In the original publication of this article,1 the total number of essential variables included in the template was incorrectly stated several times, as the result of a numbering error in Table 1. The template includes a total of 24 essential variables. A corrected version of Table 1, with proper numbering of the variables, is included below.
The authors apologize for this error.
Table 1. Essential Variables for Post-Event Medical Reporting

Abbreviations: ACP, advanced care paramedic; ATR, ambulance transfer rate; CEL, Celsius; EMR, emergency medical responder; FA, first aid; FR, first responder; HLC, higher level of care; LPN, licensed practical nurse; MD, medical doctor; NP, nurse practitioner; PCP, primary care paramedic; PPR, patient presentation rate; PPST, percentage of patients seen and transferred to hospital; RN, registered nurse; RPN, registered psychiatric nurse; PA, physician assistant; SFA, standard first aid; TP, total patients; TTHR, transfer-to-hospital rate.