1. Introduction
Preliminaries. Given a number
$t \in \mathbb{N}$
, a
-minor is a graph
whose vertex set can be partitioned into
pairwise disjoint non-empty sets
, such that for every
$i \in [t]$
, the induced subgraph
is connected, and furthermore, for every two distinct
$i, j \in [t]$
, there exists at least one edge in
with endpoints in the sets
. We say that a graph contains
as a minor or that it contains a
-minor if it admits a subgraph which is a
Given a graph
and a colour-set
, a proper colouring of
with colours from
is a mapping
$c\,{:}\,V(G) \rightarrow S$
such that
is an independent set, for every
$s \in S$
. Given a graph
, a list assignment for
is an assignment
$L\,{:}\,V(G) \rightarrow 2^{\mathbb{N}}$
of finite sets
(called lists) to the vertices
$v \in V(G)$
. An
-colouring of
is defined as a proper colouring
$c\,{:}\,V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
in which every vertex is assigned a colour from its respective list, that is,
$c(v) \in L(v)$
for every
$v \in V(G)$
. With this, we may define the chromatic number
of a graph
as the smallest integer
$k \ge 1$
such that
admits an
-colouring, where
for every
$v \in V(G)$
In a similar way, the list chromatic number
$\chi _\ell(G)$
of a graph
is defined as the smallest number
$k \ge 1$
such that
admits an
-colouring for every assignment
of colour lists to the vertices of
, provided that
$|L(v)| \ge k$
for every
$v \in V(G)$
$\chi(G) \le \chi _\ell(G)$
for every graph
, but in general
$\chi _\ell(G)$
is not bounded from above by a function in
, as shown for example by complete bipartite graphs.
Hadwiger’s conjecture, arguably one of the most important open problems in graph theory, states the following upper bound on the chromatic number of graphs with no
Conjecture 1. (Hadwiger [Reference Hadwiger7], 1943) For every
$t \in \mathbb{N}$
, if
is a graph not containing a
-minor, then
$\chi(G) \le t-1$
Hadwiger’s conjecture and its variants have received a lot of attention in the past, and a very good overview of partial results on this topic until about
years ago can be found in the survey article [Reference Seymour17] by Seymour. In the following, let us briefly highlight the milestone results regarding Hadwiger’s conjecture obtained so far.
As a result of Wagner [Reference Wagner22], it was known that the case
of Hadwiger’s conjecture is equivalent to the statement of the famous four colour conjecture. After its confirmative resolution by Appel, Haken and Koch [Reference Appel and Haken1, Reference Appel, Haken and Koch2] in 1977, Hadwiger’s conjecture had been proved for all values
$t \le 5$
. Notably, in 1993, Robertson, Seymour and Thomas [Reference Robertson, Seymour and Thomas16] managed to go one step further and to prove Hadwiger’s conjecture also for the case
. As of today, all the cases
$t \ge 7$
of Hadwiger’s conjecture remain open problems.
The evident difficulty of the exact version of Hadwiger’s conjecture has inspired many researchers to study its asymptotic relaxation, known as the Linear Hadwiger’s conjecture:
Conjecture 2.
There exists an absolute constant
$c\gt 0$
such that every graph
not containing a
-minor satisfies
$\chi(G) \le ct$
While also the Linear Hadwiger’s conjecture remains open, there has been a lot of progress. By classical results of Kostochka [Reference Kostochka10] and Thomason [Reference Thomason19] from 1984, it was known that
-minor-free graphs are
$O(t\sqrt{\log t})$
-colourable. While already quite close to a linear bound, it has proven difficult to overcome this order of magnitude during more than
years of research. Finally, in 2019, Norine, Postle and Song [Reference Norine, Postle and Song11] managed to break this barrier, by proving that the maximum chromatic number of
-minor-free graphs is in
$O(t(\log t)^{1/4+o(1)})$
. Very soon afterwards, several related results, extensions and improvements of this bound have been obtained, see [Reference Norine and Postle12–Reference Postle15]. The current state of the art-bound of
$O(t \log \log t)$
has been obtained only couple of months ago by Delcourt and Postle [Reference Delcourt and Postle6].
Parallel to the development of Hadwiger’s conjecture, which concerns the ordinary chromatic number, the list chromatic number of graphs with no
-minor has also received a considerable amount of interest. For example, Borowiecki [Reference Borowiecki5] asked whether every graph with no
-minor has list chromatic number at most
(which would strengthen Hadwiger’s conjecture). While this is easily seen to be true for
$t \le 4$
, already for
there exist examples of planar graphs (hence
-minor-free) with list chromatic number
, as constructed first by Voigt [Reference Voigt21]. Later, Thomassen [Reference Thomassen20] proved that
is also the correct upper bound for the list chromatic number of planar graphs, and using Wagner’s result [Reference Wagner22], this carries over to
-minor-free graphs, see [Reference He, Miao and Shen8, Reference Škrekovski18]. For every
$t \ge 6$
, the maximum list chromatic number of
-minor-free graphs remains unknown.
Since the exact version of Hadwiger’s conjecture does not extend to list colouring, it is natural to study asymptotic versions. The current state of the art-upper bound on the list chromatic number of
-minor-free graphs is
$O(t(\log \log t)^2)$
, as was recently proved by Delcourt and Postle [Reference Delcourt and Postle6]. Compare also [Reference Norine and Postle12, Reference Postle15] for the previous asymptotic upper bounds of magnitudes
$O(t(\log t)^{1/4+o(1)})$
$O(t(\log \log t)^6)$
, respectively.
The following List Hadwiger conjecture was first stated by Kawarabayashi and Mohar [Reference Kawarabayashi and Mohar9] in 2007, compare also the entry [24] in the Open Problem Garden.
Conjecture 3.
There exists an absolute constant
$c\gt 0$
such that every
-minor-free graph
$\chi _\ell(G) \le ct$
At first, an even stronger conclusion, namely that every
-minor-free graph is
-list-colourable, was believed to be possible, compare for example [Reference Kawarabayashi and Mohar9, Reference Wood23]. However, this stronger conjecture was disproved by the following result of Barát, Joret and Wood [Reference Barát, Joret and Wood3] from 2011, which shows that
$c \ge \frac{4}{3}$
in Conjecture 3 is necessary.
Theorem 4.
For every integer
$t \ge 1$
there exists a graph with no
-minor and list chromatic number greater than
Kawarabayashi and Mohar stated in [Reference Kawarabayashi and Mohar9] that they believe that Conjecture 3 holds true for
, and this statement also appears as Conjecture 8.4 in the survey article [Reference Seymour17] by Seymour:
Conjecture 5.
Every graph
without a
-minor satisfies
$\chi _\ell(G) \le \frac{3}{2}t$
In this note, we disprove Conjecture 5 by showing that the maximum list chromatic number of
-minor-free graphs is at least
, and hence
$c \ge 2$
in Conjecture 3 is necessary. The proof enhances an idea from [Reference Barát, Joret and Wood3] by using probabilistic arguments.
Theorem 6.
For every
$\varepsilon \in (0,1)$
there is
$t_0=t_0(\varepsilon )$
such that for every
$t \ge t_0$
there exists a graph with no
-minor and list chromatic number at least
$(2-\varepsilon )t$
It would be interesting to see whether our lower-bound construction could be optimal up to the lower-order term, or whether further improvement of the lower bound is possible.
Problem 7.
Does every
-minor-free graph
$\chi _\ell(G) \le 2t$
2. Proof of Theorem 6
In the following, for a natural number
$n \in \mathbb{N}$
and a probability
$p \in [0,1]$
, we denote by
the bipartite Erdős-Renyi graph, that is, a random bipartite graph
with bipartition
$A \cup B$
such that
, in which every pair
$a \in A, b \in B$
is selected as an edge of
with probability
, independently from all other such pairs.
Lemma 8.
$\varepsilon \in (0,1)$
be fixed, let
$f=f(\varepsilon ) \in \mathbb{N}$
$\delta =\delta (\varepsilon ) \in (0,1)$
be constants chosen such that
$f \delta \lt 1$
. Let
$p=p(n)\,{:\!=}\,n^{-\delta }$
. Then w.h.p. as
$n \rightarrow \infty$
, the random graph
with bipartition
$A \cup B$
satisfies both of the following properties:
For every subset
$X \subseteq A$ such that
$|X| \ge \varepsilon n$ and every collection of pairwise disjoint non-empty subsets
$Y_1,\ldots,Y_k \subseteq B$ such that
$k \ge \varepsilon n$ and
$\max \{|Y_1|,\ldots,|Y_k|\} \le f$ , there exists a vertex
$x \in X$ and some
$j \in [k]$ such that
$G$ contains all the edges
$xy, y \in Y_j$ . The same statement holds symmetrically for the case when
$X \subseteq B$ and
$Y_1,\ldots,Y_k \subseteq A$ .
$G$ has maximum degree at most
$\varepsilon n$ .
$E_n$ denote the probability event that
$G$ does not satisfy the property claimed in the first item. We need to show that
$\mathbb{P}(E_n) \rightarrow 0$ as
$n \rightarrow \infty$ . So consider a fixed subset
$X \subseteq A$ (or symmetrically,
$X \subseteq B$ ) such that
$|X| \ge \varepsilon n$ , and a fixed collection
$Y_1,\ldots,Y_k$ of disjoint non-empty subsets of
$B$ (or symmetrically,
$A$ ), where
$k \ge \varepsilon n$ and
$\max \{|Y_1|,\ldots,|Y_k|\} \le f$ . Let
$E(X,Y_1,\ldots,Y_k)$ be the probability event ‘there exists no pair
$(x,j) \in X \times [k]$ such that
$x$ is fully connected to the vertices in
$Y_j$ ’. Fixing a vertex
$x \in X$ and an index
$j \in [k]$ , clearly the probability of the event that ‘
$x$ is not fully connected to
$Y_j$ ’ equals
$1-p^{|Y_j|} \le 1-p^{f}$ . Since these events are independent for different choices of
$(x,j)$ , we conclude that
\begin{equation*}\mathbb {P}(E(X,Y_1,\ldots,Y_k)) \le \big(1-p^{f}\big)^{|X|\cdot k} \le \big(1-p^{f}\big)^{\varepsilon ^2n^2}\le \exp\!(\!-p^{f}\varepsilon ^2 n^2)=\exp\!\left(\!-\varepsilon ^2n^{2-f\delta }\right).\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*}2 \cdot 2^n\cdot (n+1)^{n} = \exp\!(\!\ln\!(2)(n+1)+n \ln\!(n+1))\end{equation*}
$X,Y_1,\ldots,Y_k$ . Hence, applying a union bound we find that
\begin{equation*}\mathbb {P}(E_n) \le \exp\!(\!\ln\!(2)(n+1)+n \ln\!(n+1)-\varepsilon ^2n^{2-f\delta }).\end{equation*}
$0$ as
$n \rightarrow \infty$ , since
$f\delta \lt 1$ and hence
$\varepsilon ^2n^{2-f\delta }=\Omega (n^{2-f\delta })$ grows faster than
$\ln\!(2)(n+1)+n \ln\!(n+1)=O(n\ln n)$ . This proves that
$G$ satisfies the properties claimed by the first item w.h.p., as required.
To show that also the property claimed by the second item holds true w.h.p., consider the probability that a fixed vertex
$x \in A \cup B$ has more than
$\varepsilon n$ neighbours in
$G$ . Note that the degree of
$x$ in
$G(n,n,p)$ is distributed like a binomial random variable
$B(n,p)$ , and hence its expectancy is
$np=n^{1-\delta }$ , which is smaller than
$\frac{\varepsilon n}{2}$ for
$n$ sufficiently large in terms of
$\varepsilon$ and
$\delta$ . Applying Chernoff’s bound we find for every sufficiently large
$n$ :
\begin{equation*}\mathbb {P}(d_G(x)\gt \varepsilon n )\le \mathbb {P}(B(n,p)\gt 2np) \le \exp\!\left (-\frac {1}{3}np\right )=\exp\!\left (-\frac {1}{3}n^{1-\delta }\right ).\end{equation*}
$x \in A \cup B$ , applying a union bound we find that the probability that
$G$ has maximum degree more than
$\varepsilon n$ is at most
\begin{equation*}2n\exp\!\left (-\frac {1}{3}n^{1-\delta }\right )=\exp\!\left (\ln\!(2n)-\frac {1}{3}n^{1-\delta }\right )\end{equation*}
$0$ as
$n \rightarrow \infty$ , as desired (here we used that
$\delta \lt 1$ and hence
$n^{1-\delta }$ grows faster than
$\ln\!(2n)$ ).
The next lemma uses Lemma 8 to obtain a useful deterministic statement about the existence of graphs with certain properties, which are then handy when constructing the lower-bound examples for Theorem 6.
Lemma 9.
For every
$\varepsilon \in (0,1)$
, there is
$n_0=n_0(\varepsilon )$
such that for every
$n \ge n_0$
, there exists a graph
whose vertex set
$V(H)=A \cup B$
is partitioned into two disjoint sets
of size
, and such that the following properties hold:
$A$ and
$B$ are cliques of
$H$ ,
every vertex in
$H$ has at most
$\varepsilon n$ non-neighbours in
$H$ , and
for every
$t \in \mathbb{N}$ such that
$t \ge (1+2\varepsilon ) n$ ,
$H$ does not contain
$K_t$ as a minor.
Proof. Let
$f\,{:\!=}\,\lceil \frac{1}{\varepsilon } \rceil \in \mathbb{N}$
$\delta \,{:\!=}\,\frac{\varepsilon }{2}$
. Then
$f\delta \lt 1$
, and hence we may apply Lemma 8. It follows directly that there exists
$n_0=n_0(\varepsilon ) \in \mathbb{N}$
such that for every
$n \ge n_0$
there exists a bipartite graph
, whose bipartition classes
are both of size
, and such that
For every subset
$X \subseteq A$ such that
$|X| \ge \varepsilon n$ and every collection of pairwise disjoint non-empty subsets
$Y_1,\ldots,Y_k \subseteq B$ such that
$k \ge \varepsilon n$ and
$\max \{|Y_1|,\ldots,|Y_k|\} \le f$ , there exists a vertex
$x \in X$ and some
$j \in [k]$ such that
$G$ contains all the edges
$xy, y \in Y_j$ . The same statement holds symmetrically for the case when
$X \subseteq B$ and
$Y_1,\ldots,Y_k \subseteq A$ .
$G$ has maximum degree at most
$\varepsilon n$ .
We now define
as the complement of
(also with vertex set
$A \cup B$
). Since
is bipartite, clearly
form cliques in
, verifying the first item. The second item follows directly from the fact that
$\Delta(G) \le \varepsilon n$
It hence remains to verify the last item. Towards a contradiction, suppose that there exists a number
$t \in \mathbb{N}$
$t \ge (1+2\varepsilon )n$
, such that
as a minor. This implies that there exists a collection
of non-empty and pairwise disjoint subsets of
such that
and such that for every two distinct
$Z, Z' \in \mathcal{Z}$
, there exists at least one edge in
connecting a vertex in
to a vertex in
. Let us denote
$\mathcal{Z}_s\,{:\!=}\,\{Z \in \mathcal{Z}||Z|=s\}$
, and
, for every
$s \ge 1$
. We clearly have

Rearranging yields that
$z_1 \ge 4\varepsilon n$
. From this, we may conclude that either
contains at least
$2 \varepsilon n$
singletons from
. By symmetry (possibly by renaming
), we may assume w.l.o.g. that
contains at least
$2 \varepsilon n$
singletons from
, and denote the set of these singletons by
. Let us now define
$\mathcal{Z}_A\,{:\!=}\,\{Z \in \mathcal{Z}|Z \subseteq A\}$
$\mathcal{Z}_B\,{:\!=}\,\{Z \in \mathcal{Z}|Z \cap B \neq \emptyset \}$
. Since the sets in
are pairwise disjoint, we can see that
$|\mathcal{Z}_B| \le |B|=n$
, and therefore
$|\mathcal{Z}_A|=t-|\mathcal{Z}_B| \ge t-n \ge 2\varepsilon n$
. Since
, the latter implies that there are at least
$\varepsilon n$
distinct sets in
which have size at most
$\frac{1}{\varepsilon }$
. Let
$k \ge \varepsilon n$
be an enumeration of the sets in
of size at most
$\frac{1}{\varepsilon } \le f$
. By the above, there exists
$j \in [k]$
and a vertex
$x \in X$
such that
$xy \in E(G)$
for every
$y \in Y_j$
. Since
is the complement of
, this means that
are distinct sets in
, which do not have any connecting edge. This is a contradiction to our initial assumptions, and hence we have shown that the third item claimed in the lemma is also satisfied. This concludes the proof.
We are now ready for the proof of Theorem 6. The only missing ingredient is the following well-known ‘pasting-lemma’, compare Lemma 3 in [Reference Barát, Joret and Wood3].
Lemma 10.
be -minor-free graphs, and let
$V(G_1) \cap V(G_2)=C$
. If
forms a clique in both
, then the graph
$G_1 \cup G_2$
is also
Proof of Theorem 6. Let a fixed
$\varepsilon \in (0,1)$
be given. Pick some
$\varepsilon ' \in (0,1)$
such that
$\frac{2-\varepsilon '}{1+2\varepsilon '} \ge 2-\frac{\varepsilon }{2}$
. Let
$n_0=n_0(\varepsilon ') \in \mathbb{N}$
be as in Lemma 9, and define
$t_0\,{:\!=}\,\max \{\lceil (1+2\varepsilon ')n_0\rceil,\left \lceil \frac{4}{\varepsilon }\right \rceil \}$
. Now, let
$t \ge t_0$
be any given integer. Define
$n\,{:\!=}\,\left \lfloor \frac{t}{1+2\varepsilon '}\right \rfloor \ge n_0$
. Applying Lemma 9, we find that there exists a graph
whose vertex set is partitioned into two non-empty sets
of size
, such that both
form cliques in
, every vertex in
has at most
$\varepsilon ' n$
non-neighbours, and
-minor-free (since
$t \ge (1+2\varepsilon ')n$
, by definition of
For every possible assignment
$c \in [2n-1]^A$
of colours from
to vertices in
, denote by
an isomorphic copy of
, such that the vertex set of
decomposes into the sets
of size
. More precisely, the distinct copies
$H(c), c \in [2n-1]^A$
share the same set
but have pairwise disjoint sets
. Since
forms a clique of size
in the
-minor-free graph
for every colouring
$c\,{:}\,A \rightarrow [2n-1]$
, it follows by repeated application of Lemma 10 that the graph
with vertex set
$A \cup \bigcup _{c \in [2n-1]^A}{B(c)}$
, obtained as the union of the graphs
$H(c), c \in [2n-1]^A$
, is
Now, consider an assignment
$L\,{:}\,V(\mathbf{G}) \rightarrow 2^{\mathbb{N}}$
of colour lists to the vertices of
as follows: For every vertex
$a \in A$
, we define
, and for every vertex
$b \in B(c)$
for some colouring
$c \in [2n-1]^A$
, we define
$L(b)\,{:\!=}\, [2n-1] \setminus \{c(a)|a \in A, ab \notin E(H(c))\}$
. Note that since every vertex in
has at most
$\varepsilon ' n$
non-neighbours in
, we have
$|L(v)| \ge 2n-1-\varepsilon ' n$
for every vertex
$v \in V(\mathbf{G})$
We now claim that
does not admit a proper colouring with colours chosen from the lists
$L(v), v \in V(\mathbf{G})$
, which will then prove that
$\chi _\ell (\mathbf{G}) \ge 2n-\varepsilon ' n$
. Indeed, suppose towards a contradiction there exists a proper colouring
$c_{\mathbf{G}}\,{:}\,V(\mathbf{G}) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$
such that
$c_{\mathbf{G}}(v) \in L(v)$
for every
$v \in V(\mathbf{G})$
. Let
be the restriction of
, and consider the proper colouring of
obtained by restricting
. Since
has order
$c_{\mathbf{G}}(v) \in [2n-1]$
for every
$v \in V(H(c))$
, there must exist two (necessarily non-adjacent) vertices in
which have the same colour with respect to
. Concretely, there exist
$a \in A$
$b\in B(c)$
such that
$ab \notin E(H(c))$
. This however yields a contradiction, since
$c_{\mathbf{G}}(b) \in L(b)$
and by definition
is not included in the list of
We conclude that indeed,
is a
-minor-free graph which satisfies

where for the last inequality we used
$t \ge t_0 \ge \frac{4}{\varepsilon }$