1. Introduction
Given a quiver Q, in [Reference Kontsevich and Soibelman26] Kontsevich and Soibelman define the cohomological Hall algebra

which has as underlying vector space the singular cohomology of the stack of finite-dimensional complex representations of Q, shifted in cohomological degree by the Euler form (see (2.1) for the definition). As indicated by (1.1), this algebra is graded by the dimension vectors of representations of Q. The multiplication is defined by taking push-forward and pull-back of cohomology in the usual correspondence diagram

In the diagram (1.2),
$\mathfrak{M}(Q)=\coprod_{\textbf{d}\in \mathbb{N}^{Q_0}}\mathfrak{M}_{\textbf{d}}(Q)$
is the stack of finite-dimensional Q-representations,
is the stack of short exact sequences of Q-representations, and
is the morphism taking a short exact sequence to its ith entry.
If Q is moreover symmetric (i.e. for every pair of vertices i,j, there are as many arrows from i to j as from j to i), then the multiplication respects the cohomological degree, and a theorem of Efimov [Reference Efimov15] states that (a slight modification of)
is a free supercommutative algebra; the ‘super’ here means that elements in odd cohomological degrees anti-commute with each other.
There are a couple of instances in which this result is possible to check by hand; indeed, it was observed in [Reference Kontsevich and Soibelman26, Section 2.5] that if
denotes the quiver with one vertex and l loops, then

denotes a cohomological shift, and
is placed in cohomological degree 2i. Both algebras are free supercommutative algebras generated by a countable set of symbols
$i\geq 0$
, with
placed in cohomological degree
in the zero-loop case, and in cohomological degree 2i in the one-loop case. In other words, (1.3) states that
is a free exterior algebra with countably many generators, while (1.4) states that
is a free commutative algebra with the same generators. As observed in [Reference Kontsevich and Soibelman26], the fact that the underlying vector spaces of the two algebras are the same (since
is homotopic to
, regardless of l) can be seen as a consequence of the boson-fermion correspondence in representation theory.
Now let Q be an arbitrary finite quiver. We form the tripled quiver
, by adjoining to the quiver Q an arrow
with the opposite orientation to a, for each a an arrow of Q, and also adjoining a loop
at each vertex i of Q. So for instance,
$\widetilde{Q^{(1)}}\cong Q^{(3)}$
. The quiver
carries a canonical cubic potential

and one may define (again as in [Reference Kontsevich and Soibelman26]) the critical cohomological Hall algebra
. Again, the multiplication respects cohomological degree. The underlying vector space of this algebra is the vanishing cycle cohomology of the function
on the stack
. The multiplication is defined via pull-back and push-forward of vanishing cycle cohomology along the same correspondence diagram (1.2). Via dimensional reduction [Reference Davison8] the algebra
is isomorphic [Reference Ren and Soibelman38, Reference Yang and Zhao45] to the cohomological Hall algebra structure on the Borel–Moore homology of the stack of representations of the preprojective algebra
constructed by Schiffmann and Vasserot in [Reference Schiffmann and Vasserot40] and studied in [Reference Yang and Zhao46].
In general, the algebra
is not supercommutative; for example,
contains the universal enveloping algebra of the Kac–Moody Lie algebra associated with the quiver Q
′ obtained by removing all vertices from Q that support 1-cycles [Reference Davison10]. On the other hand, via the cohomological integrality theorem [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11], the entire algebra
satisfies a Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorem, meaning that we have an
-graded isomorphism of cohomologically graded vector spaces (but not of algebras):

In the isomorphism (1.6),
is a cohomologically graded vector space, the whole of
$\textrm{BPS}_{\tilde{Q},\tilde{W},\textbf{d}}\otimes \mathbb{Q}[u]$
is placed in
has cohomological degree 2i, and the symbol
denotes the cohomological shift as before. Moreover by [Reference Davison9], the Poincaré polynomial of the cohomologically graded vector space
satisfies the relation

is the Kac polynomial [Reference Kac20], counting absolutely indecomposable
-dimensional Q-representations over a field of order q. For example, we observe that
and calculate

recovering (1.4) from (1.6) and (1.7).
In particular, we see that for arbitrary finite Q, the algebra
is bosonic, in the sense that it is situated entirely in even cohomological degree. Having observed that
has a fermionic counterpart
, we may ask the following
Question 1.1. For a finite quiver Q, is there a ‘fermionic’ version of
It is a consequence of the purity of the cohomological BPS invariants for the quiver with potential
(again, see [Reference Davison9]) that there is an equality

between the Poincaré polynomial and the virtual Poincaré polynomialFootnote 1 of
. The polynomials
are essentially by definition the refined BPS invariants for the quiver
with potential
. Expressed in the language of refined Donaldson–Thomas theory, the analogue of Question 1.1 is
Question 1.2. Is there quiver Q ′ with potential W ′ such that the refined BPS invariants satisfy

In this paper, we will answer these two questions in the affirmative.
1.1 Counting rational curves
At least in the case in which Q is an affine Dynkin quiver, there are strong hints from the McKay correspondence that the answer to Question 1.2 should be at least a partial ‘yes’. We recall some geometric background; see [Reference Bryan, Katz and Leung3, Reference Katz and Morrison24] for more details.
Fix a finite subgroup
$G\subset SL_2(\mathbb{C})$
and denote by
the associated Kleinian singularity. We denote by
the McKay graph of G, and by
the full ADE type sub-graph of
obtained by removing the vertex corresponding to the trivial representation. We denote by
$p\,:\, Y_0\rightarrow X_0$
the minimal resolution of
. The surface
contains an isolated singularity x, and the exceptional fibre
consists of a chain of rational curves, with incidence graph
. The space
has a universal deformation Y parametrised by
, the Cartan subalgebra of the simple Lie algebra corresponding to
, so that we have a Cartesian diagram
The generic fibre of
contains no rational curves, while if
lies in a root hyperplane corresponding to a vertex i of
, the rational curve
corresponding to i deforms along the line
$t\cdot h$
[Reference Bryan, Katz and Leung3, Prop.2.2]. We pick
and form the Cartesian diagram

$\unicode{x03B2}\in \textbf{H}_2(Y^h,\mathbb{Z})$
, let
denote the moduli space of semistable coherent sheaves
on Y
′, with fundamental class of the support of
equal to
, and with
Consider the case in which
for some
$i\in Q_0$
, so that stability is equivalent to semistability. Since a stable coherent sheaf
cannot split as a direct sum, it is supported on a single fibre of the morphism
. If
deforms along
, with curve over
, then in each fibre
there is a unique semistable coherent sheaf
with Euler characteristic n and
. If
does not deform, then there is a unique semistable coherent sheaf on the whole of
of class
, supported above
$0\in \mathbb{A}^1$
. So

The cohomological BPS invariants
of the 3-fold
are in general hard to define rigorously, involving vanishing cycle cohomology, d-critical structures [Reference Joyce19], orientation data, perverse filtrations, etc. However, for simple classes like the ones we are considering here, the definition/calculation boils down to something more straightforward:

The subscript vir denotes the cohomological shift
by the dimension of the space we are taking the singular cohomology of and accounts for the shift in the
$h\in i^{\perp}$
case. So in both cases, the cohomological BPS invariants for simple curve classes are one-dimensional vector spaces and are concentrated in even or odd cohomological degree, depending on whether the choice of h means that
is rigid or not.
Similarly, the definition and calculation of the simplest degree zero cohomological BPS invariant
is much easier than the general case, and we have

It is easy to verify that the singular cohomology of
does not depend on the choice of h at all. In general, one expects
$\textrm{BPS}_{0,n}\cong \textrm{BPS}_{0,1}$
(compare with [Reference Behrend, Byan and Szendröi2]), so it turns out that the degree zeroFootnote 2 cohomological DT theory of
does not depend on h.
To put this geometric discussion in very leading language: for the most degenerate case
, all of the cohomological DT theory is bosonic, since the vanishing cycle cohomology ends up living in even cohomological degree (taking into account the shift
in (1.6)). On the other hand, modifying the deforming family defined by
to be more generic, a portion of the cohomological DT theory is fermionised, depending on which root hyperplanes h avoids.
1.2 The noncommutative conifold and central extensions of the preprojective algebra
Let Q
′ be the
quiver, and let Q be its affine extension, which we label as follows:

Then as a special case of [Reference Kapranov and Vasserot21], there is a derived equivalence between the category of finitely generated modules for the preprojective algebra
of Q, and the category of coherent sheaves on
, the minimal resolution of the type
singularity defined by the equation

We have that
The Kac polynomials of Q are possible to calculate by hand, so that we can calculate the cohomological BPS invariants for
via (1.7)

There is an isomorphism
$\text{Jac}\!\left(\tilde{Q},\tilde{W}\right)\cong \Pi_Q[\omega]=\Pi_Q\otimes \mathbb{C}[\omega]$
, so that we have in addition a derived equivalence (see e.g. [Reference Szendröi42])

is defined via the construction in the previous subsection by setting
, i.e.
$Y^0=Y_0\times \mathbb{A}^1$
For the
-singularity, the Cartan subalgebra
is one-dimensional, so aside from 0 there is an essentially unique choice of
. Defining
for a nonzero choice of
in diagram (1.9), we obtain the resolved conifold. As noted in the previous section, instead of having an
-family of rational curves giving rise to cohomological BPS invariants in odd degrees, the resolved conifold contains a unique rigid curve. It follows that the cohomological BPS invariants corresponding to sheaves supported on the curve flip parity and are supported in even cohomological degrees, so that they contribute to the fermionic part of the cohomological DT theory of the resolved conifold (as ever, taking into account the shift defined as in (1.6))
The resolved conifold also has a noncommutative model, studied in this context by Szendröi, which we recall (see [Reference Szendröi41] for details on the noncommutative Donaldson–Thomas theory of the conifold, and also [Reference Galakhov and Yamazaki17, Reference Li and Yamazaki27, Reference Rapcak, Soibelman, Yang and Zhao37] for more recent work on CoHAs related to toric 3-folds). We consider the double
to be the Klebanov–Witten potential [Reference Klebanov and Witten25]. Then (e.g. as a special case of a result due to Van den Bergh [Reference van den Bergh43]), there is a derived equivalence

To interpolate between the two cases (
$h=0,h\neq 0$
), it turns out to be more instructive to consider the quiver
$\tilde {Q}$
with the potential

As we recall in Section 2.1, the resulting Jacobi algebra has already been studied: it is a special case of the central extensions of
introduced by Etingof and Rains in [Reference Etingof and Rains16]. There is an isomorphism (see Example 2.2)

and the cohomological DT theory of the Jacobi algebras in (1.12) turns out to be the same. The cohomological BPS invariants for the noncommutative conifold can be deduced from [Reference Morrison, Mozgovoy, Nagao and Szendröi30] and purity (proved as in [Reference Davison, Ongaro and Szendröi12, Thm.4.7]):

Comparing (1.11) with (1.13), we see exactly the same pattern as in the commutative case of Section 1.1, with the passage from trivial
-deformations of
to nontrivial ones replaced in the context of noncommutative algebraic geometry by the passage from the trivial central extension of the algebra
to the nontrivial ones constructed by Etingof and Rains; this change provokes a flip in the parity of some, but not all, of the cohomological BPS invariants.
1.3 Main results
In the rest of the paper, we prove that the above discussion regarding the (noncommutative) conifold forms part of a general procedure for (selectively) ‘fermionising’ the cohomological Hall algebras of preprojective algebras. This culminates in the following theorem:
Theorem A. Let
. Set
$\tilde{W}^{\unicode{x03BC}}=\sum_{a\in Q_1}[a,a^*]\sum_{i\in Q_0}\omega_i+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i\in Q_0} \unicode{x03BC}_i\omega_i^2$
. Then the cohomological BPS invariants for the quiver
with potential

are the Kac polynomials for Q. In addition, the natural mixed Hodge structure on the cohomological BPS invariants
is pure, of Tate type, so that we have isomorphisms of Hodge theoretic BPS invariants

$\mathscr{L}\,:\!=\, \textbf{H}_c(\mathbb{A}^1,\mathbb{Q})$
. By purity, the virtual Poincaré polynomials of the cohomological BPS invariants agree with the above Poincaré polynomials, so that we have equalities for the refined BPS invariants

Comparing with (1.7), we see that for dimension vectors
$\textbf{d}\cdot \unicode{x03BC}\neq 0$
the cohomological BPS invariants have switched parity. In particular, for generic choices of
, the algebra
is a fermionised version of
, so (1.15) and (1.16) answer Questions 1.1 and (1.2) respectively in the affirmative.
Still fixing
$\unicode{x03BC}\in \mathbb{C}^{Q_0}$
the deformed preprojective algebra, introduced by Crawley–Boevey and Holland in [Reference Crawley-Boevey and Holland6], is defined by

is the path of length zero beginning and ending at the vertex i. Via the methods used to prove Theorem A, we are able to calculate the Borel–Moore homology (along with its mixed Hodge structure) of all stacks of representations of deformed preprojective algebras, simultaneously generalising a result of Crawley–Boevey and Van den Bergh [Reference Crawley-Boevey and Van den Bergh7] from the case of generic
and indivisible dimension vector
, and the result from [Reference Davison9] which deals with the case
and arbitrary
Theorem B. For arbitrary
$\unicode{x03BC}\in R$
there is an isomorphism of
-graded mixed Hodge structures



In particular, the compactly supported cohomology of
, the stack of representations of the deformed preprojective algebra, is pure, of Tate type.
2. Cohomological DT theory for quivers with potential
2.1 Some algebras from quivers
A quiver is determined by a set of vertices
, a set of edges
, and two morphisms
$s,t\,:\, Q_1\rightarrow Q_0$
taking an arrow to its source and target respectively. We always assume that
are finite. We define the Euler form

Where there is no possibility of confusion, we drop the quiver Q from the notation and just write
. We denote by
the doubled quiver of Q, obtained by adding an arrow
for every arrow
$a\in Q_1$
, where
has the opposite orientation to a. We denote by
the tripled quiver, obtained from
by adding a loop
at each vertex
$i\in Q_0$
Given a ring A and a quiver Q, we denote by AQ the free path algebra of Q with coefficients in A. We denote by
$R\subset \mathbb{C}Q$
the semisimple subalgebra spanned by length zero paths, so we may identify
$R= \mathbb{C}^{Q_0}$
. We denote by
the preprojective algebra for Q, defined to be the quotient of the free path algebra
by the two-sided ideal generated by the element
$\sum_{a\in Q_1}[a,a^*]$
. As in the introduction, we denote by
the trivial extension obtained by adjoining a central element
to the algebra
, i.e.
$\Pi_Q[\omega]=\Pi_Q\otimes \mathbb{C}[\omega]$
$\unicode{x03BC}\in R$
. We recall the central extension of
introduced by Etingof and Rains [Reference Etingof and Rains16]:

There is an obvious isomorphism

and natural isomorphisms

is the deformed preprojective algebra recalled in the introduction. The algebra
provides an
-family of algebras interpolating between the preprojective algebra
and the deformed preprojective algebra
Let Q be a quiver and let
$W\in\mathbb{C}Q/[\mathbb{C} Q,\mathbb{C} Q]$
be a potential, i.e. a linear combination of cyclic words, where cyclic words are considered to be equivalent if they can be cyclically permuted to each other. We will call the data of a quiver with potential (Q,W) a QP. Given
$a\in Q_1$
, if
$W=a_1\ldots a_n$
is a single cyclic word we define

and define
$\partial W/\partial a$
for general W by extending linearly. We define

In this paper, we will study Jacobi algebras obtained from the tripled QP
defined in (1.5) by adding polynomials in the extra loops
; we refer the reader to [Reference Ginzburg18, Sect. 4] for general background on this construction, [Reference Quintero Vélez and Boer36, Reference Szendröi42] for the noncommutative geometry background in type ADE, and [Reference Cachazo, Katz and Vafa4] for the physics perspective.
Proposition 2.1. [Reference Ginzburg18, Ex. 4.3.5] Let
$\unicode{x03BC}=\sum_i \unicode{x03BC}_ie_i$
. Set
$\tilde{W}^{\unicode{x03BC}}=\tilde{W}+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i\in Q_0} \unicode{x03BC}_i\omega_i^2$
. Then there is an isomorphism

In particular, there is a natural isomorphism

Proof. This follows more or less from the definitions. The noncommutative derivatives of
with respect to the arrows a impose the relation that
commutes with the arrows
, and vice versa, while the noncommutative derivatives with respect to the loops
impose the defining relations of
as a quotient of
Example 2.2. Let Q be defined as in (1.10), and set
. Then

After the noncommutative change of variables

the potential transforms to

Now the relations
$\partial W/\partial \omega_i=\pm\omega_i$
mean that in the Jacobi algebra we may simply remove the loops
. Thus, there is a natural isomorphism

giving the isomorphism (1.12). In particular, the noncommutative conifold is isomorphic to one of the central extensions of
considered above, for Q as in (1.10).
Later we will use the following elementary result.
Proposition 2.3. Let
be a
-dimensional simple
-module. Then, the operator
acts on the underlying vector space of
by multiplication by some scalar
$\lambda\in \mathbb{C}$
, and if
$\unicode{x03BC}\cdot\textbf{d}\neq 0$
Proof. The first part follows from the fact that
$\omega=\sum_{i\in Q_0}\omega_i$
is central in
, so each eigenspace of
is preserved by the action of
. For the second part, consider the relation in

and taking the trace, the final sum vanishes, and we find

as required.
2.2 Moduli spaces of quiver representations
Given a quiver Q and a dimension vector
we set

The group
acts on
via change of basis. We denote by
the stack of
$\mathbb{C} Q$
-modules. There is an isomorphism of stacks

We denote by
the coarse moduli space of
$\mathbb{C} Q$
-modules. Geometric K-points of
are in natural bijection with semisimple KQ-modules. There is an isomorphism

We denote by
$\texttt{JH}_{\textbf{d}}\,:\, \mathfrak{M}_{\textbf{d}}(Q)\rightarrow \mathcal{M}_{\textbf{d}}(Q)$
the affinisation morphism. Although this morphism is not projective, it is approximated by projective maps in the sense of [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11], meaning that
commute with vanishing cycle functors (introduced in the next section).
For spaces and morphisms involving a subscript
, if we omit the subscript, the union over all dimension vectors is intended.
There is a finite morphism [Reference Meinhardt and Reineke33]

which at the level of geometric points takes a pair of KQ-modules to their direct sum. Since this morphism is invariant under swapping the two factors of
in the domain, and finite morphisms are exact with respect to the perverse t structure, we obtain an induced symmetric monoidal product on
, defined by

Given a potential
$W\in \mathbb{C}Q/[\mathbb{C} Q,\mathbb{C} Q],$
we form the function
. This is well defined and
-invariant by cyclic invariance of trace. As such,
induces functions on
, which we continue to denote by
, or just Tr(W) if there is no risk of ambiguity.
2.3 Cohomological Donaldson–Thomas theory of quivers with potential
Given a function f on a smooth complex variety X, we define
and consider the diagram
in which the square is Cartesian. Then, we define the nearby cycles functor
$\psi_f\,:\, \mathcal{D}^{\textrm{b}}(\textbf{Perv}(X))\rightarrow \mathcal{D}^{\textrm{b}}(\textbf{Perv}(X))$

The vanishing cycles functor
is defined so that for
$\mathcal{F}\in \text{Ob}\!\left(\mathcal{D}^{\textrm{b}}\!\left(\textbf{Perv}(X)\right)\right)$
there is a distinguished triangle

${{}^{\mathfrak{p}}\!}\psi_{f}\,:\!=\, \psi_f[{-}1]$
send perverse sheaves to perverse sheaves [Reference Kashiwara and Schapira23, Cor. 10.3.13] and (naturally) commute with Verdier duality [Reference Massey29].
We give a lightning account of the critical cohomological Hall algebra associated with a quiver with potential. More details can be found in [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11, Reference Kontsevich and Soibelman26]. For a stack
for which each connected component is irreducible and generically smooth, we define the intersection complex

i.e. it is the intermediate extension of the constant perverse sheaf from the smooth locus. We define

The morphism
from (1.2) is proper, so that there is a natural integration map

(the shift is given by the relative dimension of
). Composing appropriate shifts of the morphisms

and the sum of
over pairs
, and using commutativity of vanishing cycle functors with proper and with smooth morphisms, we obtain the morphism

Finally, composing
, where
is (a shift of) the Thom–Sebastiani isomorphism [Reference Massey28]

we define the (relative) Hall algebra multiplication

The cohomology

has a
-grading by dimension vectors induced by the decomposition
, and the associative product induced by taking derived global sections of the morphism (2.2) respects this grading.
Assume that Q is symmetricFootnote 3. For
$\textbf{d}\in \mathbb{N}^{Q_0},$
we define

According to our conventions,
is the intermediate extension of the constant perverse sheaf
on the (open, dense) subscheme of
corresponding to simple modules. Since
is Verdier self-dual, and vanishing cycle functors commute with Verdier duality [Reference Massey29], there are natural isomorphisms

We recall the following version of the cohomological integrality theorem from [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11]
Theorem 2.4. There is an isomorphism of bounded above complexes of perverse sheaves


We define the cohomological BPS invariants

Applying the compactly supported cohomology functor to Theorem 2.4, and using self-Verdier duality (2.4) of
, yields

The BPS invariants of the Jacobi algebra Jac(Q,W) are defined via

where the final identity again follows from Verdier self-duality of the BPS sheaf. Turning to Verdier duals, we have instead
Theorem 2.5. [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11] There is an isomorphism of unbounded complexes of perverse sheaves


so that

Applying the natural transformation
${}^{\mathfrak{p}}\unicode{x03C4}^{\leq 1}\rightarrow \text{id}$
and taking hypercohomology, there is a natural inclusion

The image of this inclusion is closed under the commutatorFootnote 4 Lie bracket induced by the associative algebra structure on
The resulting Lie algebra
is called the BPS Lie algebra for the pair (Q,W), see [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11] for more details.
2.4 Hodge theoretic BPS invariants
We give another lightning introduction, this time to Hodge theoretic DT theory, via monodromic mixed Hodge modules. For more details, we refer the reader to [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11, Reference Kontsevich and Soibelman26], and for a comparison with the treatment of monodromic mixed Hodge modules in [Reference Saito39], we refer the reader to [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11, Sec. 2]. Mixed Hodge structures are important in the subject of refined DT theory, since the extra q-variable appearing in refined DT theory keeps track of the weight filtration on certain mixed Hodge structures. On the other hand, our main result states that all mixed Hodge structures appearing in this paper are pure, so that weight polynomials can be replaced by Poincaré polynomials. The takeaway is that this section can be skimmed by the reader that is happy to use the purity part of Theorem A to identify the refined BPS invariants of
with the Poincaré polynomials of the BPS cohomology.
For X a variety we denote by
the category of mixed Hodge modules on X. There is an equivalence of categories between
and the category of graded-polarisable mixed Hodge structures. Let
denote the full subcategory of
containing those mixed Hodge modules
such that for each
$x\in X$
the mixed Hodge modules

are locally constant away from
$x\times \{0\}$
. We denote by
the full subcategory of
containing those
such that each (2.5) is constant. Equivalently, we may define
as the essential image of
, for
$\unicode{x03C0}_X\,:\, X\times\mathbb{A}^1\rightarrow X$
the projection. We denote by
the Serre quotient
. There is an embedding of categories
$\textbf{MHM}(X)\hookrightarrow \textbf{MMHM}(X)$
defined via

The direct image functor

induces an equivalence of categories between the category of mixed Hodge modules on
$X\times \mathbb{C}^*$
with locally constant cohomology sheaves after restriction to each
$\{x\}\times \mathbb{C}^*$
and the category of monodromic mixed Hodge modules on X. Denoting by
an inverse equivalence, there is a faithful forgetful functor

taking a monodromic mixed Hodge module to its underlying perverse sheaf on X. We abuse notation by denoting this functor also by
. For X a variety, we denote by
the lift of the constant sheaf
to a complex of mixed Hodge modules on X. For f a regular function on X, we define the vanishing cycles functor

where u is the coordinate on
$\underline{\unicode{x03D5}}_{u\cdot f}$
is the lift of
${{}^{\mathfrak{p}}\!}\unicode{x03D5}_{u\cdot f}$
to the categories of mixed Hodge modules. There is a natural isomorphism
$\textbf{rat} \unicode{x03D5}^{\text{mon}}_{f}\cong {{}^{\mathfrak{p}}\!}\unicode{x03D5}_{f}\textbf{rat}$
An object
$\mathcal{F}\in \text{Ob}(\textbf{MMHM}(X))$
inherits a weight filtration from the weight filtration on objects of
. We say that
is pure of weight n if the associated graded object with respect to this filtration is concentrated in degree n. We say that an object
$\mathcal{F}\in \text{Ob}\!\left(\mathcal{D}^{\textrm{b}}(\textbf{MMHM}(X))\right)$
is pure if each
is pure of weight i.
The cohomologically graded mixed Hodge structure
is pure: it is concentrated in cohomological degree two and is pure of weight two. This object has a tensor square root in
provided by

$d\,:\, \mathbb{A}^1\rightarrow \mathbb{A}^1$
is the morphism
$z\mapsto z^2$
. We say a monodromic mixed Hodge structure is of Tate type if it is a direct sum of (possibly negative) tensor powers of the monodromic mixed Hodge structure
For X an irreducible variety, we denote by

the natural lift of
to a pure weight zero monodromic mixed Hodge module.
We define

This is the natural lift of the BPS sheaf to a monodromic mixed Hodge module, i.e.
. Similarly, we define the monodromic mixed Hodge structure

$\textbf{rat}\!\left(\textrm{BPS}^{\text{hdg}}_{Q,W,\textbf{d}}\right)\cong \textrm{BPS}_{Q,W,\textbf{d}}$
. We defineFootnote 5

Since all of the natural transformations defining the multiplication on the Hall algebra
lift to categories of monodromic mixed Hodge modules [Reference Davison8, Reference Davison and Meinhardt11, Reference Kontsevich and Soibelman26], as does the Thom–Sebastiani theorem [Reference Saito39], we may define a multiplication on
that recovers the multiplication on
after applying the functor
. Likewise, taking derived direct image to a point we obtain the algebra object
in monodromic mixed Hodge structures. Then by [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11], Theorems 2.3 and 2.4 lift to the categories of monodromic mixed Hodge modules and monodromic mixed Hodge structures. In particular, the BPS Lie algebra
lifts to a Lie algebra object

. This is a Lie subalgebra of
, considered as a Lie algebra in the category of
-graded, cohomologically graded monodromic mixed Hodge structures, via the commutator Lie bracket. See [Reference Davison8, Reference Davison and Meinhardt11] for full details.
2.5 Cohomological Donaldson–Thomas theory for preprojective algebras
In this section, we restrict our attention to ‘tripled’ QPs of the form
, as in the introduction. Firstly, we recall the following purity result on the BPS cohomology of the Jacobi algebra
Theorem 2.6. [Reference Davison9] For an arbitrary quiver Q and dimension vector
, the mixed Hodge structure
is pure, of Tate type. In addition (or as a consequence of the cohomological integrality theorem), the mixed Hodge structure on

is pure, of Tate type.
We denote by

the closed embedding that sends a pair
to the
for which the action of the arrows
are the same as for
, and the action of each
is given by multiplication by t.
We will need the following result on the support and equivariance of the BPS sheaf itself:
Lemma 2.7. [Reference Davison9] For a quiver Q and dimension vector
there is a perverse sheaf

such that there is an isomorphism

The same result holds at the level of monodromic mixed Hodge modules.
In words, the theorem says that the BPS sheaf is supported on the subspace of
$\mathbb{C} \tilde{Q}$
-modules for which all of the generalised eigenvalues of the operators
are the same, and the sheaf is moreover equivariant for the
-action that acts by adding scalar multiples of the identity to all of the operators
We recall from [Reference Davison9] the description of the BPS cohomology of the Jacobi algebra
in terms of Kac polynomials:
Theorem 2.8. The Poincaré polynomials of the cohomological BPS invariants for the QP


is the Kac polynomial, counting the number of isomorphism classes of absolutelyFootnote 6 indecomposable
-modules for
a field of order q. Furthermore, the natural mixed Hodge structure on
is pure, of Tate type, so that we can write

and so

3. Deformed dimensional reduction and proofs of main results
3.1 Deformed dimensional reduction
The main tool in proving Theorem A will be deformed dimensional reduction, as introduced in joint work with Tudor Pădurariu [Reference Davison and Pădurariu13]. This is a geometric result about vanishing cycle functors for functions satisfying certain
-equivariance properties. We state the version that we need below.
Theorem 3.1. [Reference Davison and Pădurariu13, Thm. 1.3] Let the algebraic group G act on a variety X and affine space
. Assume that
is also given a
-action, with non-negative weights, which commutes with the G-action. Let
act on
via the product of the given action on
with the trivial action on X. Let g be a function on
that is G-invariant and
-semi-invariant, with strictly positive weight. Assume that we are given a
-equivariant decomposition
$\mathbb{A}^n=\mathbb{A}^m\times \mathbb{A}^{n-m}$
and that we can write

where the functions
$g_0,\ldots g_m$
are pulled back from
$X\times \mathbb{A}^{n-m}$
are a system of coordinates for
. Let
$Z\subset X\times \mathbb{A}^{n-m}$
be the vanishing locus of the functions
. Then, Z is G-invariant. Set
$\overline{Z}=Z\times\mathbb{A}^{m}\subset \overline{X}$
. We denote by

the natural projections. Then, the natural transformation

is an isomorphism.
Since the functor
is faithful, the same statement is true at the level of (monodromic) mixed Hodge modules: the natural transformation

is an isomorphism inFootnote 7
3.2 Proof of Theorem A
We proceed by applying deformed dimensional reduction to the function
Proof of Theorem A. Given a quiver Q, we denote by
the quiver obtained by adding a loop
at each vertex
$i\in Q_0$
, or equivalently the quiver obtained by removing all of the arrows
. We denote by
the stack of pairs
, consisting of a
$\mathbb{C} Q$
and an endomorphism
$f\in {\text{Hom}}_{\mathbb{C} Q}(\rho,\rho)$
. Then, we consider the commutative diagram
In the above diagram, i is the natural embedding of stacks, sending a pair
to the
$\mathbb{C} Q^+$
for which the underlying
$\mathbb{C} Q$
-module is
, and the action of the loops
is given by f. All of the horizontal arrows are the natural forgetful maps. We set

We denote by
the quiver containing the same vertices as Q and for which the only arrows are the loops
. We denote by
the quiver containing the same vertices as Q, and only the arrows
$a\in Q_1$
, i.e.
is the opposite quiver to Q. In the notation of Theorem 3.1, we set

We let
act on
with weight one.
We set

. Then
satisfies the conditions of Theorem 3.1; for example, it is
semi-invariant with weight two. In the notation of that theorem
$Z\subset X\times \mathbb{A}^{n-m}=\mathbb{A}_{\textbf{d}}(Q^+)$
is the locus containing those
$\mathbb{C} Q^+$
such that the endomorphisms
determine an endomorphism of the underlying
$\mathbb{C} Q$
-module of
. It follows that
. By Theorem 3.1, there is an isomorphismFootnote 8

If instead we set

, and again let
act on
with weight one, then the function
still satisfies the conditions of Theorem 3.1 (now it is semi-invariant with weight one). So instead we arrive at the isomorphism

is approximated by proper maps, there is a natural isomorphism (see [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11, Sec. 4.1])

Combining all of the above, we can writeFootnote 9

By Lemma 2.7, we can write


, we have

It follows from (3.6) that

so that

where we define

Finally, we deduce that

On the other hand, by Theorem 2.4 again, we have

Comparing (3.7) and (3.8), we find

and now (2.8) follows from Theorem 2.8.
Performing the same calculations in the category of monodromic mixed Hodge structures, isomorphisms (3.7) and (3.8) yield the isomorphism of
-graded complexes of monodromic mixed Hodge structures


On the other hand, by Theorem 2.6 the mixed Hodge structure
is pure, so that
is pure for all
. It follows that both sides of (3.9) are pure. The isomorphism

then follows from (3.9) and semisimplicity of the category of pure monodromic mixed Hodge structures as in [Reference Davison and Pădurariu13, Cor. 7.1].
Example 3.2. To recover the example that we started the paper with, consider the quiver
with one vertex and no arrows. We label the unique arrow of the one-loop quiver
. For
to be generic, we just have to pick
$\unicode{x03BC}_0\neq 0$
. Then, we find

and so the fermionic version of
is indeed
Example 3.3. We return once more to the noncommutative conifold. As observed in Example 2.2, this algebra is obtained by setting
for the quiver (1.10) and considering
. The cohomological BPS invariants of the QP
are given in (1.11), while the cohomological BPS invariants of the noncommutative conifold are given in (1.13). Comparing the two, there is a cohomological shift between the respective (m,n)th cohomological BPS invariants precisely if
$m\neq n$
, i.e. precisely if
$\unicode{x03BC}\cdot(m,n)\neq 0$
Recall from the introduction that the BPS invariants for the resolved conifold are only a partially fermionised version of the BPS invariants of
. In view of the main result, we see that the generic deformation in the commutative algebraic geometry context corresponds to the deformation
. To fully fermionise the DT theory, we are obliged to work in the fully noncommutativeFootnote 10 context provided by generic
. Note that deformations within algebraic geometry of the Kleinian singularity were parameterised by
, the Cartan subalgebra of the (reduced) McKay graph
, whereas noncommutative deformations are parameterised by the Cartan subalgebra of the full McKay graph.
Remark 3.4. Along the course of the proof of Theorem A, we have shown that

With a little effort, one may lift this statement to the level of monodromic mixed Hodge module complexes.
3.3 Proof of Theorem B
Given a quiver Q, an element
$\unicode{x03BC}\in R$
, and a number
$n\in\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 1}$
, define

Then in the decomposition (3.2), we let
act with weight 1 on
, weight
, and trivially on
, so
satisfies the conditions of Theorem 3.1 (now it is a weight n function). Then, the argument of Section 3.2 gives that

Theorem A follows from the special case
and Theorem 2.8, observing that
In this section, we consider instead the special case
, i.e., we consider the quiver
with the potential

This potential is linear in the loops
, so that the following proposition is a straightforward application of (undeformed) dimensional reduction:
Proposition 3.5. There is an isomorphism in the derived category of complexes of mixed Hodge modules

Proof. In the setup of Theorem 3.1, we put
. Then,
is the zero function, so that there is a natural isomorphism
$\unicode{x03D5}^{\text{mon}}_{g_0}\rightarrow \text{id}$
, and the result follows from Theorem 3.1 and
Proof of Theorem B. We have isomorphisms of
-graded mixed Hodge structures

where the first isomorphism is dimensional reduction (as in Proposition 3.5) and the second is the cohomological integrality theorem. So the theorem follows from (2.9) and the claim that

This follows from (3.10) and the observation that for

Assume that the dimension vector
is indivisible, meaning that there is no
$n\in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 2}$
such that
. Assume also that
is chosen to be generic, subject to the constraint that
. Equivalently,
are chosen so that
$\textbf{d}^{\prime}\cdot \unicode{x03BC}=0$
implies that
is an integer multiple of
. Then (1.17) simplifies to

Our assumptions imply that
is a fine moduli scheme, and
is a trivial
-gerbe over it, meaning that

Recall that there is an isomorphism

From the
piece of (3.11), we deduce the following slightly stronger version of a result of Crawley–Boevey and Van den Bergh [Reference Crawley-Boevey and Van den Bergh7]:
Corollary 3.6. Let
be indivisible, and
be generic. Then, there is an isomorphism of mixed Hodge structures

In particular,
is pure of Tate type.
4. Further directions
4.1 Calculating the BPS sheaves
While our main theorem gives a way to calculate the BPS cohomology
for arbitrary Q,
$\textbf{d}\in \mathbb{N}^{Q_0}$
$\unicode{x03BC}\in R$
, the actual BPS sheaf
remains a little mysterious. We can at least generalise (part of) the support lemma (Lemma 2.7) from the case
Lemma 4.1. For a quiver Q, and dimension vector
, we have

is defined in (2.7).
Proof. The proof is very similar to [Reference Davison9, Lem. 4.1]. Let
be a
-module lying in the support of
. By definition,
is semisimple, and so since
$\rho\!\left(\sum_{i\in Q_0}\omega_i\right)$
is central, it acts via a diagonal matrix. Arguing as in [Reference Davison9, Lem. 4.1] and using centrality of
$\rho\!\left(\sum_{i\in Q_0}\omega_i\right)$
along with the cohomological integrality theorem, we deduce that the generalised eigenvalues of
are all the same, i.e.
acts via scalar multiplication, establishing the lemma in the case
$\unicode{x03BC}\cdot\textbf{d}\neq 0$
. Arguing as in Proposition 2.3, if
$\unicode{x03BC}\cdot\textbf{d}\neq 0$
, we must have
. This establishes the lemma in the case
$\unicode{x03BC}\cdot\textbf{d}\neq 0$
Even in the case
$\unicode{x03BC}\cdot \textbf{d}=0,$
this is a slightly weaker statement than Lemma 2.7; it is harder to show that
-equivariant (where
acts by adding a scalar multiple of the identity matrix to
) since the function
is not
-invariant unless
It would be interesting to compare
$\mathcal{BPS}_{\tilde{Q},\tilde{W},\textbf{d}}\cong \tilde{e}_!\left(\mathcal{BPS}_{\Pi_Q,\textbf{d}}\boxtimes \mathcal{IC}_{\mathbb{A}^1}\right)$
in the case
, and with
$\tilde{e}_!\left(\mathcal{BPS}_{\Pi_Q,\textbf{d}}\boxtimes \mathbb{Q}_0\right)$
in the case
$\unicode{x03BC}\cdot \textbf{d}\neq 0$
. In particular, we may ask the following question:
Question 4.2. Is the monodromic mixed Hodge module
By [Reference Davison10, Thm. A], we know that
is a pure monodromic mixed Hodge module, i.e. we know that for
the answer to Question 4.2 is yes.
4.2 The BPS algebra
Identifying the BPS cohomology of the Jacobi algebra
is only part of understanding its cohomological DT theory; it tells us the size of the graded pieces of
, but nothing about the algebra structure above what we already know from [Reference Davison and Meinhardt11] regarding general quivers with potential (e.g. the PBW theorem). At least for
, the algebra
has been studied from various points of view (see e.g. [Reference Diaconescu, Porta and Sala14, Reference Kapranov and Vasserot22, Reference Maulik and Okounkov31, Reference Nakajima35, Reference Varagnolo44]) while for the
$\unicode{x03BC}\neq 0$
case, it would be interesting (at least for noncommutative resolutions of toric CY3s) to relate these algebras to the Yangians defined in terms of (generalised) McMahon modules and crystal melting in [Reference Galakhov and Yamazaki17, Reference Li and Yamazaki27].
For general Q and
, the shifted BPS cohomology
$\mathfrak{g}_{\tilde{Q},\tilde{W}^{\unicode{x03BC}}}\,:\!=\, \textrm{BPS}_{\tilde{Q},\tilde{W}^{\unicode{x03BC}}}[{-}1]$
carries a Lie algebra structure (by Theorem 2.5). Even in the case
we do not yet fully understand this Lie algebra for general Q. We can at least try to relate the case of general
to the case
, via the following construction: Fix Q and
, and define

is a Lie subalgebra of
, and
is a Lie module for it, and we consider the extension

with the Lie bracket

Question 4.3. Is there is an isomorphism of Lie algebras

Proposition 4.4. The answer to Question 4.3 is yes in the case
, and for generic
Proof. The case
is trivial, since then

. In the case of generic
, Theorem A tells us that there is an isomorphism

as cohomologically graded vector spaces, and so it is sufficient to show that the Lie bracket on
vanishes, since the Lie bracket on
$\mathfrak{g}^{\unicode{x03BC}}\,:\!=\, \mathfrak{g}_{\textrm{odd}}[{-}1]$
does by definition. Combining (4.1) and (2.10), we deduce that
lies entirely in odd cohomological degree. Since the Hall algebra multiplication, and hence the commutator Lie bracket, preserves cohomological degree, the Lie bracket vanishes as required.
In this paper, we have ignored completely the question of whether there is a natural double to the Lie algebra
. Despite Proposition 4.4 the expected answer to Question 4.3, once extended to the double of
is no; one of the motivations for this paper is work of Kevin Costello [Reference Costello5], in which he conjectures that in the case of, for example, the resolved conifold, the Lie bracket does not vanish on the fermionic part of the (doubled) BPS Lie algebra. As we saw in Section 1.2, and Example 3.3 the (noncommutative) resolved conifold is a partial fermionisation of the QP
is the affine
quiver; so the conifold is precisely the kind of case that Proposition 4.4 does not cover.
4.3 Representation theory
The boson-fermion correspondence is typically considered (by mathematicians) to be a part of representation theory, and so it would be remiss to finish the paper without saying anything about representations of
Fix a quiver Q, and a framing dimension vector
$\textbf{f}\in \mathbb{N}^{Q_0}$
. We form the quiver
by adding one extra vertex (labelled
) to
, and
arrows from
to i for each
$i\in Q_0$
. Set
. In other words, this is the usual doubled framed quiver that one uses to define Nakajima quiver varieties, but with an extra loop at every vertex (including a loop
at the framing vertex).
$\unicode{x03BC}=\sum_{i\in Q_0} \unicode{x03BC}_i e_i$
we define

We write dimension vectors for
. We define

to be the subvariety containing those
such that
as a
-module. We call such
-modules stable. Then, we define

This is a smooth variety and is naturally isomorphic to the stack of stable
-modules along with a trivialisation
. We define

to be the stack of pairs of a stable
$\mathbb{C} \mathscr{Q}$
, along with a
-dimensional submodule
$\rho^{\prime}\subset \rho$
and a trivialisation
. Set
. In the correspondence diagram,
the morphism
is proper, and so via push-forward and pull-back in vanishing cycle cohomology, we obtain an action of

Given a quiver Q, we denote by

the usual moment map. We define

the vanishing locus of the composition of
with the natural projection
$\mathfrak{{gl}}_{(\textbf{d},1)}\rightarrow \mathfrak{{gl}}_{\textbf{d}}$
. Here, the stability condition is the same as above: we restrict to the open locus of those
such that
generates. Then, the Nakajima quiver variety is defined to be the smooth variety

Proposition 4.5. Denote by g the restriction of the function
, then

Moreover, the monodromic mixed Hodge module

is analytically locally isomorphic to the constant mixed Hodge module on the critical locus of g.
Proof. The second part follows from the first: the holomorphic Bott–Morse lemma tells us that since the critical locus of g is scheme-theoretically smooth, g can be written analytically locally around crit(g) in the form

where c is the codimension of crit(g) inside
. The first part follows by the same argument as Proposition 2.3.
In the special case
it is possible to show that the monodromy of the rank one local system
is trivial [Reference Davison10, Prop. 6.3], and we conjecture that this is always true. Assuming the conjecture, Proposition 4.5 implies that there are isomorphisms

Note that the vacuum vector, spanning
, lies in the second summand.
Let Q
′ be the full subquiver of Q obtained by removing all vertices that support loops, as well as arrows to or from them, and let
be the negative piece of the Kac–Moody Lie algebra associated with Q
′. By [Reference Davison10, Thm. 6.6], there is an inclusion of Lie algebras

as the part of the BPS Lie algebra lying in cohomological degree zero, so that (4.2) in case
allows us to reconstruct (one half of) Nakajima’s action of
on the cohomology of quiver varieties [Reference Nakajima34]. The conjecture suggests that the cohomology of Nakajima quiver varieties should be as crucial to the representation theory of partially fermionised BPS Lie algebras as they are to the representation theory of their bosonic counterparts.
The suggestion that partial fermionisation of BPS Lie algebras should be modelled by the passage from
$\text{Tot}(\mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1}(-2)\oplus \mathcal{O}_{\mathbb{P}^1})$
is based on conversations with, and unpublished work of Kevin Costello. I am very grateful to him for being so generous with his time and ideas. I learnt about connections between the various Jacobi algebras appearing in this paper from Victor Ginzburg, and I am similarly grateful to him. Thanks also to Hans Franzen, Tudor Pădurariu and Markus Reineke for stimulating conversations about DT theory. My thanks also go to Tommaso Scognamiglio for questions that led to the addition of Section 3.3 to an earlier draft. This paper was written for the British Mathematical Colloquium, held (virtually) in Glasgow in 2021. Many thanks are due to the organisers for managing to run such an engaging online event. During the writing of the paper, I was supported by the starter grant ‘Categorified Donaldson–Thomas theory’ No. 759967 of the European Research Council and also supported by a Royal Society university research fellowship.