Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Hasin, Deborah S.
Aharonovich, Efrat
Implications of Medical and Recreational Marijuana Laws for Neuroscience Research: a Review.
Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports,
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van de Weijer, Steve G. A.
Colodro-Conde, Lucía
Ip, Hill F.
van der Laan, Camiel M.
Krapohl, Eva M. L.
Brikell, Isabell
Sánchez-Mora, Cristina
Nolte, Ilja M.
Pourcain, Beate St
Bolhuis, Koen
Palviainen, Teemu
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Colodro-Conde, Lucía
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Aliev, Fazil
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Saunders, Gretchen
Karhunen, Ville
Hammerschlag, Anke R.
Adkins, Daniel E.
Border, Richard
Peterson, Roseann E.
Prinz, Joseph A.
Thiering, Elisabeth
Seppälä, Ilkka
Vilor-Tejedor, Natàlia
Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S.
Day, Felix R.
Hottenga, Jouke-Jan
Allegrini, Andrea G.
Rimfeld, Kaili
Chen, Qi
Lu, Yi
Martin, Joanna
Artigas, María Soler
Rovira, Paula
Bosch, Rosa
Español, Gemma
Quiroga, Josep Antoni Ramos
Neumann, Alexander
Ensink, Judith
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Tong, Xiaoran
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Scott, James G.
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Evans, Luke M.
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Van Beijsterveldt, Toos C. E. M.
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