GaN films grown on SiC usually have high defect densities. Typical defects in GaN/SiC films include inversion domain boundaries, stacking faults, and unintended polytype transformations. The presence of these defects emphasizes that even though reducing the lattice mismatch improves film quality, other factors contribute to the nitride film defect morphology [Reference Davis, Weeks, Bremser, Tanaka, Kern, Sitar, Ailey, Perry and Wang1]. Further defect density reduction may be achieved by enhancing growth conditions. We examine the relationship between the SiC(0001) substrate temperature and the GaN film quality.
The damage produced by polishing was removed from Si-face 6H-SiC(0001) substrates with ex-situ hydrogen etching [Reference Ramachandran, Brady, Smith, Feenstra and Greve2]. The substrates were then placed into an ultra high vacuum environment (pressure < 10−10 Torr) and outgassed at about 800°C for 30 minutes. In order to replenish any surface Si that may have been lost during oxide removal, Si was deposited onto the substrate using an electron beam source. Oxide desorption was done by annealing the substrate at about 1000° C until a 3×1 reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) pattern was obtained.
GaN films were grown by MBE onto the substrates using a Ga effusion cell and a RF-plasma nitrogen source. The growth was a single step process with no nucleation layer growth. We grew four samples with substrate temperatures of 600° C, 650° C, 700°C, and 750° C. The temperature was monitored using a pyrometer and a thermocouple in contact with the back of the sample mounting stage. Growth was performed under highly Ga-rich conditions relative to the N concentration [Reference Smith, Ramachandran, Feenstra, Greve, Ptak, Myers, Sarney, Salamanca-Riba, Shin and Skowronski3]. The films were characterized in-situ with RHEED and STM and ex-situ with AFM, HRXRD, and TEM. The TEM results were obtained on a JEOL 4000FX microscope operated at 300 kV. Cross-sectional TEM samples were prepared using tripod polishing and ion milling at room temperature. Low resolution TEM and a diffraction pattern with two-beam DF conditions were used to examine the defect morphology of the GaN films. HRTEM images and diffraction patterns allow detailed examination of the crystalline structure of the film.
Results & Discussion
Figure 1 shows TEM images of the sample grown at 600°C. The indexed diffraction pattern (Fig. 1a) indicates the presence of the SiC substrate, the 2H GaN film, and some 3C GaN regions with zone axes of (2

Fig.1.(a) Diffraction pattern for sample grown at 600°C, (b) (0002) DF image of the sample grown at 600°C, (c) (01

Figures 1b-1c show (0002)2H-GaN and (01

Diffraction patterns of the films grown at 650°C and 700°C (not shown here) have the same spots as the pattern for the film grown at 600°C (Fig. 1a). There are several regions of cubic GaN within the 2H GaN matrix, as shown in Fig. 2a. The cubic stacking in the inclusions and the abruptness of the transition from 2H to 3C GaN is shown in Fig 2b. The high-resolution image of the sample grown at 700°C (not shown here) is very similar to the image of the sample grown at 650° C, except that it has less 3C inclusions.

Fig. 2. (a) High resolution image of sample grown at 650° C. (b) High resolution image of the interface between a region of 2H GaN and 3C GaN.
The film grown at 750°C contains very few 3C inclusions. The 3C spots are not visible in the diffraction pattern (Fig. 3a) and only a few horizontal bands are seen in the (01

Fig. 3. TEM of sample grown at 750° C. (a) 2

The total dislocation density, the density of threading dislocations which intersect the surface, and the density of cubic inclusions decreases with increasing substrate temperature, as shown in the TEM images and summarized in the Figs 4a and 4b. The film grown at 750°C has a total dislocation density of approximately 3.2×109 cm−2. The density of threading dislocations which intersect the surface for the film grown at 750°C is approximately 2.1×108 cm−2. The threading dislocations which intersect the surface for the film grown at 750°C are predominately edge dislocations.

Fig. 4. (a) Density of dislocations plotted against substrate temperature. The upper line is the total dislocation density and the lower line is the density of threading dislocations which intersect the surface (b) Density of cubic regions plotted against substrate temperature.
Symmetric triple crystal radial (ω-2θ) scans (Figs. 5a and 5b) show that the FWHM decreases with increasing growth temperature, except for the film grown at 750°C. The increase in FWHM for the highest temperature sample is due to the thinness of this sample relative to the other three sample. This sample was grown for the same length of time as the other samples, but the growth temperature of 750°C is close to the temperature at which decomposition of GaN becomes significant (approximately 800°C). Decomposition of GaN during growth reduces the growth rate. The FWHM of the symmetric peak is as low as 30 arcseconds for the films grown at 700°C. The symmetric peak width is affected by defects which distort the interplanar spacing along the growth direction, notably the screw dislocations we see in the DF images. Therefore, the symmetric peak width is unaffected by certain edge dislocations and cubic inclusions (d111-GaN≈d0002-GaN) since they do not distort the interplanar spacing along the growth direction. The asymmetric peak width is a better measure of total dislocation and cubic inclusion densities, which may explain its relatively large width compared to that of the symmetric peak. The x-ray data is discussed more thoroughly elsewhere [Reference Ramachandran, Feenstra, Sarney, Salamanca-Riba and Greve6].

Fig. 5. HRXRD FWHM data for GaN films grown on 6H-SiC (0001) as a function of temperature: (a) Symmetric (0002) reflection (triple crystal ω−2θ scans), (b) asymmetric reflections (double crystal ω scans).
Reciprocal space maps around the (0002) reflections show much greater elongation along the k// axis for the film grown at 600°C than for the film grown at 750°C. This implies a larger degree of tilt, or mosaicity, in the lower temperature films. Screw dislocations with <$$>= 0001 would cause tilt in a film. These results indicate a decrease in the number of screw dislocations with increasing growth temperature, in agreement with both the TEM and the x-ray results. Furthermore, AFM studies in our previous experiments show a decreasing number of spiral growth fronts with increasing growth temperature [Reference Ramachandran, Smith, Feenstra and Greve7].
Increasing the growth temperature improves the crystalline quality of GaN grown on hydrogen-etched 6H SiC substrates. TEM shows that defect and cubic inclusion densities significantly decrease as the growth temperature is increased. Furthermore, x-ray k-space maps show that the mosaicity of the films decreases sharply with increasing growth temperature. Therefore, we conclude MBE at growth temperatures near the decomposition temperature of GaN improves the quality of wurtzite GaN grown on 6H SiC (0001).
The work at Carnegie Mellon was supported by National Science Foundation, grant DMR-9615647, and the Office of Naval Research, grant N00014-96-1-0214.