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Rules and Government by Robert Baldwin and Gilbert Geoff Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995, xv + 305 + (bibliography and index) (hardback £35.00).
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2018

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- Book Review
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- Copyright © Society of Legal Scholars 1996
1. R Baldwin Rules arid Government (Clarendon Press, 1995) p 16.
2. Doreen McBarnet and Christopher Whelan ‘The Elusive Spirit of the Law: Formalism and the Struggle for Legal Control’ (1991) 54 Modem Law Review p 872.
3. R Baldwin, op cit, p 42.
4. F Tönnies Community and Society (translated by CP Loomis, East Lansing, Michigan, Michigan State University Press, 1957).
5. R Cotterrell, The Sociology of Law, (Butterworths, 2nd edn, 1992) p 167.
6. R Baldwin, op cit p 17.
7. R Baldwin, op cit p 18, 19.
8. Baldwin refers to the distinction between the ‘controlling’ and the ‘enabling’ function of legal rules on p 157, footnote 24. But he does not further develop this in his discussion of rules. See also Carol Harlow and Richard Rawlings ‘Law and Administration’, chs 1 and 2 (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1984).
9. Doreen McBarnet ‘Whiter than White Collar Crime: Tax, Fraud Insurance and the Management of Stigma’ (1991) 42 The British Journal of Sociology p 324.
10. Doreen McBarnet and Christopher Whelan, op cit, p 872.
11. Renate Mayntz, ‘Die Implementation Politischer Programme: Theoretische Überlegungen zu einem neuem Forschungsgebiet’ p 240, in Renate Mayntz (ed) Die Implementation Politischer Programme, Empirische Forschungsberichte (Verlagsgruppe Athenäum, Hain, Scripter, Hanstein, Königstein, 1980).
12. Paul Sabatier and Daniel Mazmanian ‘The Conditions of Effective Implementation: A Guide to Accomplishing Policy Objectives’ (1979) Policy Analysis p 481.
13. R Baldwin, op cit, p 142.
14. R Cotterrell, op cit, p 54.
15. Eberhard Bohne ‘Informales Verwaltungshandeln im Gesetzesvollzug’ p 42, in Blankenburg und Lenk (eds) ‘Organisation und Recht, Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie’, Bd 7 (Opladen, 1980).
16. R Baldwin, op cit, p 148.
17. R Baldwin, op cit, p 164–167.
18. R Baldwin, op cit, p 48, footnote 104.
19. R Cotterrell, op cit, p 139.
20. C Harlow and R Rawlings, op cit, p 7.
21. RM Unger Law in Modern Society (London: The Free Press, 1976). Baldwin refers to Unger's views on the changing nature of the modern state and its implications for the role of law on p 28 but does not link this to a discussion of a concept of rules and legitimacy claims.
22. See for example R Baldwin, op cit, p 286.
23. R Baldwin, op cit. p 148.
24. R Cotterrell, op cit, p 174.