1 Introduction
In the late 1990s, Thurston showed [Reference Calegari and DunfieldCD03] that any taut foliation on an atoroidal three-manifold
act faithfully on the circle. This result came almost two decades after Eisenbud, Hirsch, and Neumann [Reference Eisenbud, Hirsch and NeumannEHN81] encountered a complementary phenomenon: they proved that an oriented three-manifold
Seifert fibered over
admits a co-oriented foliation transverse to the fiber if and only if
admits a representation in
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}\mapsto \text{sh}(1)$
, where
is the universal cover of the group of orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the circle,
is the regular fiber class, and
$\text{sh}(s):t\mapsto t+s$
for any
$s\in \mathbb{R}$
, making
the centralizer of
1.1 Jankins–Neumann classification
Inspired by this observation, Jankins and Neumann used Poincaré’s ‘rotation number’ invariant to generalize the criterion of [Reference Eisenbud, Hirsch and NeumannEHN81] to a more local representation-theoretic condition in terms of meridians of exceptional fibers. This new formulation of the problem, in addition to a correct conjecture that the necessary representation-theoretic conditions could be met in
if and only if they could also be met in a smooth Lie subgroup thereof, allowed them to work out a complete, explicit classification [Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85], which they proved in all but one special case, later proven by Naimi [Reference NaimiNai94].
Theorem 1.1 [Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85, Reference NaimiNai94].
, the manifold
$M_{S^{2}}(y_{0};y_{1},\ldots ,y_{n})$
Seifert fibered over
admits a co-oriented taut foliation if and only if
$0\in \langle y_{+},y_{-}\rangle$
, where

(In the above, and henceforth in this paper, we always regard
as an integer, writing
as shorthand for the restriction
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
Since then, the Jankins–Neumann–Naimi classification has served as a Rosetta stone for certain a priori unrelated properties.
Theorem 1.2 [Reference Eisenbud, Hirsch and NeumannEHN81, Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85, Reference NaimiNai94, Reference Calegari and WalkerCW11, Reference Ozsváth and SzabóOS04, Reference Lisca and MatićLM04, Reference Lisca and StipsiczLS07, Reference Boyer, Gordon and WatsonBGW13, Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15].
is a closed oriented Seifert fibered space, then the following are equivalent:
- (1a)
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{1}(M)$ admits a non-trivial representation in
$\text{Homeo}_{+}\mathbb{R}$ ;
- (1b)
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{1}(M)$ is left-orderable;
- (2)
$M$ admits a co-oriented
$C^{0}$ taut foliation;
- (3)
$M$ has non-trivial Heegaard Floer homology, i.e.
$M$ fails to be an L-space.
One often uses
as a proxy for
, since a result of Boyer, Rolfsen, and Wiest [Reference Boyer, Rolfsen and WiestBRW05, Theorem 1.1.1], combined with the well-known fact [Reference LinnellLin99] that the set of countable left-orderable groups coincides with the set of countable non-trivial subgroups of
, shows that
for every prime compact oriented three-manifold. Boyer, Gordon, and Watson have conjectured that
for any prime compact oriented three-manifold [Reference Boyer, Gordon and WatsonBGW13], and quite recently, Kazez and Roberts [Reference Kazez and RobertsKR15], and independently Bowden [Reference BowdenBow15], have extended a
foliations result of Ozsváth and Szabó [Reference Ozsváth and SzabóOS04] to show that
$(2)\!\Rightarrow \!(3)$
for any compact oriented three-manifold. (For this reason, all foliations in this paper are assumed to be
unless otherwise stated.)
The implication
$(3)\!\Rightarrow \!(2)$
, however, is entirely more mysterious. In particular, all known proofs [Reference Lisca and MatićLM04, Reference Lisca and StipsiczLS07, Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15] that non-L-space oriented Seifert fibered spaces admit co-oriented taut foliations rely on an explicit comparison of sets of manifolds: one works out the classification of Seifert fibered manifolds over
with non-trivial Heegaard Floer homology, and observes that this classification coincides with the Jankins–Neumann–Naimi classification of oriented Seifert fibered spaces over
admitting co-oriented taut foliations. (The implication
$(3)\Rightarrow (2)$
holds vacuously for closed oriented Seifert fibered spaces with
, all of which admit co-oriented taut foliations [Reference GabaiGab83], and for oriented Seifert fibered spaces over
, all of which are L-spaces [Reference Boyer, Gordon and WatsonBGW13].)
1.2 Graph manifolds
Boyer and Clay recently brought insight to this question by introducing a relative version of the problem, studying the gluing behavior of properties (1a), (1b), and (2) along the incompressible tori separating Seifert fibered components of graph manifolds. By showing that these three properties glue in an identical manner along boundaries of JSJ components of rational homology sphere graph manifolds, they were able to prove the equivalence of these three properties for any closed graph manifold [Reference Boyer and ClayBC14]. Boyer and Clay also conjectured that property (3) should obey the same gluing behavior.
In answer, Hanselman and Watson [Reference Hanselman and WatsonHW15], and independently Rasmussen and the author [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15], were able to confirm this gluing conjecture for a larger class of three-manifolds with torus boundary, but subject to certain hypotheses, which one can show are safe to remove in the case of graph manifolds. The four of us [Reference Hanselman, Rasmussen, Rasmussen and WatsonHR15] were therefore able to prove the following.
Theorem 1.3 [Reference Hanselman, Rasmussen, Rasmussen and WatsonHR15].
A graph manifold is an L-space if and only if it fails to admit a co-oriented taut foliation.
The current paper follows an independent trajectory from the work of [Reference Hanselman, Rasmussen, Rasmussen and WatsonHR15], launched before the author joined the other collaboration. Although the two papers overlap in one or two results, including slightly variant proofs of Theorem 1.3 and the below gluing criterion, the main result of the current paper is the generalization of the Jankins–Neumann classification formula to graph manifolds, for which we now introduce some notation.
Definition 1.4. If
is a compact oriented three-manifold with torus boundary, then the L-space interval of
is the space
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\subset \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
of L-space Dehn-filling slopes of
We call
an interval because if it contains more than one point, then it is the intersection of
with either a closed interval in
or the complement of a single point in
. It therefore makes sense to speak of the interior
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)$
. If
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)$
is non-empty, we call
Floer simple.
Proposition 1.5. If
are non-solid-torus graph manifolds with torus boundary, then the union
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$
, with gluing map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{1}\rightarrow -\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{2}$
, is an L-space if and only if

In particular, Floer simplicity is not required.
A graph manifold
with torus boundary and
. If
, then the graph for
is a tree, and we choose to root this tree at the JSJ component
. Writing
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{G}}}}$
for the
$n_{{\rm \small{G}}}$
components of
$Y\setminus ({\hat{Y}}\setminus (\unicode[STIX]{x2202}{\hat{Y}}\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
, we then regard
as the union

Seifert fibered over an (
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1$
. Note that each
is again a graph manifold with torus boundary and
, hence is endowed with its own tree graph rooted at the JSJ component containing
, but with the height of this tree strictly less than the height of the tree for
, so that a recursive computation of
in terms of the
is a finite process.
For any (necessarily toroidal) boundary component of an oriented Seifert fibered space, we fix the reverse-oriented homology basis
, where
is the meridian of the excised regular fiber, and
is the lift dual to
of the regular fiber class, so that we can express any slope
$r\tilde{f}-s\tilde{h}\in \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
$r/s\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
. For any
with non-empty
, we then write

where we use the notation
$[[y_{-},y_{+}]]\subset \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
to denote the L-space interval with left-hand endpoint
and right-hand endpoint
, since any L-space interval with non-empty interior is uniquely specified by its endpoints.
We also write
$y_{0}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
for the Seifert data of
, so that
is the complement of
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\!+\!1$
regular fibers in either
$M_{S^{2}}(y_{0}^{{\rm \small{d}}};y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}})$
$M_{\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^{2}}(y_{0}^{{\rm \small{d}}};y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}})$
, depending on whether
has orientable or non-orientable base. (These
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
can also be regarded as Dehn-filling slopes in terms of the basis
$(\tilde{f}_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}},-\tilde{h}_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}})$
described above. See § 2.2 for notation and homology conventions for Seifert fibered spaces.) We can now state our main result.
Theorem 1.6. Suppose that
is not a solid torus and that
is non-empty. Then


(In the above, we define
, respectively, if any infinite terms appear as summands of
, respectively.)
Whereas every oriented Seifert fibered space over the disk or Möbius strip is Floer simple, i.e. has
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }\neq \emptyset$
, the story for graph manifolds is more complicated. Consider the following examples, for all of which we take
to have orientable base:

Above, we see examples in which
is Floer simple, has an isolated L-space filling, or has empty L-space interval. One cannot use Theorem 1.6 without first knowing which of these three cases occurs for
. We therefore provide Proposition 4.7, which lists explicit criteria for the multiple mutually exclusive cases in which
is Floer simple or in which
has an isolated L-space filling. In the complement of these criteria,
is empty.
In fact, the validity of Theorem 4.6 extends beyond the realm of graph manifolds.
Proposition 1.7. Theorem 1.6 holds for any boundary incompressible Floer simple three-manifolds
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
, provided that
satisfies the criteria in Proposition 4.7 for
to be non-empty.
One immediate application of this generalization is the computation of L-space intervals for cables of Floer simple knot complements.
1.3 Cables
$Y^{(p,q)}\subset X$
of a knot complement
$Y:=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)\subset X$
is given by the knot complement
$Y^{(p,q)}:=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K^{(p,q)})$
, where
$K^{(p,q)}\subset X$
is the image of the
-torus knot embedded in the boundary of
. Since one can realize any cable of
$Y\subset X$
by gluing an appropriate Seifert fibered space onto
, we can use the above generalization of Theorem 1.6 to prove the following result.
Theorem 1.8. Suppose that
$p,q\in \mathbb{Z}$
$\gcd (p,q)=1$
, and that
$Y=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
is a boundary incompressible Floer simple knot complement in an L-space
, with L-space interval
, written in terms of the surgery basis
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707},\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\in H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y)$
, with
the meridian of
a choice of longitude. Then in terms of the surgery basis produced by cabling, the
$Y^{(p,q)}\subset X$
$Y\subset X$
has L-space interval

$p^{\ast },q^{\ast }\in \mathbb{Z}$
are defined to satisfy
$pp^{\ast }-qq^{\ast }=1$
$0<q^{\ast }<p$
, and where we define
$y_{-}:=\max _{k>0}y_{-}(k)$
$y_{+}:=\min _{k>0}y_{+}(k)$
, with


We also prove a slightly more general version of Theorem 1.8 which does not require that
be an L-space, and which holds for any
$p/q\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
A brief application of the theorem, followed by an appropriate change of basis, recovers the following result of Hedden [Reference HeddenHed09] and Hom [Reference HomHom11].
Corollary 1.9. Suppose
$Y:=S^{3}\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
is a boundary incompressible Floer simple positive knot complement in
. If
$\gcd (p,q)=1$
, then in terms of the conventional basis for knot complements in
has L-space interval

By positive, we simply mean that
has an L-space Dehn filling
for some
Note that equating
recovers the formula for the genus of the
-cable of
$K\subset S^{3}$
. Note also that since
$p^{\ast }/q^{\ast }-q/p=1/pq^{\ast }$
, with
$p^{\ast }/q^{\ast },q/p\notin \mathbb{Z}$
, the domain specified for Floer simple cables in the above corollary is equivalent to the condition
$2g(K)-1\notin [p^{\ast }/q^{\ast },\infty ]$
, matching Theorem 1.8.
1.4 Generalized solid tori
A recent result of Gillespie [Reference GillespieGil16] states that a compact oriented three-manifold
with torus boundary satisfies
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))\setminus \{l\}$
if and only if
has genus 0 and an L-space filling, where
denotes the rational longitude of
. Such manifolds are called generalized solid tori in [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15] and are of independent interest [Reference BergeBer91, Reference GabaiGab89, Reference CebanuCeb13, Reference Baker, Buck and LecuonaBBL16, Reference Hanselman and WatsonHW15].
Using the version of Theorem 1.8 that does not require
to be an L-space, along with some incremental results from the proof of Theorem 1.6, we are able to show the following.
Theorem 1.10. If
is a generalized solid torus, then any cable of
$Y\subset Y(l)$
is a generalized solid torus. If
is a graph manifold with torus boundary,
, and rational longitude other than the regular fiber, then
is a generalized solid torus if and only if it is homeomorphic to an iterated cable of the regular fiber complement in
$S^{1}\times S^{2}$
Similarly, for any class of manifolds for which the gluing result in Proposition 1.5 holds without the requirement of Floer simplicity—such as graph manifolds—one has the result that if
has an isolated L-space filling, i.e. if
for some
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
, then any cable of
$Y\subset Y(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$
as an isolated L-space filling.
1.5 Floer simple knot complements
Whereas the regular fiber complement in a rational homology sphere Seifert fibered space could arguably be called the prototypical Floer simple manifold, not every regular fiber complement in an L-space graph manifold is Floer simple, due to the existence of isolated L-space fillings. However, the next best thing is true.
Given a closed graph manifold
, call an exceptional fiber
$f_{{\rm \small{e}}}\subset X$
invariantly exceptional if the JSJ component
${\hat{Y}}\subset X$
$f_{{\rm \small{e}}}$
has more than one exceptional fiber. Note that if
has only one exceptional fiber, then
is either a lens space (if
is Seifert fibered) or a punctured solid torus. Since the solid torus has non-unique Seifert structure, one can show that if
is not a lens space, it is homeomorphic to a graph manifold
$X^{\prime }$
in which the image
$f_{{\rm \small{e}}}^{\prime }$
$f_{{\rm \small{e}}}$
is a regular fiber. Excluding this scenario allows us to show the following.
Theorem 1.11. Every invariantly exceptional fiber complement in an L-space graph manifold is Floer simple.
There are also Floer simple knot complements traversing the graph structure of
Proposition 1.12. If
is an L-space graph manifold, then for every incompressible torus
$T\subset X$
, there is a knot
$K\subset X$
transversely intersecting
for which the complement
$X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
is Floer simple.
The same occurs for an arbitrary L-space
, provided that
decomposes as a union of Floer simple manifolds along
(see Proposition 6.6).
The above results, together with the evidence of various other classes of L-spaces, and a certain degree of optimism, motivate the following.
Conjecture 1.13. Every L-space admits a Floer simple knot complement.
1.6 Organization
In § 2 we introduce our conventions for Seifert fibered spaces and provide a lengthy discussion of the Jankins–Neumann problem, since we cannot hope for Theorem 1.6 to provide insight if the original theorem of Jankins, Neumann and Naimi is opaque to the reader.
Section 3 reviews some basic facts about L-space intervals, including the independent results of Hanselman and Watson [Reference Hanselman and WatsonHW15] and Rasmussen and the author [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15] about L-space criteria for unions of Floer simple manifolds.
Section 4 is where we prove our main graph manifold results, including Theorems 1.3 and 1.6 in the forms of Theorems 4.5 and 4.6. This section also derives the classification in Proposition 4.7 of single-boundary-component graph manifolds with non-empty L-space intervals.
Our main cabling results reside in § 5, although the proof of Theorem 1.10, for generalized solid tori, is relegated to § 6.
Lastly, § 6 justifies the generalization in Proposition 1.7 of our Jankins–Neumann graph manifold result to the union of a Seifert fibered space with Floer simple manifolds. This final section also lists an array of applications of the paper’s main results, including the aforementioned generalized solid torus cabling result and proofs of the Floer simple knot complement results from Theorem 1.11 and Proposition 1.12.
2 Foliations on Seifert fibered spaces
A graph manifold is a prime compact oriented three-manifold which admits a JSJ decomposition—which in this case, we take to be a minimal cutting apart along incompressible tori into disjoint pieces—such that each JSJ component is an oriented Seifert fibered space. The data for reassembling these components into the original manifold are encoded in a labeled graph, where each vertex corresponds to a Seifert fibered JSJ component, and each edge corresponds to a gluing of two Seifert fibered pieces along an incompressible torus.
2.1 Restricting taut foliations to JSJ components
Questions about taut foliations on graph manifolds can often be reduced to questions about taut foliations on Seifert fibered spaces, due in part to the following result.
Proposition 2.1 [Reference RoussarieRou74, Reference ThurstonThu80, Reference Brittenham and RobertsBR99].
is a compact oriented three-manifold admitting a taut foliation
transverse to
, then every incompressible separating torus in
can be isotoped to be everywhere transverse to
Proof. Roussarie [Reference RoussarieRou74] showed that if
, then each incompressible torus
$T\subset Y$
can be isotoped to be either everywhere transverse to
or a leaf of
. A later theorem of Brittenham and Roberts [Reference Brittenham and RobertsBR99] extends the validity of this proposition to
foliations. Thus, since a taut foliation has no compact separating leaves, an incompressible separating torus cannot be isotoped to be a leaf of
, and so it must be possible to isotop any incompressible separating torus to be everywhere transverse to
. This is also believed to have been known by Thurston [Reference ThurstonThu80].◻
As noted by Brittenham, Naimi, and Roberts [Reference Brittenham, Naimi and RobertsBNR97], this result has major consequences for graph manifolds.
Corollary 2.2. If
is a graph manifold with tree graph and
is a taut foliation on
transverse to
, then
can be isotoped so that it restricts to boundary-transverse taut foliations on the Seifert fibered JSJ components of
When a closed graph manifold has positive first Betti number, the question of existence of taut foliations becomes trivial, since a result of Gabai states that any such manifold admits a co-oriented taut foliation [Reference GabaiGab83]. Correspondingly, any closed oriented three-manifold with
has non-trivial Heegaard Floer homology, hence is not an L-space. We therefore restrict attention to rational homology sphere graph manifolds, hence to oriented Seifert fibered spaces over
, and regular fiber complements thereof.
2.2 Conventions for Seifert fibered spaces
denotes the trivial circle fibration over the (
)-punctured two-sphere,

then writing
$-\tilde{h}_{i}:\in H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M})$
for the meridian of each excised solid torus
$S^{1}\times D_{i}^{2}$
, we have

for any point class
$p_{S^{1}}\in H_{0}(S^{1})$
of the circle fiber. For each
$i\in \{0,\ldots ,n\}$
, if we write
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{i}:H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M})\rightarrow H_{1}(\hat{M})$
for the map induced by inclusion, then there is a lift
$\tilde{f}_{i}\in \unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{i}^{-1}(f)$
of the regular fiber class
$f\in H_{1}(\hat{M})$
$(-\tilde{h}_{i}\cdot \tilde{f}_{i})|_{\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M}}=1$
. The reverse-oriented basis
induces a projectivization map

by which we identify Seifert invariants with slopes, and slopes with
$\mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
The Seifert fibered space
$M_{S^{2}}(r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }):=M_{S^{2}}(e_{0}=r_{0}/s_{0};r_{1}/s_{1},\ldots ,r_{n}/s_{n})$
is the Dehn filling of
along the slopes
, with
, subject to the convention that
$e_{0}=r_{0}/s_{0}\in \mathbb{Z}$
$r_{i}/s_{i}\notin \mathbb{Z}\cup \{\infty \}$
. Setting each
then gives the presentation

Likewise, if we respectively lift
and each
to generators
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{1}(M_{S^{2}}(r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }))$
and substitute
, then we obtain the fundamental group presentation

For a manifold
$M_{\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^{2}}(r_{\ast }/s_{\ast })$
Seifert fibered over
, we adopt the same homology and slope conventions for the boundary of a regular fiber complement, but the global homology is slightly different. Since, this time,
is the twisted circle bundle over a punctured
, the fiber class
is now 2-torsion. Also, since puncturing
once gives a Möbius strip instead of a disk, the sum
$\sum _{i=1}^{n}\tilde{h}_{i}$
differs from
$p_{\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^{2}}\times \unicode[STIX]{x2202}(\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^{2}\setminus D_{0}^{2})$
by twice the one-cell
glued to the disk to make
, yielding a homology presentation of the form

For either type of base, the Seifert fibration is invariant under any reparameterization
$M(r_{0}/s_{0},\ldots ,r_{n}/s_{n})\rightarrow M(r_{0}/s_{0}+z_{0},\ldots ,z_{n}+r_{n}/s_{n})$
$\sum _{i=0}^{n}z_{i}=0$
and each
$z_{i}\in \mathbb{Z}$
. The manifold also admits orientation-reversing homeomorphism,
$M(r_{0}/s_{0},\ldots ,r_{n}/s_{n})\rightarrow M(-r_{0}/s_{0},\ldots ,-r_{n}/s_{n})$
A regular fiber complement
$Y:=M\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(f)$
in a rational homology sphere Seifert fibered space has
, hence has a well-defined rational longitude.
Definition 2.3. Any compact oriented three-manifold
with torus boundary and
has a rational longitude, a unique class
$l\in \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
such that representatives in
have torsion image in
under the homomorphism induced by inclusion of the boundary.
It is straightforward to show (see, for example, [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15]) that

A mild generalization of the calculation in [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15] shows that the above result also holds if each solid torus
$S^{1}\times D_{i}^{2}$
is replaced with an arbitrary compact oriented three-manifold
with torus boundary and
, with
the image of the rational longitude of
. By contrast, if the JSJ component containing
has non-orientable base, then
The requirement that
$r_{i}/s_{i}\neq \infty$
$i\in \{0,\ldots ,n\}$
is a necessary (assuming
) and sufficient condition for the resulting Seifert fibered space to be prime—an important property for manifolds serving as building blocks in combinatorial constructions. To understand necessity, let
$\hat{M}^{\infty }$
denote the result of Dehn filling
with slope
. If
is fibered over a punctured
, then
$\hat{M}^{\infty }$
is a connected sum of
solid tori, each with longitude of slope
. Similarly, if
is fibered over a punctured
, then
$\hat{M}^{\infty }$
is the connected sum of an
$S^{1}\times S^{2}$
solid tori, each with longitude of slope
Primality is especially important in the context of foliations, since, by Novikov [Reference NovikovNov65], no reducible manifold except
$S^{1}\times S^{2}$
admits a co-oriented taut foliation. On the other hand, not all connected sums are L-spaces, so any correspondence between being an L-space and failing to admit a co-oriented taut foliation breaks down beyond the realm of prime manifolds.
2.3 Rotation number, shift, and foliation slope
One of the key insights of Jankins and Neumann into the work of Eisenbud, Hirsch, and Neumann on taut foliations on Seifert fibered spaces was the need for a better invariant on
. Whereas the latter group relied on the invariants
$\text{}\underline{m},\overline{m}:\widetilde{\text{Homeo}_{+}}S^{1}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$
, with
$\text{}\underline{m}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}):=\min _{t\in \mathbb{R}}\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}(t)-t$
$\overline{m}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}):=\max _{t\in \mathbb{R}}\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}(t)-t$
, Jankins and Neumann introduced the problem to a more precise invariant of circle actions: a conjugacy invariant called the (Poincaré) rotation number,

which is independent of
$t\in \mathbb{R}$
, and rational if and only if
has some closed orbit [Reference GhysGhy01]. The rotation number is not, in general, a homomorphism. However, it restricts to a homomorphism on any amenable, hence any abelian, subgroup [Reference GhysGhy01]. In particular, it restricts to a homomorphism on any representation of the fundamental group of a torus.
The simplest element of
is a rotation, or shift,

$\text{rot}\circ \text{sh}=\text{id}$
, not every element of
is conjugate to a rotation. It is a classic result, however, that every element of
with irrational rotation number is left and right semiconjugate to a shift of the same rotation number [Reference GhysGhy01].
Rotation numbers can also be used to associate slopes to taut foliations on tori.
Definition 2.4. For the two-torus
, there is a canonical map

constructed below, which respects isotopy. We call
the slope of
has Reeb components, then
is given by the class of any closed leaf of
. All Reebless foliations on tori are taut. Thus, if
is Reebless, then there is a curve, say
of primitive class
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\in H_{1}(T)$
, which intersects every leaf transversely, and
can be realized as the suspension of a circle homeomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}_{F,\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}\in \text{Homeo}_{+}S^{1}$
to itself [Reference Hector and HirschHH81]. A choice of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in H_{1}(T)$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\cdot \unicode[STIX]{x1D706}=1$
induces a lift of this suspension to a suspension from a universal cover
to its translate by
in the universal cover of
. That is, if we regard
as the real vector space
$\{t\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\}_{t\in \mathbb{R}}$
spanned by
, with
$C_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}\cong \tilde{C}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}/\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\mathbb{Z}$
, then we can lift the foliation
to the universal cover of
by iteratively suspending the map
$t\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\mapsto \tilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}}_{F,\unicode[STIX]{x1D706},\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}(t)\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}+\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}$
, for an appropriate lift
$\tilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}}_{F,\unicode[STIX]{x1D706},\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}}\in \widetilde{\text{Homeo}}_{+}S^{1}\subset \text{Homeo}_{+}\mathbb{R}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}_{F,\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}}\in \text{Homeo}_{+}S^{1}$
This lifted suspension, in turn, induces a representation

denote the lifts of
. One can regard
as describing how to traverse the line
$\{t\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\}_{t\in \mathbb{R}}\subset \langle \unicode[STIX]{x1D707},\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\rangle _{\mathbb{R}}$
by traveling only along foliation leaves or integer multiples of
. That is, if one starts at some
, hops by
for some
$a,b\in \mathbb{Z}$
, takes the foliation leaf intersecting this new point, and follows this leaf back to the line
$\{t\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\}_{t\in \mathbb{R}}$
, then one will arrive at
. Note that while
is independent of the choice of
, and is determined up to conjugacy by a choice of
, it still depends on
On the other hand, when we define the slope
to be

then the rotation number washes out all dependence on
and choice of suspension. That is, one can use the definition of rotation number to compute
in terms of the rotation number associated to a different choice of basis and suspension for
, and obtain the same answer for
in both cases. Alternatively, any suspension homeomorphism with rational rotation number has a periodic orbit, hence realizes a foliation with a compact leaf of slope
. If the suspension homeomorphism has irrational rotation number, then it is semiconjugate to a shift of matching rotation number [Reference GhysGhy01], giving rise to a linear foliation of slope
2.4 Restricting Seifert fibered space foliations to torus foliations
If a compact oriented three-manifold
admits a co-oriented taut foliation transverse to
, then Gabai tells us that
can only have toroidal components [Reference GabaiGab83]. Thus, we often encounter foliations on tori as boundary restrictions of foliations on three-manifolds. Moreover, on a Seifert fibered space, any taut foliation transverse to the boundary restricts to taut foliations on boundary components.
is a co-oriented taut foliation transverse to the fibration of the Seifert fibered Dehn filling
$M_{S^{2}}(r_{\ast }/s_{\ast })$
along the slopes
$r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }=(r_{0}/s_{0},\ldots ,r_{n}/s_{n})$
of the trivial circle fibration
over an (
, according to the conventions of § 2.2. For each boundary component
, we regard the foliation
$F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M}$
as a suspension of a homeomorphism of the curve of class
to itself, and since the class
$-\tilde{h}_{i}\cdot \tilde{f}_{i}=1$
, it specifies a lift of this suspension to a suspension of an element
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}_{F,\tilde{f}_{i},-\tilde{h}_{i}}\in \widetilde{\text{Homeo}_{+}}S^{1}$
. To this suspension we associate the representation

allowing us to express the slope
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M})$
$F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M}$

The construction of Eisenbud, Hirsch, and Neumann [Reference Eisenbud, Hirsch and NeumannEHN81] associating a representation
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{1}(M(r_{i}/s_{i}))\rightarrow \widetilde{\text{Homeo}_{+}}S^{1}$
, sending the fiber class
, is sufficiently compatible with the construction of each
above that, possibly after conjugation of each
can be chosen to satisfy
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}_{i}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}\,\circ \,\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{i}^{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{1}}$
, with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{i}^{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{1}}:\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M})\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{1}(M_{S^{2}}(r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }))$
the homomorphism induced by inclusion. The presentation (6) for
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{1}(M_{S^{2}}(r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }))$
then places the following restrictions on
, as observed by Jankins and Neumann [Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85]:

Jankins and Neumann mostly focused on the case of
, and
, but their above observation holds in general.
Whereas the first condition enforces a global restriction on
, the latter two conditions provide local restrictions at each
$F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M}$
, which we could recover simply by considering Dehn fillings. The solid torus admits only one taut foliation, namely, the product foliation with slope given by the rational longitude. As a consequence, the co-oriented taut foliation
$F\,\cap \,\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M}$
extends to a co-oriented taut foliation on the Dehn filling
if and only if
$F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M}$
is the product foliation of slope
, which occurs if and only if
is conjugate to
, a condition which requires
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M})=\text{rot}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}_{i}))=r_{i}/s_{i}$
. In particular, the
shift conjugacy condition, that
be conjugate to
, is due solely to the fact that
is glued to a solid torus. As emphasized by Boyer and Clay [Reference Boyer and ClayBC14], when one relaxes the
shift conjugacy condition, one can still find manifolds
with torus boundary for which
extends to a taut foliation on
$\hat{M}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{j}\hat{M}}Y\!$
, for a suitable choice of gluing map.
It is presumably for this reason that Jankins and Neumann focused on the more general condition of
-realizability for an (
$r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }:=(e_{0}=r_{0}/s_{0},r_{1}/s_{1},\ldots ,r_{n}/s_{n})$
, given a subset
$J\subset \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
. They deem
$r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }$
-realizable if there is a representation
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{J}:\langle \unicode[STIX]{x1D702}_{1},\ldots ,\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}_{n}\rangle \rightarrow \widetilde{\text{Homeo}_{+}}S^{1}$
such that
meets the
$r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }$
rotation number condition, that
$\text{rot}(\prod _{i=1}^{n}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}_{i}))=-e_{0}$
for each
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
, and such that
meets the
shift conjugacy condition for each
$j\in J$
. We have already shown that
-realizability is a necessary condition for
to admit a taut foliation
of slopes
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M})=r_{i}/s_{i}$
which extends to a taut foliation on the partial Dehn filling of
along the slopes
$r_{j}/s_{j}\in \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{j}\hat{M}))$
for all
$j\in \{0\}\cup J$
. With the help of Naimi, Jankins and Neumann showed that the condition is also sufficient [Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85, Reference NaimiNai94].
2.5 Solutions for
Jankins and Neumann conjectured that a slope
$r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }$
-realizable in
if and only if it is
-realizable in a smooth Lie subgroup of
. Observing that any smooth Lie subgroup of
is conjugate to
for some
$k\!\in \!\mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, where
$(\unicode[STIX]{x1D713}_{k}:t\mapsto kt)\in \text{Homeo}_{+}\mathbb{R}$
, they computed

for the maximum rotation number of a product of elements
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}_{i}\in \widetilde{\text{PSL}}_{k}(2,\mathbb{R})$
with each
. They then proved the above conjecture in all but one case, later proven by Naimi [Reference NaimiNai94]. More recently, in [Reference Calegari and WalkerCW11, Theorem 3.9] (appropriately generalized from 2 to
), Calegari and Walker rederived (18) (with the maximum taken over
$k\!\in \!\mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
) for
, without appealing to
, by using dynamical techniques similar to those of Naimi.
One obtains the analogous minimum rotation number of a product by sending
$r_{i}/s_{i}\mapsto -r_{i}/s_{i}$
in (18). Demanding that
lie between the minimum and maximum rotation numbers for
$\prod _{i=1}^{n}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}_{i})$
, and multiplying the resulting inequality by
, implies that a representation in
can only satisfy the rotation number condition for
$r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }=(e_{0},r_{1}/s_{1},\ldots ,r_{n}/s_{n})$

a criterion which Jankins and Neumann prove is also sufficient [Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85]. Moreover,
$r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }$
-realizable in
, for some
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, if and only if

The shift conjugacy condition is easier to apply: one can approximate an element of
with a shift-conjugate element of arbitrarily close rotation number. Jankins and Neumann used this fact to show that if one fixes all
$i\neq j$
, for some fixed
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
, then imposing the
shift conjugacy condition is equivalent to restricting to the interior of the interval of
$r_{j}/s_{j}\in \mathbb{R}$
for which the
$r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }$
rotation number condition is satisfied. More generally, Calegari and Walker have shown that the same principle holds for the rotation number condition associated to any fixed positive word [Reference Calegari and WalkerCW11, Lemma 3.31].
Since for any
$r\in \mathbb{R}$
$z\in \mathbb{Z}$
, we have

it follows, for any
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
, that if we fix all
$i\neq j$
, then the interval of
$r_{j}/s_{j}\in \mathbb{R}$
satisfying (19) is closed. On the other hand, for any
$r\in \mathbb{R}$
$z\in \mathbb{Z}$
, we know that

These identities led Jankins and Neumann to produce the formulas in the following result.
[JN85] and Naimi [Nai94];
Theorem 2.5 (Jankins and Neumann [Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85] and Naimi [Reference NaimiNai94]; cf. Calegari and Walker [Reference Calegari and WalkerCW11]).
For any
$n\geqslant 2$
, partition
$J\amalg \bar{J}=\{0,\ldots ,n\}$
$0\in J$
, and
$r_{\ast }/s_{\ast }\!:=\!(r_{0}/s_{0},\ldots ,r_{n}/s_{n})\in \mathbb{Q}^{n+1}$
$r_{0}/s_{0}\in \mathbb{Z}$
$r_{i}/s_{i}\notin \mathbb{Z}$
, the trivial circle fibration
over an
admits a co-oriented taut foliation
transverse to the boundary, with slopes
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M})=r_{i}/s_{i}$
$i\in \{0,\ldots ,n\}$
, and with
extending to a co-oriented taut foliation on the Dehn filling of
of slope
for each
$j\in J$
, if and only if
$0\in \langle y_{+},y_{-}\rangle$
, with

is the least common positive multiple of the
2.6 Dehn fillings and
For any particular
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
in the above theorem, if one fixes the remaining slopes, one finds that the space of slopes in
for which the desired taut foliation exists is often an interval. We now introduce some notation to describe such spaces of slopes in general.
Definition 2.6. If
is a compact oriented three-manifold with torus boundary, then we define the sets
${\mathcal{F}}^{L}(Y)\subset {\mathcal{F}}^{D}(Y)\subset {\mathcal{F}}(Y)\subset \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y;\mathbb{Z}))$
of rational foliation slopes as follows:

All linear foliations, even irrational ones, are taut, but rational linear foliations are product foliations, hence extend to co-oriented taut foliations on Dehn fillings of matching slope, implying
${\mathcal{F}}^{L}(Y)\subset {\mathcal{F}}^{D}(Y)\subset {\mathcal{F}}(Y)$
. In fact, the work of Jankins and Neumann tells us that
for manifolds Seifert fibered over the disk, and that the analogous result holds for manifolds Seifert fibered over a punctured
. Since the same also holds for manifolds Seifert fibered over a punctured
[Reference Boyer and ClayBC14], and since Corollary 2.2 tells us that taut foliations on homology sphere graph manifolds isotop to restrict to taut foliations transverse to boundaries on Seifert fibered JSJ components, we additionally have
for any graph manifold with torus boundary and
In this latter case, it is natural to ask whether
admits a description analogous to the Dehn filling characterization for
. That is, can
be characterized in terms of taut foliations on some closed union of
with some other manifold? Boyer and Clay answer this question affirmatively [Reference Boyer and ClayBC14], as we shall see.
denote the regular fiber complement

which Boyer and Clay call the ‘twisted
-bundle over the Klein bottle’, or
. The manifold
can play a role analogous to that of the solid torus for Dehn fillings.
Definition 2.7. Suppose
is an oriented three-manifold with toroidal boundary component
. We call any union
$Y\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\bar{N}$
with gluing map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}\bar{N}\rightarrow -\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y$
-filling of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y))$
, where
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}:=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}(l)$
is the image of the rational longitude
. If
has (single) torus boundary, we denote an
-filling of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
More generally, if
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y=\coprod _{i=1}^{n}\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y$
is a disjoint union of tori, then given a slope
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast }:=(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{1},\ldots ,\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{n})\in \prod _{i=1}^{n}\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y))$
and subset
$\bar{J}\subset \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
, we denote by
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\bar{J};\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
any manifold resulting from
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\bar{\jmath }}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{\bar{\jmath }}Y$
for each
$\bar{\jmath }\in \bar{J}$
We then have the following result for
Proposition 2.8. Suppose
is a prime compact oriented manifold with boundary a disjoint union
$\coprod _{i=1}^{n}\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y\!$
of tori, with some given slope
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast }:=(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{1},\ldots ,\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{n})\in \prod _{i=1}^{n}\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y))$
. Moreover, suppose either that
$b_{1}(Y(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast }))>0$
for the Dehn filling
$Y(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
, or that
is a graph manifold, and there is some (possibly empty)
$\bar{J}\subset \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
, and
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\bar{J};\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\bar{\jmath }}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{\bar{\jmath }}Y$
for each
$\bar{\jmath }\in \bar{J}$
, such that
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\bar{J};\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
admits a co-oriented taut foliation
transverse to the boundary, with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F\,\cap \,\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{j}Y)=\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{j}$
for each
$j\in J:=\{1,\ldots ,n\}\setminus \bar{J}$
Then, for every
$\bar{J}\subset \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
, every
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\bar{J};\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
$Y:=Y^{\bar{N}}(\emptyset ;\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
) admits a co-oriented taut foliation
transverse to the boundary, with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F\,\cap \,\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{j}Y)=\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{j}$
for each
$j\in J:=\{1,\ldots ,n\}\setminus \bar{J}$
Proof. Part (2) of Gabai’s main theorem in [Reference GabaiGab83] tells us that any prime oriented three-manifold with
and boundary a (possibly empty) union of tori admits a co-oriented taut foliation transverse to the boundary. Thus, if
$b_{1}(Y(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast }))>0$
, then any
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast }):=Y^{\bar{N}}(\{1,\ldots ,n\};\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
, hence admits a co-oriented taut foliation
. Since each
is an incompressible separating torus in this
-filling, Proposition 2.1 allows us to isotop these separating tori so that they are everywhere transverse to
. Restricting
to any sub-
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\bar{J};\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })\subset Y^{\bar{N}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
then gives the desired taut foliation on
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\bar{J};\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
If, instead,
is a graph manifold with
$b_{1}(Y(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast }))=0$
, and we are given
$\bar{J}\subset \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
and a co-oriented taut foliation
on some
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\bar{J};\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
, with
transverse to the boundary and with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{j}Y)=\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{j}$
for each
$j\in J:=\{1,\ldots ,n\}\setminus \bar{J}$
, then Proposition 2.1 again allows us to isotop each separating torus
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{\bar{\jmath }}Y$
so that
restricts to a co-oriented taut foliation on
, transverse to
, with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y)=\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{i}$
for each
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
We then apply the foliation gluing theorem of Boyer and Clay [Reference Boyer and ClayBC14, Theorem 9.5.2]. That is, for each
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
, Theorem 2.5 computes that
, with
(of slope
) the rational longitude of the
. Thus, for any gluing maps
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{i}:\bar{N}_{i}\rightarrow -\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y$
$l_{i}\mapsto \unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{i}$
in homology, Boyer and Clay’s gluing theorem tells us that there exist co-oriented taut foliations
$F^{\prime }$
, transverse to respective boundaries, with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F^{\prime }\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y)=\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{i}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{i\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F_{j}\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}\bar{N}_{j}))$
for each
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n\}$
, such that the
$F^{\prime }$
glue together to form a co-oriented taut foliation on the
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
specified by the
. After isotoping the
to be transverse to this foliation, we can restrict this foliation to any sub-
$Y^{\bar{N}}(\bar{J}^{\prime };\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })\subset Y^{\bar{N}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{\ast })$
In particular, for a graph manifold
with torus boundary, we have
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in {\mathcal{F}}(Y)$
if and only if an
admits a co-oriented taut foliation.
3 L-space intervals
An L-space is a closed oriented three-manifold whose Heegaard Floer homology is trivial, in the sense that for each
structure, the hat Heegaard Floer homology looks like the singular homology of a point. The reader unfamiliar with L-spaces could consult [Reference Ozsváth and SzabóOS06a, Reference Ozsváth and SzabóOS06b] for an introduction to Heegaard Floer homology, or [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15] for a treatment of L-space Dehn fillings. For present purposes, we shall only need the classification of Seifert fibered L-spaces, some formal properties of sets of L-space Dehn-filling slopes, and some basic gluing results, all of which we catalog below.
3.1 L-space Dehn fillings and
Definition 3.1. If
is a compact oriented three-manifold with torus boundary, then we define the L-space interval of
to be

We shall write
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)$
for the interior of
is analogous to, and often complementary to,
, especially when
has no reducible non-L-space Dehn fillings. Moreover, since the set of slopes of co-oriented taut foliations meeting a generalized rotation number condition is often the closure of the set of product foliation slopes meeting that condition [Reference Calegari and WalkerCW11, Lemma 3.31], it is natural to ask if
bears any relation to the complement of
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)$
. In fact, we have the following result.
Proposition 3.2 [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15].
is a compact oriented three-manifold with torus boundary, then an
is an L-space if and only if
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)$
Proof. In [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15, Proposition 7.9], Rasmussen and the author prove the above result with
replaced by any member of a more general class of manifolds dubbed generalized solid tori. Since
is a generalized solid torus as defined in [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15], the result follows.◻
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)$
can be regarded as the L-space
-filling interval of
3.2 L-space gluing
Our primary tool for characterizing when a union of three-manifolds along a torus boundary gives an L-space is the following joint result of Rasmussen and the author [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15]. Hanselman and Watson have proven a similar result in [Reference Hanselman and WatsonHW15].
Proposition 3.3 [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15].
If each of
is a compact oriented three-manifold with torus boundary, then for any gluing map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{1}\rightarrow -\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{2}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{1}))\cap {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{2})\neq \emptyset$
, the union
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$
is an L-space if and only if
$\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{2}))=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{1}))\cup {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{2})$
if both
are boundary incompressible, and if and only if
$\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{2}))=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}(Y_{1}))\cup {\mathcal{L}}(Y_{2})$
Proof. Recall that a compact three-manifold with torus boundary is boundary incompressible if and only if it is not a connected sum of a solid torus with a (possibly empty) closed three-manifold. The above proposition replicates from [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15, Theorem 6.2], except with the hypothesis of boundary incompressibility of each
replacing an a priori more technical condition that certain subsets
${\mathcal{D}}^{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}}(Y_{i})\subset H_{1}(Y_{i})$
be non-empty. Thomas Gillespie has recently shown [Reference GillespieGil16] these two conditions to be equivalent. None of our gluing arguments involving graph manifolds actually make use of his result, but our later cabling results, which in principle require unions with non-graph manifolds, do require Gillespie’s result.◻
We shall later show that in the case of non-solid-torus graph manifolds
with torus boundary, various foliation results allow us to drop some of the above hypotheses, so that one obtains an L-space if and only if
$\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{2}))=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{1}))\cup {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{2})$
In rather the opposite direction, if
is Seifert fibered over a punctured
, then a Dehn filling
$Y^{\prime }$
fails to be a graph manifold if and only if
$Y^{\prime }$
fails to be prime, if and only if
$Y^{\prime }\neq S^{1}\times S^{2}$
and the Dehn filling, in some
, was along the fiber lift
$\tilde{f}_{i}\in H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}Y)$
of slope
(see the remark near the end of § 2.2). In this case,
$Y^{\prime }$
is neither a graph manifold nor a habitat for taut foliations, but since it has compressible boundary, its L-space gluing properties simplify, due to the following result.
Proposition 3.4. Suppose that each of
is a compact oriented three-manifold with torus boundary, and that
has compressible boundary. Then the union
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$
is an L-space if and only if
$X_{1},\ldots ,X_{N}$
are all L-spaces and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}(l_{1})\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y_{2})$
, where
is the rational longitude of
, and where
decomposes as
$Y_{1}=(S^{1}\times D^{2})\#(X_{1}\#\cdots \#X_{N})$
Proof. A union along toroidal boundaries with a solid torus is just a Dehn filling, so we have
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}=Y_{2}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}(l_{1}))\#X_{1}\#\cdots \#X_{N}$
, and a connected sum of closed manifolds is an L-space if and only if each summand is an L-space.◻
The above result explains why not every graph manifold
with torus boundary satisfies
${\mathcal{F}}^{D}(Y)\amalg {\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
. That is, no reducible manifold (besides
$S^{1}\times D^{2}$
) admits a co-oriented taut foliation, but there exist graph manifolds with reducible Dehn fillings which are not
$S^{1}\times D^{2}$
or an L-space.
3.3 Floer simple manifolds and L-space intervals
It is not known, in general, what forms the sets
can take for an arbitrary compact oriented three-manifold
with torus boundary, but the situation for L-spaces is better understood. As shown in [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15] by Rasmussen and the author,
can only be empty, the set of a single point, a closed interval, or the complement of the rational longitude in
. For historical reasons, we call
Floer simple in the latter two cases. Equivalently, we could define Floer simple manifolds as follows.
Definition 3.5. A compact oriented three-manifold
with torus boundary is Floer simple if
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)\neq \emptyset$
In particular, if
is Floer simple, then its space
of L-space Dehn filling slopes can be specified entirely in terms of the left-hand and right-hand endpoints of
, in a sense we can make precise, prefaced with the introduction of an abbreviative notation for the closed interval with infinite endpoint.
Definition 3.6. For
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, we shall write
$[-\infty ,y]$
$[y,+\infty ]$
$[-\infty ,y\rangle$
, and
$\langle y,+\infty ]$
for the following intervals in
$(\mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \})\subset (\mathbb{R}\cup \{\infty \})$

Definition 3.7. If
$y_{-},y_{+}\!\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
, then we define the L-space interval from
, denoted
$[[y_{-},y_{+}]]\subset \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
, as follows:

In other words,
is the unique interval with left-hand endpoint
and right-hand endpoint
which is closed if
$y_{-}\neq y_{+}$
and open otherwise.
In practice, we extend the above definition to allow
, which we treat as identical to the respective cases of
Proposition 3.8. Suppose, for some compact oriented three-manifold
with torus boundary, that we are given an identification
$\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))\cong \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
. If
is Floer simple, then there are unique
$y_{-},y_{+}\!\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
such that
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=[[y_{-},y_{+}]]\subset \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
. Conversely, if there are
$y_{-},y_{+}\!\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
for which
, then
is Floer simple.
The above follows from the aforementioned result, proven in [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15], that if
contains more than one point, then
is either a closed interval or the complement of a point in
. The following computation of L-space intervals for Seifert fibered spaces demonstrates one use of this ‘
$[[\cdot ,\cdot ]]$
’ notation.
Proposition 3.9. If
is a regular fiber complement in a Seifert fibered rational homology sphere, then
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)\amalg {\mathcal{F}}(Y)=\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
. If
has non-orientable base, we have
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$
is the twisted
-bundle over the Möbius strip, in which case
${\mathcal{F}}^{D}(Y)=\{\infty \}$
). If
is a regular fiber complement in
$M_{S^{2}}(y_{\ast })$
, for some
$y_{\ast }=(y_{0},\ldots ,y_{n})\in \mathbb{Q}^{n+1}$
, then
$\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))\setminus {\mathcal{F}}^{D}(Y)={\mathcal{L}}(Y)=[[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
, where

is a solid torus, in which case
$y_{-}:=y_{+}:=-\!\sum _{i=0}^{n}y_{i}$
is the rational longitude of
Proof. For the case of
with non-orientable base, see the work of Boyer, Gordon, and Watson [Reference Boyer, Gordon and WatsonBGW13] and Boyer and Clay [Reference Boyer and ClayBC14]. For
with orientable base, the foliations result is due to Jankins, Neumann, and Naimi [Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85, Reference NaimiNai94], and the L-space result is originally due to the combined work of Jankins, Neumann, and Naimi [Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85, Reference NaimiNai94], Eliashberg and Thurston [Reference Eliashberg and ThurstonET98], Ozsváth and Szabó [Reference Ozsváth and SzabóOS04], Lisca and Matić [Reference Lisca and MatićLM04], and Lisca and Stipsicz [Reference Lisca and StipsiczLS07]. Alternatively, Rasmussen and the author offer a recent stand-alone proof of the L-space result [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15].◻
4 L-space intervals and foliation slopes for graph manifolds
This is the section in which we prove most of our main results. We begin, however, by introducing the notion of L/NTF-equivalence, the presence of which makes gluing easier. We further pause in § 4.2 to establish some conventions for graph manifolds with torus boundary and
4.1 L/NTF-equivalence and gluing
For a pair of manifolds spliced together along torus boundaries, we can often prove stronger gluing results about the existence of co-oriented taut foliations or non-trivial Heegaard Floer homology if we are able to use gluing theorems from both areas of mathematics. In general, however, this strategy only works if we know that each manifold behaves in a suitably complementary manner with respect to co-oriented taut foliations and L-space Dehn fillings, a notion which we now make precise.
Definition 4.1. If
is a prime compact oriented three-manifold with torus boundary, then we say that
is L/NTF-equivalent if
${\mathcal{F}}(Y)\amalg {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)=\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
In certain circumstances, one can characterize L/NTF-equivalence in terms of
Proposition 4.2. Suppose
is a prime compact oriented three-manifold with torus boundary. If
is a graph manifold, then
is L/NTF-equivalent if and only if each
-filling of
is an L-space precisely when it fails to admit a co-oriented taut foliation.
There are some classes of manifold which we already know to be L/NTF-equivalent.
Proposition 4.3. Suppose
is a prime compact oriented three-manifold with torus boundary. If
, or if
is the union of a Seifert fibered space with zero or more copies of
, then
is L/NTF-equivalent.
Proof. If
, then since no Dehn filling of
is a rational homology sphere, we have
, implying
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)=\emptyset$
. Correspondingly, Proposition 2.8 implies
and is the union of a Seifert fibered space with zero or more copies of
. Then, using [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15, Proposition 7.9] of Rasmussen and the author to replace Boyer’s and Clay’s ‘
’ manifolds with
, we invoke the ‘slope detection’ theorem of Boyer and Clay [Reference Boyer and ClayBC14, Theorem 8.1] to deduce L/NTF-equivalence for
Alternatively, one could prove the same result by inductively performing
-fillings in regular fiber complements, starting with Proposition 3.9 for the Seifert fibered base case, and using the gluing result in Proposition 4.4 below, together with (21) and (22), to evolve (27) to match (23). Similar inductive arguments appear in the proof of Theorem 4.6.◻
We later prove L/NTF-equivalence for all graph manifolds with torus boundary.
We are now ready to state our main gluing result.
Proposition 4.4. Suppose
are non-solid-torus L/NTF-equivalent graph manifolds with torus boundary. Then for any union
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{1}\rightarrow -\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{2}$
, the following are equivalent:
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$ is an L-space;
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$ does not admit a co-oriented taut foliation;
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{1}))\cup {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{2})=\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{2}))$ .
Proof. Suppose (iii) holds, so that Proposition 3.3 implies
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$
is an L-space. Ozsváth and Szabó have shown [Reference Ozsváth and SzabóOS04] that an L-space does not admit
co-oriented taut foliations, and this result has been improved to
co-oriented taut foliations by Bowden [Reference BowdenBow15] and independently by Kazez and Roberts [Reference Kazez and RobertsKR15].
Suppose (iii) fails to hold. If
$b_{1}(Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}Y_{2})>0$
, then Gabai [Reference GabaiGab83] tells us there is a co-oriented taut foliation on
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}Y_{2}$
, and we also know that
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}Y_{2}$
is not an L-space. Suppose instead that
$b_{1}(Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}Y_{2})=0$
. Then L/NTF-equivalence implies
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{F}}(Y_{1}))\cap {\mathcal{F}}(Y_{2})\neq \emptyset$
, and so there are co-oriented taut foliations
transverse to
such that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F_{1}\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{1}))=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(F_{2}\cap \unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{2})$
. By Corollary 2.2, we can isotop the incompressible tori in
so that each
restricts to boundary-transverse co-oriented taut foliations on each of the JSJ components of each
. This means that the JSJ components of
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}Y_{2}$
each admit boundary-transverse co-oriented taut foliations which restrict to boundary foliations of matching slopes with respect to boundary-gluing maps. We can therefore invoke the foliation gluing theorem of Boyer and Clay [Reference Boyer and ClayBC14, Theorem 9.5.2] to assert the existence of a co-oriented taut foliation on all of
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}Y_{2}$
. Again, this co-oriented taut foliation implies that
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$
is not an L-space.◻
4.2 Graph manifold conventions
Any closed graph manifold can be regarded as a Dehn filling of a graph manifold
with torus boundary. If
, then
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)={\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)=\emptyset$
(see Proposition 4.3), which is not very interesting.
, then we call
a tree manifold, since
admits a rational homology sphere Dehn filling, corresponding to a tree graph. Rooting the tree graph for
at the Seifert fibered piece containing
provides a recursive construction for

where each of
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
is a non-solid-torus tree manifold with torus boundary. Since
is the trivial circle fibration over an (
or the twisted circle fibration over an (
, with boundary components
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\hat{M}:=\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}\hat{M}$
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{d}}}\}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\hat{M}:=\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}+i}\hat{M}$
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
, and
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y:=\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{n+1}\hat{M}=:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\hat{M}=:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}+1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\hat{M}$
, with
$n:=n_{{\rm \small{d}}}+n_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
. We shall sometimes call
the ‘foundation’ for
Since edges in the graph for
correspond to gluings along incompressible tori, each gluing map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{i}:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{i}\rightarrow -\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\hat{M}$
, for
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
, labels one of the
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
edges descending from the root of the graph for
. We call
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
the daughter subtrees of
. Each
is a tree manifold with torus boundary and
, with tree rooted at the Seifert fibered piece containing
, giving rise to a recursive description for
analogous to that for
in (28). For any
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
for which
is Floer simple, i.e. for which
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{i})\neq \emptyset$
, we invoke Proposition 3.8 to write

If, instead,
${\mathcal{L}}(Y_{i})\neq \emptyset$
for some non-Floer-simple
, then we write

Since the
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}$
solid tori glued to
create the exceptional fibers of the Seifert fibered ‘root’
$\hat{M}\cup \coprod _{i=1}^{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}(S^{1}\times D_{i}^{2})$
of our tree, we record the Seifert data of this Seifert fibered space by labeling the root vertex with the Dehn filling slopes
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
. More explicitly, to each solid torus
$S^{1}\times D_{i}^{2}$
in (28) we associate the gluing map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}(S^{1}\times D_{i}^{2})\rightarrow -\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\hat{M}$
, and set
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}:=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{i\ast }^{{\rm \small{d}}\mathbb{P}}(l_{i})$
, for
the rational longitude of
$S^{1}\times D_{i}^{2}$
. As usual, we demand that each
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\neq \infty$
. We stray slightly from our earlier convention by allowing
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, but this allows us to fix
$e_{0}:=y_{0}^{{\rm \small{d}}}:=0$
and then forget the zeroth fiber complement altogether, without loss of generality.
4.3 Statement of main results
We first show that all graph manifolds with torus boundary are L/NTF-equivalent, making our main gluing tool, Proposition 4.4, applicable for all such non-solid-torus graph manifolds. We then can make the inductive gluing arguments necessary to calculate L-space intervals for graph manifolds with torus boundary.
Theorem 4.5. Every graph manifold
with torus boundary is L/NTF equivalent, i.e. satisfies
${\mathcal{F}}(Y)\amalg {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)=\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
. Moreover, if we let
denote the set of slopes of reducible (and not
$S^{1}\times D^{2}$
) Dehn fillings of
, then
${\mathcal{F}}^{D}(Y)\amalg ({\mathcal{L}}(Y)\cup {\mathcal{R}}(Y))=\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
The above also implies that the following calculation of
for graph manifolds
with torus boundary completely determines both
Theorem 4.6. Suppose
is a graph manifold with torus boundary and non-empty
. If the Seifert fibered component of
has non-orientable base, then
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$
. Otherwise, we have

where, for
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}},n_{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},$
$y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
as defined in § 4.2, we define
$y_{-},y_{+}\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$

is a solid torus, in which case
$y_{-}\!:=y_{+}\!:=-\!\sum _{i=1}^{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
The above formulas for
$y_{\mp }$
are finitely computable. In particular, the maximum (respectively, minimum) is realized for
$k\leqslant s_{\pm }$
, where
$s_{\pm }$
is the least common positive multiple of the denominators of
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
$y_{1\pm }^{{\rm \small{g}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\pm }^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, with
cases taken respectively from top to bottom. If computation is not the goal, then one can avoid treating the solid torus case separately by replacing ‘
’ with ‘
’ and ‘
’ with ‘
Unlike the case of oriented Seifert fibered spaces over the Möbius strip or disk, not all graph manifolds with torus boundary are Floer simple. We therefore need a companion result to characterize precisely when
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }$
is non-empty.
Proposition 4.7. Suppose
is a graph manifold with torus boundary. If
, then
. Suppose
, so that
admits the recursive description in § 4.2.
If the JSJ component containing
has non-orientable base, then
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\neq \emptyset$
if and only if
is Floer simple, if and only if the following holds:
- (fs0)
All daughter subtrees
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$ are Floer simple;
$\infty \in ([[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]])^{\circ }$ for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$ .
If the JSJ component containing
has orientable base, then
is Floer simple if and only if the daughter subtrees
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
are each Floer simple and one of the following holds:
- (fs1)
$[[y_{j-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{j+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$ for some
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$ ;
$\infty \in ([[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]])^{\circ }$ for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}\setminus \{j\}$ .
- (fs2)
$-\infty <y_{j-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}<y_{j+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}<+\infty$ , for some
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$ ;
$\infty \in ([[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]])^{\circ }$ for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}\setminus \{j\}$ ;
$y_{-}<y_{+}$ .
- (fs3)
At least one of
$\{i:[[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=[-\infty ,y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]\}$ and
$\{i:[[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},+\infty ]\}$ is the empty set;
$\infty \in [[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]$ for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$ .
If the JSJ component containing
has orientable base, then
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\neq \emptyset$
not Floer simple if and only if one of the following holds:
- (nfs1)
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=1$ ,
$|\{i:y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Q}\setminus \mathbb{Z}\}|\leqslant 1$ ;
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{1\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}(Y_{1}))=\{y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$ for some
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$ ;
$\sum _{i=1}^{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$ or all
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$ .
- (nfs2)
All daughter subtrees
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$ are Floer simple;
$-\infty <y_{j-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}<y_{j+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}<+\infty$ , for some
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$ ;
$\infty \in ([[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]])^{\circ }$ for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}\setminus \{j\}$ ;
$y_{-}=y_{+}$ .
- (nfs3)
All daughter subtrees
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$ are Floer simple;
$\{i:[[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=[-\infty ,y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]\}\neq \emptyset$ and
$\{i:[[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},+\infty ]\}\neq \emptyset$ ;
$\infty \in [[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]$ for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$ .
- (nfs4)
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{j\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}(Y_{j}))=\{\infty \}$ for some
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$ ;
$\infty \in \unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{i\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}(Y_{i}))$ for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$ .
Note that all eight
$({\rm \small{fs}})$
$({\rm \small{nfs}})$
conditions are mutually exclusive. Note also that the isolated L-space fillings described in
$({\rm \small{nfs3}})$
$({\rm \small{nfs4}})$
are not graph manifolds.
We now proceed to prove our main results, starting with that of L/NTF-equivalence.
4.4 Proof of Theorem 4.5
Proposition 4.3 gives the desired result for
We therefore restrict attention to graph manifolds
and torus boundary
, so that
admits the recursive description in (28), with tree graph rooted at the Seifert fibered piece containing
. Inductively assume that any such
with tree height less than or equal to
is L/NTF-equivalent and satisfies
${\mathcal{F}}(Y)\amalg ({\mathcal{L}}(Y)\cup {\mathcal{R}}(Y))=\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
, noting that Proposition 3.9 covers the case of trees of height zero. Fix an arbitrary tree manifold
, torus boundary, and tree height
, and parameterize its data as in § 4.2.
To each
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
$y_{\ast }^{j}:=(y_{j+1}^{j},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}^{j})\in (\mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \})^{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1-j}$
, and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}\in \{0,1\}$
we associate a manifold
$Y_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}}^{j}[y_{\ast }^{j}]$
, constructed as follows. Starting with
, first perform Dehn fillings of slopes
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
along the respective boundary components
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\hat{M},\ldots ,\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\hat{M}$
. Next, attach the graph manifolds
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{j-1}$
, via the respective gluing maps
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{1},\ldots ,\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{j-1}$
, to the resulting manifold. Leaving the boundary component
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{j}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\hat{M}=:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y^{j}[y_{\ast }^{j}]$
unfilled, lastly perform
-fillings of slopes
$y_{j+1}^{j},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}^{j}$
along the respective boundary components
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{j+1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\hat{M},\ldots ,\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\hat{M}$
of the resulting manifold, and call the result
$Y_{0}^{j}[y_{\ast }^{j}]$
. To form
$Y_{1}^{j}[y_{\ast }^{j}]$
, replace the
-filling of slope
$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}^{j}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\hat{M}\subset Y_{0}^{j}[y_{\ast }^{j}]$
with the Dehn filling of slope
$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}^{j}$
. In addition, set
$y_{\ast }^{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}:=\emptyset$
$Y_{0}^{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}[\emptyset ]:=Y$
For positive
$j\leqslant n_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, inductively assume that for any
$y_{\ast }^{j}\in (\mathbb{Q}\cup \infty )^{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1-j}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}\in \{0,1\}$
, any manifold of the form
$Y_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}}^{j}[y_{\ast }^{j}]$
is L/NTF-equivalent if it is prime, noting that Proposition 4.3 covers the base case of
. For any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
$y_{\ast }^{j+1}:=(y_{j+2}^{j},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}^{j})\in (\mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \})^{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1-j}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}\in \{0,1\}$
, and manifold of the form
$Y_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}}^{j+1}[y_{\ast }^{j+1}]$
, we can make matching choices of
-filling gluing maps to obtain

$Y_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}}^{j+1}[y_{\ast }^{j+1}]^{\bar{N}}(y)$
is prime, implying
$Y_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}}^{j}[(y,y_{\ast }^{j+1})]$
is prime and hence L/NTF-equivalent by inductive assumption. Since
$Y_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}}^{j}[(y,y_{\ast }^{j+1})]$
are L/NTF-equivalent non-solid-torus graph manifolds with torus boundary, Proposition 4.4 makes
$Y_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}}^{j+1}[y_{\ast }^{j+1}]^{\bar{N}}(y)$
an L-space if and only if it fails to admit a co-oriented taut foliation. Since this holds for arbitrary
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
, Proposition 4.2 tells us
$Y_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}}^{j+1}[y_{\ast }^{j+1}]$
is L/NTF-equivalent.
Completing our induction on
, we conclude that
$Y:=Y_{0}^{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1}[\emptyset ]$
is L/NTF-equivalent, and that
$Y_{1}^{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}[y]$
is L/NTF-equivalent for any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
for which
$Y_{1}^{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}[y]$
is prime. Thus, for any prime Dehn filling
, Proposition 4.4 tells us that the union

is an L-space if and only if it fails to admit a co-oriented taut foliation, and so

Inducting on tree height
then completes the proof.◻
We next prove Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 in tandem over the course of §§ 4.5–4.8. The inductive program laid out in § 4.5 spans all three of the subsequent subsections.
4.5 Inductive set-up for proof of Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7
Both results hold automatically when
. This leaves the case of
, so that
admits the recursive description in (28), with tree rooted at the Seifert fibered piece containing
Inductively assume that both Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 hold for all tree manifolds with torus boundary,
, and tree height less than or equal to
, noting that Proposition 3.9 covers the height zero case. In addition, inductively assume that Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 hold for any tree manifold with torus boundary,
, tree height less than or equal to
, and up to
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1$
daughter subtrees, noting that Proposition 3.9 also covers the case of zero daughter subtrees.
For the remainder of the proof, we fix an arbitrary height
tree manifold
with torus boundary and
, as described in § 4.2. Thus,
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
daughter subtrees
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
, attached via respective gluing maps
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{1},\ldots ,\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
, and the Seifert fibered piece containing
, at which we root the tree for
, is the Dehn filling of slope
$y_{\ast }^{{\rm \small{d}}}=(y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}})$
of the ‘foundation’
is either the trivial
-fibration over an (
$n:=n_{{\rm \small{d}}}+n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1$
or the twisted
-fibration over an
. For any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
, let
denote the complement of
$Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
in the Dehn filling
, so that we regard
as the union

For any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, our inductive assumptions make Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 hold for
$Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
, since
$Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
has tree height less than or equal to
, and since for
$y\neq \infty$
is a
tree manifold with torus boundary,
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1$
daughter subtrees, and tree height less than or equal to
4.6 Non-orientable base
Consider the case in which
-fibered over a punctured
. First note that since the regular fiber class is torsion, its primitive lift
$\tilde{f}_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y)$
, of slope
, is the rational longitude, which means that
$\infty \notin {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
Suppose there is some
$y\neq \infty$
for which
${\mathcal{L}}({\hat{Y}}[y])\neq \emptyset$
. Then, by inductive assumption, Proposition 4.7 tells us that the daughter subtrees
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1}$
are Floer simple, with
$\infty \neq y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\geqslant y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\neq \infty$
for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1\}$
, where
$[[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]:=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{i}({\mathcal{L}}(Y_{i}))$
. This conversely implies that
is Floer simple for all
$y\in \langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$
. Now, for each
$y\in \langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$
is a non-solid-torus graph manifold, and so Proposition 4.4 tells us that the union
$Y(y)={\hat{Y}}[y]\cup Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
in (34) is an L-space if and only if

Since, by inductive assumption, Theorem 4.6 implies
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }({\hat{Y}}[y])\!=\!\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$
for all
$y\!\in \!\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$
, (35) holds if and only if
$Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
is Floer simple and has
$\infty \neq y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\geqslant y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\neq \infty$
, in which case we consequently have
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$
Conversely, suppose that
for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
. Then for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, Proposition 4.4 implies that
$Y(y)={\hat{Y}}[y]\cup Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
is not an L-space, and so
. Moreover, since there is
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, our inductive assumption for Proposition 4.7 tells us that either there is some
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1\}$
for which
is not Floer simple, or there is some Floer simple
failing to satisfy
$\infty \neq y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\geqslant y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\neq \infty$
Thus, in either case, both Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 hold for
4.7 Orientable base: cases in which
is never a solid torus
From now on, we assume that the JSJ component of
has orientable base.
In this subsection of the proof, we consider the case in which
is not a solid torus for any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
. More precisely, we consider the case of a fixed tree manifold
with torus boundary and
, parameterized as in § 4.2, with tree height
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}>0$
daughter subtrees, where we demand that if
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1=0$
, then
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\notin \mathbb{Z}$
for at least two distinct values of
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{d}}}\}$
We begin by fixing some notation. For all
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, define
${\hat{y}}_{-}^{0}(k),{\hat{y}}_{+}^{0}(k)\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$

The endpoints
$y_{-},y_{+}\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
defined in Theorem 4.6 are then given by

Moreover, if we define the functions
${\hat{y}}_{-},{\hat{y}}_{+}\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$

then by inductive assumption, we have

for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
for which
${\mathcal{L}}({\hat{Y}}[y])\neq \emptyset$
. Since
$Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
are each non-solid-torus graph manifolds for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, Proposition 4.4 then implies, for each
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, that

for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
. Note that
${\hat{Y}}[\infty ]$
is not a graph manifold, being a non-solid-torus with compressible boundary, hence not prime.
We next prove some basic rules about the behavior of
Claim 1. If
$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}},{\hat{y}}_{-},y_{-},y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, then

$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},{\hat{y}}_{+},y_{+},y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, then

Proof of Claim 1.
Suppose that
$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}},{\hat{y}}_{-},y_{-},y\in \mathbb{Q}$
. Then

where (37) implies (43), (22) implies (44), (21) implies (45), and (38) implies (46). The proof of (42) is nearly identical, but with signs reversed.◻
Claim 2. If
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q},$

$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q},$

Proof of Claim 2.
$[\cdot ]:\mathbb{Q}\rightarrow [0,1\rangle$
for the map sending
$q\mapsto [q]:=q-\lfloor q\rfloor$
, define

for each
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, so that

In addition, let

denote the least common positive multiple of the denominators of the
$\{y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\}$
$\{y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
Suppose (47) fails to hold. Then since
$y_{-}^{\prime }(k)\leqslant 0$
for all
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, we have

and likewise, we have

The hypotheses of § 4.7, however, demand that either
$|\{i:y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Q}\setminus \mathbb{Z}\}|\geqslant 2$
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=1$
, contradicting (52), or
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\!>\!1$
, contradicting (53). Thus (47) holds, and a similar argument proves (48).◻
For the proof that Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 hold for
, we divide our argument into two main cases, depending on whether or not
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
Proposition 4.8.
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if either condition
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
from Proposition 4.7 holds, in which case
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)=[[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
, or condition
$({\rm \small{nfs3}})$
$({\rm \small{nfs4}})$
from Proposition 4.7 holds, in which case
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\{y_{-}\}=\{y_{+}\}=\{\infty \}$
Proof. Since
${\hat{Y}}[\infty ]$
is not a graph manifold, our inductive assumptions fail to hold for
${\hat{Y}}[\infty ]$
, but fortunately,
$Y(\infty )$
has a simple structure. The remark in § 2.2 implies

where we have written
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}=r_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}/s_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
$L(s_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}},r_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}})$
denotes the lens space of slope
$s_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}/r_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
, and
$Y_{i}((\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{i\ast }^{\mathbb{P}})^{-1}(\infty ))$
is the Dehn filling of the inverse image of the slope
. Thus,

$({\rm \small{nfs3}})$
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
jointly exhaust the cases in which the right-hand condition of (55) holds and all daughter subtrees
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
are Floer simple. Condition
$({\rm \small{nfs4}})$
, on the other hand, describes all cases in which the right-hand condition of (55) holds and at least one
is not Floer simple.
$({\rm \small{nfs4}})$
holds, then, permuting the daughter subtrees without loss of generality so that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}(Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}))=\{\infty \}$
, we have
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}})=\emptyset$
, which, by (40), implies
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\cap \mathbb{Q}=\emptyset$
, so that
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\{\infty \}$
. Moreover, the fact that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}(Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}))=\{\infty \}$
implies, by inductive assumption, that
$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=\infty$
. Thus
each have infinite summands, and so
Next suppose that
$({\rm \small{nfs3}})$
holds, and set

We can also define the analogous sets for

$I_{-\infty }$
$I_{+\infty }$
are non-empty for
$({\rm \small{nfs3}})$
, we know that
each have infinite summands, implying
. Assume without loss of generality that
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\in I_{+\infty }$
. Thus
$I_{-\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}\neq \emptyset$
, and
$I_{+\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}$
is either empty or not. By inductive assumption, Proposition 4.7 holds for
for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
. Thus, for each
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, either
$I_{-\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}$
$I_{+\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}$
are both non-empty, making
$({\rm \small{nfs3}})$
hold for
, so that
${\mathcal{L}}({\hat{Y}}[y])=\{\infty \}$
; or
$I_{-\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}\neq \emptyset$
$I_{+\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}=\emptyset$
, making
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
hold for
, so that
${\mathcal{L}}({\hat{Y}}[y])=[{\hat{y}}_{-},+\infty ]$
. In both cases, the right-hand side of (40) fails to hold for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, and we are left with
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\{\infty \}=\{y_{-}\}=\{y_{+}\}$
This leaves us with the case in which
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
holds, for which we first consider the subcase
$I_{+\infty }=\emptyset$
$I_{-\infty }\neq \emptyset$
, implying
$[[y_{-},y_{+}]]=[y_{-},+\infty ]$
. Without loss of generality, assume
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\in I_{-\infty }$
, so that
$[[y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=[-\infty ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]$
. Since
for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
by inductive assumption, we know that either:
$I_{-\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}=I_{+\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}=\emptyset$ ; or
$I_{-\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}\neq \emptyset$ , with
${\mathcal{L}}({\hat{Y}}[y])=[{\hat{y}}_{-},+\infty ]$ .
In case (a), the condition
$I_{-\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}=I_{+\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}=\emptyset$
, together with (55), implies

Thus, if we apply Claim 2 to (38), respectively substituting
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}+1$
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1$
, and
$(y,y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}})$
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}$
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
$(y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}})$
in the statement of the claim, then we obtain

with the outer, strict, inequalities resulting from Claim 2, and the middle, non-strict, inequality resulting from (58). Thus, for any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, we have

by inductive assumption, and so (40) implies that
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}>{\hat{y}}_{-}$
, which, by Claim 1, occurs if and only if
$y\in [y_{-},+\infty ]$
. On the other hand, in case (b), with
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }({\hat{Y}}[y])=\langle {\hat{y}}_{-},+\infty \rangle$
, (40) again implies, for any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, that
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}>{\hat{y}}_{-}$
, which again occurs if and only if
$y\in [y_{-},+\infty ]$
. Thus, whether case (a) or (b) holds, we always have
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)=[y_{-},+\infty ]=[[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
holds with
$I_{+\infty }\neq \emptyset$
$I_{-\infty }=\emptyset$
, then an argument precisely analogous to that in the preceding paragraph shows that
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)=[-\infty ,y_{+}]=[[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
Lastly, suppose that
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
holds with
$I_{+\infty }=I_{-\infty }=\emptyset$
. This, as well as the fact that
$\infty \in$
$[[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]$
for each
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
, implies that
$\infty \neq y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\geqslant y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\neq \infty$
for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
, which, by Claim 2, implies that
$\infty \neq y_{-}>y_{+}\neq \infty$
. Moreover, applying Claim 2 to (38) as in case (a) above yields (59), so that we also have
$\infty \neq {\hat{y}}_{-}>{\hat{y}}_{+}\neq \infty$
. By inductive assumption, we then have

for any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, and so (40) implies that
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}>{\hat{y}}_{-}$
$y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}<{\hat{y}}_{+}$
which, by Claim 1, occurs if and only if
$y\in [y_{-},+\infty ]\cup [-\infty ,y_{+}]$
. We therefore have
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)=$
$[[y_{-},y_{+}]]=[y_{-},+\infty ]\cup [-\infty ,y_{+}]$
, completing our proof.◻
Proposition 4.9. Suppose
$\infty \notin {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
. Then
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\neq \emptyset$
if and only if either
$({\rm \small{nfs2}})$
holds for
, in which case
, or
$({\rm \small{fs1}})$
$({\rm \small{fs2}})$
holds for
, in which case
Proof. We first observe that if any daughter subtree of
fails to be Floer simple, then
. That if we choose
$Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
to be non-Floer-simple, then by (40),
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}})=\emptyset$
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\cap \mathbb{Q}=\emptyset$
, which, since
$\infty \notin {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
, implies
. Thus, we henceforth assume the daughter subtrees
, …,
$Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
are all Floer simple.
$I_{\pm \infty },I_{\cap }\subset \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
denote the sets

Then by (55) from the proof of Proposition 4.8, we know that

$I_{\pm \infty }\neq \emptyset$
. We claim that in this case,
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\neq \emptyset$
if and only if
$({\rm \small{fs1}})$
holds for
, in which case
. First note that
fails to satisfy any of the conditions for non-empty
in Proposition 4.7, except possibly
$({\rm \small{fs1}})$
. Suppose that
$({\rm \small{fs1}})$
. Then for each
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1\}$
, we have
$\infty \in [[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]^{\circ }$
, implying
$\infty \neq y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\geqslant y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\neq \infty$
, which by Claim 2 implies
$\infty \neq {\hat{y}}_{-}>{\hat{y}}_{+}\neq \infty$
for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
. By inductive assumption, we then have
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }({\hat{Y}}[y])$
for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
. Thus, since (40) tells us that

we have
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\mathbb{Q}=\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle =[[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
. Suppose instead we are given that
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\neq \emptyset$
. Then (64) tells us that
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }({\hat{Y}}[y])$
for all
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
. By inductive assumption this implies, for each
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
, that
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
holds for
, with
$\infty \in [[{\hat{y}}_{-},{\hat{y}}_{+}]]^{\circ }$
. Since
$\infty \neq \{{\hat{y}}_{-},{\hat{y}}_{+}\}$
, we know that
cannot have infinite summands, and so
$I_{-\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}=I_{+\infty }^{{\hat{Y}}[y]}=\emptyset$
. This, in addition to the fact that
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
holds for
, implies that
$\infty \in [[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]^{\circ }$
for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1\}$
, and thus
$({\rm \small{fs1}})$
holds for
Next, consider the case in which
$I_{\pm \infty }=\emptyset$
, so that by (63), we have
$I_{\cap }\neq \emptyset$
. Assume, without loss of generality, that
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\in I_{\cap }$
. Then since
$\infty \notin [[y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]^{\circ }$
, the L-space gluing condition in (40) again tells us that
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }({\hat{Y}}[y])$
for all
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
. Just as in the preceding paragraph, we deduce from this that
$\infty \in [[y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]^{\circ }$
for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1\}$
, and that this implies that
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }({\hat{Y}}[y])=[[{\hat{y}}_{-},{\hat{y}}_{+}]]$
, with
$\infty \neq {\hat{y}}_{-}>{\hat{y}}_{+}\neq \infty$
, for all
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
. Since
have only finite summands, we also know that
$y_{-},y_{+}\in \mathbb{Q}$
. We therefore have

where the first line is due to (40), and the third line is due to Claim 1. Thus, if
, then
; if
, then
$({\rm \small{nfs2}})$
holds for
, with
; and if
, then
$({\rm \small{fs2}})$
holds for
, with
4.8 Orientable base: cases involving solid tori
In this final subsection of the proof of Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7, we consider all cases of
for which
, defined in (34), is a solid torus for some
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
. Recall that we have fixed a tree manifold
with torus boundary,
, tree height
, and
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}>0$
daughter subtrees, as parameterized in § 4.2. Since
contains no incompressible tori, we must have
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1=0$
. Thus, for any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
is Seifert fibered over the disk, and is a solid torus if and only if it has one or fewer exceptional fibers. This occurs for
$y\in \mathbb{Z}$
if and only if the set
$\{y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\}$
contains one or fewer non-integers. Since
are invariant under reparameterizations
$(y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}})\mapsto (y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+z_{1},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+z_{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}})$
$\sum _{i=1}^{n_{{\rm \small{d}}}}z_{i}=0$
and each
$z_{i}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, or under the operation of forgetting a fiber complement with Dehn filling of slope
, we may assume, without loss of generality, that
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}=1$
. Thus
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=n_{{\rm \small{d}}}=1$
If the unique daughter subtree
, then the gluing Propositions 4.4 and 3.4 imply that
, as predicted for
by Proposition 4.7.
We therefore henceforth assume
${\mathcal{L}}(Y_{1})\neq \emptyset$
. Since
has tree height
has tree height
. Thus, by inductive assumption as laid out in § 4.5,
satisfies Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7, with

We proceed, once again, by fixing some notation. Recall the definitions of

where, as always, we define
to be infinite if any of its summands is infinite.
For any
$y\neq \infty$
is Seifert fibred over the disk, hence is Floer simple, allowing us to write
. Moreover, when
is not a solid torus, we have

but when
is a solid torus, we have

We next prove the analogs of Claims 1 and 2 from § 4.7.
Claim 3. For any
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, we have

Proof of Claim 3.
To understand (70), note that due to (21), we have
$y\geqslant y_{-}$
if and only if

$\{y,y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\}\cap \mathbb{Z}=\emptyset$
, (22) implies that (72) holds if and only if
$y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}>{\hat{y}}_{-}$
. On the other hand, if
$\{y,y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\}\cap \mathbb{Z}\neq \emptyset$
, then
$\lfloor yk\rfloor +\lfloor y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}k\rfloor =\lfloor (y+y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}})k\rfloor$
, and so applying (21) to (72) yields

which is equivalent to the inequality
$y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\geqslant {\hat{y}}_{-}$
, completing the proof of (70). One can then obtain (71) by replacing
$y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, and
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
in (70) with
$-y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, and
$-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
, respectively.◻
Claim 4. If
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
, then

$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
, then

Proof of Claim 4.
Just as in the proof of Claim 2, we define

for each
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, so that

$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
, we again set
$s_{+}:=\min \{k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}\mid y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}k,y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}k\in \mathbb{Z}\}$
$y_{-}^{\prime }(s_{+})=0$
, we already know that
$y_{-}\geqslant -y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
for all
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
. If
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, then
$y_{-}^{\prime }(k)\leqslant 0$
for all
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, implying
$y_{-}\geqslant -y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
. Suppose that
$y_{-}=-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
for some
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Q}\setminus \mathbb{Z}$
. Then since
$y_{-}^{\prime }(k)\leqslant 0$
for all
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, we have

Thus, the top line of (76) must be an equality, which, since
$y_{-}^{\prime }(k)\leqslant 0$
for all
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, implies
$y_{-}^{\prime }(1)=y_{-}^{\prime }(s_{+}-1)=0$
. In particular, the fact that
$y_{-}^{\prime }(1)=0$
implies that
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
. Conversely, if
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, then
$y_{-}^{\prime }(k)\equiv 0$
for all
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, implying
$y_{-}=-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
We have shown that
$y_{-}\geqslant -y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, with equality if and only if
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, and so it remains to show that
$y_{-}\leqslant -\lfloor y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\rfloor$
. Note that for each
$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, we have

Thus, by (75), we have

A similar argument proves all of the analogous results for
For the proof that Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 hold for
, we divide our argument into three main cases, first according to whether or not
is Floer simple, and then according to whether
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
Proposition 4.10. Suppose
${\mathcal{L}}(Y_{1})\neq \emptyset$
not Floer simple. Then
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\neq \emptyset$
if and only if condition
$({\rm \small{nfs1}})$
$({\rm \small{nfs4}})$
from Proposition 4.7 holds, in which case
Proof. For brevity, set
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}:=y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, so that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{1\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}(Y_{1}))=\{y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
. We first note that if
has incompressible boundary, in which case
is a non-solid-torus graph manifold, then Proposition 4.4 implies that the union
$Y(y)={\hat{Y}}[y]\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{1}}Y_{1}$
is not an L-space.
has compressible boundary if and only if
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
$y\in \mathbb{Z}\cup \{\infty \}$
. Thus, for any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
, Proposition 3.4 implies

$({\rm \small{nfs4}})$
holds if and only if
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=\infty$
. Since
if and only if
, we then have
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\{\infty \}=\{y_{-}\}=\{y_{-}\}$
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=\infty$
We henceforth demand
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
. If
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, then
$({\rm \small{nfs1}})$
holds, and we have

Statement (79) then tells us that
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
$-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y=y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, which occurs if and only if
$y=-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y_{-}=y_{+}$
, which means that
Lastly, suppose that
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Q}\setminus \mathbb{Z}$
, with
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
. Since
${\hat{y}}_{-}={\hat{y}}_{+}=\infty \neq y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, (79) tells us that
$\infty \notin {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
. Thus
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
$y\in \mathbb{Z}$
${\hat{y}}_{-}={\hat{y}}_{+}=y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
. Since
${\hat{y}}_{-}={\hat{y}}_{+}=-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y$
$y\in \mathbb{Z}$
, this means
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
$-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y\in \mathbb{Z}$
. That is,

Thus, if
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Q}\setminus \mathbb{Z}$
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
, then
is non-empty if and only if
$({\rm \small{nfs1}})$
holds, in which case, since
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, Claim 4 implies
$y_{-}=y_{+}=-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, so that
We henceforth demand that
be Floer simple, in which case Propositions 4.4 and 3.4 tell us that for any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
, the union
$Y(y)={\hat{Y}}[y]\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{1}}Y_{1}$
is an L-space if and only if

Note that
has compressible boundary if and only if
$\{y,y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\}\cap \mathbb{Z}\neq \emptyset$
, with the former condition accounting for the case of solid torus
, and the latter condition accounting for the case in which
${\hat{Y}}[\infty ]$
is either a solid torus (when
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
) or the connected sum of a solid torus with a lens space (when
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\notin \mathbb{Z}$
Proposition 4.11. Suppose
is Floer simple. Then
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if condition
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
from Proposition 4.7 holds, in which case
Proof. The first part of the statement is immediate. That is, since
${\hat{Y}}[\infty ]$
has compressible boundary, with
, we have
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
$\infty \in [[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]$
, which occurs if and only if
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
holds. For the remainder of the proof, we assume
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
Consider the case in which
$y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\neq y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
. Since
$\infty \in [[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]$
$[[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]$
takes one of the forms (a)
$[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},+\infty ]$
, (b)
$[-\infty ,y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]$
, or (c)
$[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},+\infty ]\cup [-\infty ,y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]$
, in which cases
takes the respective forms (a)
$[-\infty ,y_{+}]$
, (b)
$[y_{-},+\infty ]$
, (c)
$[y_{-},+\infty ]\cup [-\infty ,y_{+}]$
, with case (c) due to the fact that
$\infty \neq y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}>y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\neq \infty$
$\infty \neq y_{-}>y_{+}\neq \infty$
by Claim 4. Thus, for
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, the condition
$y\in [[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
is respectively equivalent to the right-hand conditions of (a) (70), (b) (71), or (c) (70) or (71) from Claim 3, each of which conditions, given the respective form of
$[[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]$
, is equivalent to (82), which holds if and only if
is an L-space, and we conclude that
Next, suppose that
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
holds with
$y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=:y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
. Since
$[[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=[[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]^{\circ }=\mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}\setminus y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, the L-space condition in (82) takes the following form. For any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$

The derivation of the
$\{y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y\}\cap \mathbb{Z}=\emptyset$
case from (82) is immediate. In the
$\{y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y\}\cap \mathbb{Z}\neq \emptyset$
case, (82) tells us that
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
${\hat{y}}_{-}\neq y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
. Since
${\hat{y}}_{-}={\hat{y}}_{+}=-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y$
, this occurs if and only if
$y\neq -y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, completing the proof of (83).
Now, since
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
demands that
$\infty \in [[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]$
, implying
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
, Claim 4 tells us that
$y_{+}\leqslant -y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\leqslant y_{-}$
, with
if and only if
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
. If
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, then (83) implies
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}\setminus \{-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\}=[[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
. Suppose instead that
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\notin \mathbb{Z}$
. If
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, then for each
$y\in [[y_{-},y_{+}]]\cap \mathbb{Q}$
, either
$y\notin \mathbb{Z}$
, in which case, the fact that
$y\in [y_{-},+\infty ]\cup [-\infty ,y_{+}]$
makes Claim 3 tell us that
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in [[{\hat{y}}_{-},{\hat{y}}_{+}]]^{\circ }$
, so that (83) implies
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
; or
$y\in \mathbb{Z}$
, in which case (83) tells us that
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
$y\neq -y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y_{-}=y_{+}$
. Combining these two results makes
Lastly, consider the case in which
$y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=:y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}$
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\notin \mathbb{Z}$
, and
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\notin \mathbb{Z}$
. Since in this case
$y\in \mathbb{Z}$
automatically implies
$y\neq -y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}-y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, we deduce that the second line of (83) is vacuous. That is,
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
for all
$y\in \mathbb{Z}$
. Accordingly, since Claim 4 tells us that

we observe that the complement of
contains no integers, and so
$\mathbb{Z}\subset [[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
. On the other hand, for any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}\setminus \mathbb{Z}$
, (83) tells us that
$y\in {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
if and only if
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in [[{\hat{y}}_{-},{\hat{y}}_{+}]]^{\circ }$
, which, by Claim 3, occurs if and only if
$y\in [y_{-},+\infty ]\cup [-\infty ,y_{+}]=[[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
. Thus, once again,
, completing the proof of the proposition.◻
Proposition 4.12. Suppose
is Floer simple and
$\infty \notin {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
. Then
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\neq \emptyset$
if and only if either condition
$({\rm \small{nfs2}})$
from Proposition 4.7 holds, in which case
, or condition
$({\rm \small{fs1}})$
$({\rm \small{fs2}})$
holds, in which case
Proof. Since
is Floer simple, and since
$\infty \notin {\mathcal{L}}(Y)$
implies that
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
fails to hold, we know that
$\infty \notin [[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]$
. Thus,
$[[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$
$[[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]$
Suppose that
$[[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle$
, which occurs if and only if condition
$({\rm \small{fs1}})$
holds. For any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, we have
$\infty \neq {\hat{y}}_{-}\geqslant {\hat{y}}_{+}\neq \infty$
, implying condition (82) holds, making
an L-space. Thus, since
$y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=\infty$
, we have
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\mathbb{Q}=\langle -\infty ,+\infty \rangle =[[y_{-},y_{+}]]$
Lastly, suppose
$[[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]$
. For any
$y\in \mathbb{Q}$
, we have
$y\in [y_{-},+\infty ]\cap [-\infty ,y_{+}]$
if and only if the right-hand conditions of (70) and (71) from Claim 3 hold, which, since
$[[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]]=[y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},+\infty ]\cap [y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}]\neq \emptyset$
, occurs if and only if (82) holds, which happens precisely when
is an L-space. Thus,
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=[y_{-},+\infty ]\cap [-\infty ,y_{+}]$
, or in other words,

That is,
is non-empty if and only if either
$({\rm \small{fs2}})$
holds, in which case
, or
$({\rm \small{nfs2}})$
holds, in which case
The combined results of §§ 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8 prove that Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 hold for any graph manifold
with torus boundary,
, tree height
, and
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}>0$
daughter subtrees, given the inductive assumptions, laid out in § 4.5, that Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 hold for any graph manifold with torus boundary,
, and either tree height
and up to
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1$
daughter subtrees, or tree height less than or equal to
For graph manifolds
with torus boundary,
, and tree height
, inducting on the number of daughter subtrees
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
yields the result that any graph manifold with torus boundary,
, and tree height
satisfies Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7. Inducting on tree height
then completes the proof of Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7.◻
4.9 Some technical results for
We conclude this section with the proof of some basic facts about
for later use.
Recall that
are defined by
$y_{-}:=\max _{k>0}y_{-}(k)$
$y_{+}:=\min _{k>0}y_{+}(k)$
, where

$k_{-},k_{+}\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
denote the lowest values of
for which these extrema occur. That is, set

We then have the following result.
Proposition 4.13. If
is not a solid torus, and
$y_{-},y_{+}\in \mathbb{Q}$
, then
are the respective denominators of
. That is,

Proof. Since this question is unaffected by an overall translation of
by an integer, we assume without loss of generality that
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \langle 0,1\rangle$
for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{d}}}\}$
and that
$y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in [0,1\rangle$
for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
. In addition, we permute the daughter subtrees
$Y_{1},\ldots ,Y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
so that
$y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \langle 0,1\rangle$
for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,\bar{n}_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
, and
$y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=0$
for all
$i\in \{\bar{n}_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
, for some
$\bar{n}_{{\rm \small{g}}}\leqslant n_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
$N_{{\rm \small{g}}}:=n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-\bar{n}_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, we note that if
$N_{{\rm \small{g}}}>0$
, then we obtain

for all
, making
. On the other hand, if
$N_{{\rm \small{g}}}=0$
, then the top line of (89) implies
$y_{-}(k)\leqslant -1/k<0$
for all
, which, since
$y_{-}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, implies
$y_{-}\leqslant -1=y_{-}(1)$
. Thus, in either case, we have
, and a similar argument shows
$y_{+}\in \mathbb{Z}$
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=0$
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}\leqslant 1$
, then
is a solid torus, a case excluded by hypothesis. Suppose
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}=0$
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=1$
. If
$y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, then the above argument shows
$y_{-}\in \mathbb{Z}$
. If
$y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=:r_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}/s_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in$
$\langle 0,1\rangle$
$r_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}},s_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
relatively prime, then for all
, we have

$y_{-}=-y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y_{-}(s_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}})$
, and since
for all
$k\in \{1,\ldots ,s_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}-1\}$
, we also have
$k_{-}=s_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, which is the denominator of
. A similar argument shows that (88) also holds for
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}=0$
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=1$
Finally, suppose we exclude all cases considered in the preceding paragraph, and all cases in which
$y_{-}\in \mathbb{Z}$
. Since
$y_{-}\in \mathbb{Q}$
by hypothesis, the second paragraph implies we also have
$y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}\setminus \mathbb{Z}$
for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
. Since the problem is still unaffected by an overall integer translation of
, we demand without loss of generality that
$y_{i}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y_{j+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \langle 0,1\rangle$
for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{d}}}\}$
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
. Thus, after removing one more regular fiber neighborhood
from the JSJ component containing
, and Dehn-filling this complement with slope
$y_{0}^{{\rm \small{d}}}:=-1$
, we may appeal to Theorem 3 from Jankins and Neumann [Reference Jankins and NeumannJN85], which is equivalent to the following statement.
$y_{-}:=\max _{k>0}y_{-}(k)$
, where

(with the initial
coming from
$-y_{0}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
), and if
is defined as in (87), then there is a positive integer
$\gcd (c,k_{-})=1$
, a permutation
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}+n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1$
elements, and an (
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}+n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1$
$a_{\ast }=(c,k_{-}-c,1,\ldots ,1)$
, such that

for all
$i\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{d}}}\}$
$j\in \{1,\ldots ,n_{{\rm \small{g}}}\}$
. In particular,
$\gcd (a_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}(n_{{\rm \small{d}}}+n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+1)},k_{-})=1$
, making
satisfy (88). A similar argument shows that (88) holds for
, completing the proof.◻
The above result is useful for proving the following proposition, but first, we define

Proposition 4.14. Suppose that
$\bar{n}_{{\rm \small{d}}}+N_{{\rm \small{g}}}>0$
, with
not a solid torus. If
$y_{-}=y_{+}\in \mathbb{Q}$
, then
$y_{-}=y_{-}(1)=y_{+}(1)=y_{+}\in \mathbb{Z}$
Proof. Since
, we have

as defined in (86). Defining
$k_{-},k_{+}\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
as in (87), we observe that since
, Proposition 4.13 implies
. In particular, the set of
$(k_{1},k_{2})\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}\times \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
for which
is maximized has non-trivial intersection with the set of
$(k_{1},k_{2})\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}\times \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
for which
. We therefore have

where the second line uses the fact that
$-\lfloor q\rfloor =\lceil -q\rceil$
for all
$q\in \mathbb{Q}$
, and where in the third line, if we set
${\tilde{n}}_{{\rm \small{g}}}:=2n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-N_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
, then
${\tilde{y}}_{\ast }^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Q}^{{\tilde{n}}_{{\rm \small{g}}}}$
is the
${\tilde{n}}_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
-tuple obtained from deleting the
$N_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
integer-valued entries from the
$2n_{{\rm \small{g}}}$
$(y_{1+}^{{\rm \small{g}}},\ldots ,y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}+}^{{\rm \small{g}}},-y_{1-}^{{\rm \small{g}}},\ldots ,-y_{n_{{\rm \small{g}}}-}^{{\rm \small{g}}})$
. The third line also makes use of the notation
$[\cdot ]:\mathbb{Q}\rightarrow [0,1\rangle$
$q\mapsto [q]:=q-\lfloor q\rfloor$
$\bar{n}_{{\rm \small{d}}}+N_{{\rm \small{g}}}>0$
, we know that
$\bar{n}_{{\rm \small{d}}}+N_{{\rm \small{g}}}-1\geqslant 0$
. Thus for all
, we have

which, since
$\max _{k>0}(y_{-}(k)+y_{+}(k))\in \mathbb{Z}$
, implies that
is maximized at
. Thus,
are respectively maximized and minimized at
, completing the proof of the proposition.◻
5 Cabling
$Y^{(p,q)}\subset k$
of a knot complement
$Y:=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)\subset X$
is given by the knot complement
$Y^{(p,q)}:=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K^{(p,q)})$
, where
$K^{(p,q)}\subset X$
is the image of the
-torus knot embedded in the boundary of
. I recently made the mundane, and almost certainly not novel, observation that one can realize any cable of
$Y\subset X$
by gluing on an appropriate Seifert fibered space.
5.1 Cabling via gluing
$Y:=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
is the knot complement of an arbitrary knot
$K\subset X$
in an arbitrary closed oriented three-manifold
. We construct the
$Y^{(p,q)}\subset X$
$Y\subset X$
as follows.
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y)$
denote the meridian of
, and let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\in H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y)$
denote a choice of longitude, so that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\cdot \unicode[STIX]{x1D706}=1$
. Choosing
$p^{\ast },q^{\ast }\in Z$
such that
$pp^{\ast }-qq^{\ast }=1$
, let
$Y_{(-q^{\ast },p)}$
denote the regular fiber complement

so that
$Y_{(-q^{\ast },p)}$
is a solid torus whose compressing disk has boundary of slope
$q^{\ast }/p$
To construct the
$Y^{(p,q)}\subset X$
, we form the union

${\hat{Y}}_{(-q^{\ast },p)}$
is a regular fiber complement in
$Y_{(-q^{\ast },p)}$
, with
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}_{1}{\hat{Y}}_{(-q^{\ast },p)}:=\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{(-q^{\ast },p)}$
, and where
is chosen to induce the map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }$
on homology defined by

Proposition 5.1.
$Y^{(p,q)}\subset Y^{(p,q)}(0)=X$
is the
-cable of the knot complement
$Y\subset X$
Proof. To verify that
, note that
is a union of
with the solid torus
$Y_{(-q^{\ast },p)}$
, such that
is sent to the slope
$q^{\ast }/p$
bounding the compressing disk of
$Y_{(-q^{\ast },p)}$
. In other words,
is the Dehn filling
$Y^{(p,q)}=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(f)$
is the complement of the regular fiber
, we next must verify that, in the boundary of the solid torus (
${\rm \small{st}}$
) to which
is glued, the regular fiber is of class
$pm_{{\rm \small{st}}}+ql_{{\rm \small{st}}}\in H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{(-q^{\ast },p)})$
in terms of the basis
$l_{{\rm \small{st}}}:=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$
$m_{{\rm \small{st}}}:=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }(\unicode[STIX]{x1D706})$
specified by the meridian
and longitude
. Indeed, we have

5.2 L-space intervals for cables
$Y\subset X$
is Floer simple and boundary incompressible, write
for respective representatives in
of the left-hand and right-hand endpoints of the L-space interval
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\subset \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
. Now,
is an orientation-reversing map, but since we change from a positively-oriented basis to a negatively-oriented basis, the induced map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}$
is orientation-preserving. We therefore have

$k\in \mathbb{Z}_{{>}0}$
, define

which simplifies to

As usual, we also define

is Floer simple and boundary incompressible, and since every Dehn filling of
${\hat{Y}}_{(-q^{\ast },p)}$
is Floer simple, we can still invoke Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7 to compute the L-space interval for
(see Corollary 6.2 for justification of this generalization). Thus, in terms of the Seifert basis
${\hat{Y}}_{(-q^{\ast },p)}$
has L-space interval
if it is Floer simple, and
if it has an isolated L-space filling.
It is often more natural, however, to express this L-space interval in terms of the surgery basis for the cabled knot. Recall that
${\hat{Y}}_{(-q^{\ast },p)}=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(f)$
. The natural surgery basis associated to the complement of the regular fiber is given by the meridian
and longitude
, yielding the following result.
Theorem 5.2. Suppose
$Y\,=\,X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
is a boundary incompressible Floer simple knot complement with L-space interval
in terms of the surgery basis
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707},\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\in H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y)$
, with
the meridian of
a choice of longitude. Then in terms of the surgery basis produced by cabling, the
$Y^{(p,q)}\subset X$
$Y\subset X$
has L-space interval

5.3 Knots in
As an illustration, we apply the above result to an arbitrary boundary incompressible Floer simple knot complement
$Y:=S^{3}\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
. The surgery basis for a knot complement in
conventionally takes
to be the rational longitude, which in
is Seifert framed. The meridian
is automatically dual to this
Without loss of generality (up to replacing
with its mirror image), we demand that
be positive, by which we mean that there exist positive
$u,v\in \mathbb{Z}$
such that the Dehn filling
is an L-space. In terms of the projectivization map
$x\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}+y\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\mapsto x/y\in \mathbb{Q}\cup \{\infty \}$
, it is easy to show (see ‘example’ in [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15, §4]) that
has L-space interval

are the genus and Alexander polynomial of
$q^{\ast },p^{\ast }\in \mathbb{Z}$
such that
$pp^{\ast }-qq^{\ast }=1$
, and demanding
$0\leqslant q^{\ast }<p$
, we then have

From (103) and (104), we immediately compute that
. For
, we have

, then
$y_{+}(k)\geqslant 0$
for all
, and so
is minimized at
. Since
$\infty \neq y_{1-}<y_{1+}\neq \infty$
in this case, we then have
. If
, then
, yielding
${\mathcal{L}}(Y^{(p,q)})=[0,\infty ]$
. If
, then
$y_{+}(k)\leqslant 0$
for all
, and it is straightforward to show that
is minimized at the lowest value of
for which
$\lfloor q^{\ast }/pk_{+}\rfloor \neq \lfloor y_{1-}k_{+}\rfloor$
. Since
$y_{1-}-q^{\ast }/p<1/p$
, a necessary condition for this to occur is to have

$y_{1+}(q-Np)=p^{\ast }-Nq^{\ast }\in \mathbb{Z}$
, setting
is also sufficient:

and we have
As a final step, we re-express
in terms of the conventional basis for knot complements in
. We again use the meridian
, but the rational longitude is

for which we choose the representative
to achieve
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}^{(p,q)}\cdot \unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{\mathbb{Q}}=1$
. Performing the requisite change of basis on
for the three cases described in the preceding paragraph then recovers the following result of Hedden [Reference HeddenHed09] and Hom [Reference HomHom11].
Corollary 5.3.
$Y^{(p,q)}\subset S^{3}$
has L-space interval

5.4 Knots in L-spaces
It is possible to prove an analogous result for boundary incompressible Floer simple knot complements in arbitrary L-spaces.
To simplify the statement of such a result, we discard cables with
, or
, since the zero-cable of a knot complement
$Y\subset X$
is just the connected sum of
with the unknot complement in
; the
-cable is just a change of framing; and the
-cable, which changes the framing by zero, is the identity cable. We then have the following.
Theorem 5.4. Suppose that
$p,q\in \mathbb{Z}$
$\gcd (p,q)=1$
, and that
$Y=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
is a boundary incompressible Floer simple knot complement in an L-space
, with L-space interval
, written in terms of the surgery basis
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707},\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}\in H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y)$
, with
the meridian of
a choice of longitude. Then in terms of the surgery basis produced by cabling, the
$Y^{(p,q)}\subset X$
$Y\subset X$
has L-space interval

$pp^{\ast }-qq^{\ast }=1$
$0<q^{\ast }<p$
Proof. If
is Floer simple, then Theorem 5.2 implies
in terms of the surgery basis produced by cabling.
Observe that
is not Floer simple if and only if
. That is, if
is not Floer simple, then the meridional filling
is the only L-space filling, and conversely if
, then since
$0\notin [[0,0]]$
, we know that
is not Floer simple.
$p^{\ast },q^{\ast }\in \mathbb{Z}$
so that
$pp^{\ast }-qq^{\ast }=1$
$0<q^{\ast }<p$
. Then for
$y_{1\pm }\neq \infty$
, one has

That is, since

the right-hand summand vanishes when
$[y_{1-}]\leqslant q^{\ast }/p$
, but when
$[y_{1-}]>q^{\ast }/p$
, the right-hand summand is not minimized at
. Thus
$y_{+}\neq y_{+}(1)$
, and Proposition 4.13 tells us that
$y_{+}\notin \mathbb{Z}$
. A similar argument holds for
We therefore have

and similarly,

if and only if

6 Observations
Our demonstration of extended L/NTF-equivalence for graph manifolds in Theorem 4.5 gives a (mildly) alternate proof of the Theorem 1.3 statement that a graph manifold is an L-space if and only if it fails to admit a co-oriented taut foliation.
From a practical standpoint, however, the main utility of Theorem 4.5 for us was its implication that the gluing result in Proposition 4.4 holds for all graph manifolds:
Corollary 6.1. If
are non-solid-torus graph manifolds with torus boundary, then the union
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$
, with gluing map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}:\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{1}\rightarrow -\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y_{2}$
, is an L-space if and only if

Corollary 6.1 has two advantages over the more general L-space gluing criterion of Proposition 3.3: it removes the condition that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{1}))\cap {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{2})$
be non-empty, and it allows one to prove that
$Y_{1}\cup Y_{2}$
is not an L-space in cases in which boundary incompressible
are not Floer simple.
6.1 Generalization of Theorem 4.6
Nevertheless, while the L-space gluing result analogous to Proposition 3.3 proved by Hanselman and Watson in [Reference Hanselman and WatsonHW15] replaces the hypothesis of Floer simplicity by a more technical condition, their gluing result does not impose the hypothesis of non-empty
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{1}))\cap {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{2})$
required by the gluing result of Rasmussen and the author in [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15]. In [Reference Hanselman, Rasmussen, Rasmussen and WatsonHR15], the four authors discuss how these two gluing results can be combined to prove a gluing result analogous to Proposition 3.3 which requires Floer simplicity but not non-empty
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{1}))\cap {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{2})$
. Thus, the only real hypothesis we have circumvented is that of Floer simplicity. If we replace the condition that the
glued to
be graph manifolds with the condition that they be Floer simple, then we can extend the domain of validity of Proposition 4.7 and Theorem 4.6 as follows.
6.2 Generalized solid tori
A recent result of Gillespie [Reference GillespieGil16] states that a compact oriented three-manifold
with torus boundary satisfies
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)=\mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))\setminus \{l\}$
if and only if
has genus 0 and an L-space filling. Such manifolds, called generalized solid tori in [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15], are of independent interest.
In the proof of Theorem 4.6 and Proposition 4.7, we find many generalized solid tori with the regular fiber class as rational longitude, but there are limited circumstances in which other generalized solid tori appear. In fact, we can prove the following.
Theorem 6.3. If
is a graph manifold with torus boundary,
, and rational longitude other than the regular fiber, then
is a generalized solid torus if and only if it is homeomorphic to an iterated cable of the regular fiber complement in
$S^{1}\times S^{2}$
Proof. Suppose
is a generalized solid torus graph manifold, with rational longitude
not coinciding with the regular fiber. Since
is Floer simple with
$\infty \in {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y)$
must satisfy
$({\rm \small{fs3}})$
from Proposition 4.7, and since
$y_{-},y_{+}\neq \infty$
, we must have
$\infty \neq y_{i-}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\geqslant y_{i+}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\neq \infty$
. Claim 2 from § 4.7 then implies
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=1$
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}\leqslant 1$
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=0$
$n_{{\rm \small{d}}}\leqslant 2$
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=1$
, then according to Claim 4 from § 4.8, either
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, in which case
is homeomorphic to
and we should replace
and begin again; or
$y_{-1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=y_{+1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}=:y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}$
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{1}^{{\rm \small{g}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, in which case
is a generalized solid torus, and Proposition 5.1 implies
$Y\subset Y(l)$
is a cable of
$Y_{1}\subset Y_{1}(l)$
$n_{{\rm \small{g}}}=0$
, then
is Seifert fibered with
, and so either from [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15] or from a mildly modified version of Claim 4, we deduce that either
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}+y_{2}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, in which case Proposition 5.1 implies
is a cable of the regular fiber complement in
$S^{1}\times \!S^{2}$
; or
$\{y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}},y_{2}^{{\rm \small{d}}}\}\cap \mathbb{Z}\neq \emptyset$
, in which case
is a solid torus, hence homeomorphic to the regular fiber complement in
$S^{1}\times S^{2}\!\!$
The converse is an immediate corollary of Proposition 5.1 and Theorem 4.6.◻
We also have the following result for arbitrary generalized solid tori.
Proposition 6.4. If
is a generalized solid torus, then any cable of
$Y\subset Y(l)$
is a generalized solid torus.
Proof. If
is boundary compressible, then it is the connected sum of a solid torus with lens spaces, and Theorem 6.3 implies that any cable of a solid torus within its longitudinal filling is a generalized solid torus. If
is boundary incompressible, then the result is an immediate corollary of Theorem 5.2.◻
Similarly, for any class of manifolds for which the gluing result in Proposition 1.5 holds without the requirement of Floer simplicity—such as graph manifolds—one has the result that if
has an isolated L-space filling, i.e. if
for some
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}\in \mathbb{P}(H_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x2202}Y))$
, then any cable of
$Y\subset Y(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707})$
as an isolated L-space filling.
6.3 Isolated L-space fillings
A Seifert fiber complement in an L-space Seifert fibered manifold could justifiably be called the prototypical Floer simple manifold, just as a lens space is the prototypical L-space. It is therefore striking that we encounter isolated L-space fillings as regular fiber complements in graph manifolds. Fortunately, this still does not prevent L-space graph manifolds from admitting Floer simple Seifert fiber complements.
Given a closed graph manifold
, we shall call an exceptional fiber
$f_{{\rm \small{e}}}\subset X$
invariantly exceptional if the JSJ component
${\hat{Y}}\subset X$
$f_{{\rm \small{e}}}$
has more than one exceptional fiber. To motivate this name, note that if
has more than one JSJ component and
has only one exceptional fiber, say, of slope
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}=y_{0}$
, then since the punctured solid torus has non-unique Seifert structure,
is homeomorphic to a graph manifold in which
$y_{1}^{{\rm \small{d}}}$
is replaced with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{1\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}$
is replaced with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{1\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}\!+y_{0}$
Theorem 6.5. Every invariantly exceptional fiber complement in an L-space graph manifold is Floer simple.
Proof. Suppose
is an L-space graph manifold. If
is Seifert fibered, then every Seifert fiber complement, regular or otherwise, is Floer simple.
has more than one JSJ component, and let
denote a non-Floer-simple complement of an invariantly exceptional fiber. Since
${\mathcal{L}}(Y)\neq \emptyset$
non-Floer-simple implies
, with
$y_{\pm }\in \mathbb{Q}$
. However, since
has at least one exceptional fiber, Proposition 4.14 tells us that
$y_{-}=y_{+}\in \mathbb{Z}$
, contradicting the hypothesis that
is an exceptional fiber complement of
. Thus the theorem holds.◻
On the other hand, for a graph manifold with more than one JSJ component, Seifert fibers are not the only knots yielding Floer simple knot complements, due to the following result for arbitrary L-spaces.
Proposition 6.6. If an L-space
decomposes as a union
$Y_{1}\cup _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}}\!Y_{2}$
of Floer simple manifolds
along an incompressible torus
$T\subset X$
, then there is a knot
$K\subset X$
transversely intersecting
for which knot the complement
$X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
is Floer simple.
Proof. In fact, an analogous result holds for any toroidal L-space.
Suppose the above hypotheses hold. Then since
are Floer simple with incompressible boundary, Proposition 3.3 implies

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{1}))$
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{2})$
are open, (119) implies they intersect. Choosing any
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{2}\in \unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}}({\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{1}))\cap {\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{2})$
, set
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{1}:=\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{\mathbb{P}-1}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{2})$
, and let
denote the knot core of
$Y_{i}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{i})\setminus Y_{i}$
. As explained in more detail in the proof of [Reference Rasmussen and RasmussenRR15, Theorem 6.2],
can be regarded as zero-surgery on the knot
$K_{1}\#K_{2}\subset Y_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{1})\#Y_{2}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{2})$
. Thus, if we set
$Y:=Y_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{1})\#Y_{2}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{2})\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K_{1}\#K_{2})$
and let
denote the knot core of
$X\setminus Y$
, then the knot complement
$Y=X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
has at least two distinct L-space fillings, hence is Floer simple. Moreover, since
is dual to
under surgery,
intersects the separating torus transversely.◻
Corollary 6.7. If
is an L-space graph manifold, then for every incompressible torus
$T\subset X$
, there is a knot
$K\subset X$
transversely intersecting
for which knot the complement
$X\setminus \unicode[STIX]{x1D708}(K)$
is Floer simple.
Proof. Choose an arbitrary incompressible torus
$T\subset X$
, not necessarily one used in the minimal JSJ decomposition for
, and write
$X=Y_{1}\cup _{T}Y_{2}$
. Since
is an L-space, Corollary 6.1 implies each
has non-empty
${\mathcal{L}}^{\circ }(Y_{i})$
, hence is Floer simple. Thus, we can apply Proposition 6.6.◻
This section has only cataloged the most obvious corollaries of the paper’s main results. We invite the reader to find more.
I would like to thank Jonathan Bowden, Thomas Gillespie, Jake Rasmussen, and Rachel Roberts for helpful conversations, Liam Watson and Jonathan Hanselman for comments on an earlier draft, and the referee for helpful suggestions. The author was supported by EPSRC grant EP/M000648/1.