Dr Graeme Porte, University of Granada, Spain
[email protected]
Founding Editors
Christopher Brumfit
John Higgins
Valerie Kinsella
George Perren
John Trim
Editorial Board
Dr Jason Anderson, Warwick University, UK
Professor Marta Antón, Indiana University, USA
Professor Larissa Aronin, Oranim Academic College of Education, Israel
Helen Basturkmen, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Professor Anne Burns, Aston University, UK and the University of New South Wales, Australia
Professor Jasone Cenoz, University of the Basque Country, Spain
Professor Guy Cook, Kings College London, UK
Professor Fiona Copland, University of Warwick, UK
Professor Angela Creese, University of Stirling, UK
Dr Christiane Dalton-Puffer, University of Vienna, Austria
Professor Martin East, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Professor Tess Fitzpatrick, Swansea University, UK
Professor John Flowerdew, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr Charlotte Franson, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
Dr Sue Garton, Aston University, UK
Dr Alexander Gilmore, University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr Judith Hanks, University of Leeds, UK
Dr Mark Johnson, East Carolina University, USA
Professor Richard M. Johnstone, University of Stirling, UK
Professor Andy Kirkpatrick, Griffith University, Australia
Prof. Dr. Friederike Klippel, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Professor Hanna Komorowska, University of Warsaw, Poland
Professor Maggie Kubanyiova, University of Leeds, UK
Professor David Lasagabaster, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain
Icy Lee, National Institute of Education, Singapore
Dr Jo Lewkowicz, University of Warsaw, Poland
Dr Mimi Li, East Texas A&M University, USA
Professor David Little, University of Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Professor John Macalister, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Dr Ernesto Macaro, University of Oxford, UK
Dr Kevin McManus, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Professor Marianne Nikolov, University of Pécs, Hungary
Ms Jenny Pugsley, The Hornby Trust, UK
Professor Andrea Revesz, University College London, UK
Dr Kazuya Saito, University College London, UK
Professor David Singleton, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Professor Naoko Taguchi, Northern Arizona University, USA
Dr Ema Ushioda, University of Warwick, UK
Professor Rosemary Wildsmith, University of KawZulu-Natal, South Africa
Dr Ursula Wingate, Kings College London, UK
Dr Wen Zhisheng, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macau
Christopher Brumfit Award Winner
Junjie Li, University of Warwick, UK
Editorial Assistant
Lucía Bennett Ortega, University of Granada, Spain