be a normal complete noetherian local ring with perfect residue field
of positive characteristic
and with fraction field
of characteristic zero. For a
-divisible group
, the Tate module
is a free
-module of finite rank with a continuous action of the absolute Galois group
. We want to describe the Tate module in terms of the Dieudonné display
associated to
in [Reference ZinkZi2, Reference LauLa3], and relate this to other descriptions of the Tate module when
is a discrete valuation ring.
Let us recall the notion of a Dieudonné display. The Zink ring
is a certain subring of the ring of Witt vectors
which is stable under the Frobenius endomorphism
. The components of
$Q\subseteq P$
is finite free and
is a free
-module, and
-linear maps
$F:P\rightarrow P$
$F_{1}:Q\rightarrow P$
such that
$x\in P$
$a\in \mathbb{W}(R)$
. Here
is the Verschiebung of
, and
$u_{0}\in W(R)$
is the unit defined by
$p\geqslant 3$
and by
. The twist by
is necessary since
does not stabilize
To state the main result we need the following scalar extension of
. Let
be the completion of the strict Henselization of
, let
be an algebraic closure of the fraction field
, and let
$\tilde{R}\subset \tilde{K}$
be the integral closure of
. We define

runs through the finite extensions of
and where
$R_{E}=\tilde{R}\cap E$
. Let
$\tilde{R}^{\wedge }$
be the
-adic completions of
. We define


be the algebraic closure of
and let
be the group of automorphisms of
whose restriction to
is induced by an element of
. The natural map
$\tilde{{\mathcal{G}}}_{K}\rightarrow {\mathcal{G}}_{K}$
is surjective, and bijective when
is one-dimensional since then
. The following is the main result of this note; see Proposition 4.1.
Theorem A. There is an exact sequence of

is a natural extension of
$F_{1}:Q\rightarrow P$
. If
is connected, a similar description of
in terms of the nilpotent display of
is part of Zink’s theory of displays. In this case
need not be perfect; see [Reference MessingMe2, Proposition 4.4]. The proof is recalled in Proposition 2.1 below.
The one-dimensional case
Assume now in addition that
is a discrete valuation ring. Then Theorem A can be related to the descriptions of
in terms of
-adic Hodge theory and in terms of Breuil–Kisin modules as follows.
Relation with the crystalline period homomorphism
be the value of the covariant Dieudonné crystal of
. It carries a filtration and a Frobenius, and by [Reference FaltingsFa] there is a period homomorphism

which is bijective if
$p\geqslant 3$
, and injective with cokernel annihilated by
. The
-stabilized Zink ring
studied in [Reference LauLa3] induces an extension
of the ring
defined above, which is the trivial extension when
$p\geqslant 3$
. The universal property of
gives a ring homomorphism

Using the crystalline description of Dieudonné displays of [Reference LauLa3], one obtains an
-linear map

compatible with Frobenius and filtration. We will show that
induces the identity on
, viewed as a submodule of
by the period homomorphism and as a submodule of
$\hat{Q}_{\tilde{R}}\subseteq \hat{P}_{\tilde{R}}$
by Theorem A; see Proposition 6.2.
Relation with Breuil–Kisin modules
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}\in R$
generate the maximal ideal. Let
and let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow \mathfrak{S}$
extend the Frobenius automorphism of
$t\mapsto t^{p}$
; see below for the case of more general Frobenius lifts. We consider pairs
is an
-module of finite type and where
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}:M\rightarrow M^{(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E})}=\mathfrak{S}\otimes _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E},\mathfrak{S}}M$
is an
-linear map with cokernel annihilated by the minimal polynomial of
. Following [Reference Vasiu and ZinkVZ],
is called a Breuil window if
is free over
, and
is called a Breuil module if
is a
-power torsion
-module of projective dimension at most one. These notions are dual to the classical Breuil–Kisin modules.
It is known that
-divisible groups over
are equivalent to Breuil windows. This was conjectured by Breuil [Reference BreuilBr] and proved by Kisin [Reference KisinKi1, Reference KisinKi2] if
$p\geqslant 3$
, and for connected groups if
. The general case is proved in [Reference LauLa3] by showing that Breuil windows are equivalent to Dieudonné displays. (This equivalence holds when
is regular of arbitrary dimension, with appropriate definition of
. For
$p\geqslant 3$
this equivalence is already proved in [Reference Vasiu and ZinkVZ] for some regular rings, including all discrete valuation rings.) As a corollary, commutative finite flat
-group schemes over
are equivalent to Breuil modules. Other proofs for
, more closely related to Kisin’s methods, were obtained independently by Kim [Reference KimK] and Liu [Reference LiuLi].
$K_{\infty }$
be the extension of
generated by a chosen system of successive
th roots of
. For a
-divisible group
be its Tate module, and for a commutative finite flat
-group scheme
. The results of Kisin, Liu, and Kim include a description of
as a
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$
-module in terms of the Breuil window or module
corresponding to
. In the covariant theory used here it takes the form of an isomorphism of
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$
$T(G)\cong T^{\operatorname{nr}}(M)$

$M^{\operatorname{nr}}=\mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}\otimes _{\mathfrak{S}}M$
; the ring
is recalled in Section 7.
To complete the approach via Dieudonné displays, we will show how the isomorphism
$T(G)\cong T^{\operatorname{nr}}(M)$
can be deduced from Theorem A; see Corollary 8.6. It suffices to consider the case where
is a
-divisible group. The equivalence between Breuil windows and Dieudonné displays over
is induced by a ring homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}:\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow \mathbb{W}(R)$
, which extends to a ring homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}^{\operatorname{nr}}:\mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R}).$
Using Theorem A, this allows to define a homomorphism of
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$

and we show in Proposition 8.5 that
is bijective. The verification is easy if
is étale, and the general case follows quite formally using a duality argument.
Other lifts of Frobenius
The equivalence between Breuil windows and
-divisible groups requires only a Frobenius lift
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow \mathfrak{S}$
which stabilizes the ideal
such that
divides the linear term of the power series
. In this case, let
$K_{\infty }$
be the extension of
generated by a system
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{(n)}\in \bar{K}$
of successive
-roots of
, which means that
. Then we obtain an isomorphism of
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$
$T(G)\cong T^{\operatorname{nr}}(M)$
as before; here the ring
depends on
as well.
1 Notation
All rings are commutative and unitary unless the contrary is stated. For the convenience of the reader we recall the notion of frames, windows, and displays.
A frame
in the sense of [Reference LauLa2] consists of a pair of rings
$I+pS\subseteq \operatorname{Rad}(S)$
, a ring endomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:S\rightarrow S$
that lifts the Frobenius of
, and a
-linear map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{1}:I\rightarrow S$
We assume that
is a local ring. Then an
consists of a finite free
, a submodule
$Q\subseteq P$
$IP\subseteq Q$
such that
is free over
, and a pair of
-linear maps
$F:P\rightarrow P$
$F_{1}:Q\rightarrow P$
$a\in I$
$x\in P$
, such that
. Then there is a unique
-linear map
$V^{\sharp }:P\rightarrow S\otimes _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E},S}P=P^{(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E})}$
$V^{\sharp }(F_{1}(x))=1\otimes x$
$x\in Q$
. A sequence
$0\rightarrow \mathscr{P}\rightarrow \mathscr{P}^{\prime }\rightarrow \mathscr{P}^{\prime \prime }\rightarrow 0$
-windows will be called exact if the resulting sequences of
’s and of
’s are exact.
A frame homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}:\mathscr{F}\rightarrow \mathscr{F}^{\prime }=(S^{\prime },I^{\prime },R^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{1}^{\prime })$
is a ring homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}:S\rightarrow S^{\prime }$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}(I)\subseteq I^{\prime }$
such that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}^{\prime }\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{1}^{\prime }\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}=u\cdot \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{1}$
for a unit
$u\in S^{\prime }$
, which then is unique. If
is called strict. There is a base change functor

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{\ast }(\mathscr{P})=(P^{\prime },Q^{\prime },F^{\prime },F_{1}^{\prime })$
is determined by
$P^{\prime }=S^{\prime }\otimes _{S}P$
$P^{\prime }/Q^{\prime }=(P/Q)\otimes _{R}R^{\prime }$
$F^{\prime }(1\otimes x)=1\otimes F(x)$
$x\in P$
$F_{1}^{\prime }(1\otimes x)=u\otimes F_{1}(x)$
$x\in Q$
For a not necessarily unitary ring
be the ring of
-typical Witt vectors. If
-adic and unitary, we have a frame

is the image of the Verschiebung
$v:W(R)\rightarrow W(R)$
, where
is the Frobenius, and
is the inverse of
. Windows over
are the displays over
of [Reference ZinkZi1]. A display is called
-nilpotent if the map
$V^{\sharp }$
becomes nilpotent over
. A homomorphism
$R\rightarrow R^{\prime }$
gives a strict frame homomorphism
$\mathscr{W}(R)\rightarrow \mathscr{W}(R^{\prime })$
, and we write
$\mathscr{P}\mapsto \mathscr{P}\otimes _{R}R^{\prime }$
for the resulting base change of displays.
is a nilpotent nonunitary ring,
${\hat{W}}(N)\subseteq W(N)$
denotes the subgroup of all Witt vectors with only finitely many nonzero coefficients. If
is a local Artin ring with perfect residue field
of characteristic
, there is a unique ring homomorphism
$s:W(k)\rightarrow W(A)$
that lifts the projection
$W(A)\rightarrow W(k)$
, and the Zink ring
$\mathbb{W}(A)={\hat{W}}(\mathfrak{m})\oplus s(W(k))$
is a subring of
. There is a frame
with an injective frame homomorphism
$\mathscr{D}_{A}\rightarrow \mathscr{W}_{A}$
, which is strict when
$p\geqslant 3$
; see [Reference LauLa3, Section 2.C]. Windows over
are called Dieudonné displays over
2 The case of connected
-divisible groups
be a normal complete noetherian local ring with (not necessarily perfect) residue field
of positive characteristic
, with fraction field
of characteristic zero, and with maximal ideal
. In this section, we recall how the Tate module of a connected
-divisible group over
is expressed in terms of its nilpotent display.
We fix an algebraic closure
and write
. Let
$\bar{R}\subset \bar{K}$
be the integral closure of
, and for a finite extension
$R_{E}=\bar{R}\cap E$
. Then
is finite over
, and
is a complete noetherian local ring. Thus
is a local ring. Let
$\bar{\mathfrak{m}}\subset \bar{R}$
$\mathfrak{m}_{E}\subset R_{E}$
be the maximal ideals. We write

be the
-adic completion of
and let
$\bar{\mathfrak{m}}^{\wedge }$
be the
-adic completion of
. The natural map
$\bar{W}(\bar{\mathfrak{m}})\rightarrow \bar{\mathfrak{m}}^{\wedge }$
is surjective. For a display

We call
nilpotent if the reduction
$\mathscr{P}\otimes _{R}k$
-nilpotent in the usual sense, or equivalently if
$\mathscr{P}\otimes _{R}R/\mathfrak{m}_{R}^{n}$
-nilpotent for all
; cf. [Reference ZinkZi1, Definition 13]. The functor
of [Reference ZinkZi1] induces an equivalence of categories between nilpotent displays over
and connected
-divisible groups over
; this follows from [Reference ZinkZi1, Theorem 9] applied to the rings
, using that
-nilpotent displays and
-divisible groups over
are equivalent to compatible systems of such objects over
for all
. A variant of the following result is stated in [Reference MessingMe2, Proposition 4.4].
Proposition 2.1. (Zink)
be a nilpotent display over
and let
be the associated connected
-divisible group over
. There is a natural exact sequence of

is the Tate module of
, and
acts on
by its natural action on
The proof of Proposition 2.1 uses the following standard facts.
Lemma 2.2. Let
be an abelian group.
(i) If
$A$ has no
$p$ -torsion then
$\operatorname{Ext}^{1}(\mathbb{Q}_{p}/\mathbb{Z}_{p},A)=\varprojlim A/p^{n}A$ .
(ii) If
$pA=A$ then
$\operatorname{Ext}^{1}(\mathbb{Q}_{p}/\mathbb{Z}_{p},A)$ is zero.
Proof. The group
is isomorphic to
$\varprojlim \operatorname{Hom}(\mathbb{Z}/p^{n}\mathbb{Z},A)$
with transition maps induced by
$p:\mathbb{Z}/p^{n}\mathbb{Z}\rightarrow \mathbb{Z}/p^{n+1}\mathbb{Z}$
. If the abelian group
is injective, the projective system
has surjective transition maps and thus its
$\varprojlim ^{1}$
vanishes. Hence there is a Grothendieck spectral sequence for the functor
$A\mapsto \operatorname{Hom}(\mathbb{Z}/p^{n},A)_{n}$
from abelian groups to projective systems of abelian groups, composed with the functor

The projective system of groups
is isomorphic to the system
with transition maps induced by
. Thus the exact sequence of low degree terms (see for example, [Reference WeibelWe, Theorem 5.8.3]) associated to (2.1) gives an exact sequence

has no
-torsion then
, and (i) follows. If
then the projective system
has surjective transition maps, thus its
$\varprojlim ^{1}$
is zero, moreover
. This proves (ii).◻
For a
-divisible group
and for
as above we write

Lemma 2.3. Multiplication by
is surjective on
Proof. Let
$x\in {\hat{G}}(R_{E})$
be given. The inverse image of
under the multiplication map
$p:G\rightarrow G$
is a compatible system of
. Let
$A=\varprojlim A_{n}$
. Then
is a
-torsor over
. For some finite extension
the set
is nonempty, and
becomes divisible by
Lemma 2.4. There is an isomorphism
$G(\bar{K})[p^{r}]\cong {\hat{G}}(\bar{R})[p^{r}]$
Proof. Let
. Then
${\hat{G}}(R_{E})[p^{r}]=\mathop{\varprojlim }\nolimits_{n}G_{r}(R_{E}/\mathfrak{m}_{E}^{n})\cong G_{r}(R_{E})$
is complete. Hence
${\hat{G}}(\bar{R})[p^{r}]\cong G_{r}(\bar{R})=G_{r}(\bar{K})=G(\bar{K})[p^{r}]$
Proof of Proposition 2.1.
For a finite Galois extension
we write

and define
by the exact sequence of

The definition of the functor
in [Reference ZinkZi1, Theorem 81] gives an exact sequence of

note that in [Reference ZinkZi1] a formal group
is viewed as a functor
$G^{\prime }$
on nilpotent algebras, and
$G(R_{E}/\mathfrak{m}_{E}^{n})=G^{\prime }(\mathfrak{m}_{E}/\mathfrak{m}_{E}^{n})$
under this identification. The modules
form a projective system with respect to
with surjective transition maps. Indeed, using a normal decomposition of
as in the paragraph before [Reference ZinkZi1, Theorem 81], this is reduced to the assertion that
${\hat{W}}(\mathfrak{m}_{E}/\mathfrak{m}_{E}^{n+1})\rightarrow {\hat{W}}(\mathfrak{m}_{E}/\mathfrak{m}_{E}^{n})$
is surjective, which is clear. Thus taking
$\mathop{\varinjlim }\nolimits_{E}\mathop{\varprojlim }\nolimits_{n}$
of the preceding two sequences gives exact sequences of


$\hat{Q}_{\bar{\mathfrak{m}}}=\mathop{\varinjlim }\nolimits_{E}\mathop{\varprojlim }\nolimits_{n}\hat{Q}_{E,n}$
$\hat{P}_{\bar{\mathfrak{m}}}={\hat{W}}(\bar{\mathfrak{m}})\otimes _{W(R)}P$
. Since
$\bar{\mathfrak{m}}\otimes _{R}P/Q$
has no
-torsion, the
-adic completion of (2.2) remains exact, moreover the
-adic completion of the second and third terms are
$\bar{\mathfrak{m}}^{\wedge }\otimes _{R}P/Q$
. Thus the
-adic completion of
. Moreover
has no
-torsion since
is contained in the
. Using Lemmas 2.3 and 2.2, the
-sequence of
with (2.3) reduces to the short exact sequence

Lemma 2.4 gives an isomorphism
$\operatorname{Hom}(\mathbb{Q}_{p}/\mathbb{Z}_{p},{\hat{G}}(\bar{R}))\cong T_{p}(G)$
3 Module of invariants
Before we proceed we introduce a formal definition. Let
be a frame in the sense of [Reference LauLa2] such that
is a
-algebra and
-linear; see Section 1. For an
we consider the module of invariants

this is a
-module. Let us record some of its formal properties.
Functoriality in
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}:\mathscr{F}\rightarrow \mathscr{F}^{\prime }=(S^{\prime },I^{\prime },R^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{1}^{\prime })$
be a
-homomorphism of frames; see Section 1. Assume that a unit
$c\in S^{\prime }$
$c\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}^{\prime }(c)^{-1}=u$
is given. For an
as above, one verifies that the
-linear map
$P\rightarrow S^{\prime }\otimes _{S}P$
$x\mapsto c\otimes x$
induces a
-linear map

A bilinear form of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}:\mathscr{P}\times \mathscr{P}^{\prime }\rightarrow \mathscr{P}^{\prime \prime }$
is a bilinear map of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}:P\times P^{\prime }\rightarrow P^{\prime \prime }$
that restricts to
$Q\times Q^{\prime }\rightarrow Q^{\prime \prime }$
such that for
$x\in Q$
$x^{\prime }\in Q^{\prime }$
we have

see [Reference LauLa2, Section 2]. It induces a bilinear map of
$T(\mathscr{P})\times T(\mathscr{P}^{\prime })\rightarrow T(\mathscr{P}^{\prime \prime })$
and a
-linear map
$T(\mathscr{P})\rightarrow \operatorname{Hom}(\mathscr{P}^{\prime },\mathscr{P}^{\prime \prime })$
. Let us denote the
again. For each
there is a well-defined dual
with a perfect bilinear form
$\mathscr{P}\times \mathscr{P}^{t}\rightarrow \mathscr{F}$
; see [Reference LauLa2, Section 2]. Explicitly,
$Q^{t}=\{g\in P^{t}\mid g(Q)\subseteq I\}$
; the maps
are determined by (3.2) and the window axioms. The resulting homomorphism

is bijective, which can be verified as follows: We have
for some
-linear map
$T(\mathscr{P})\cong \operatorname{Hom}(\mathscr{F}^{t},\mathscr{P})$
, which identifies (3.3) with the duality isomorphism
$\operatorname{Hom}(\mathscr{F}^{t},\mathscr{P})\cong \operatorname{Hom}(\mathscr{P}^{t},\mathscr{F})$
Functoriality of duality
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}:\mathscr{F}\rightarrow \mathscr{F}^{\prime }$
be a
-homomorphism of frames, and let
be as above. For a bilinear form of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}:\mathscr{P}\times \mathscr{P}^{\prime }\rightarrow \mathscr{P}^{\prime \prime }$
, the base change of
multiplied by
is a bilinear form of
$\mathscr{F}^{\prime }$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{\ast }\mathscr{P}\times \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{\ast }\mathscr{P}^{\prime }\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{\ast }\mathscr{P}^{\prime \prime }$
, which we denote by
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{\ast }(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE})$
; see [Reference LauLa2, Lemma 2.14] and its proof. By passing to the modules of invariants we obtain a commutative diagram

This will be applied to the bilinear form
$\mathscr{P}\times \mathscr{P}^{t}\rightarrow \mathscr{F}$
4 The case of perfect residue fields
be as in Section 2, and assume in addition that the residue field
is perfect. As in [Reference LauLa3, Sections 2.C and 2.G] we consider the frame

Windows over
, called Dieudonné displays over
, are equivalent to
-divisible groups
by [Reference ZinkZi2] if
$p\geqslant 3$
and by [Reference LauLa3, Theorem A] in general. The Tate module
can be expressed in terms of the Dieudonné display of
by a variant of Proposition 2.1 as follows.
be the strict Henselization of
. This is a normal local domain, which is excellent by [Reference GrecoGre, Corollary 5.6] or [Reference SeydiSe], and thus its completion
is a normal complete noetherian local ring; see EGA IV, ( Let
$K^{\operatorname{nr}}\subset \hat{K}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
be the fraction fields of the rings
$R^{\operatorname{nr}}\subset \hat{R}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
, let
be an algebraic closure of
, and let
be the integral closure of
. For each finite extension
the ring
$R_{E}=\tilde{R}\cap E$
is finite over
, and
is a normal complete noetherian local ring. We define a frame

where the direct limit is taken componentwise. Here
is a local ring since all
are local with local homomorphisms in between. Since
has no
-torsion, the componentwise
-adic completion of
is a frame

There are natural strict frame homomorphisms
$\mathscr{D}_{R}\rightarrow \mathscr{D}_{\tilde{R}}\rightarrow \hat{\mathscr{D}}_{\tilde{R}}$
be the algebraic closure of
and let
. The tensor product
$\bar{K}\otimes _{K^{\operatorname{nr}}}\hat{K}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
is a subfield of
. Indeed, this ring is algebraic over
, and it is a localization of
$\bar{K}\otimes _{R^{\operatorname{nr}}}\hat{R}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
, which is an integral domain by [Reference RaynaudRa, Chapitre XI, Théorème 3]. If
is one-dimensional, then
$\bar{K}\otimes _{K^{\operatorname{nr}}}\hat{K}^{\operatorname{nr}}=\tilde{K}$
because for every
, the étale coverings of the complements of the maximal ideals in
coincide by [Reference ArtinAr, Part II, Theorem 2.1] or by [Reference ElkikEl, Théorème 5]. Let
be the group of automorphisms of
whose restriction to
is induced by an element of
. This group acts naturally on
and on
. By the above, the projection
$\tilde{{\mathcal{G}}}_{K}\rightarrow {\mathcal{G}}_{K}$
is surjective, and bijective if
is one-dimensional.
Proposition 4.1. Let
be a
-divisible group over
and let
be the Dieudonné display over
associated to
in [Reference LauLa3]. Let
be the base change of
. There is a natural exact sequence of

In particular, we have an isomorphism of

which we call the period isomorphism in display theory.
Proof of Proposition 4.1.
For a finite extension
be the maximal ideal of
. For a
-divisible group
we set

The group
acts on the system
for varying
and thus on
. The latter can be described using [Reference LauLa3, Section 9] as follows.
Following [Reference LauLa3, Definition 9.1] let
be the category of all
such that the nilradical
is bounded nilpotent and such that
is a union of finite-dimensional
-algebras. Let
be the base change of
, and for
$A\in {\mathcal{J}}_{n}$
be the base change of
. As in [Reference LauLa3, (9–2)] we define a complex of presheaves
$Z^{\prime }(\mathscr{P}_{n})$
whose value on
is the complex of abelian groups

in degrees
. By [Reference LauLa3, Proposition 9.4],
$Z^{\prime }(\mathscr{P}_{n})$
is a complex of pro-étale sheaves on
, which is acyclic outside degree zero, and the middle cohomology sheaf
$H^{0}(Z^{\prime }(\mathscr{P}))$
is represented by a well-defined
-divisible group
. By [Reference LauLa3, Proposition 9.7] there is a canonical isomorphism
$G\cong \operatorname{BT}(\mathscr{P})$
The ring
is a local Artin ring with residue field
, and thus it lies in
. Every pro-étale covering of
has a section since every étale covering of
has a nonempty finite set of sections, and the projective limit of a projective system of nonempty finite sets is nonempty by [SP, Tag 086J]. Hence evaluating pro-étale sheaves at
is an exact functor. It follows that the complex of abelian groups

in degrees
is acyclic outside degree zero, and there is a canonical isomorphism
$G(R_{E,n})\cong H^{0}(C_{E,n})$
. For varying
these are preserved by the action of
. Let

runs through the finite extensions of
. The group
acts on the complex
. Since the groups
and the components of
form surjective systems with respect to
, the complex
is acyclic outside degree zero, and we have an isomorphism of
${\hat{G}}(\tilde{R})\cong H^{0}(C)$
. We will verify the following chain of isomorphisms
and quasi-isomorphisms
of complexes of
-modules, where
, and
are taken in the category of abelian groups using a projective resolution of
, in particular
is taken componentwise with respect to the second argument.

This will prove the proposition.
The torsion subgroups of
and of
coincide by Lemma 2.4 applied over
, and (1) follows. Multiplication by
is surjective on
by Lemma 2.3 applied over
, thus Lemma 2.2 gives
, which proves (2). Since the cohomology of
in degree zero and zero otherwise, we obtain (3). To prove (4) we choose an exact sequence of abelian groups
$0\rightarrow F_{1}\rightarrow F_{0}\rightarrow \mathbb{Q}_{p}/\mathbb{Z}_{p}\rightarrow 0$
with free
. This gives an exact sequence of complexes of

We claim that
is zero. Then the complex
is quasi-isomorphic to the cone of
, which represents
, and (4) follows. Let
be the base change of
and let
$P_{\bar{k}}=W(\bar{k})\otimes _{\mathbb{W}(R)}P$
. We have
because the cokernel of the inclusion
$Q_{R_{E,n}}\rightarrow P_{R_{E,n}}$
is an
-module and thus
-power torsion, and the kernel of the surjective map
$P_{R_{E,n}}\rightarrow P_{\bar{k}}$
-power torsion by [Reference ZinkZi3, Lemma 2.2]. Thus the complex
can be identified with the cone of the map of complexes

is a domain of characteristic zero, the ring
has no
-torsion. Since
is a subring of
the projective
and its submodule
have no
-torsion. Clearly
has no
-torsion. Hence
is zero, and (4) is proved. The
-adic completions of
, while the
-adic completion of
is zero. Thus Lemma 2.2 gives (5).◻
Remark 4.2. Let
. The isomorphisms
for all
can be altered by multiplication with a common
-adic unit. This allows to assume that
is the identity of
in the following sense. Clearly
. The Dieudonné display of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{p^{\infty }}$
, and thus the Dieudonné display of
is the dual
; cf. [Reference LauLa3, Section 2.C]. Then
by Lemma 4.3 below, and
can be viewed as a
-linear automorphism of
We note that the construction in the proof of Proposition 4.1 actually defines
only up to multiplication by a common
-adic unit because it uses the isomorphism
$\operatorname{BT}(\mathscr{P})\cong G$
provided by [Reference LauLa3, Proposition 9.7], which relies on [Reference LauLa3, Lemma 8.2], and that takes as an input the choice of such an isomorphism for
Lemma 4.3. Let
be a
-adic torsion free ring with a Frobenius lift
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:S\rightarrow S$
. If
is connected, for example if
is a local ring, then
Proof. It suffices to show that
. The case
holds because the polynomial
$X^{p}-X=\prod _{a\in \mathbb{F}_{p}}(X-a)$
is separable. The general case follows by induction using the exact sequences
$0\rightarrow S/p\xrightarrow[{p^{n}}]{}S/p^{n+1}\rightarrow S/p^{n}\rightarrow 0$
5 A variant for the prime
We keep the notation and assumptions of Section 4 and assume that
. One can ask what the preceding constructions give when
are replaced by their
-stabilized variants
defined in [Reference LauLa3, Sections 1.D, 2.E]. This will be used in Section 6. We recall that
$\mathbb{W}(R)\subset \mathbb{W}^{+}(R)\subset W(R)$
where the ring
is stable under
, and we have a frame

is the inverse of
. As earlier we put

runs through the finite extensions of
as in Section 4, and we denote the componentwise
-adic completion of

For a
-divisible group
be the multiplicative and unipotent parts of
and define
as a pushout of fppf sheaves in the following diagram.

The rows of (5.1) are exact, so
is a
-divisible group by [Reference MessingMe1, Chapter I, (2.4.3)]. On the level of Tate modules (5.1) gives a commutative diagram with exact rows

which shows that
is the pushout in the left hand square as a Galois module.
Proposition 5.1. Let
be a
-divisible group over
with associated Dieudonné display
. Let
be the base change of
. There is a natural exact sequence of

In particular, we have an isomorphism of

Proof. Let
$\bar{P}_{\bar{k}}=\bar{k}\otimes _{\mathbb{W}(R)}P$
. We will construct the following commutative diagram with exact rows, where
is induced by

Assume that (5.3) is constructed and functorial in
. Since
$\bar{P}_{\bar{k}}=\bar{k}\otimes _{\mathbb{W}(R)}P$
is the reduction mod
of the covariant Dieudonné module of
, the Frobenius-linear endomorphism
is nilpotent if
is unipotent, and is given by an invertible matrix if
is of multiplicative type. Thus
is surjective with kernel an
-vector space of dimension equal to the height of
. Hence Proposition 4.1 implies that
is surjective and gives an exact sequence

The ring
and its subring
are torsion free, which carries over to the
-adic completion, hence
is torsion free. It follows that
is unipotent, and multiplication by
gives an isomorphism
$T(\hat{\mathscr{P}}_{\!\tilde{R}}^{+})\rightarrow T_{2}(G)$
is multiplicative type. Hence there is a pushout diagram (5.2) with
in place of
, which gives an isomorphism between these modules as required.
Let us construct (5.3). [Reference LauLa3, Lemma 1.10] implies that the inclusion map
$\mathbb{W}(R_{E}/\mathfrak{m}_{E}^{n})\rightarrow \mathbb{W}^{+}(R_{E}/\mathfrak{m}_{E}^{n})$
is bijective when
$2\in \mathfrak{m}_{E}^{n}$
, and its cokernel is
$\bar{k}\cdot v(1)$
as a
-module when
$2\not \in \mathfrak{m}_{E}^{n}$
. It follows that the natural map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}:\hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{W}}^{+}(\tilde{R})$
is injective with cokernel

is a
-homomorphism of frames
$\hat{\mathscr{D}}_{\tilde{R}}\rightarrow \hat{\mathscr{D}}_{\tilde{R}}^{+}$
where the unit
$u_{0}\in \mathbb{W}^{+}(\mathbb{Z}_{2})$
is defined by
; see [Reference LauLa3, Section 2.E]. Since
maps to
there is a unique unit
which maps to
such that
, namely
$c_{0}=u_{0}f(u_{0})f^{2}(u_{0})\cdots \,$
; see the proof of [Reference LauLa2, Proposition 8.7].
We extend the operator
. Then
induces an
-linear endomorphism
$\bar{k}\cdot v(1)$
. We claim that
. It suffices to prove this formula in
$\mathbb{W}^{+}(\mathbb{Z}_{2})/\mathbb{W}(\mathbb{Z}_{2})\cong \mathbb{F}_{2}$
, and thus it suffices to show that
$f_{1}(v(1))\not \in \mathbb{W}(\mathbb{Z}_{2})$
. But
is stable under
$x\mapsto v(x)=v(u_{0}x)$
, and the element
does not lie in
. This proves the claim.
Similarly, we extend the operator
. Then we have
as homomorphisms
$\hat{Q}_{\tilde{R}}^{+}\rightarrow \hat{P}_{\tilde{R}}^{+}$
, and it suffices to construct the desired diagram with
in place of
. Now (5.4) implies that
$\hat{Q}_{\tilde{R}}^{+}/\hat{Q}_{\tilde{R}}=\hat{P}_{\tilde{R}}^{+}/\hat{P}_{\tilde{R}}=\bar{P}_{\bar{k}}\cdot v(1)$
, which gives the exact rows. Clearly the left hand square of (5.3) commutes. The relation
$x\in \hat{P}_{\tilde{R}}^{+}$
$a\in \hat{\mathbb{I}}_{\tilde{R}}^{+}$
applied with
, together with
, shows that the right hand square of (5.3) commutes.◻
Remark 5.2. The period isomorphisms
are related by
$\operatorname{per}_{G}^{+}\circ i=\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}_{c_{0}}\circ \operatorname{per}_{G}$
$i:T_{2}(G)\rightarrow T_{2}(G^{+})$
is the inclusion map and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}_{c_{0}}:T(\hat{\mathscr{P}}_{\!\tilde{R}})\rightarrow T(\hat{\mathscr{P}}_{\!\tilde{R}}^{+})$
is the homomorphism defined in (3.1).
6 The relation with
be a complete discrete valuation ring with perfect residue field
of characteristic
and fraction field
of characteristic zero. In this case the ring
$\tilde{R}^{\wedge }$
is equal to
$\bar{R}^{\wedge }$
, the
-adic completion of the integral closure of
. Let
, this is the
-adic completion of the divided power envelope of the kernel of the canonical homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}:A_{\inf }\rightarrow \bar{R}^{\wedge }$
, where
$A_{\inf }=W({\mathcal{R}})$
, and where
is the projective limit of
under Frobenius. We have a frame

. Footnote
For a
-divisible group
be its covariant Dieudonné crystal. The free
$M=\mathbb{D}(G_{\bar{R}^{\wedge }})_{A_{\operatorname{cris}}}$
carries a filtration
and a
-linear endomorphism
. The operator
is well defined on
, and we get an
; see [Reference KisinKi1, Lemma A.2] or [Reference LauLa3, Proposition 3.17]. The window associated to
in this way is
Following [Reference FaltingsFa, Section 6] one defines a period homomorphism

as follows. An element of
corresponds to a homomorphism
$\mathbb{Q}_{p}/\mathbb{Z}_{p}\rightarrow G$
$\bar{R}^{\wedge }$
, and the resulting map of
${\mathcal{A}}_{\operatorname{cris}}^{t}\rightarrow {\mathcal{M}}$
corresponds to an element of
By [Reference FaltingsFa, Theorem 7],
is bijective when
$p\geqslant 3$
, and injective with cokernel annihilated by
. More precisely, for
the cokernel of
is zero if
is unipotent by [Reference KisinKi2, Proposition 1.1.10], but the cokernel is an
-vector space of dimension equal to the height of
is of multiplicative type; this can be verified for the multiplicative group
$G=\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{p^{\infty }}$
and then follows from the fact that Fontaine’s element
$t\in A_{\operatorname{cris}}$
$t^{p-1}\in pA_{\operatorname{cris}}$
; see [Reference FontaineFo2, (2.3.4)]. As in the proof of Proposition 5.1 it follows that for
, the homomorphism
extends to an isomorphism
$T_{p}(G^{+})\cong T({\mathcal{M}})$
as in Section 5.
We want to relate this with the period isomorphisms of Sections 4 and 5. For the sake of uniformity, for
$p\geqslant 3$
we write
etc. Then
$\hat{\mathbb{W}}^{+}(\tilde{R})\rightarrow \bar{R}^{\wedge }$
is a divided power thickening of
-adic rings for every
Lemma 6.1. There are unique homomorphisms
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}_{\inf }$
of thickenings of
$\bar{R}^{\wedge }$
as below. They commute with Frobenius, and the diagram commutes.

Proof. Briefly said, the universal property of
, and the lemma explicates its construction. Namely, each
in the kernel of
$\hat{\mathbb{W}}^{+}(\tilde{R})/p^{n}\rightarrow \bar{R}^{\wedge }/p$
due to the divided powers on this ideal. Since the cokernel of the inclusion
$\hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{W}}^{+}(\tilde{R})$
is the
-vector space with basis
by (5.4), the kernel of
$\hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})/p^{n}\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{W}}^{+}(\tilde{R})/p^{n}$
is the
-vector space with basis
. Since
this kernel has square zero. Thus for each
in the kernel of
$\hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})/p^{n}\rightarrow \bar{R}^{\wedge }/p$
we have
, and the universality of the Witt vectors (see for example [Reference LauLa3, Lemma 1.4]) gives a unique homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}_{\inf }$
of extensions of
$\bar{R}^{\wedge }/p$
. The universality also implies that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}_{\inf }$
commutes with the Frobenius and with the projections to
$\bar{R}^{\wedge }$
. Since
$\hat{\mathbb{W}}^{+}(\tilde{R})\rightarrow \bar{R}^{\wedge }$
is a divided power extension of
-adic rings,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}_{\inf }$
extends uniquely to a homomorphism
, and
commutes with the Frobenius because this holds for
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}_{\inf }$
has no
-torsion it follows that
is a
-equivariant strict frame homomorphism

as above let
be the Dieudonné display associated to
and let
be its base change under the inclusion
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}:\mathscr{D}_{R}\rightarrow \mathscr{D}_{R}^{+}$
, which is the identity when
$p\geqslant 3$
. The
can be defined by evaluating the crystal
; see [Reference LauLa3, Theorem 3.19] if
$p\geqslant 3$
and [Reference LauLa3, Proposition 3.24 & Theorem 4.9] if
. By the functoriality of
we get an isomorphism
$\hat{\mathscr{P}}_{\tilde{R}}^{+}\cong \unicode[STIX]{x1D718}_{\operatorname{cris}\ast }({\mathcal{M}})$
-windows, which induces a homomorphism of

as defined in (3.1) with
Proposition 6.2. The following diagram of
-modules commutes, and
is an isomorphism.

Proof of Proposition 6.2.
The composition
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}_{c_{0}}\circ \operatorname{per}_{G}$
extends to an isomorphism
$T_{p}(G^{+})\cong T(\hat{\mathscr{P}}_{\tilde{R}}^{+})$
by Proposition 5.1 and Remark 5.2. Thus if the diagram commutes, by the properties of
recalled above it follows that
is an isomorphism. Let us prove that the diagram commutes.
We start with the case
. Then
. By Remark 4.2, the associated windows can be identified as
. The three modules
are then all identified with
; see Lemma 4.3. Under these identifications, the three arrows
are the identity of
; see Remark 4.2. The base change
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{\ast }(\mathscr{P})$
is equal to
, and the implicit isomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}_{\ast }(\mathscr{P})\cong \mathscr{P}^{+}$
is necessarily given by multiplication with the unique unit
$c\in \mathbb{W}^{+}(\mathbb{Z}_{p})$
which maps to
, namely
. Thus under the chosen identifications,
is the identity as well, and the diagram commutes for
Let now
be arbitrary. Since the map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}_{c_{0}}\circ \operatorname{per}_{G}=\operatorname{per}_{G}^{+}$
is injective with cokernel annihilated by
, the composition
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FE}=p\cdot (\operatorname{per}_{G}^{+})^{-1}\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}\circ \operatorname{per}_{G,\operatorname{cris}}$
is a well-defined functorial endomorphism of
. We have to show that
. By [Reference TateTa, Corollary 1],
comes from an endomorphism
; moreover
is functorial in
and compatible with normal finite extensions of the base ring
. The endomorphisms
induce a functorial endomorphism
of each commutative finite flat
-group scheme
over a normal finite extension
$R^{\prime }$
can be embedded into a
-divisible group
by Raynaud [Reference Berthelot, Breen and MessingBBM, Theorem 3.1.1], and the quotient
is a
-divisible group, so
; cf. the proof of [Reference KisinKi1, Theorem 2.3.5] or [Reference LauLa3, Proposition 8.1]. Assume that
is annihilated by
and let
. There is a normal finite extension
$R^{\prime \prime }$
$R^{\prime }$
such that
$H(\bar{K})=H(R^{\prime \prime })=\operatorname{Hom}_{R^{\prime \prime }}(H_{0},H)$
. Since
it follows that
, and thus
for all
7 The ring
Let us recall the ring
of [Reference KisinKi1], which is denoted by
in [Reference FontaineFo1]. One starts with a two-dimensional complete regular local ring
of characteristic zero with perfect residue field
of characteristic
equipped with a Frobenius lift
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow \mathfrak{S}$
There is a unique ring homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}:\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow W(\mathfrak{S})$
$w_{n}\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}^{n}$
is the
th Witt polynomial, and then
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}=f\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}$
; see [Reference LazardLaz, Chapter VII, Proposition 4.12]. The composition
$\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow W(\mathfrak{S})\rightarrow W(k)$
is surjective, which implies that
$p\not \in \mathfrak{m}_{\mathfrak{S}}^{2}$
. Let
$t\in \mathfrak{m}_{\mathfrak{S}}\setminus \mathfrak{m}_{\mathfrak{S}}^{2}$
map to zero in
. Then
generates the kernel of
$\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow W(k)$
, in particular
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}(t)\in t\mathfrak{S}$
be the
-adic completion of
and let
be its residue field. Fix a maximal unramified extension
and let
be its
-adic completion. Let
be the residue field of
, let
be an algebraic closure of
, let
, and let
${\mathcal{O}}_{\bar{\mathbb{E}}}\subset \bar{\mathbb{E}}$
be its integral closure. The Frobenius lift
extends uniquely to
and induces a homomorphism

as above. (7.1) is injective since both sides are discrete valuation rings with prime element
, and the reduction modulo
is injective. One defines
$\mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}={\mathcal{O}}_{\widehat{{\mathcal{E}}^{\operatorname{nr}}}}\cap W({\mathcal{O}}_{\bar{\mathbb{E}}})$
. This ring is stable under
, and
$\mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}=\varprojlim \mathfrak{S}_{n}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
$\mathfrak{S}_{n}^{\operatorname{nr}}=({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{E}}^{\operatorname{nr}}}/p^{n}{\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{E}}^{\operatorname{nr}}})\cap W_{n}({\mathcal{O}}_{\bar{\mathbb{E}}})$
. By [Reference FontaineFo1, B 1.8.3] we have
, in particular
-adically complete.
8 Breuil–Kisin modules
be a complete discrete valuation ring with perfect residue field
of characteristic
and fraction field
of characteristic zero. We recall briefly the classification of commutative finite flat
-group schemes over
following [Reference LauLa3]; see the introduction for a brief discussion of the history of this result.
and let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow \mathfrak{S}$
be a Frobenius lift that stabilizes the ideal
. We choose a presentation
has constant term
. Let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}\in R$
be the image of
, so
generates the maximal ideal of
For an
$M^{(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E})}=\mathfrak{S}\otimes _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E},\mathfrak{S}}M$
. We consider pairs
is an
-module of finite type and where
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}:M\rightarrow M^{(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E})}$
is an
-linear map with cokernel annihilated by
. Following the [Reference Vasiu and ZinkVZ] terminology,
is called a Breuil window (respectively a Breuil module) relative to
$\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow R$
if the
is free (respectively annihilated by a power of
and of projective dimension at most one).
We have a frame in the sense of [Reference LauLa2]

$x\in \mathfrak{S}$
. Windows
are equivalent to Breuil windows relative to
$\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow R$
by the functor
$\mathscr{P}\mapsto (Q,\unicode[STIX]{x1D719})$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}:Q\rightarrow Q^{(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E})}$
is the composition of the inclusion
$Q\rightarrow P$
with the inverse of the isomorphism
$Q^{(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E})}\cong P$
defined by
$a\otimes x\mapsto aF_{1}(x)$
; the inverse functor maps
such that the inclusion
$Q\rightarrow P$
$F_{1}:Q\rightarrow P$
$x\mapsto 1\otimes x$
, which also gives
; see [Reference LauLa2, Lemma 8.2].
As in [Reference LauLa3, Section 6] let
be the ring homomorphism

Its image lies in
if and only if the endomorphism of
induced by
is divisible by
. In this case,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}:\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow \mathbb{W}(R)$
is a
-homomorphism of frames
$\mathscr{B}\rightarrow \mathscr{D}_{R}$
for the unit
, and
induces an equivalence between
-windows and
-windows, which are equivalent to
-divisible groups over
. As a consequence, Breuil modules relative to
$\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow R$
are equivalent to commutative finite flat
-group schemes over
; see [Reference LauLa3, Corollary 6.8].
maps to
$\mathbb{W}(R)\rightarrow W(k)$
, there is a unique invertible element
$c\in \mathbb{W}(R)$
which maps to
. It is given by
$c=u\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}(u)\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}^{2}(u)\cdots \,$
; see the proof of [Reference LauLa2, Proposition 8.7].
8.1 Modules of invariants
For a Breuil module or Breuil window
relative to
$\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow R$
we write
$M^{\operatorname{nr}}=\mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}\otimes _{\mathfrak{S}}M$
$M_{{\mathcal{E}}}^{\operatorname{nr}}={\mathcal{O}}_{\widehat{{\mathcal{E}}^{\operatorname{nr}}}}\otimes _{\mathfrak{S}}M$
and define

For reference we record the following consequence of some results of [Reference FontaineFo1].
Lemma 8.1. The
is finitely generated, and the natural map

is bijective. The natural map

is bijective as well.
Proof. The homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}:M_{{\mathcal{E}}}^{\operatorname{nr}}\rightarrow (M_{{\mathcal{E}}}^{\operatorname{nr}})^{(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E})}$
is bijective. If
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D713}:M_{{\mathcal{E}}}^{\operatorname{nr}}\rightarrow M_{{\mathcal{E}}}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
is the
-linear map whose linearization is the inverse of
, then
is equal to
$\{x\in M_{{\mathcal{E}}}^{\operatorname{nr}}\mid \unicode[STIX]{x1D713}(x)=x\}$
, and [Reference FontaineFo1, A 1.2.6] gives the first part of the lemma.
It remains to show that (8.2) is bijective. Assume first that
is a Breuil window, let
$M^{\ast }=\operatorname{Hom}_{\mathfrak{S}}(M,\mathfrak{S})$
, and let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D713}:M^{\ast }\rightarrow M^{\ast }$
be the
-linear map whose linearization is the dual of
. Then
$(M^{\ast },\unicode[STIX]{x1D713})$
is a Kisin module as considered in [Reference KisinKi1, (2.1.3)], and
can be identified with the module of
-linear maps
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}:M^{\ast }\rightarrow \mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
, and similarly for
. Thus (8.2) is bijective by [Reference KisinKi1, Corollary 2.1.4], which builds on [Reference FontaineFo1, B 1.8.4].
Assume now that
is a Breuil module. Using that
is annihilated by a power of
and of projective dimension
and that
has no
-torsion, we see that
is zero. It follows that
$M^{\operatorname{nr}}\rightarrow M_{{\mathcal{E}}}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
is injective, and thus (8.2) is injective. One can find a Breuil window
$(M^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}^{\prime })$
and a surjective map
$(M^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}^{\prime })\rightarrow (M,\unicode[STIX]{x1D719})$
; see (b) in the proof of [Reference LauLa2, Theorem 8.5]. Then
$T^{\operatorname{nr}}(M^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}^{\prime })\cong T_{{\mathcal{E}}}^{\operatorname{nr}}(M^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}^{\prime })\rightarrow T_{{\mathcal{E}}}^{\operatorname{nr}}(M,\unicode[STIX]{x1D719})$
is surjective, and thus (8.2) is surjective.◻
8.2 The choice of
$K_{\infty }$
$\bar{\mathfrak{m}}^{\wedge }$
be the maximal ideal of
$\bar{R}^{\wedge }$
. The power series
defines a map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}(t):\bar{\mathfrak{m}}^{\wedge }\rightarrow \bar{\mathfrak{m}}^{\wedge }$
. This map is surjective, and the inverse images of algebraic elements are algebraic by the Weierstrass preparation theorem. Choose a system of elements
$(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{(n)})_{n\geqslant 0}$
, and let
$K_{\infty }$
be the extension of
generated by all
. The system
corresponds to an element
$\text{}\underline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}}\in {\mathcal{R}}=\varprojlim \bar{R}/p\bar{R}$
, the limit taken with respect to Frobenius.
We embed
$t\mapsto \text{}\underline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}}$
, and identify
with subfields of
; thus
$W(\bar{\mathbb{E}})\subset W(\operatorname{Frac}{\mathcal{R}})$
. Then
$\mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}={\mathcal{O}}_{\widehat{{\mathcal{E}}^{\operatorname{nr}}}}\cap W({\mathcal{R}})$
, and the unique ring homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}:W({\mathcal{R}})\rightarrow \bar{R}^{\wedge }$
which lifts the projection
$W({\mathcal{R}})\rightarrow \bar{R}/p\bar{R}$
induces a homomorphism

Let us verify that its restriction to
is the given projection
$\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow R$
Lemma 8.2. We have
Proof. The lemma is easy if
since then
, which maps to
, and
in this case. In general let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}(t)=(g_{0},g_{1},\ldots )$
$g_{i}\in \mathfrak{S}$
; these power series are determined by the relations

$n\geqslant 0$
. Let
$x=(x_{0},x_{1},\ldots )\in W({\mathcal{R}})$
be the image of
, thus
. Write
$x_{i}=(x_{i,0},x_{i,1},\ldots )$
$x_{i,n}=g_{i}(\text{}\underline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}})_{n}\in \bar{R}/p\bar{R}$
. If
$\tilde{x}_{i,n}\in \bar{R}^{\wedge }$
we have

If we choose
, the sum in the limit becomes
, and the lemma is proved.◻
The natural action of
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}=\operatorname{Gal}(\bar{K}/K_{\infty })$
is trivial on
, and therefore it stabilizes
with trivial action on
. Thus
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$
acts on
for each Breuil window or Breuil module
8.3 From
to Zink rings
The composition of the inclusion
$\mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}\rightarrow W({\mathcal{R}})$
chosen above with the homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}_{\inf }:W({\mathcal{R}})\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})$
from Lemma 6.1 is a ring homomorphism

that commutes with Frobenius and with the projections to
$\bar{R}^{\wedge }$
Lemma 8.3. If the image of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}:\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow W(R)$
lies in
, then the following diagram of rings commutes, where the vertical maps are the obvious inclusions.

Proof. The assumption
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}(\mathfrak{S})\subset \mathbb{W}(R)$
is equivalent to
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}(\mathfrak{S})\subset \mathbb{W}(\mathfrak{S})$
; see [Reference LauLa3, Proposition 6.2]. As in the proof of Lemma 8.2 we write
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}(t)=(g_{0},g_{1},\ldots )$
$g_{i}\in \mathfrak{S}$
. Note that
. We have to show that

. Again, if
$y_{i,n}\in \hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})$
is a lift of
$x_{i,n}=g_{i}(\text{}\underline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}})_{n}\in \bar{R}/p\bar{R}$
, the left hand side of this equation is equal to

We will choose
$y_{i,n}\in \mathbb{W}(\tilde{R})$
-adic completion) such that the sum in the limit is equal to
$(g_{0}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}),g_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}),\ldots )$
; this will prove the lemma. In the special case
we have
$i\geqslant 1$
, and we can take
$i\geqslant 1$
; then the calculation is trivial. In general, let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E5}(g_{i})=(h_{i,0},h_{i,1},\ldots )$
, so the power series
are determined by the equations

$m\geqslant 0$
, and put
$y_{i,n}=(h_{i,0}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{(n)}),h_{i,1}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{(n)}),\ldots )\in \mathbb{W}(\tilde{R})$
. Since the Witt polynomials
$w_{m}(X_{0},\ldots ,X_{m})=X_{0}^{p^{m}}+\cdots +p^{m}X_{m}$
$m\geqslant 0$
define an injective map
$\mathbb{W}(\tilde{R})\subset W(\tilde{R})\rightarrow \tilde{R}^{\infty }$
, we have to show that for
$n,m\geqslant 0$
the following holds.

The right hand side is equal to
. Since
is a ring homomorphism and since
, the left hand side is equal to
We define a frame

$x\in \mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
Lemma 8.4. The element
$u^{\prime }=f_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}^{\operatorname{nr}}(E))\in \hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})$
is a unit, and the ring homomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}^{\operatorname{nr}}:\mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})$
is a
$u^{\prime }$
-homomorphism of frames
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}^{\operatorname{nr}}:\mathscr{B}^{\operatorname{nr}}\rightarrow \hat{\mathscr{D}}_{\tilde{R}}$
Proof. Clearly
commutes with the projections to
$\bar{R}^{\wedge }$
and with the Frobenius. Lemma 8.2 implies that
, thus
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}^{\operatorname{nr}}(E)\in \hat{\mathbb{I}}_{\tilde{R}}$
. For
$x\in \mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}$
we compute
$f_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}^{\operatorname{nr}}(Ex))=f_{1}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}^{\operatorname{nr}}(E))\cdot f(\unicode[STIX]{x1D718}^{\operatorname{nr}}(x))=u^{\prime }\cdot \unicode[STIX]{x1D718}^{\operatorname{nr}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{1}(Ex))$
as required. It remains to show that
$u^{\prime }$
is a unit. The projection
$\tilde{R}\rightarrow \bar{k}$
induces a local homomorphism of local rings
$\hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})\rightarrow W(\bar{k})$
that commutes with
. The composition
$\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow \mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})\rightarrow W(\bar{k})$
commutes with Frobenius and is thus equal to the homomorphism
$t\mapsto 0$
. Thus
maps to
, so
$u^{\prime }$
maps to
, and it follows that
$u^{\prime }$
is a unit.◻
From now on we assume that the image of
lies in
, so that Lemma 8.3 applies. Then
$u^{\prime }$
is the image of
$u\in \mathbb{W}(R)$
, and we get a commutative square of frames where the horizontal arrows are
-homomorphisms and the vertical arrows are strict:

acts on
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$
acts on
, and
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$
8.4 Identification of modules of invariants
Now we can state the main result of this section. Let
be a Breuil window relative to
$\mathfrak{S}\rightarrow R$
with associated
, and let
be the base change of
. By definition we have
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$
-modules. Let
be the base change of
and let
be the common base change of
. As in (3.1), multiplication by
induces a
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$
-invariant homomorphism

We recall that the
is canonically isomorphic to the Tate module of the
-divisible group associated to
; see Proposition 4.1.
Proposition 8.5. The homomorphism
is bijective.
Proof. Let
be the
-rank of
. The source and target of
are free
-modules of rank
which are exact functors of
. Indeed, for
this follows from Lemma 8.1, and it holds for
by Proposition 4.1, using that the height of a
-divisible group is equal to the rank of its Dieudonné display; this can be verified over perfect fields, and then the Dieudonné display is the classical Dieudonné module.
Consider first the case where the
-divisible group associated to
is étale, which means that
, and
$F_{1}:Q\rightarrow P$
is a
-linear isomorphism. Then
is an étale
-module over
. Since
-adically complete with
, a
-basis of
is an
-basis of
. Using Lemma 4.3 it follows that a
-basis of
is a
-basis of
$\hat{P}_{\tilde{R}}=\hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})\otimes _{\mathfrak{S}^{\operatorname{nr}}}P^{\operatorname{nr}}$
. Thus the homomorphism of
becomes an isomorphism over
. Since
$\mathbb{Z}_{p}\rightarrow \hat{\mathbb{W}}(\tilde{R})$
is a local homomorphism it follows that
is bijective.
Consider next the case
, which corresponds to the
-divisible group
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{p^{\infty }}$
. Assume that the proposition does not hold for
, i.e., that
is divisible by
. For a perfect extension
$k^{\prime }$
$\mathfrak{S}^{\prime }=W(k^{\prime })[[t]]$
$R^{\prime }=\mathfrak{S}^{\prime }/E\mathfrak{S}^{\prime }$
, and let
$\mathscr{B}^{\prime }$
be the corresponding analogue of the frame
; note that the Frobenius lift
extends uniquely to
$\mathfrak{S}^{\prime }$
. The natural homomorphism
$T(\mathscr{B}^{\operatorname{nr}})\rightarrow T({\mathscr{B}^{\prime }}^{\operatorname{nr}})$
is bijective because it becomes bijective over
${\mathcal{O}}_{\widehat{{{\mathcal{E}}^{\prime }}^{\operatorname{nr}}}}$
by Lemma 8.1. The natural homomorphism
$T(\hat{\mathscr{D}}_{\tilde{R}})\rightarrow T(\hat{\mathscr{D}}_{\tilde{R}^{\prime }})$
is bijective since the equivalence between
-divisible groups and Dieudonné displays is compatible with arbitrary base change by [Reference LauLa3, Lemma 9.6]. Hence the homomorphism
can be identified with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70F}({\mathscr{B}^{\prime }}^{\operatorname{nr}})$
, so
can be replaced by
$k^{\prime }$
, which allows to assume that
is uncountable. Let
be the étale
-window that corresponds to
. We consider extensions of
$0\rightarrow \mathscr{B}\rightarrow \mathscr{P}_{1}\rightarrow \mathscr{P}_{0}\rightarrow 0$
, which correspond to extensions in
$\operatorname{Ext}_{R}^{1}(\mathbb{Q}_{p}/\mathbb{Z}_{p},\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{p^{\infty }})$
. Since
is bijective and
is divisible by
, the image of
provides a splitting of the reduction modulo
of the exact sequence of
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$

Hence the composite homomorphism

is zero. The first group in (8.3) can be identified with the set of deformations of
$\mathbb{Q}_{p}/\mathbb{Z}_{p}\oplus \unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{p^{\infty }}$
. The second group is isomorphic to
, which is isomorphic to the Galois cohomology group
$H^{1}({\mathcal{G}}_{K},\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{p})\cong K^{\ast }/(K^{\ast })^{p}$
. As in [Reference LauLa1, Lemma 7.2] it follows that the first arrow in (8.3) can be identified with the natural map
$1+\mathfrak{m}_{R}\rightarrow K^{\ast }/(K^{\ast })^{p}$
, whose image is uncountable since
is uncountable. Since for a finite extension
$K^{\prime }/K$
the homomorphism
$H^{1}(K,\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{p})\rightarrow H^{1}(K^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{p})$
has finite kernel by the inflation-restriction exact sequence, the kernel of the second map in (8.3) is countable. Thus the composition (8.3) cannot be zero, and the proposition is proved for
Finally let
be arbitrary. Duality gives the following commutative diagram; see the end of Section 3.

The upper line of (8.4) is a bilinear form of free
-modules of rank
, whose scalar extension under
$\mathbb{Z}_{p}\rightarrow {\mathcal{O}}_{\widehat{{\mathcal{E}}^{\operatorname{nr}}}}$
is perfect since (8.2) and (8.1) are bijective. Since this is a local homomorphism the upper line of (8.4) is perfect. Proposition 4.1 implies that the lower line of (8.4) is a bilinear form of free
-modules of rank
. We have seen that
is bijective. These properties imply that
is bijective.◻
For a
-divisible group or commutative finite flat
-group scheme
be the associated Breuil window or Breuil module. In the first case let
be the Tate module of
, and in the second case let
Corollary 8.6. There is an isomorphism of
${\mathcal{G}}_{K_{\infty }}$
$T(G)\cong T^{\operatorname{nr}}(M(G),\unicode[STIX]{x1D719})$
Proof. For
-divisible groups this is immediate from Propositions 4.1 and 8.5. The finite case follows from the
-divisible case as in the proof of [Reference LauLa3, Corollary 6.8]. More precisely, a finite
can be written as the kernel of an isogeny of
-divisible groups
$G_{0}\rightarrow G_{1}$
, which gives exact sequences
$0\rightarrow T(G_{0})\rightarrow T(G_{1})\rightarrow T(G)\rightarrow 0$
$0\rightarrow M(G_{0})\rightarrow M(G_{1})\rightarrow M(G)\rightarrow 0$
, and the latter gives an exact sequence
$0\rightarrow T^{\operatorname{nr}}(M(G_{0}))\rightarrow T^{\operatorname{nr}}(M(G_{1}))\rightarrow T^{\operatorname{nr}}(M(G))\rightarrow 0$
. The resulting isomorphism
$T(G)\cong T^{\operatorname{nr}}(M(G))$
is independent of the resolution
$G_{0}\rightarrow G_{1}$
The author thanks Th. Zink for interesting and helpful discussions, and the anonymous referee for many detailed suggestions to improve the presentation.