1 Introduction
This paper concerns the asymptotic behavior of the powers of an ideal in a Noetherian local ring
. A paradigm for our results is the statement, due to Hilbert, and to Samuel, that for any ideal
that is primary to the maximal ideal of
, the sequence
is eventually given by a polynomial in
. Another example, due to Brodmann [Reference Brodmann3], is that for any ideal
, the sequence
is eventually constant. We are also interested in the value of
beyond which the asymptotic behavior sets in, and the asymptotic value of the relevant invariants. The papers [Reference Chardin5, Reference Herzog and Hibi13] and their references discuss various aspects of similar asymptotic results.
In this paper, we study the linearity defect introduced by Herzog and Iyengar [Reference Herzog and Iyengar15] (see Section 2). One of the motivations for studying the linearity defect is the research on the linear part of minimal free resolutions over the exterior algebras in [Reference Eisenbud, Fløystad and Schreyer9]. The finiteness of the linearity defect has strong consequences on the structure of a module: if
is finite, then the Poincaré series of
is rational with denominator depending only on
(see [Reference Herzog and Iyengar15, Proposition 1.8]). However, there remain many open questions on the finiteness of the linearity defect (see [Reference Ahangari Maleki and Rossi1, Reference Conca, Iyengar, Nguyen and Römer6, Reference Şega23] for details).
The linearity defect was studied by many authors (see e.g., [Reference Ahangari Maleki and Rossi1, Reference Conca, Iyengar, Nguyen and Römer6, Reference Herzog and Iyengar15, Reference Iyengar and Römer19, Reference Okazaki and Yanagawa21, Reference Şega23, Reference Yanagawa24]). Nevertheless, it is still an elusive invariant. The problem is highly nontrivial as to bound efficiently the linearity defect even for familiar classes of ideals like monomial ideals. Beyond componentwise linear ideals [Reference Herzog and Hibi12] (which have linearity defect zero), there are few interesting and large enough classes of ideals whose linearity defect is known. In this paper, the above remarks notwithstanding, we show that the linearity defect behaves in a pleasant way asymptotically. Let
be the supremum of the numbers
, where
runs through all the finitely generated
-modules (see Section 2). The main result of this paper is
Theorem 1.1. Let
be a Noetherian local ring such that
is finite. For any ideal
$I\subseteq \mathfrak{m}$
and finitely generated
, the sequences
, and
are eventually constant.
We obtain the assertion concerning the linearity defect of the sequences
as a corollary of Theorem 1.2 below, whose proof makes crucial use of work of Şega [Reference Şega23], and the theory of Rees algebras. The assertion involving
uses, in addition, a result of Avramov [Reference Avramov2] concerning small homomorphisms of modules. Below, recall that
is called a standard graded algebra over
if it is an
-graded ring with
is generated over
by finitely many elements of
Theorem 1.2. Let
be a Noetherian local ring such that
. Let
be a standard graded algebra over
, and let
be a finitely generated graded
-module. Then the sequence
is eventually constant.
This result is motivated by previous work of Herzog and Hibi [Reference Herzog and Hibi13, Theorem 1.1] on depth. In the last part of Section 4, particularly Remark 4.3, we discuss variations of Theorem 1.2.
We do not know how to bound effectively the asymptotic values of the sequences in Theorem 1.1. A rare result in this direction is [Reference Herzog, Hibi and Ohsugi14, Theorem 2.4]. There the authors establish a necessary and sufficient condition for all the powers of a polynomial ideal to have linearity defect zero, using the theory of
-sequences [Reference Huneke17]. It would be interesting to study possible generalizations and analogues of this result.
We use [Reference Bruns and Herzog4, Reference Eisenbud8] as our reference for standard concepts and facts in commutative algebra.
2 Linearity defect
be a commutative Noetherian local ring with residue field
. Let
be a proper ideal of
. Let
be a finitely generated
-module. We call

the associated graded module of
with respect to
be the minimal free resolution of

$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}(F)\subseteq \mathfrak{m}F$
the graded submodule

is stable under the differential; said otherwise,
is a subcomplex of
. The linear part of
is the associated graded complex

Note that
is a complex of graded modules over
, and
for every
$i\geqslant 0$
. Following [Reference Herzog and Iyengar15], the linearity defect of
is defined by

$M\cong 0$
, we set
. This convention guarantees that the maximal ideal
of the field
has linearity defect zero.
In order to establish our main results, we use the following characterization of the linearity defect due to Şega [Reference Şega23, Theorem 2.2].
Theorem 2.1. Let
be a Noetherian local ring,
be a finitely generated
-module, and
$d\geqslant 0$
be an integer. The following statements are equivalent:
$\text{ld}_{R}M\leqslant d$ ;
(ii) the natural morphism
$\text{Tor}_{i}^{R}(R/\mathfrak{m}^{q+1},M)\longrightarrow \text{Tor}_{i}^{R}(R/\mathfrak{m}^{q},M)$ is the zero map for every
$i>d$ and every
$q\geqslant 0$ .
The following result is useful to study the sequence
in Theorem 1.1.
Lemma 2.2. Let
$0\longrightarrow M\longrightarrow P\longrightarrow N\longrightarrow 0$
be an exact sequence of nonzero, finitely generated
-modules. Let
be the minimal free resolutions of
, respectively. Assume that there is a lifting
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}:F\longrightarrow G$
$M\rightarrow P$
such that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}(F)\subseteq \mathfrak{m}^{2}G$
. Then there is an equality

Proof. Since
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}(F)\subseteq \mathfrak{m}^{2}G$
, the mapping cone, say
, of
, is a minimal free resolution of
. By simple computations, we get a direct sum decomposition

Hence by accounting,
$\text{ld}_{R}N=\max \{\text{ld}_{R}P,\text{ld}_{R}M+1\},$
as desired.◻
Our results require the finiteness of the global linearity defect of
, which is defined by

There is an ample supply of rings with finite global linearity defect: regular rings, or more generally local rings which are both Koszul and Golod (see [Reference Herzog and Iyengar15, Corollary 6.2]).
3 Asymptotic behavior of the linearity defect
be a Noetherian local ring with
. Assuming that
is a standard graded polynomial ring over
, we can make Theorem 1.2 more precise by giving an upper bound for the smallest integer from which the sequence
becomes constant. This requires certain information about the minimal graded free resolution of
as an
Definition 3.1. Let
$S=R[y_{1},\ldots ,y_{m}]$
be a polynomial extension of
, where
$m\geqslant 0$
, each variable
has degree 1. For each finitely generated graded
, let
be the minimal number such that
for all
$i\geqslant \text{pdeg}_{S}(C)$
$C_{i}\neq 0$
for all
$i\geqslant \text{pdeg}_{S}(C)$
. If
, we set
. Note that
is well defined since
is standard graded.
We can compute the number
effectively, using two simple facts:
$\text{pdeg}_{S}(C)=\text{pdeg}_{S/\mathfrak{m}S}(C/\mathfrak{m}C)$ . This is by Nakayama’s lemma.
$\text{pdeg}_{S/\mathfrak{m}S}(C/\mathfrak{m}C)$ is bounded above by one plus the postulation number of
$C/\mathfrak{m}C$ , viewed as a module over
$S/\mathfrak{m}S=k[y_{1},\ldots ,y_{m}]$ . The latter number is given, for example, in [Reference Bruns and Herzog4, Proposition 4.12].
Definition 3.2. Given a finitely generated graded
, define the constant
as follows. For
, denote
. For
$1\leqslant i\leqslant \min \{\text{gl}\,\text{ld}\,R,\text{pd}_{S}C\}$
, let
, where
denotes the map


be the minimal graded free resolution of
(see [Reference Bruns and Herzog4, Section 1.5]).
$M_{i}=\text{Im}\,(F_{i}\rightarrow F_{i-1})$
and let

Note that
is finite, by the Artin–Rees lemma. Denote

Finally, define
$N(C):=\max \{n(0),n(1),\ldots ,n(\min \{\text{gl}\,\text{ld}\,R,\text{pd}_{S}C\})\}$
is a finite number,
is also finite.
Remark 3.3. In principal, the numbers
in the definition of
should not be difficult to compute. Indeed, consider the graded ring
and the ideal
$\mathfrak{n}=\bigoplus _{j\geqslant 1}\left(\mathfrak{m}^{j}S/\mathfrak{m}^{j+1}S\right)$
. Denote by
the kernel of the natural surjective map
$\text{gr}_{\mathfrak{m}S}(F_{i-1})\rightarrow \text{gr}_{\mathfrak{m}S}(F_{i-1}/M_{i})$
. Then there is an equality

The proof is straightforward (see [Reference Herzog, Welker and Yassemi16, Proposition 2.1] for an analogous statement).
The main technical result of this paper is as follows.
Theorem 3.4. Let
be a Noetherian local ring with
. Let
be a standard graded polynomial ring over
, and let
be a finitely generated graded
-module. Then for all
$n\geqslant N(C)$
, there is an equality
Proof. Since
is a flat
-algebra, there is an isomorphism of

for all
$i,q\geqslant 0,n\in \mathbb{Z}$
$e=\sup \{\text{ld}_{R}C_{n}:n\geqslant N\}\leqslant \text{gl}\,\text{ld}\,R<\infty$
. We prove that
for any
$n\geqslant N$
. There is nothing to do if
, so we assume that
$e\geqslant 1$
. Note that, since
, Isomorphism (3.1) yields
$e\leqslant \min \{\text{gl}\,\text{ld}\,R,\text{pd}_{S}C\}$
Denote by
the following map

$m\geqslant N$
such that
. Since
, Theorem 2.1 implies that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{m}^{e,\overline{q}}\neq 0$
for some
$\overline{q}\geqslant 0$
. To prove the inequality
$\text{ld}_{R}C_{n}\geqslant e$
, also by Theorem 2.1, it suffices to show that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{n}^{e,q}\neq 0$
for some
$q\geqslant 0$
Firstly, consider the case
. Since
$n,m\geqslant N\geqslant c(e,\overline{q})$
, the definition of
implies that
are both zero or both nonzero. This implies that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{n}^{e,\overline{q}}\neq 0$
, as desired.
Secondly, consider the case
$\overline{q}\geqslant T(e)$
. Denote
, we claim that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{n}^{e,T}\neq 0$
. As
$m,n\geqslant c(e,T)$
are both zero or both nonzero, so it suffices to prove that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{m}^{e,T}\neq 0$
. Assume the contrary, so
. Let
be the minimal graded free resolution of
. Denote
$M_{i}=\text{Im}\,(F_{i}\rightarrow F_{i-1})$
, the
th syzygy of
as an
-module if
$i\geqslant 1$
. Denote
. Clearly

The equality
then yields

We show that
. Indeed,

In the above string, the first equality holds because of the inequality
$\overline{q}\geqslant T=T(e)$
and the definition of
, the second and fourth because
$\mathfrak{m}\subseteq S_{0}$
, the third because of (3.2).
. But this is a contradiction, so the proof of the theorem is finished.◻
From Theorem 3.4, it is easy to deduce the
Proof of Theorem 1.2.
be a standard graded polynomial ring over
which surjects onto
, then by scalar restriction,
is a finitely generated graded
-module. The conclusion follows by applying Theorem 3.4.◻
Now we present the proof of Theorem 1.1. Recall that
$\text{Rees}\,(I)=R\oplus I\oplus I^{2}\oplus \cdots \,$
denotes the Rees algebra of
, whose grading is given by
$\deg I^{n}=n$
. Since
is Noetherian,
is a standard graded
Proof of Theorem 1.1.
$\bigoplus _{n\geqslant 0}I^{n}M$
$\bigoplus _{n\geqslant 0}I^{n}M/I^{n+1}M$
are finitely generated graded modules over
. By Theorem 1.2, we see that each of the sequences
is eventually constant.
Next, we prove the eventual constancy of the sequence
. If
then so is
, hence below, we assume that
$I^{n}M\neq 0$
for all
$n\geqslant 0$
Applying [Reference Avramov2, Corollary A.4] for
, there exists
$d\geqslant 1$
such that for any
$P\subseteq \mathfrak{m}^{d}M$
, the map

is zero for all
$i\geqslant 0$
. Applying the same result for
, there exists
$e\geqslant 1$
such that for any
$P\subseteq \mathfrak{m}^{d+e}M$
, the map

is zero for all
$i\geqslant 0$
$n\geqslant \max \{N,d+e\}$
. Then the maps
$\text{Tor}_{i}^{R}(k,I^{n}M)\rightarrow \text{Tor}_{i}^{R}(k,I^{d}M)$
$\text{Tor}_{i}^{R}(k,I^{d}M)\rightarrow \text{Tor}_{i}^{R}(k,M)$
are zero for all
$i\geqslant 0$
. Let
be the minimal free resolution of
, respectively. Take any lifting
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}:F\rightarrow G$
of the map
$I^{n}M\rightarrow I^{d}M$
, then
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}(F)\subseteq \mathfrak{m}G$
. Similarly, for any lifting
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D713}:G\rightarrow H$
of the map
$I^{d}M\rightarrow M$
, we have
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D713}(G)\subseteq \mathfrak{m}H$
. Therefore, we obtain a lifting
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D713}\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D706}:F\rightarrow H$
on the level of minimal free resolutions of the map
$I^{n}M\rightarrow M$
which satisfies
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}(F)\subseteq \mathfrak{m}^{2}G$
By Lemma 2.2, we have for any
$n\geqslant \max \{N,d+e\}$
the equality

As explained above, for
large enough,
is a constant independent of
. Hence the same is true for
. This concludes the proof.◻
Theorem 3.4 has the following consequence on the linearity defect of the integral closure of powers (see [Reference Huneke and Swanson18] for the definition of the integral closure
of an ideal
Corollary 3.5. Let
be a regular local ring, and let
$I\subseteq \mathfrak{m}$
be an ideal. Then the sequence
is eventually constant.
Proof. Denote
$C=R\oplus \overline{I}\oplus \overline{I^{2}}\oplus \cdots \,,$
is a graded module over
$\deg \overline{I^{n}}=n$
. By [Reference Huneke and Swanson18, Proposition 5.3.4],
is a finitely generated
-module. An application of Theorem 1.2 yields the desired conclusion.◻
4 Examples and remarks
The following example illustrates how
can be computed using Macaulay2 [Reference Grayson and Stillman10].
Example 4.1. Let
be a polynomial ring of dimension
, and let
. Denote
a standard graded polynomial extension of
which surjects onto the Rees algebra
by mapping
$w_{0}\mapsto x^{2},w_{1}\mapsto xy,w_{2}\mapsto z^{2}$
. The ring
has the following presentation

The minimal graded free resolution of
is as follows

Using the notation of the proof of Theorem 3.4, we show that
, namely all the powers of
have the same linearity defect, which turns out to be
. Since
$N=\max \{n(0),n(1),n(2)\}$
. The graded structure of
tells us that
$J\subseteq S,M_{2}\subseteq G$
be the first and second syzygies of
, where
denotes the module
. We claim that
, namely,

For (4.1): one sees immediately that both sides are equal to
For (4.2): we have
, where
is the standard basis of
sitting in degree
. It is not hard to check that both sides of (4.2) are equal to

The above arguments yield
$n(1)=\max \{c(1,1),c(1,2)\}$
. We prove that
For each
$q\geqslant 1$
$\text{Tor}_{1}^{S}(S/\mathfrak{m}^{q}S,E)=\text{Tor}_{1}^{S}(S/\mathfrak{m}^{q}S,S/J)=(J\cap \mathfrak{m}^{q}S)/$
. Therefore, the image of
$\text{Tor}_{1}^{S}(S/\mathfrak{m}^{q+1}S,E)\rightarrow \text{Tor}_{1}^{S}(S/\mathfrak{m}^{q}S,E)$
$\text{Im}\,\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}^{1,q}=(J\cap \mathfrak{m}^{q+1}S+J\mathfrak{m}^{q}S)/(J\mathfrak{m}^{q}S)$
. Computations show that

is a basis for
, both of degree
, and

$e_{1}^{2},\ldots ,e_{5}^{2}$
are a basis for
, all of them of degree
. Thanks to routine Gröbner basis arguments, the residue classes
$\overline{w_{0}^{i}e_{2}^{1}}\in \text{Im}\,\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}^{1,1}$
$\overline{w_{0}^{i}e_{2}^{2}}\in \text{Im}\,\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}^{1,2}$
are always nonzero for every
$i\geqslant 0$
. Hence
, and thus
Denote by
the standard basis of
$\deg f_{1}=2,\deg f_{2}=1$
. Since
$\text{Tor}_{2}^{S}(S/\mathfrak{m}^{2}S,E)=H_{2}(F\otimes _{S}S/\mathfrak{m}^{2}S)$
, computations show that
$\text{Tor}_{2}^{S}(S/\mathfrak{m}^{2}S,E)$ is generated by
$\overline{xf_{2}},\overline{yf_{2}},\overline{zf_{2}}\in F_{2}\otimes (S/\mathfrak{m}^{2}S)$ ;
$\text{Tor}_{2}^{S}(S/\mathfrak{m}S,E)$ is generated by
$\overline{f_{2}}\in F_{2}\otimes (S/\mathfrak{m}S)$ .
is killed by
, the map
$\text{Tor}_{2}^{S}(S/\mathfrak{m}^{2}S,E)\rightarrow \text{Tor}_{2}^{S}(S/\mathfrak{m}S,E)$
is zero; this yields
Putting everything together,
$N=\max \{n(0),n(1),n(2)\}=\max \!\{\!0,1,$
$-\infty \!\}=1$
Recall that the saturation of
$\widetilde{I}=\{x\in R:x\mathfrak{m}^{d}\subseteq I\text{ for some }d\geqslant 1\}$
. The next example shows that the (graded) analog of Corollary 3.5 for saturation of powers does not hold.
Example 4.2. Consider the ideal
$I=(x(y^{3}-z^{3}),y(x^{3}-z^{3}),z(x^{3}-y^{3}))\subseteq R=\mathbb{C}[x,y,z]$
. The ideal
defines a reduced set of
points in
, the so-called Fermat configuration (see the proof of [Reference Harbourne and Seceleanu11, Proposition 2.1]). We show that the saturation ideals
do not have eventually constant linearity defect.
$s\geqslant 1$
, denote by
$I^{(s)}=R\cap \bigcap _{P\in \text{Ass}\,(I)}I^{s}R_{P}$
th symbolic power of
. Since
is the defining ideal of a reduced set of points, we get that
. From [Reference Harbourne and Seceleanu11, Proposition 1.1], we deduce that
. By [Reference Herzog, Hibi and Ohsugi14, Theorem 2.4],
for all
$s\geqslant 1$
. Indeed, computations with Macaulay2 [Reference Grayson and Stillman10] show that
is a
-sequence with respect to
Now we show that
for all
$s\geqslant 1$
. First, since
$\text{depth}\,R/\widetilde{I^{3s+1}}\geqslant 1$
, by [Reference Conca, Iyengar, Nguyen and Römer6, Proposition 6.3],
$\text{ld}_{R}R/\widetilde{I^{3s+1}}\leqslant \dim R-1=2$
. Hence
$\text{ld}_{R}\widetilde{I^{3s+1}}\leqslant 1$
. We show that the minimal nonzero component of
is of degree

If this is the case, then
$\widetilde{I^{3s+1}}_{\left\langle 9s+4\right\rangle }$
has linearity defect at least 1, as
does. (For the inequality
$\text{ld}_{R}I\geqslant 1$
, use Römer’s theorem [Reference Römer22, Theorem 3.2.8] and the fact that
is generated in degree
but does not have
-linear resolution.) Hence
$\text{ld}_{R}\widetilde{I^{3s+1}}\geqslant 1$
for every
$s\geqslant 1$
. All in all, we obtain
for every
$s\geqslant 1$
Now for our purpose, it suffices to prove the following claim:

holds for all
$d\leqslant 9s+4$
. We are grateful to Alexandra Seceleanu for providing us the following nice argument.
We proceed by induction on
; the starting case
= 0 is trivial. Assume that
be a homogeneous element of
of degree
. Here the geometry of the Fermat configuration comes into play. We have a decomposition
$H=\prod _{i=1}^{9}h_{i}$
, where each
is a linear form and no two of them are proportional. According to [Reference Harbourne and Seceleanu11, Section 1.1], for each
passes through exactly
points (among the
points of the configuration). Moreover, each point of the configuration lies on
of the
lines defined by the
Now as
lies in
passes through each point of the configuration with multiplicity at least
. Thus the curves
intersect with multiplicity at least
, which is strictly larger than
$d=(\deg G)\cdot (\deg h_{i})$
. From that, Bezout’s theorem forces
to be divisible by
for all
$1\leqslant i\leqslant 9$
. In particular,
is divisible by
. Writing
$G=HG^{\prime }$
, then as
vanishes exactly
times at each of the points, we must have
$G^{\prime }\in I_{\left\langle d-9\right\rangle }^{(3s+1-3)}=I_{\left\langle d-9\right\rangle }^{(3(s-1)+1)}$
. Finally, the induction hypothesis gives us the claim.
So we conclude that the sequence
is not eventually constant when
goes to infinity.
Remark 4.3. More generally than Theorem 1.2, one can prove the following: if
is a Noetherian
-algebra which is generated by elements of positive degrees, and
is a finitely generated graded
-module, then the sequence
is quasiperiodic, namely there exist a number
$p\geqslant 1$
and integral constants
$\ell _{0},\ldots ,\ell _{p-1}$
such that for all
$n\gg 0$
, we have
$\text{ld}_{R}\widetilde{C_{n}}=\ell _{i}$
is congruent to
$i\in \{0,\ldots ,p-1\}$
The proof uses the fact that any high enough Veronese subring of
is standard graded (after normalizing the grading), and Theorem 1.2. We leave the details to the interested reader (see an analogous statement in [Reference Cutkosky, Herzog and Trung7, Theorem 4.3]).
By [Reference Nagel and Seceleanu20, Theorem 4.3], for the ideal
in Example 4.2, the graded
$R\oplus \widetilde{I}\oplus \widetilde{I^{2}}\oplus \cdots \,$
is finitely generated. This fact and the above general version of Theorem 1.2 guarantee the quasiperiodic behavior of the sequence
in the example.
We do not know any example where the sequence
is not quasiperiodic. In view of [Reference Cutkosky, Herzog and Trung7, Example 4.4] on bad behavior of regularity for saturations of powers, it is desirable to seek for one.
Remark 4.4. The theory in Section 2 (the linear part, linearity defect) works also for standard graded algebras and finitely generated graded modules over them. Furthermore, there are obvious analogues of our results in that setting.
The content of this paper has been worked out when Hop D. Nguyen was visiting the Department of Mathematics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) in March 2015. The authors are grateful to Luchezar Avramov, Dale Cutkosky, Hailong Dao, Thomas Marley and Alexandra Seceleanu for inspiring comments and useful suggestions. Hop D. Nguyen would like to thank the colleagues at Department of Mathematics of the UNL, among them Luchezar Avramov, Roger and Sylvia Wiegand for their hospitality and warm support. Finally, both authors are grateful to the anonymous referee for her/his careful reading of the manuscript and many thoughtful comments which greatly improve the presentation.