Book Reviews
Lars Ole Andersen, Mogens H Claësson, Asbjørn Hróbjartsson and Anja Norbæk Sørensen, Placebo. Historie, biologi og effekt, Akademisk Forlag, 1997, pp. 178, illus. (87-500-3413-8).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 269-270
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Doris H Linder, Crusaderfor sex education: Elise Ottesen-Jensen (1886–1973) in Scandinavia and on the international scene, Lanham and London, University Press of America, 1996, pp. vi, 319, illus., $46.50 (0-7618-0333-5).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 406-407
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Axel Karenberg, Lernen am Bett der Kranken. Die frühen Universitätskliniken in Deutschland (1760–1840), Schriften zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Hürtgenwald, Guido Pressler, 1997, pp. 286, illus., DM 160.00 (3-87646-081-6).
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- 16 August 2012, p. 130
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John Krige and Dominique Pestre (eds), Science in the twentieth century, Amsterdam, Harwood Academic Publishers, 1997, pp. xxxv, 941, illus., £80.00, $120.00 (90-5702-172-2).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 525-526
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MDH volume 43 supplement 19 Front matter
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- 16 August 2012, pp. f1-f6
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Mikel Astrain Gallart, Barberos, cirujanos, y gente de mar: la sanidad naval y la profesión quirúrjica en la España ilustrada, Madrid, Ministerio de Defensa, Secretaría General Técnica, 1996, pp. 240, illus., no price given (84-7823-497-7).
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- 16 August 2012, p. 131
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Volker Hess (ed.), Normierung der Gesundheit. Messende Verfahren der Medizin als kulturelle Praktik um 1900, Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften Heft 82, Husum, Matthiesen Verlag, 1997, pp. 226, illus., DM 69.00 (3-7868-4082-2).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 526-527
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Alice Domurat Dreger, Hermaphrodites and the medical invention of sex, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1998, pp. xiii, 268, illus., £23.50 (0-674-08927-8).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 407-408
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Ernest Smith and Beryl Cottell, A history of the Royal Dental Hospital of London and School of Dental Surgery, 1858–1985, London and Atlantic Highlands, NJ, Athlone Press, 1997, pp. xi, 177, £17.95 (0-485-11517-4).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 270-271
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Keith Wailoo, Drawing blood: technology and disease identitv in twentieth-century America, The Henry E Sigerist Series in the History of Medicine, Baltimore and London, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997, pp. xii, 288, £33.00 (0-8018-5474-1).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 132-133
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Ronald D Cassell, Medical charities, medical politics: the Irish dispensary system and the poor law, 1836–1872, Studies in History, Woodbridge, Boydell Press for the Royal Historical Society, 1997, pp. x, 181, £35.00, $63.00 (0-86193-228-5).
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- 16 August 2012, p. 409
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Mathew Thomson, The problem of mental deficiency: eugenics, democracy, and social policy in Britain c. 1870–1959, Oxford Historical Monographs, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1998, pp. ix, 351, £48.00 (0-19-820692-5).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 527-528
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Larry R Squire (ed.), The history of neuroscience in autobiography, vol. 1, Washington, DC, Society for Neuroscience, 1996, pp. 607, illus., $49.00 (0-916110-51-6).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 271-273
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Elfriede Grabner, Krankheit und Heilen. Eine Kulturgeschichte der VolksmediZin in den Ostalpen, Vienna, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1997, pp. iv, 329, illus., OS 390.00 (3-7001-0730-7).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 273-274
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Thomas Schnalke, Medizin im Brief. Der stddtische Arzt des 18. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel seiner Korrespondenz, Sudhoffs Archiv, Beihefte 37, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 1997, pp. 271, illus., DM/SFr 88.00 (3-515-06725-6).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 528-529
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R W McConchie, Lexicography and physicke: the record of sixteenth-century English medical terminology, Oxford Studies in Lexicography and Lexicology, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1997, pp. xii, 448, £60.00 (0-19-823630-1).
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- 16 August 2012, p. 134
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J Worth Estes, Naval surgeon: life and death at sea in the age of sail, Canton, Mass., Science History Publications/USA, 1998, pp. xii, 266, illus., $39.95 (0-88135-194-6).
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- 16 August 2012, p. 410
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Jeremy Woliock, The noblest animate motion: speech, physiology and medicine in pre-Cartesian linguistic thought, Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, vol. 83, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, John Benjamins B.V., 1997, pp. xlix, 462, illus., Hfl 320.00, $160.00 (90-272-4571 [Europe]; 1-55619-620-2 [USA]).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 410-411
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Christoph Mörgeli (ed.), Europas Medizin im Biedermeier: anhand der Reiseberichte des Zürcher Arztes Conrad Meyer-Hofineister 1827–1831, Basel, Schwabe, 1997, pp. 814, illus., SFr 80.00, DM 96.00 (3-7965-1033-7).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 274-275
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Thomas M Daniel, Frederick C Robbins (eds), Polio, University of Rochester Press, 1997, pp. viii, 202, illus., £20.00, $29.95 (1-878822-90-X). Distributed in UK by Boydell & Brewer Ltd., P.O. Box 9, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3DF. - Kathryn Black, In the shadow of polio: a personal and social history, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1996, pp. ix, 307, illus., $12.00 (0-201-15490-0).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 134-136
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