Book Reviews
Derek A Dow (comp.), Annotated bibliography for the history of medicine & health in New Zealand, Dunedin, The Hocken Library, University of Otago, 1994, pp. xx, 322, illus., NZ$39.50 (+p&p). Available from the Hocken Library, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 256-257
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Harold D Langley, A history of medicine in the early U.S. navy, Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995, pp. xix, 435, illus., £41.50 (0-8018-4876-8).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 396-397
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Zbigniew Szydlo, Water which does not wet hands: the alchemy of Michael Sendivogius, Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute for the History of Science, 1994, pp. xiv, 300, illus., £14.95 (83-86062-45-2). (Distributed by White Eagle Publications, 24B Broadlands Road, London N6 4AG).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 520-521
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Manfred Wenzel (ed.), Samuel Thomas Soemmerring in Kassel (1779–1784), Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Goethezeit, Soemmerring-Forschungen, vol. 9, Stuttgart, Gustav Fischer, 1994, pp. 483, illus., DM 148.00 (3-437-11626-6).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 123-124
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Jordan Goodman, Paul E Lovejoy and Andrew Sherratt (eds), Consuming habits: drugs in history and anthropology, London and New York, Routledge, 1995, pp. xii, 244, £35.00 (0-415-09039-3).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 258-259
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Piyo Rattansi and Antonio Clericuzio (eds), Alchemy and chemistry in the 16th and 17th centuries, International Archives of the History of Ideas No. 140, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, pp. xiv, 208, £72.50, $105.00, Dfl. 185.00 (0-7923-2573-7).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 521-523
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Ann Oakley and A Susan Williams (eds), The politics of the welfare state, London, UCL Press, 1994, pp. viii, 232, illus., £35.00 (hardback 1-85728-205-1), £12.95 (paperback 1-85728-206-X).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 259-260
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L S Jacyna, Philosophic Whigs: medicine, science and citizenship in Edinburgh 1789–1848, Wellcome Series in the History of Medicine, London and New York, Routledge, 1994, pp. vii, 213, £50.00 (0-415-03614-3).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 124-125
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Martin Dinges and Thomas Schlich (eds), Neue Wege in der Seuchengeschichte, Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte, Beiheft 6, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 1995, pp. 251, DM 74.00 (3-515-06692-6).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 397-399
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W F Bynum and B Fantini (eds), Malaria and ecosystems: historical aspects. Proceedings of a Rockefeller Foundation conference, Bellagio, 18–22 October 1993, Parassitologia, 1994, 36(1-2), pp. 227, no price given.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 399-400
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David E Leary (ed.), Metaphors in the history of psychology, Cambridge Studies in the History of Psychology, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. xiii, 383, £37.50, $69.95 (hardback 0-521-37166-X); £12.95, $17.95 (paperback 0-521-42152-7).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 260-261
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Arthur MacGregor (ed.), Sir Hans Sloane: collector, scientist, antiquary, London, British Museum Press in association with Alistair McAlpine, 1994, pp. 308, illus., £50.00 (0-7141-2085-5).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 125-126
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Linda Bryder, Derek A Dow (eds), New countries and old medicine: proceedings of an international conference on the history of medicine and health, Auckland, New Zealand 1995, Auckland, Pyramid Press, 1995, pp. xvi, 428, illus., NZ $30 (+p&p), Australia $10, rest of world $15 (0-9597871-3-5).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 523-524
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Laura Otis, Organic memory: history and the body in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Texts and Contexts, vol. 11, Lincoln and London, University of Nebraska Press, 1994, pp. xiii, 297, £35.00 (0-8032-3561-5).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 261-262
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Soma Hewa, Colonialism, tropical disease and imperial medicine: Rockefeller philanthrophy in Sri Lanka, Lanham, MD, University Press of America, pp. x, 205, illus., $38.50 (0-8191-9939-7).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 524-525
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Jacques Roger, Pour une histoire des sciences à part entière, Paris, Albin Michel, 1995, pp. 475, no price given (2-226-07649-2).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 400-402
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Richard J Wolfe and Leonard F Menczer (eds), I awaken to glory: essays celebrating the sesquicentennial of the discovery of anaesthesia by Horace Wells, Boston, The Francis A Countway Library of Medicine, in association with the Historical Museum of Medicine and Dentistry, Hartford, 1994, pp. xvii, 442, illus., $28.95 (0-88135-161-X).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 126-128
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Vivian Nutton and Roy Porter (eds), The history of medical education in Britain, Clio Medica, Amsterdam and Atlanta, Rodopi, 1995, pp. x, 379, Hfl. 160.00, $100.00 (hardback 90-5183-571-X); Hfl. 50.00 $31.00 (paperback 90-5183-611-2).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 402-403
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Götz Aly, Peter Chroust, and Christian Pross, Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi medicine and racial hygiene, transl. Belinda Cooper, Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994, pp. xvi, 296, illus., $48.50 (hardback 0-8018-4775-3), $16.95 (paperback 0-8018-4824-5). - Michael Burleigh, Death and deliverance: ‘euthanasia’ in Germany 1900–1945, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. xvii, 382, illus., £35, $59.95 (hardback 0-521-41613-2), £14.95, $18.95 (paperback 0-521-47769-7).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 128-129
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Danielle Gourevitch (ed.), Histoire de la médecine: leçons méthodologiques, Paris, Ellipses-Edition Marketing, 1995, pp. 192, FFr 110.00 (2-7298-9568-X).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 262-263
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