Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Otgaar, Henry
Howe, Mark L.
Dodier, Olivier
What can expert witnesses reliably say about memory in the courtroom?.
Forensic Science International: Mind and Law,
Vol. 3,
Issue. ,
Theunissen, Frédéric
Language and music: Singing voices and music talent.
Current Biology,
Vol. 33,
Issue. 10,
Trafimow, David
A New Way to Think About Internal and External Validity.
Perspectives on Psychological Science,
Vol. 18,
Issue. 5,
Almaatouq, Abdullah
Griffiths, Thomas L.
Suchow, Jordan W.
Whiting, Mark E.
Evans, James
Watts, Duncan J.
Beyond playing 20 questions with nature: Integrative experiment design in the social and behavioral sciences.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
Vol. 47,
Issue. ,
Stengelin, Roman
Bohn, Manuel
Sánchez-Amaro, Alejandro
Haun, Daniel
Thiele, Maleen
Daum, Moritz
Felsche, Elisa
Fong, Frankie
Gampe, Anja
Giner Torréns, Marta
Grueneisen, Sebastian
Hardecker, David
Horn, Lisa
Neldner, Karri
Pope-Caldwell, Sarah
Schuhmacher, Nils
Responsible Research is also concerned with generalizability: Recognizing efforts to reflect upon and increase generalizability in hiring and promotion decisions in psychology.
Vol. 8,
Issue. ,
Riesthuis, Paul
Otgaar, Henry
An overview of the replicability, generalizability and practical relevance of eyewitness testimony research in the Journal of Criminal Psychology.
Journal of Criminal Psychology,
Vol. 15,
Issue. 2,
Wade, Kimberley A.
Riesthuis, Paul
Bücken, Charlotte
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Applied Cognitive Psychology,
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Target article
The generalizability crisis
Related commentaries (38)
A crisis of generalizability or a crisis of constructs?
Addressing a crisis of generalizability with large-scale construct validation
An accelerating crisis: Metascience is out-reproducing psychological science
Causal analysis as a bridge between qualitative and quantitative research
Causal complexity demands community coordination
Citizen science can help to alleviate the generalizability crisis
Disentangling paradigm and method can help bring qualitative research to post-positivist psychology and address the generalizability crisis
Exposing and overcoming the fixed-effect fallacy through crowd science
From description to generalization, or there and back again
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Increasing generalizability via the principle of minimum description length
Is formalism the key to resolving the generalizability crisis? An experimental economics perspective
Lessons from behaviorism: The problem of construct-led science
Look to the field
Measurement practices exacerbate the generalizability crisis: Novel digital measures can help
Mechanistic modeling for the masses
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Observing effects in various contexts won't give us general psychological theories
Psychologists should learn structural specification and experimental econometrics
Publishing fast and slow: A path toward generalizability in psychology and AI
Random effects won't solve the problem of generalizability
Science with or without statistics: Discover-generalize-replicate? Discover-replicate-generalize?
Separate substantive from statistical hypotheses and treat them differently
The cost of crisis in clinical psychological science
The crisis from above: Gatekeepers need better standards
The four different modes of psychological explanation, and their proper evaluative schemas
The role of generalizability in moral and political psychology
The stimulus-response crisis
The “‘Crisis’ Crisis” in psychology
There is no generalizability crisis
There is no psychology without inferential statistics
We need to be braver about the generalizability crisis
We need to think more about how we conduct research
Without more theory, psychology will be a headless rider
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