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Shifts in Soviet Views on the Proper Focus of Military Development

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  13 June 2011

James M. McConnell
Hudson Institute
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There is a widespread view in the West that Soviet strategic doctrine has not changed much since the early 1960s, and still concentrates on fighting and winning an all-out nuclear war. The Soviets are said to be reluctant to recognize thresholds, and therefore have no limited nuclear options, much less a true conventional war-fighting option. To the extent they do have a conventional option, it is contingent on surprise and a two-week blitzkrieg; if the war is not won quickly, they will have to escalate.

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Copyright © Trustees of Princeton University 1985

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1 This is true even of the Soviet Military Review. Western analysts tend to forget that this journal is also published in a Russian version, and not just in English and French.

2 Sobolev, M., “Party Development in the USSR Armed Forces,” Soviet Military Review (No. 9, 1983), 2Google Scholar; G. Sredin, “Marxist-Leninist Doctrine on War and the Army,” ibid. (No. 10, 1983), 5–8.

3 Trofimenko, G. A., SShA: politico, voyna, ideologiya [USA: policy, war, ideology] (Moscow, 1976), 3, 1416Google Scholar; Katasonov, Yu. V., “Voennaya doktrina i voenno-strategicheskie kontseptsii” [Military doctrine and military-strategic concepts], in Bogdanov, R. G., Mil'shteyn, M. A., and Semeyko, L. S., eds., SShA: voenno-strategicheskie kontseptsii [USA: military-strategic concepts] (Moscow, 1980), 4042Google Scholar. Translations are by the author of this article.

4 McConnell, James, A Possible Counterforce Role for the Typhoon (Alexandria, VA: Center for Naval Analyses Professional Paper No. 347, 1982), 1Google Scholar. The economic plan orientation of doctrine is also evident from the fact that the expression “near term,” normally five years away, was extended in usage to cover the extra two years of the 1958–1965 seven-year plan. Rybkin, E. I., Voyna i politika [War and policy] (Moscow, 1959), 135–37Google Scholar.

5 Epishev, A. A., “Voennaya politika KPSS” [The military policy of the CPSU], in Grechko, A. A. and others, eds., Sovetskaya Voennaya Entsiklopediya [Soviet Military Encyclopedia], II (Moscow, 1976), 191–93Google Scholar.

6 Since the remote future in the theory of War and the Army is often at odds with the vision of the near future enjoined by doctrine, this produces a tension in the literature which is not always easily resolved. This tension is not unknown in U.S. declaratory policy, either. In 1963, McNamara had to inform the Air Force privately that his counterforce rhetoric was to be taken as a guide to force employment rather than to force acquisition.

7 Rybkin (fn. 4), 129–31.

8 Lambeth, Benjamin S., “Selective Nuclear Options and Soviet Strategy,” in Hoist, Johan J. and Nerlich, Uwe, eds., Beyond Nuclear Deterrence (New York: Crane, Russak, 1977), 8485Google Scholar.

9 McConnell, James, The Interacting Evolution of Soviet and American Military Doctrines (Alexandria, VA: Center for Naval Analyses Memorandum 80–1313, 1980), 37Google Scholar.

10 Talenskiy, General-Major N., “Razdum'ya o minuvshey voyne” [Reflections on the late war], Mezhdunarodnaya zhizri' (No. 5, 1965), 23Google Scholar.

11 Gerasimov, G., “Pervyy udar” [First strike], Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn' (No. 3, 1965), 61Google Scholar; G. Gerasimov, “‘Pentagoniya,’ 1966,” ibid. (No. 5, 1966), 41; Trofimenko, G. A., “Nekotorye aspekty voenno-politicheskoy strategii SShA” [Some aspects of U.S. military-policy strategy], SShA: ekpnomika, politika, ideologiya (No. 10, 1970), 15, 17, 23, 26Google Scholar; Pechorkin, V., “O tak nazyvaemoy ‘priemlemoy voyne’ ” [On so-called “acceptable war”], Mezhdunarodnaya zhizri' (No. 3, 1963), 34, 36Google Scholar; Sheynin, Yu., “Strategiya samoubiystva” [A strategy of suicide], Mirovaya ekpnomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [hereafter cited as MEMO] (No. 1, 1963), 144Google Scholar.

12 Rybkin, E., “Zakony materialisticheskoy dialektiki i ikh proyavlenie v voennom dele” [The laws of materialist dialectics and their manifestation in military affairs], Kommunist vooruzhennykh sil (No. 7, 1964), 48Google Scholar.

13 Burlatskiy, F. M. and Galkin, A. A., Sotsiologiya. Politico. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Sociology, Politics, International relations] (Moscow, 1974), 284, 287Google Scholar.

14 Nikol'skiy, N. M., Osnovnoy vopros sovremennosti: problema unichtozheniya voyn [Thbasic question of today: The problem of eliminating wars] (Moscow, 1964), 356–81, 412Google Scholar; Derevyanko, Colonel P., “Nekotorye osobennosti sovremennoy revolyutsii v voennom dele” [Some specifics ofthe present-day revolution in military affairs], Kommunist vooruzhennykh sil (No. 1, 1964), 24Google Scholar; Zamkovoy, V. I., Kritika burzhuaznykh teoriy neizbezhnosti novoy mirovoy voyny [A critique of bourgeois theories on the inevitability of a new world war] (Moscow, 1965), 4651Google Scholar.

15 “Rech' N. S. Khrushcheva,” Pravda, July 11, 1962; Talenskiy, General-Major N., “Voennyy aspekt problemy sosushchestvovaniya” [The military aspect of the coexistence problem], Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn' (No. 7, 1960), 86Google Scholar; Sokolov, I., “Glavnaya problema sovremennosti” [The main problem of today], MEMO (No. 2, 1963), 16Google Scholar; A. Galkin, “Massy i tekhnika v sovremennoy voyne” [The masses and technology in modern war], ibid. (No. 10, 1963), 18; D. Aleksandrov, “Mirnoe sosushchestvovanie i sud'ba chelovechestva” [Peaceful coexistence and the destiny of mankind], ibid. (No. 11, 1963), 10; Dmitriev, B., “Mednye kaski, Pekin i Klauzevits” [Brass helmets, Beijing, and Clausewitz], Izvestiya, September 25, 1963, p. 2Google Scholar; Trifonenkov, Colonel P., “Voyna i politika” [War and policy], Krasnaya zvezda, October 30, 1963, p. 3Google Scholar; General-Major K. Bochkarev and Colonel I. Sidel'nikov, “Novaya epokha, novye vyvody” [New era, new conclusions], ibid., January 21, 1965, p. 2; Pukhovskiy, N. V., O mirei voyne [Of peace and war] (Moscow, 1965), 108Google Scholar; Trodmenko, G. A., Strategiya global'nogo voyny [The strategy of global war] (Moscow, 1968), 9Google Scholar.

16 “Miting sovetsko-vengerskoy druzhby,” Pravda, July 20, 1963; Glagolev, I. and Larionov, V., “Mirnoe sosushchestvovanie i oboronnaya tnoshch' SSSR” [Peaceful coexistence and the USSR's defense might], Mezhdunarodnaya zhizri' (No. 11, 1963), 43, 46Google Scholar.

17 Bochkarev, K., “O kharaktere i tipakh voyn sovremennoy epokhi” [On the nature and types of war of the modern era], Kommunist vooruzhennykh sil (No. 11, 1965), 1011Google Scholar.

18 Sidel'nikov, I., “V. I. Lenin o klassovom podkhode k opredeleniyu kharaktera voyn” [V. I. Lenin on the class approach to determining the nature of wars], Krasnaya zvezda, September 22, 1965, pp. 2–3Google Scholar.

19 Krylov, , “Oktyabr' i strategiya mira” [October and the strategy of peace], Voprosy filosofii (No. 3, 1968), 511Google Scholar; Nikol'skiy, N. M., Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya revolyutsiya: mirovaya ekpnomtka, politika, naselenie [The scientific-technical revolution: World economy, policy, population] (Moscow, 1970), 162–63Google Scholar; Burlatskiy and Galkin (fn. 13), 277.

20 Derevyanko (fn. 14), in Derevyanko, , compiler, Problemy revolyutsii v voennom dele [Problems of the revolution in military affairs] (Moscow, 1965), 111–12Google Scholar.

21 In 1963, Bochkarev had declared: “Today enormous stockpiles of nuclear weapons have already been accumulated on the globe, … many more … than required for the complete annihilation of the entire population of the earth. Thermonuclear war … will create a real threat to the very existence of mankind.” See “Voprosy mira i voyny v programme KPSS” [Problems of peace and war in the CPSU program], in Bochkarev, K., ed., Programma KPSS o zashchite sotsialisticheskogo Otechestva [The CPSU program on the defense of the socialist Fatherland] (Moscow, 1963), 12Google Scholar. Bochkarev adhered to this view as late as June 1965: see Bochkarev (fn. 17), 11. However, in the second edition of his 1963 work, which was in galleys at the end of August 1965 and signed off to the press the following December, the above and a similar passage (p. 25) from the first edition were excised.

22 Freedman, Lawrence, The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy (London: Macmillan, 1981), 269Google Scholar.

23 Bochkarev, K., “K voprosu o sotsiologicheskom aspekte bor'by s silami agressii i voyny” [The question of the sociological aspect of combatting the forces of aggression and war], Voennaya tnysl' (No. 9, 1968), 1011Google Scholar.

24 This concession got Rybkin into trouble with the tougher-minded Colonel I. Grudinin; see Grudinin, , “K voprosu sushchnosti voyny” [The problem of war's essence], Krasnaya zvezda, July 21, 1966, pp. 2–3Google Scholar.

25 Rybkin, E., “O sushchnosti mirovoy raketno-yadernoy voyny” [On the essence of world nuclear-missile war], Kommunist vooruzhennykh sil (No. 17, 1965), 50Google Scholar.

26 Shelyag, Rear-Admiral V., “Dva mirovozzreniya—dva vzglyada na voynu” [Two views on the world—two views on war], Krasnaya zvezda, February 7, 1974, p. 2Google Scholar.

27 Editorial, “O sushchnosti voyny” [On the essence of war], ibid., January 24, 1967, p. 3.

28 Rybkin, E. I., “Obshchestvenno-politicheskie posledstviya revolyutsii v voennom dele” [Sociopolitical consequences of the revolution in military affairs] in Lomov, N. A., Anureev, I. I., and Galkin, M. I., eds., Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy progress i revolyutsiya v voennom dele [Scientific-technological progress and the revolution in military affairs] (Moscow, 1973), 268Google Scholar.

29 Ibid., 269; Rybkin, E., “Leninskie printsipy sotsiologicheskogo analiza voyn i sovremennost'” [Lenin's principles of the sociological analysis of wars and the present day], in Milovidov, A. S. and Kozlov, V. G., eds., Filosofskpe nasledie V. I. Lenina iproblemy sovremennoy voyny [The philosophical legacy of V. I. Lenin and problems of war today] (Moscow, 1972), 42Google Scholar; Rybkin, E., “Leninskaya kontseptsiya voyny i sovremennost” [Lenin's concept of war and its present-day relevance], Kommunist vooruzhennykh sil (No. 20, 1973), 27Google Scholar; Rybkin (fn. 25). 54.

30 Ibid., 55.

31 Bochkarev (fn. 23), 8.

32 Freedman (fn. 22), 269.

33 Rybkin (fn. 25), 55.

34 Rybkin in Lomov and others (fn. 28), 260; Arbatov, Georgi, “Strength-Policy Statements,” World Marxist Review 17 (No. 2, 1974), 6163Google Scholar; Trofimenko, Henry, “The Theology of Strategy,” Orbis 21 (No. 3, 1977), 511–12Google Scholar; M. A. Mil'shteyn and L. S. Semeyko, “Ogranichennaya strategicheskaya voyna” [Limited strategic war], in Bogdanov, Mil'shteyn, and Semeyko (fn. 3), 208; Baturin, L., “Razryadka v Evrope i ee protivniki” [Detente in Europe and its opponents], Mezhdunarodnaya zhizri (No. 6, 1982), 15Google Scholar.

35 Sokolov (fn. 15), 17; Surikov, B. T., Boevoe primenenie raket sukhoputnykh voysk [The combat use of missiles of the ground troops] (Moscow, 1979), 82Google Scholar.

36 Rybkin (fn. 25), 55; Bochkarev (fn. 23), 8; Kornienko, General-Major A. and Korolev, Captain V., “Ekonomicheskie aspekty sovetskoy voennoy doktriny” [Economic aspects of Soviet military doctrine], Voennaya mysl' (No. 7, 1967), 30Google Scholar.

37 “Konferentsiya chitateley na dvazhdy Krasnoznamennom Baltiyskom flote” [A readers' conference in the twice Red-Banner Baltic fleet], Voennaya mysl' (No. 9, 1973), 9596Google Scholar.

38 McConnell, James, “The Gorshkov Articles, the New Gorshkov Book, and Their Relation to Policy,” in MccGwire, Michael and McDonnell, John, eds., Soviet Naval Influence (New York: Praeger, 1977), 606–7Google Scholar.

39 Balev, B., “Morskie i okeanskie kommunikatsii i bor'ba na nikh” [Sea and ocean communications and combat on them], Voennaya mysl' (No. 10, 1971), 4243Google Scholar.

40 Shirman, “Sotsial'naya aktivnost' mass i zashchita sotsializma” [The social activism of the masses and the defense of socialism], in Milovidov and Kozlov (fn. 29), 172–73.

41 Colonel V. F. Khalipov, “Problema voyny i mira v sovremennuyu epokhu” [The problem of war and peace in the modern era], ibid., 24.

42 McConnell (fn. 9), 42–88.

43 Bondarenko, V. M., Sovremennaya nauka i razvitie voennogo dela [Modern science and the development of military affairs] (Moscow, 1976), 131–32Google Scholar.

44 Ibid., 133.

45 “Rech' tovarishcha L. I. Brezhneva,” Pravda, January 19, 1977, p. 2; “Otvety tovarishcha L. I. Brezhneva na voprosy ezhenedel'nika Sotsial-demokraticheskoy partii Germanii ‘Forverts’,” Izvestiya, May 4, 1978, p. 1.

46 Ustinov, D., “Strazh mirnogo truda, oplot vseobshchego mira” [Guardian of peaceful labor and stronghold of universal peace], Kotnmunist (No. 3, 1977), 1718Google Scholar; Simonyan, R., “O riske protivostoyanie,” Pravda, June 14, 1977, P. 4Google Scholar; Bykov, O., “Glavnaya obshchechelovecheskaya problema” [The main problem common to mankind], MEMO (No. 3, 1980), 6Google Scholar; Trofimenko, Henry, Changing Attitudes Toward Deterrence (Los Angeles: University of California Center for International and Strategic Affairs Working Paper No. 25, 1980), 6, 15–16, 31–36Google Scholar; Velikhov, E., “Nauka i aktunal'nye problemy bor'by protiv ugrozy yadernoy voyny” [Science and the urgent problems of combatting the threat of nuclear war], Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn' (No. 7, 1983), 24Google Scholar.

47 Igolkin, M. V., “Istoriya i kompromissy” [History and compromises], Voprosy filosofii (No. 8, 1983), 117Google Scholar.

48 Ibid.; Milovidov, A. S. and Zhdanov, E. A., “Sotsial'no-filosofskie problemy voyny i mira” [Socio-philosophical problems of war and peace], Voprosy filosofii (No. 10, 1980), 33Google Scholar; G. V. Sredin, “Problemy voyny i mira v sovremennuyu epokhu” [Problems of war and peace in the modern era], ibid. (No. 10, 1982), 4; Bovin, A., “Neprekhodyashchee znachenie leninskikh idey” [The enduring importance of Lenin's ideas], Kommunist (No. 10, 1980), 78Google Scholar.

49 Trofimenko (fn. 46), 20–21, 25; Trofimenko, G. A., “Strategicheskie metaniya Vashingtona” [Washington's Strategic gambles], SShA: ekpnomika, politika, ideologiya (No. 12 1980), 5556Google Scholar; A. G. Arbatov, “Strategicheskiy paritet i politika administratsii Kartera” [Strategic parity and the policy of the Carter administration], ibid. (No. 11, 1980), 30, 35.

50 Milovidov and Zhdanov (fn. 48), 36–37.

51 See the entire section entitled “Sotsial'no-filosofskie problemy mira i progressa” [Sociophilosophical problems of peace and progress], Voprosy fibsofii (No. 12, 1982), 5796Google Scholar.

52 Nikol'skiy, N. M. and Grishin, A. V., Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy progress i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Scientific-technological progress and international relations] (Moscow, 1978), 248–55Google Scholar.

53 Ibid., 249–50.

54 Ibid., 261.

55 Shakhnazarov, G. K., “Mirnoe sosushchestvovanie i razryadka mezhdunarodnoy napryazhennosti: obshchie voprosy teorii” [Peaceful co-existence and international detente: general problems of theory], Obshchestvennye nauki (No. 1, 1981), 107Google Scholar; Lebedev, N. and Tyulin, I., “Mezhdunarodnye aspekty nauchno-tekhnicheskoy revolyutsii” [International aspects of the scientific-technological revolution], Mezhdunarodnaya zhizri' (No. 11, 1979), 122–23Google Scholar.

56 Milovidov and Zhdanov (fn. 48), 35, 39.

57 Rybkin, E. I., Kritika burzhuaznykh ucheniy o prichinakfi i roli voyn v istorii [A critique of bourgeois doctrines on the causes and role of wars in history] (Moscow, 1979), 127–28Google Scholar; Rybkin, E. I., Login, V. T., and others, Filosofiya i voennaya istoriya [Philosophy and military history] (Moscow, 1979), 295Google Scholar.

58 Zamkovoy (fn. 14), 46–51. More recently, Zamkovoy has collaborated on a book with Semeyko, L. S., Problemy voyny i mira v sovremennoy ideologicheskoy bor'be [Problems of war and peace in the present-day ideological struggle] (Moscow, 1978)Google Scholar.

59 NikoPskiy and Grishin (fn. 52), 234, 248. The publisher's synopsis on the obverse of the title page emphasizes that the author's “scientifically valid and convincing analysis of the prospects for ensuring universal peace out to the year 2000 is of special interest.” It is conceivable, then, that Tula was part of the background for drafting the 20-year program soon to be promulgated for the period 1981–2000.

60 McConnell (fn. 9), 92–97.

61 Simonyan, R., “Voyny glazami Pentagona” [Wars through the eyes of the Pentagon], Krasnaya zvezda, May 27, 1976, p. 3Google Scholar; Zhilin, P. A. and Bryul', R., eds., Voenno-blokpvaya politico imperializma [The military-bloc policy of imperialism] (Moscow, 1980), 254, 360, 363Google Scholar; G. I. Korotkov, “Obychnaya voyna” [Conventional war], in Bogdanov, Mil'shteyn, and Semeyko (fn. 3), 248–51.

62 See Shero, Arch and Oden, Richard, “Exercise Zapad-81,” in Review of the Soviet Ground Forces (Washington, D.C.: Defense Intelligence Agency DDB-1100−362−82, 1982), 1Google Scholar.

63 Kir'yan, M. M., ed., Voenno-tekfmicheskiy progress i Vooruzhennye Sily SSSR [Militarytechnical progress and the Armed Forces of the USSR] (Moscow, 1982), 312–13Google Scholar; Sredin, G. A., Volkogonov, D. A., and Korobeynikov, M. P., Chelovek v sovremennoy voyne [Man in modern war] (Moscow, 1981), 132Google Scholar; Ogarkov, N. V., Vsegda v gotovnosti k zashchite Otechestva [Alwayin readiness for the defense of the Fatherland] (Moscow, 1982), 3435Google Scholar. For a discussion of these sources, see James McConnell, “The Evolution of Soviet Military Doctrine,” unpub., 45–50.

64 Ogarkov (fn. 63), 14–17; Otkuda iskhodit ugroza miru [Whence the threat to peace], 2d. ed. (Moscow, 1982), 67; Simonyan, R., “Ocherednaya doktrina agressii” [Another doctrine of aggression], Nome vremya (No. 49, 1982), 89Google Scholar; Anonymous, , “Formirovanie voennopoliticheskoy strategii administratsii Reygana” [Molding the military-policy strategy of the Reagan administration], SShA: ekpnomika, politika, ideologiya (No. 5, 1982), 119–20, 123–24, 127Google Scholar; ibid. (No. 6, 1982), 118; V. V. Zhurkin, “Respublikanskaya administratsiya: formirovanie voenno-politicheskoy strategii” [The Republican administration: molding its military-policy strategy], ibid. (No. 11, 1981), 6–8; V. A. Mazing and S. K. Oznobishchev, “V pogone za voennym prevoskhodstvom” [In pursuit of military superiority], ibid. (No. 9, 1982), 46; Simonyan, R., “Agressivnaya strategiya Vashingtona” [Washington's Aggressive strategy], Krasnaya zvezda, September 27, 1982, p. 3Google Scholar; V. Larionov, “Strategiya voennykh avantyur” [A strategy of military adventures], ibid., May 29, 1981, p. 3; L. Semeyko, “SShA—istochnik voennoy opasnosti” [The U.S.—source of the military threat], ibid., September 18, 1981, p. 3; G. Trofimenko, “Strategiya ‘pryamogo protivoborstva’” [The strategy of “direct confrontation”], ibid., June 2, 1982, p. 3; Ustinov, D. F., “Otstoyat' mir,” Pravda, June 22, 1981, pp. 2–3Google Scholar; Perov, I., “Amerikanskaya strategiya ‘pryamogo protivoborstva’—ugroza miru i bezopasnosti” [The American strategy of “direct confrontation”—a threat to peace and security], Zarubezhnoe voennoe obozrenie (No. 9, 1982), 1011Google Scholar.

65 “Kampaniya, voennaya” [Campaign, military], in General Staff Academy, Slovar' osnovnykh voennykh terminov [Dictionary of basic military terms] (Moscow, 1965), 102Google Scholar; Cherednichenko, M. I., “Kampaniya” [The campaign], in Ogarkov, N. V. and others, eds., Sovetskaya Voennaya Entsikjopediya [Soviet Military Encyclopedia], IV (Moscow, 1977), 55Google Scholar.

66 “Kampaniya” [The Campaign], in Ogarkov, N. V. and others, eds., Voennyy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' [Desk military encyclopedia] (Moscow, 1983), 313Google Scholar.

67 See, for example, Marshal of the Soviet Union S. Sokolov, “Opyt i uroki istorii,” Pravda, April 2, 1983, p. 3.

68 Rzheshevskiy, O. A., Vasil'tsov, I. S., and others, Vnezapnost' v operatsiyakh vooruzhennykh sil SShA [Surprise in the operations of the U.S. armed forces] (Moscow, 1982), 35, 18Google Scholar; Popov, General-Colonel V., “Nekotorye voprosy vnezapnosti” [Some problems with surprise], Voennaya mysl' (No. 12, 1951), 1721Google Scholar.

69 Kir'yan (fn. 63), 72; General of the Army Ivanov, S. P., ed., Nachal'nyy period voyny [The war's initial period] (Moscow, 1974), 72, 203Google Scholar.

70 Belikov, A. M., “Gosudarstvennyy Komitet Oborony i problemy sozdaniya slazhennoy voennoy ekonomiki” [The State Defense Committee and problems of creating a wellcoordinated war economy], in Pospelov, P. N., ed., Sovetskiy tyl v Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyne [The Soviet rear in the Great Patriotic war], I (Moscow, 1974), 77Google Scholar.

71 Ibid., 70.

72 Lagovskiy, Colonel A. N., Strategiya i ekpnomika [Strategy and the economy] (Moscow, 1957). 194Google Scholar.

73 McConnell (fn. 9), 25–26, 60–63; McConnell (fn. 63), 52–55.

74 Larionov, V. V., “Perspektivy budushchego i opyt istorii. K 40-letiyu nachala Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny” [Prospects for the future and the experience of the past: The 40th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic war], SShA: ekpnomika, politika, ideologiya (No. 6, 1981), 11Google Scholar.

75 See the presumably surrogate view attributed to Secretary of Defense Weinberger in I. Perov (fn. 64), 10–11.

76 Rush, Myron, “Guns over Growth in Soviet Policy,” International Security 7 (Winter 1982/1983), 167CrossRefGoogle Scholar ff.

77 “Soviets Seen Slowing Pace of Arming,” Washington Post, November 20, 1983, p. A14.

78 Centre d'Études Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales (April 1981), 1 ff., trans, in USSR Report: Military Affairs No. 1619 (Washington, D.C.: Joint Publications Research Service, JPRS 79061, September 25, 1981), 64 ffGoogle Scholar.

79 Ogarkov (fn. 63), 57–68; Ogarkov, N., “Na strazhe mirnogo truda” [On guard over peaceful labor], Kommunist (No. 10, 1981), 8991Google Scholar; Ogarkov, N., “Tvorcheskaya mysl' polkovodtsa,” Pravda, October 2, 1982, p. 3Google Scholar; Beletskiy, I., “Zashchita Rodiny—dela vsego naroda” [Defending the Motherland—a cause of the entire people], Voennyy vestnik (No. 10, 1982), 19Google Scholar.

80 McConnell (fn. 63), 67–70.

81 “Otvety L. I. Brezhneva na voprosy redaktsii zapadnogermanskogo zhurnal Shpigel',” Pravda, November 3, 1981, p. 1; “Otvet tov. L. I. Brezhneva na pis'mo avstraliyskoy organizatsii, vystupayushchey za mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo i razoruzhenie,” ibid., February 25, 1982, p. 1.

82 Samoylenko, V., “Chtoby obezopasit' sebya i soyuznikov” [Ensuring the security of ourselves and our allies], Krasnaya zvezda, December 9, 1983, pp. 2–3Google Scholar.

83 See the remarks of N. V. Shishlin, broadcast over Moscow Domestic Service on December 9, 1983, in Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: Soviet Union, December 12, 1983, III, p. CC10.

84 Moscow broadcast to North America on December 19, 1983, ibid., December 20, 1983, III, p. A2.

85 Brezhnev, L., “Vtoroy spetsial'noy sessii General'noy Assamblei OON,” Pravda, June 16, 1982, p. 1Google Scholar.

86 Ustinov, D. F., Sluzhim Rodine, delu kommunizma [We serve the Motherland and the cause of communism] (Moscow, 1982), 72Google Scholar; “Obuzdat' gonku vooruzheniy, predotvratit' yadernuyu katastrofu” [Curb the arms race and prevent a nuclear catastrophe], Mezhdunarodnaya zhizri' (No. 9, 1982), 6Google Scholar; Ustinov, D. F., “Otvesti ugrozu yadernoy voyny,” Pravda, July 12, 1982, p. 4Google Scholar.

87 “XXXVI sessiya General'noy Assamblei OON: Vystuplenie A. A. Gromyko,” Pravda, September 23, 1981, p. 4.

88 Rybkin, E., Tyulin, I., and Kortunov, S., “Anatomiya odnogo burzhuaznogo mifa” [The anatomy of one bourgeois myth], MEMO (No. 8, 1982), 141Google Scholar.

89 “Doklad General'nogo sekretarya TsK KPSS tovarishcha L. I. Brezhneva,” Pravda, February 24, 1981, p. 4.

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