(u_{1},\ldots ,u_{m})$
. We obtain two short exact sequences

Tensoring these sequences with the flat
, we obtain exact sequences of
-modules. On the other hand, if we apply the functor
$-\otimes _{\mathbb{Z}}\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$
to the sequences (9), exactness is preserved for all primes except for a finite number of them. Let
be the product of those primes, and we consider the smooth projective curve
denote the relative punctured spectrum. The sheaf
restricts to
$U_{0}=U\cap \text{Spec}R_{0}$
as a locally free sheaf. By possibly shrinking the set
, we may assume that
is locally free. By further shrinking, we may assume that
is also locally free. Then, for almost all
are locally free on
be the locally free sheaves on
corresponding to
$\bigoplus _{i=1}^{n}R(-d_{i})$
, which, by the second sequence of (9), form an exact sequence
$0\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}\rightarrow {\mathcal{T}}\rightarrow {\mathcal{Q}}\rightarrow 0$
. Its restrictions give the short exact sequences
$0\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathcal{T}}_{0}\rightarrow {\mathcal{Q}}_{0}\rightarrow 0$
on the generic fiber
, and
$0\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}_{p}\rightarrow {\mathcal{T}}_{p}\rightarrow {\mathcal{Q}}_{p}\rightarrow 0$
on the fiber
, for
$p\nmid h$
be a prime number not dividing
, then we are in the situation of Theorem 3.2, so we obtain

Then, taking the limit for
$p\rightarrow +\infty$
and applying Lemma 4.3, we conclude the proof.◻
We would like to thank Mohsen Asgharzadeh for a careful reading of an earlier version of this article, and Hailong Dao for many helpful conversations. We thank the referee for showing us how to simplify the proofs of Lemma 1.1 and Lemma 1.3. Moreover, we thank the DFG Graduiertenkolleg Kombinatorische Strukturen in der Geometrie at Osnabrück for support.