Aims & Scope
Nationalities Papers is the place to turn for cutting edge multidisciplinary work on nationalism, migration, diasporas, and ethnic conflict. We publish high-quality peer-reviewed articles from historians, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, and scholars from other fields. Our traditional geographical emphasis has been on Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia, but we now publish research from around the globe. As the journal of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), our mission is to bring together scholars worldwide working on nationalism and ethnicity and to feature the best theoretical, empirical, and analytical work in the field. We strongly encourage submissions from women, members of minority and underrepresented groups, and people with disabilities.
For those interested in submitting a Special Issue proposal click here.
Article Types Accepted
- Article*
- Review Article*
- State of the Field*
- Analysis of Current Events*
- Tribute
- Book Review (solicited)
- Book Symposium*
- Film Review
- Special Issue Article*
Research Notes
In addition to regular articles, Nationalities Papers also accept and publish Research Notes. Research Notes are shorter than regular articles (5,000 words) and should either engage in a theoretical debate, advance a new theoretical argument, discuss new sources of data or empirical material, or discuss a methodological approach or approach to fieldwork. Either of these approaches should engage with – and contribute to – the study of nationalities, broadly defined. As a few examples, a Research Note may share preliminary findings regarding the study of nationalities, or present a theoretical or methodological intervention to studying nationalities. General guidelines for preparing and submitting the manuscript, as well as the process of peer reviewing, apply for Research Notes.
* For the purposes of Gold Open Access funding, this journal considers these article types to be research articles. All or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access. For authors not covered by an agreement, and without APC funding, please see this journal's open access options for instructions on how to request an APC waiver.
Guidelines for Proposing Special Issues
Nationalities Papers accepts proposals for special issues on a rolling basis throughout the year. Special issues should focus on a question or theme of broad interest to multidisciplinary scholars of nationalism and ethnicity. Special Issues have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 manuscripts per issue.
Scholars interested in being a guest editor for a special issue should submit a fully-developed proposal to the journal at [email protected].
The proposal should contain the following information:
- a clear description (300-500 words) describing the main question or theme that will unify the paper, rationale for why this set of papers would be relevant and interesting for the readers of Nationalities Papers, and an anticipated timeline for submission;
- a list of the individual paper authors, article titles, and 300-word abstracts for each paper, including institutional affiliations and short narrative bios (maximum 150 words each).
Once a special issue proposal is accepted, the guest editor(s) should maintain communication with the journal's editorial team and the individual authors throughout the process of submission and review.
Guest editor responsibilities include:
- ensuring the quality and collective coherence of the manuscripts in the special issue;
- ensuring authors' adherence to the journal's submission guidelines;
- reading and providing feedback on the papers before they are submitted to the journal for review;
- providing the journal with potential reviewers;
- writing a short introduction to the special issue of approximately 5,000 words (typically toward the end of the process; reviewed by NP editorial team).
All manuscripts that pass internal review by the editors will be sent out for double-blind peer review. Once the first round of review is completed, guest editors should work with authors to ensure that the necessary revisions are implemented and that revised manuscripts are submitted in a timely manner (3 months for a major revision; 2 months for a minor revision; and 1 month for a conditional acceptance). Our editorial team will endeavor to send the revised manuscripts for review to one or more of the reviewers from the first round. However, if the initial reviewers are unavailable to look at the revised version, we may have to send it out to a new set of reviewers.
Nationalities Papers considers special issues submissions over the course of the year, but does so quarterly. Submissions that come after one quarterly timepoint will be consider with those submitted for the next quarter.