Book Review
W. D. A. Smith, Under the influence. A history of nitrous oxide and oxygen anaesthesia, London, Macmillan, 1982, 4to, pp. xxix, 188, illus., £12.00.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 93-94
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John Lyon and Phillip R. Sloan, From natural history to the history of nature. Readings from Buffon and his critics, Notre Dame, Ind., and London, University of Notre Dame Press, 1981, 8vo, pp. xiv, 406, illus., [no price stated].
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 220-221
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Iris H. W. Engstrand, Spanish scientists in the New World. The eighteenth-century expeditions, Seattle and London, University of Washington Press, 1981, 8vo, pp. xiv, 220, illus., £17.50.
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- 16 August 2012, p. 325
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Martin V. Melosi (editor), Pollution and reform in American cities, 1870–1930, Austin and London, University of Texas Press, 1980, 8vo, pp. xii, 212, $15.00.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 94-95
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Vincent Brome, Ernest Jones: Freud's alter ego, London, Caliban Books, 1982, 8vo, pp. vii, 250, illus., £12.00.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 449-450
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Nancy M. Frieden, Russian physicians in an era of reform and revolution: 1856–1905, Princeton, N.J., and Guildford, Surrey, Princeton University Press, 1981, 8vo, pp. xvii, 378, illus., £22.80.
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- 16 August 2012, p. 221
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Rudolf Schumacher, Die Musik in der Psychiatrie des 19. Jahrhunderts, (Marburger Schriften zur Medizingeschichte, No. 4), Frankfurt a.M. and Berne, Peter Lang, 1982, 8vo, pp. viii, 191, SFr. 49.00 (paperback).
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- 16 August 2012, p. 450
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John Thorne Crissey and Lawrence Charles Parish, The dermatology and syphilology of the nineteenth century, New York, Praeger, 1981, 8vo, pp. viii, 439, illus., [no price stated].
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 325-326
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Paul Saunders, Edward Jenner. The Cheltenham years 1795–1823. Being a chronicle of the vaccination campaign, Hanover, N.H., and London, University Press of New England, 1982, 8vo, pp. xviii, 469, illus., £19.25.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 222-223
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Vivian Nutton (editor), Galen: problems and prospects. A collection ofpapers submitted at the 1979 Cambridge conference, London, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1982, 8vo, pp. iii, 281, £13.00 (£14.00 overseas).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 95-96
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Dieter Jetter, Wien von den Anfangen bis um 1900 (Geschichte des Hospitals, vol. 5), Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1982, 8vo, pp. viii, 159, illus., DM 64.00 (paperback).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 450-451
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Patricia O'Brien, The promise of punishment. Prisons in nineteenth-century France, Princeton, N.J., and Guildford, Surrey, Princeton University Press, 1982, 8vo, pp. xiii, 330, illus., £21.20.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 326-327
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Claude Alexandre Thomasset (editor), Placides et Timéo ou Li secrés as philosophes, Paris and Geneva, Librairie Droz, 1980, 12mo, pp. cxii, 401, [no price stated], (paperback). - Claude Thomasset, Une vision du monde à la fin du XIIIe siècle. Commentaire du dialogue de Placides et Timéo, Geneva, Librairie Droz, 1982, 8vo, pp. 341, [no price stated], (paperback).
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 96-97
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Francois Duchesneau, La physiologie des lumières. Empiricisme, modèles et théories, The Hague, Boston, and London, Martinus Nijhoff, 1982, 8vo, pp. xxi, 511, Dfl. 1 85.00/$97.00.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 223-224
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James Harvey Young (editor), The early years of federal food and drug control, Madison, Wis., American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, 1982, 8vo, pp. 60, illus., $4.90 (paperback).
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- 16 August 2012, p. 451
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Marie-Helene Marganne, Inventaire analytique des papyrus grecs de médecine, Geneva, Librairie Droz, 1981, 8vo, pp. x, 409, [no price stated], (paperback).
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- 16 August 2012, p. 97
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Gerhard Eis, Medizinische Fachprosa des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1982, 8vo, pp. viii, 351, Dfl. 70.00 (paperback). - Gundolf Keil, Peter Assion, Willem Frans Daems, Heinz-Ulrich Roehl (editors), Fachprosa-Studien, West Berlin, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 1982, 8vo, pp. 734, illus., DM 248.00.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 224-225
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S. T. Anning and W. K. J. Walls, A history of the Leeds School of Medicine. One and a half centuries 1831–1981, Leeds University Press, 1982, 8vo, pp. xiv, 170, illus., £6.50. (Obtainable from Medical School Office, University of Leeds, Leeds 2; or Austicks Medical Bookshop, Great George Street, Leeds 1.)
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 327-328
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Kenneth F. Kiple and Virginia H. King, Another dimension to the black Diaspora. Diet, disease, and racism, Cambridge University Press, 1981, 8vo, pp. xix, 295, £20.00.
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- 16 August 2012, pp. 328-329
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Antoine Thivel, Cnide et Cos? Essai sur les doctrines medicales dans la Collection Hippocratique, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1981, 8vo, pp. 435, [no price stated], (paperback).
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- 16 August 2012, p. 225
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