1. Introduction
With the realization of gallium nitride diodes and more recently laser diodes Reference Nakamura, Senoh, Nagahama, Iwasa, Yamada, Matsushita, Kiyoku and Sugimoto[1], GaN has attracted much attention and there is now little doubt that GaN will be an important semiconductor in optoelectronic applications. Although all the major semiconductor devices have now been realized, the material is far from being mastered and many challenging problems still remain.
The long-standing problem of GaN growth is the lack of a suitably adapted substrate. (0001) sapphire plane is the most popular and most successful substrate in spite of its huge lattice mismatch with GaN (−13%). Many alternative substrates have been tested Reference Hellman, Brandle, Schneemeyer, Wiesmann, Brener, Siegrist, Berkstresser, Buchanan and Hartford[2]. The success of GaN growth on sapphire comes from the use of a low temperature buffer layer Reference Akasaki, Amano, Koide, Hiramatsu and Sawaki[3], but the exact role of this buffer layer has not yet been determined. It has recently appeared that the nitridation of the sapphire substrate could be as important as the buffer layer itself Reference Yamamoto, Tsjino, Ohkubo and Hashimoto[4] Reference Briot, Alexis, Gil and Aulombard[5] Reference Briot, Alexis, Gil and Aulombard[6].
In this communication, we report Transmission Electron Microscopy on MOCVD grown GaN layers on (0 0 0 1) sapphire. We determine the crystallographic quality of different GaN layers with different surface morphology. We then determine the factor that controls the different growth modes. These results could help in improving further the GaN film structure.
2. Experimental details
Most of the samples we have observed were grown in an AIXTRON 200 MOCVD apparatus Reference Niebuhr[7]. A = (2

Specimens for TEM were prepared using the standard techniques : mechanical polishing and Argon ion milling. TEM observations were realized on a JEOL4000EX electron microscope (Scherzer resolution about 0.17nm) which was used for both High Resolution Electron Microscopy (HREM) and conventional TEM observations. Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction experiments to determine the polarity of the layers were realized on a JEOL3010 electron microscope Reference Rouviere, Arlery, Bourret, Niebuhr and Bachem[8]. On–axis CBED patterns were realized along a <0 1

3. Experimental results
GaN is difficult to grow. One of the first goals of the grower is to obtain an optically flat, mirror–like GaN surface. By observing the surface morphology of the GaN layer, the quality of the growth can be determined. We have characterized the three kinds of GaN films (see figure 1) that growers generally observe according to different growth conditions:
• (a)Rough GaN layers containing hexagonal pyramid and plateaus
• (b)GaN layers having a flat or nearly flat surface
• (c)GaN films having a rough grainy surface.

Figure 1. Optical images (a,b,c) and TEM cross-sections (d,e,f) of the three types of GaN layers grown on c-sapphire substrate. ( a,d) GaN layer with hexagonal pyramids and hexagonal flat top at its surface: the material is mainly N-polar (see figure 2) (b,e) Flat GaN layer. The material have a Ga-polarity. Far from the buffer layer, only dislocations are present. (c,f) Rough grainy surface. This material has a Ga-polarity and contains only dislocations. The surfaces have {0 1

Table I summarizes the conditions under which sample types (a), (b) and (c) can be obtained. The type (a) sample is obtained when no special care is taken concerning the buffer layer (for instance no special annealing of this buffer layer as in table I or a complete absence of this buffer layer).
Table I Preparation conditions and main characteristics of six different samples grown on A and C-sapphire planes that are representative of the three types (a,b or c) of samples

We present and discuss each type of layer in turn.
3.1 GaN layers with hexagonal pyramids and flat tops
Although both flat tops (that is to say plateaus) and pyramids might occur in the same sample, we regard the occurrence of the pyramids as the essential observation that defines this type of film morphology.
We now understand the structure of these pyramids. TEM observations reveal that the pyramids contain both planar and linear (dislocations) defects. Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction experiments have proved that these planar defects are Inversion Domain Boundaries (IDBs) on the {0 1

Figure 2. Polarity of GaN (a) TEM cross-section of a pyramidal step. An Inversion Domain is situated at the apex of the pyramid. (b,c) [0 1

Figure 3. Plan view image (direction of observation : [0 0 0 1] ) of a GaN layer showing the hexagonal shape of the columnar Inversion Domains. The inside of the hexagon is not empty of GaN material; it contains a Ga-polar GaN material. The ID is brighter than the surrounding matrix. because the thinning rates of the two polarities are different.
We have some interesting information on hexagonal flat tops, which can be considered to be truncated pyramids. TEM cross-section and plan view reveal that flat tops do not contain IDBs (see figure 4). CBED experiment has shown that the hexagonal flat tops adjacent to pyramids have a N-polarity.
In summary, pyramids are the signature of the presence of tiny IDs (with a Ga polarity) in a GaN layer which has a N-polar matrix.

Figure 4. TEM cross-section of a GaN layer containing hexagonal flat tops and a few pyramids. An ID with Ga-polarity is situated at the apex of the pyramid. The flat tops which have a N-polarity do not contain IDs.
3.2 Flat GaN films
All of the flat or nearly flat GaN layers (that is to say GaN layers with a few grooves, see figure 6b) that we have observed are unipolar with the Ga-polarity. As CBED calibrations are rather tricky, we have double checked our absolute polarity determination by an ion-channeling technique Reference Daudin, Rouviere and Arlery[9]. Our observations show that the selection of the Ga polarity can be achieved when special care is taken in the growth of the low temperature buffer layer. All the buffer layers contain a high density of defects (about 1012/cm2) (figure 5, figure 6). This high density makes a complete characterization difficult, but most of them look like dislocations joining columnar grains. A few stacking faults (or Inversion Domains ?) on the c-plane and sometimes on the (1

Figure 5. TEM cross-section of a flat GaN layer showing the region near the AlN buffer layer. Domains can be seen. From HREM contrast they look like Inversion Domains that do not propagate in the GaN layer.

Figure 6. Two beam TEM low magnification images of two samples grown in the same experimental conditions (A-sapphire substrate, AlN 800°C buffer layer annealed at 1000°C ) except for the growth temperature of the GaN layer. The layers both have a Ga-polarity. (a) The layer grown at 900°C is very rough and has a tendency to exhibit {0 1

3.3 Rough grainy surface GaN films
Rough grainy films are entirely unipolar, with a Ga-polarity. These layers contain only dislocations that are located at the intersection of the grains. The surface has a tendency to be faceted on the {1 0

Several layers were systematically grown on A = (2

As far as the surface morphology is concerned, there is not much difference between a surface containing only hexagonal flat tops (a case we have not observed but is often reported in literature) and a flat surface presenting occasional hexagonal grooves (case (b), see figure 6b). One can however see a difference in surface coverage: the hexagonal plateaus coalesce to form a flat surface with a few grooves in between. We incline to regard these kinds of samples as Ga-polar samples. On the other hand, hexagonal flat tops associated with pyramids are generally less uniform in height and are generally clearly isolated from each other and we tend to regard these kinds of samples as N-polar samples. However, determining the polarity of the material just by its surface appearance is not yet reliable. More polarity work needs to be done on samples having a hexagonal flat top appearance with no pyramids at all.
Our observations tend to indicate that the N-polar material (case a) is more difficult to grow than the Ga-polar material (case b-c). It is clear that the polarity problem has been greatly overlooked in GaN : selecting the right polarity (the Ga-polarity) is the first step to overcome in GaN growth. Polarity could be also responsible for the different luminescence of different domains of non uniform GaN layers Reference Trager-Cowan, O’Donnell, Hooper and Foxon[11] : IDBs and N-polar materials might contain point defects which could be optically active.
4. Conclusion
We have characterized GaN films grown by MOCVD on (0 0 0 1) and (2

Part of this work has been supported by the EU commission under the Brite-Euram II program (Project BE-7036, BRE2-93-0526). We thank Dr. U. Kaufmann, the coordinator of this European project. We thank Dr A. Bourret and Dr B. Daudin for helpful discussions.