1. Introduction
A number of research groups have in recent years studied the growth using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) of GaN on SiC Reference Ramachandran, Smith and Feenstra[1] Reference Torres, Edwards, Wilkens, Smith, Doak and Tsong[2] Reference Xue, Xue, Hasegawa, Tsong and Sakurai[3] Reference Lantier, Rizzi, Guggi, Luth, Neubauer, Gerthsen, Frabboni, Coli and Cingolani[4] Reference Brandt, Muralidharan, Waltereit, Thamm, Trampert, von Kiedrowski and Ploog[5] Reference Xie, Zheng, Cheung, Ng, Wu, Tong and Ohtani[6] Reference Lee, Ramachandran, Sagar, Feenstra, Greve, Sarney, Salamanca-Riba, Look, Bai, Choyke and Devaty[7]. Hydrogen etching of the substrates is becoming a standard preparation step for removing polishing damage Reference Ramachandran, Brady, Smith, Feenstra and Greve[8]. Most growth has been performed on singular (no intentional miscut, or on-axis) (0001) Si-face substrates, although a few studies have employed vicinal (miscut, or off-axis) substrates. One report in particular, by Xie et al. Reference Xie, Zheng, Cheung, Ng, Wu, Tong and Ohtani[6], has reported significantly improved film quality on the vicinal substrates, as discussed in more detail below.
In this work we report on results for GaN film growth by plasma-assisted MBE on singular 6H-SiC(0001) substrates and on vicinal substrates with [1

2. Experimental
The 6H polytype of SiC was used for all the studies reported here. The on-axis SiC and the substrates miscut 3.5° towards [1 1

GaN films of thickness near 1 μm were grown at temperatures of 730−800°C using various Ga/N flux ratios Reference Lee, Sagar, Feenstra, Sarney, Salamanca-Riba and Hsu[10]. As discussed previously, as the Ga flux exceeds some critical value the growth morphology as viewed by reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) goes through a rough to smooth transition Reference Smith, Ramachandran, Feenstra, Greve, Ptak, Myers, Sarney, Salamanca-Riba, Shin and Skowronski[11]. We define an effective N flux such that the Ga/N flux ratio is unity at this transition point. (In terms of actual fluxes, this effective flux is given by Ni-Nd*+Gad* where Ni is the total incident N flux, Nd* is the desorbed N flux at the transition point, and Gad* is the desorbed Ga flux at the transition point). Films were characterized using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and x-ray rocking curves, the latter performed in a triple-axis configuration. In most cases the AFM was performed in contact mode, although for the SiC miscut towards [1 1

3. Results & Discussion
3.1 Morphology of H-etched SiC substrates
Our 6H-SiC(0001) substrates are prepared by H-etching, as illustrated in Figure 1. Figures 1(a) and (b) review results for singular substrates Reference Ramachandran, Brady, Smith, Feenstra and Greve[8]: The morphology of as-received substrates [Figure 1(a)] displays many polishing scratches. Following etching, full-unit-cell height (15 Å) steps, arising from an unintentional miscut of the substrate, are seen on the surface [Figure 1(b)]. On a larger scale the surface is found to break into low-angle facets, with neighboring facets having a different <1

Figure 1. AFM images of 6H-SiC(0001) surfaces: (a) on-axis, as-received; (b) on-axis, H-etched; (c) off-axis, 3.5° towards [1 [1

Results for a H-etched substrate miscut by 3.5° towards [1

3.2 GaN films on H-etched SiC
Before discussing results for GaN films grown on vicinal substrates, we first review results for growth on singular material as shown in Figure 2 Reference Lee, Ramachandran, Sagar, Feenstra, Greve, Sarney, Salamanca-Riba, Look, Bai, Choyke and Devaty[7]. For samples grown with Ga/N ratio only slightly greater than unity, the surface is covered with pits [Figure 2(a)]. The pits are formed with facetted sidewalls and flat-topped (0001) oriented ridges, as illustrated by the linecut in Figure 2(a). From AFM linescans the sidewalls are found to have an angle of 30° ± 5° relative to the (0001) surface. From facet-derived features in RHEED patterns this angle is found more precisely to be 33° ± 2°. The facets thus correspond to {10

Figure 2. AFM images of GaN(0001) films grown on H-etched 6H-SiC, with Ga/N flux ratios of (a) 1.05, (b) 1.1, (c) 1.3, and (c) 1.6. The gray scale ranges are 210 nm, 86 nm, 5 nm, and 5 nm for (a)-(d) respectively. The film pictured in (a) was grown at 800°C and the other films were grown at 750°C. In (a), a line cut taken between the arrows is shown in the inset.
As shown in Figure 2, the roughness of films grown with Ga/N flux ratios near unity is significantly greater than for those with higher Ga/N ratios. Rms roughness values are 35, 20, 4, and 3 nm for the images shown in Figs. 2(a)-(d) respectively. However, for these singular substrates, we find that even though the morphology at low Ga/N flux ratio is worse (i.e. rougher) than that at high Ga/N flux ratio, the structural properties of the low-flux-ratio films is much improved. In particular, the FWHM of asymmetric (11

The surface morphology of our GaN films grown on vicinal SiC is pictured in Figure 3. These results can be seen to reflect the morphology of the underlying SiC substrates. The films grown on a substrate miscut towards [1

Figure 3. AFM images of GaN(0001) films grown on H-etched miscut SiC, with Ga/N ratio of 1.5 for both films. Substrates used are: (a) off-axis, 3.5° towards [1

X-ray results for our films are listed in Table 1. We report FWHM of rocking curves acquired in both symmetric (0002) and asymmetric (10

Table 1 X-ray rocking curve FWHM values for GaN films of specified miscut, growth temperature, Ga/N ratio, and thickness. Two values for the FWHM of films on miscut substrates refer to different sample orientations as discussed in the text.

The first two entries in Table 1 list films grown on on-axis SiC with Ga/N ratio near unity. These films have (10

For several of the films grown on miscut substrates listed in Table 1 we measured the x-ray rocking curves for two inequivalent orientations of the vicinal substrates relative to the incident beam. For [1 1

4. Summary
In summary, we have grown GaN films by plasma-assisted MBE on singular 6H-SiC(0001) substrates and on vicinal substrates with [1

This work was supported the Office of Naval Research (grant N00014-96-1-0214, monitored by C. Wood).