It has come to our attention that Table 1 of the above paper contained errors. The correct version of the table is given below.
Table 1. Analysed chemical composition of feedstuffs offered during the experiment

Nutrient values are given in g/kg dry matter (DM), energy contents in MJ/kg DM.
* Calculated on the basis of analysed nutrient or energy contents.
† Calculations refer to: Zeyner et al. (2015).
‡ Calculations refer to: Kienzle & Zeyner (2010).
Moreover, in the MATERIALS AND METHODS, sub-section ‘Statistical analyses’, the description of Model 2 was incomplete:
‘where y ijk are measurements of SFQ or estimates of zootechnical variables as a function of factors i, j and k; […].’
should read:
‘where y ijk are measurements of SFQ, faecal alkane concentrations or estimates of zootechnical variables as a function of factors i, j and k; […].’
These changes do not affect any results or conclusions of the paper.