The Publisher apologises for errors in the layout of Table 4. The correct Table 4 is given below.
Table 4 Comparing Russia and Hungary on cost-cutting pension reforms, 2009-2021

* Regime type is based on the current Freedom House ranking (Freedom House, 2021). Freedom House rankings are calculated on a weighted scale based on a country’s civil liberties and political rights which are numerically coded and then used to group countries into free, partly free, and not free. The Freedom House scores are highly correlated with another standard measure of democracy, the Polity score, which ranges from -10 to 10 with 10 being the most democratic (Marshall et al., 2019). On Polity, Hungary received a “10” through 2018. Russia received a “3” from 1993-1999, a “6” from 2000-2006, and a “4” from 2007-2018.
In addition, the authors wish to make the following amendment to their acknowledgements: We would like to thank Professor Linda Cook and Professor Michael Titterton for organising this themed section and for their invaluable comments and suggestions on the article. Daria Prisiazhniuk acknowledges that the article was prepared within the framework of the Basic Research Program at HSE University.