1 Introduction
Many successful investigations around the existence and properties of solutions of polynomial equations over a field rely on enriching the field with a valuation. For example, over the field of
-adic numbers
$\mathbb Q_p$
the valuation ring is an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-definable subset, as first observed in the seminal work of Julia Robinson on Hilbert’s Tenth Problem [Reference Robinson, Addison, Henkin and Tarski20]. Understanding this phenomenon is a classical topic in the model theory of valued fields, and it has striking applications in the investigations around dividing lines for fields, see, e.g., Johnson’s spectacular classification of dp-finite fields in [Reference Johnson12]. For a more thorough survey on definability of valuations, we refer the reader to [Reference Fehm and Jahnke6].
In this manuscript, we will focus on the problem of characterizing which fields admit a non-trivial definable henselian valuation. There are some clear obstructions: for example, if the field is separably closed, then the answer is always no. Once this case is excluded, Jahnke and Koenigsmann isolate in [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann10] necessary and sufficient properties of the canonical henselian valuation
of a field
(see Subsection 2.3) for the existence of a definable non-trivial henselian valuation, under the assumption that
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{Kv_K} = 0$
Theorem 1.1 [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann10, Corollary 6.1].
be a henselian field that is not separably closed, with
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{Kv_K} = 0$
. Then
admits a definable non-trivial henselian valuation if and only if at least one of the following conditions holds:
$Kv_K$ is separably closed,
$Kv_K$ is not t-henselian,
(3) there is
$L \succeq Kv_K$ such that
$v_LL$ is not divisible,
$v_KK$ is not divisible.
This characterization (and its extension, which we will state in a moment) falls into the general philosophy of Ax-Kochen/Ershov principles. Typically, (model-theoretic) questions about a valued field
are answered using its residue field
and its value group
. In this case, since the question is about a field
with no specified valuation, one ought to isolate a canonical one among all its henselian valuations; this is usually denoted by
. Answers to model-theoretic questions about
, then, should be given in terms of properties of
1.1 Our result
We extend the result of Jahnke and Koenigsmann by removing the assumption on the residue characteristic.
Main theorem. Let
be perfect, not separably closed, and henselian. If
${\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = 0}$
${\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{Kv_K} = p> 0}$
, assume that
$\mathcal {O}_{v_K}/p$
is semi-perfect. Then
admits a definable non-trivial henselian valuation if and only if at least one of the following conditions hold:
$Kv_K$ is separably closed,
$Kv_K$ is not t-henselian,
(3) there is
$L \succeq Kv_K$ such that
$v_LL$ is not divisible,
$v_KK$ is not divisible,
$(K,v_K)$ is not defectless,
(6) there is
$L \succeq Kv_K$ such that
$(L,v_L)$ is not defectless.
Remark 1.2. Note that in conditions 3 and 6, one automatically has that
is non-trivial (since the trivial valuation has divisible value group, and is defectless). Moreover, conditions 5 and 6 are trivial when
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{Kv_K} = 0$
(for condition 6, see Corollary 2.3), and thus in that case the theorem reduces to Theorem 1.1.
The paper is structured as follows:
• Section 2 sets the stage, by fixing the notation and a few elementary facts.
• Section 3 explores the two roles played by divisibility of the value group: on the one hand, in Proposition 3.6, failure of divisibility in an elementary extension of
$Kv_K$ is exploited to (
$\varnothing $ -)define a valuation; on the other, in Theorem 3.5, divisibility is the keystone to finding obstructions to the existence of definable valuations.
• Section 4 deploys the technology of independent defect to build definable henselian valuations from certain kinds of Galois defect extensions.
• Section 5 puts everything together, providing the full characterization as advertised.
• Section 6 provides a few explicit examples of fields that fit into the main result, and discusses a few open questions.
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Notation
Given a valued field
, we denote by
$\mathcal {O}_v$
$\mathcal {O}_{(K,v)}$
its valuation ring with maximal ideal
$\mathfrak m_v$
its residue field and
its value group. We will write
${vK}_{\infty }$
$vK \cup \{\infty \}$
, and denote by
$\operatorname {res}_v\colon \mathcal {O}_v \to Kv$
the residue map. Given a field
, we denote its separable closure by
$K^{\mathrm {sep}}$
. A field will be called henselian if it admits a non-trivial henselian valuation. A ring of characteristic
is called semi-perfect if
$x \mapsto x^p$
is surjective (but not necessarily injective). If
$K \subseteq L$
is a Galois extension, we will write
${\operatorname {Gal}(L | K)}$
for the corresponding Galois group. We will mostly work with the two languages
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}} = \{+,\;\cdot \;,0,1\}$
, and
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}} = \mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}} \cup \{\mathcal {O}\}$
, where
$\mathcal {O}$
is a unary predicate. If
is a first-order structure,
is an index set and
$\mathcal U$
is an ultrafilter on
, then we denote by
$M^{\mathcal U}$
the corresponding ultrapower. Unless otherwise stated, definable will mean definable with parameters. Otherwise, we say
$\varnothing $
2.2 Coarsenings and compositions
We briefly recall some facts about coarsenings and refinements of valuations, which are explained in greater depth in [Reference Engler and Prestel4, Section 2.3]. For two valuations
, we say that
is finer than
or is a refinement of
is coarser than
or is a coarsening of
), if
$\mathcal {O}_v \subseteq \mathcal {O}_w$
. We identify
if they have the same valuation ring, and use
$\mathcal {O}_v$
interchangeably. We say
are comparable if
is a coarsening of
, or
is a coarsening of
. Coarsenings of a fixed valuation ring
$\mathcal {O}_v$
are linearly ordered by inclusion and in one-to-one correspondence with convex subgroups of
. We denote by
the coarsening of
associated with a convex subgroup
Given a valuation
and a coarsening
corresponding to the convex subgroup
$H\subseteq vK$
, we denote the induced valuation
$\bar {v}\colon (Kw)^{\times } \to H$
$\bar {v}$
, with value group
and residue field
. Given a valuation
and a valuation
on its residue field
, we define the composition
$v=u\circ w$
to be the valuation with valuation ring
${\mathcal {O}}_v=\operatorname {\mathrm {res}}_{w}^{-1}({\mathcal {O}}_u)$
. The valuation
has residue field
and value group
, a convex subgroup of
$vK/u(Kw)\cong wK$
We can write the valuations as places and obtain the diagram:

2.3 The canonical henselian valuation
What follows is classical and can be found in greater detail in [Reference Engler and Prestel4, Section 4.4]. For any field
, one can arrange henselian valuation rings on
according to whether their residue field is separably closed or not. Namely, one can define


As above, we identify
$\mathcal {O}_v$
, so we will often write
$v \in H_1(K)$
to mean
$\mathcal {O}_v \in H_1(K)$
The set
is linearly ordered by coarsening, with
as maximum. If
${H_2(K) = \varnothing }$
, then there is a finest valuation in
, which we denote by
. Otherwise, we let
be the coarsest valuation in
. We call
the canonical henselian valuation on

Every henselian valuation on
is comparable to
. Moreover,
is non-trivial if and only if
is henselian and not separably closed. By definition,
${Kv_K\neq (Kv_K)^{\mathrm {sep}}}$
if and only if
$v_K\in H_1(K)$
if and only if
$H_2(K)=\varnothing $
, and if these equivalent conditions hold, then all henselian valuation rings on
are linearly ordered and coarser than
$\mathcal {O}_{v_K}$
Remark 2.1. Let
be a henselian valued field with
$v \in H_1(K)$
. Then,
${v_K=v_{Kv}\circ v}$
. Indeed, there is a correspondence between the set
of henselian refinements of
and henselian valuations on
. It is given by sending any refinement
to the induced valuation
$\overline {u}$
, as in the following diagram (where valuations are written as places):

Since the correspondence preserves residue fields,
$H \cap H_1(K)$
is mapped to
, and similarly for
$H \cap H_2(K)$

The correspondence preserves the coarsening relation. In particular, it follows that
is mapped to
$v_K=v_{Kv}\circ v$
This correspondence immediately allows us to prove that condition 6 of our Main Theorem trivializes in equicharacteristic zero.
Lemma 2.2. If
is henselian, then it is separably closed.
Proof. Suppose
admits a non-trivial henselian valuation
. Via 2.1 this gives rise to a proper refinement of
. Hence
is non-empty, so
is separably closed.
Corollary 2.3. Let
$L\succeq Kv_K$
. Then
cannot have mixed characteristic.
Proof. Suppose there is
$L\succeq Kv_K$
such that
has mixed characteristic. Restricting
down to
yields a henselian valuation (because
is relatively algebraically closed in
) of mixed characteristic on
, which in particular must be non-trivial. By Lemma 2.2,
must be separably closed. It follows that
is also separably closed, but this implies that
is trivial.
2.4 Defect and tame fields
$(K,v) \subseteq (L,w)$
be a finite extension of a henselian valued field (note that
is uniquely determined). Let
be the characteristic exponent of
, namely
$p = 1$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}(Kv) = 0$
, and
$p = \operatorname {\mathrm {char}}(Kv)$
otherwise. Then one has, by [Reference Engler and Prestel4, Theorem 3.3.3],

for some
$d = p^\nu \in \mathbb {N}$
. We say that the extension is defectless if
(or equivalently
$\nu = 0$
), otherwise we say that the extension has defect (or that it is a defect extension). The valued field
is called defectless if all of its finite extensions are defectless. We refer to [Reference Kuhlmann15] for the details on the various equivalent definitions of “tame”.
Definition 2.4. Let
be a henselian valued field and let
be the characteristic exponent of the residue field. Then
is called tame if it is algebraically maximal,
-divisible, and
is perfect. Equivalently,
is tame if it is defectless,
-divisible, and
is perfect.
In the case of valued fields where
$p = 1$
(i.e., valued fields of equicharacteristic zero), tame is equivalent to henselian.
Remark 2.5 (See [Reference Kuhlmann15, Section 7]).
The class of tame valued fields is an elementary class in the language
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
2.5 t-Henselianity and saturation
A field
is said to be t-henselian if it is elementarily equivalent, in
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
, to a field
admitting a non-trivial henselian valuation. However, a field
can be t-henselian without being henselian. The next fact is well-known, and its proof follows from [Reference Prestel and Ziegler19, Lemma 3.3] and [Reference Prestel18, p. 203].
Fact 2.6. Let
be t-henselian and
$\aleph _1$
-saturated. Then
admits a non-trivial henselian valuation. In particular, if
is t-henselian and
$K \preceq L$
is an
$\aleph _1$
-saturated elementary extension, then
admits a non-trivial henselian valuation.
2.6 Definability in Jahnke–Koenigsmann
For use in later sections, we also summarize two of the main theorems of [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann10], which will prove to be fundamental tools in our work. In particular, we highlight how the second part of the upcoming statement allows us to often assume that the value group we are working with is divisible.
Definition 2.7. Let
be a prime. An ordered abelian group
$\Gamma $
is p-antiregular if:
(1) no non-trivial quotient of
$\Gamma $ is
$p$ -divisible,
$\Gamma $ has no rank
$1$ quotient.
Theorem 2.8 [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann10, Theorems A and B].
be a henselian field which is not separably closed. Assume that
satisfies at least one of the following:
$Kv_K$ is separably closed,
$Kv_K$ is not t-henselian,
(3) there is a prime
$p$ such that
$v_KK$ is not
$p$ -divisible and not
$p$ -antiregular,
admits an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation. In general, if
is not divisible, then
admits a definable (possibly with parameters) non-trivial henselian valuation.
3 Divisibility
3.1 Divisibility as an obstruction
Using classical results on elimination of quantifiers for henselian valued fields of residue characteristic zero, we know that the induced structure of the value group is that of an ordered abelian group. The proof of Theorem 1.1 crucially relies on this to obstruct the existence of definable valuations. We use the work of Jahnke and Simon in [Reference Jahnke and Simon11] to generalize this argument.
Definition 3.1. Let
$\mathcal {L}_{{K,\Gamma ,k}}$
be a three-sorted language with sorts
(with language
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
$\Gamma $
(with language
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {oag}} \cup \{\infty \}$
), and
(with language
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
), and functions
$v\colon K \to \Gamma $
$\operatorname {res}\colon K \to k$
. Any valued field
can be interpreted as an
$\mathcal {L}_{{K,\Gamma ,k}}$
-structure in the natural way.
Fact 3.2 [Reference Jahnke and Simon11, Lemma 3.1].
be a tame field of positive residue characteristic. Then the value group
is purely stably embedded as an ordered abelian group, i.e., for every
$D \subseteq vK^n$
which is
$\mathcal {L}_{{K,\Gamma ,k}}$
-definable (possibly with parameters), there is
$\psi \in \mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {oag}}(vK)$
which defines
The following lemma constitutes the core of the arguments of Jahnke and Koenigsmann, and will be used repeatedly throughout our proofs as well. It relies on a classical fact about divisible ordered abelian groups, which follows from quantifier elimination.
Fact 3.3. Let
$\Gamma $
be a divisible ordered abelian group. Then
$\Gamma $
has no proper,
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {oag}}$
-definable (even with parameters) non-trivial convex subgroup.
Lemma 3.4. Suppose
is a tame valued field of positive residue characteristic, with
divisible. If
is a proper non-trivial coarsening of
, then
cannot be
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
-definable. In particular, it cannot be
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
Proof. Suppose
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
-definable (possibly with parameters); then the corresponding proper non-trivial convex subgroup

$\mathcal {L}_{{K,\Gamma ,k}}$
-definable (possibly with parameters) as a subset of
. By Fact 3.2,
$\Delta $
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {oag}}(vK)$
-definable. This is a contradiction, as divisible ordered abelian groups have no definable proper non-trivial convex subgroups.
The proof of the following theorem is then adapted directly from [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann10, Corollary 6.1].
Theorem 3.5. Let
be such that
is perfect of positive characteristic. Assume that
admits a definable non-trivial henselian valuation. Then, at least one of the following holds:
$Kv_K$ is separably closed,
$Kv_K$ is not t-henselian,
(3) there is
$L \succeq Kv_K$ such that
$v_LL$ is not divisible,
$v_KK$ is not divisible,
$(K,v_K)$ is not defectless,
(6) there is
$L \succeq Kv_K$ such that
$(L,v_L)$ is not defectless.
Proof. We assume

and want to show that
then cannot admit a non-trivial definable henselian valuation. Note that
$\neg 1$
means that
$H_2(K) = \varnothing $
. Thus, all henselian valuations on
are linearly ordered and coarser than
Now, let
${(M,v) \succeq (K,v_K)}$
be an
$\aleph _1$
-saturated extension in
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
. Then,
${Mv \succeq Kv_K}$
is an
$\aleph _1$
-saturated elementary extension of a t-henselian field (by
$\neg 2$
), hence it is henselian by Fact 2.6. Since
${L := Mv\equiv Kv_K}$
is henselian and not separably closed (by
$\neg 1$
is non-trivial and in fact, by Remark 2.1, we have the following diagram (where the arrows are intended as places):

from which we can deduce that
$v_M = v_{L} \circ v$
is a proper refinement of
. Now, since
is divisible (because of
$\neg 3$
), so is
. Indeed,

and we know
to be divisible, as
is (because of
$\neg 4$
Now, by assumption
is a perfect field of positive characteristic and thus so is
$L=Mv\succeq Kv_K$
. It follows that also the residue field
of the valuation
is perfect. By assumptions
$\neg 5$
$\neg 6$
are defectless. Thus
is defectless (as the composition of defectless valuations is defectless, see [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke2, Lemma 2.9]), and
is a tame valued field.
Assume now that there is a non-trivial definable henselian valuation
, with valuation ring defined by the
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(K)$
$\psi (x)$
. Because of
$\neg 1$
is a (not necessarily proper) coarsening of
. Now, via the elementary embedding,
$\psi (x)$
defines a valuation
, which is a coarsening of
and hence a proper coarsening of
. This is a contradiction to Lemma 3.4.
3.2 Failure of divisibility as a source of definability
We now seek to extend the arguments given in [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann10, Proposition 5.5] of the case when
is itself divisible, but there is an elementary extension
which is henselian with non-divisible value group
Proposition 3.6. Let
be a henselian field, and let
be its canonical henselian valuation. If:
(1) there is
$L\equiv Kv_K$ such that
$v_L L$ is non-divisible, and
$v_K K$ is divisible,
admits an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
Proof. Let
$L\equiv Kv_K$
be such that
$v_L L$
is non-divisible. First, we notice that
is not separably closed, and hence by Lemma 2.2 it does not admit any non-trivial henselian valuation. Indeed, if
were separably closed,
would also be separably closed, but separably closed valued fields always have divisible value group, and
is not divisible by assumption.
We now claim that
$v_L \in H_1(L)$
. Assume for a contradiction that it is not. Then by Theorem 2.8, there is an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation on
. Thus there is also an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation
by elementary equivalence, contradicting the considerations in the previous paragraph.
By the Keisler–Shelah isomorphism theorem [Reference Marker17, Theorem 2.5.36], there are an index set
and an ultrafilter
$\mathcal U$
such that
$L^{\mathcal U} \cong (Kv_K)^{\mathcal U}$
. Take the ultrapower
$(L^{\mathcal U}, v_L^{\mathcal U}) := (L,v_L)^{\mathcal U}$
as an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
-structure. Then,
$v_L^{\mathcal U}L^{\mathcal U} \equiv v_LL$
is not divisible. Since
$v_L \in H_1(L)$
, then
$v_L^{\mathcal U} \in H_1(L^{\mathcal U})$
and thus
$v_L^{\mathcal U}$
coarsens the canonical henselian valuation
$v_{L^{\mathcal U}}$
$L^{\mathcal U}$
. In particular, also
$v_{L^{\mathcal U}}L^{\mathcal U}$
cannot be divisible, say not
-divisible for some prime
. Moreover, if we let
$(K^{\mathcal U}, v_K^{\mathcal U}) := (K,v_K)^{\mathcal U}$
as an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
-structure, then
$K^{\mathcal U}v_K^{\mathcal U} = L^{\mathcal U}$
$v_K^{\mathcal U}K^{\mathcal U} \equiv v_KK$
is divisible. Now:
$K^{\mathcal U}$ is henselian and
$v_{K^{\mathcal U}} = v_{L^{\mathcal U}}\circ v_K^{\mathcal U} $ (Remark 2.1),
$v_{L^{\mathcal U}}L^{\mathcal U} \subseteq v_{K^{\mathcal U}}K^{\mathcal U}$ is a convex subgroup and thus also
$v_{K^{\mathcal U}}K^{\mathcal U}$ is not
$q$ -divisible, and
$v_{K^{\mathcal U}}K^{\mathcal U}/v_{L^{\mathcal U}}L^{\mathcal U} \cong v_K^{\mathcal U} K^{\mathcal U}$ is divisible, hence
$v_{K^{\mathcal U}}K^{\mathcal U}$ is not
$q$ -antiregular.
We can then apply Theorem 2.8 to
$(K^{\mathcal U}, v_{K^{\mathcal U}})$
(note the different valuation!) and find an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation on
$K^{\mathcal U}$
. Since
${K \preceq K^{\mathcal U}}$
, the same
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-formula defines a non-trivial henselian valuation ring on
4 Defect
Defect—i.e., the quantity
in equation (⋆)—measures how much of the finite extension of a henselian valued field
is not induced by extensions of its value group
and residue field
. Originally introduced by Ostrowski (see [Reference Roquette21] for a thorough summary of his work), it was then extensively studied by Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann in his thesis [Reference Kuhlmann14] and his subsequent work. While in classical number theoretic situations, defect is trivial, it is a crucial invariant in the model theory of valued fields, in a certain sense limiting the Ax-Kochen/Ershov philosophy. In residue characteristic zero, every extension is defectless; this is why, for example, the classical Ax-Kochen/Ershov theorem can be proven for all henselian equicharacteristic zero valued fields.
Valued fields of positive residue characteristic showcase wildly different behaviour. In particular, the fundamental equality can fail, i.e., there might be an extension with
$d> 1$
. This is usually a serious obstruction to most efforts in understanding complete theories of valued fields. Throughout this section, however, we will deploy such extensions to define henselian valuations.
4.1 A toy situation
Suppose that
$v \in H_1(K)$
and there exists an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-definable subset

is a proper convex subgroup of

We will prove that whenever
is as above, then there is a definable coarsening of
which corresponds to
, see Section 2.2. This is a simplified version of the situation that will show up later when working with independent defect extensions. All the main ideas are already contained in this proof, with the advantage that we can avoid the technical subtleties of working modulo an interpretation of a finite field extension, which make the proof of Theorem 4.11 cumbersome.
Remark 4.1. We will repeatedly use Beth’s definability theorem [Reference Hodges7, Theorem 5.5.4]. In our case, this means that in order to show that a certain subset
$D \subseteq K^n$
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(\overline {c})$
-definable on
, where
$\overline {c}$
are some candidate parameters, it is enough to work in the augmented language
${\mathcal {L} = \mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(\overline {c}) \cup \{P(X_1, \dots ,X_n)\}}$
, and show that whenever we take two structures
${(L,\overline {c}^{\prime },D_1), (L,\overline {c}^{\prime },D_2) \equiv _{\mathcal {L}} (K,\overline {c},D)}$
, we have
$D_1 = D_2$
. In particular, in the proof of Lemma 4.2, we will consider valuation rings and thus unary predicates.
Lemma 4.2. Let
be a valued field such that
$v \in H_1(K)$
. Let
$D \subseteq K$
be an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-definable subset such that, for some proper convex subgroup
$H \subseteq vK$
(possibly equal to the trivial subgroup),

be the coarsening of
corresponding to
and denote by
$\mathcal {O}_H$
its valuation ring. Then
is definable.
Proof. We will use Beth’s definability theorem as explained in Remark 4.1. We work in
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
: let
$\mathcal {O}_1, \mathcal {O}_2 \subseteq L$
be such that
${(L,\mathcal {O}_1), (L,\mathcal {O}_2) \equiv (K,\mathcal {O}_H)}$
. In particular, both
$\mathcal {O}_1$
$\mathcal {O}_2$
are henselian valuation rings on
, corresponding to valuations
. We want to show that
$\mathcal {O}_1 = \mathcal {O}_2$
. Note that, since
$v_H \in H_1(K)$
, the same holds for
, and thus
$\mathcal {O}_1$
$\mathcal {O}_2$
are comparable. Without loss of generality, assume
$\mathcal {O}_1 \subseteq \mathcal {O}_2$
. This implies that
$\mathcal {O}_1^\times \subseteq \mathcal {O}_2^\times $
. We note that, if
$D = \psi (K)$
for some
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
$\psi $
(possibly with parameters), then

The same
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
-sentence is then true in both
$(L,\mathcal {O}_1)$
$(L,\mathcal {O}_2)$
Now, towards proving
$\mathcal {O}_1 = \mathcal {O}_2$
, assume for a contradiction that there is
$x \in \mathcal {O}_2$
$x \notin \mathcal {O}_1$
: then, there exist
$u \in \mathcal {O}_1^\times \subseteq \mathcal {O}_2^\times $
$d \in \psi (L)$
such that
$x = u\frac {1}{d}$
. In particular, then, by the
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
-sentence above,
$x \notin \mathcal {O}_2$
, a contradiction. It follows that
$\mathcal {O}_1 = \mathcal {O}_2$
We can apply Beth’s definability theorem and get that
$\mathcal {O}_H = \varphi (K)$
for some
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
$\varphi (x)$
Remark 4.3. Beth’s definability theorem grants some control over parameters; namely, if
$\varnothing $
-definable to begin with, then so is
$\mathcal {O}_H$
. Moreover, the same argument works if we replace
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
with some expansion
$\mathcal {L}$
; we then get that
$\mathcal {L}$
4.2 Independent defect
Independent defect will be the central tool of our definability proof; the set
$\Sigma _L$
which will be defined in a moment, while not
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-definable per se, will contain enough information to
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-define a henselian valuation ring modulo the interpretation of a finite field extension.
Note that every equicharacteristic
valued field is defectless, so for the rest of this section we assume that our valued fields have residue characteristic
Definition 4.4 [Reference Kuhlmann and Rzepka16, Introduction].
$(K,v) \subseteq (L,v)$
be a Galois extension of degree
with defect. For any
$\sigma \in {\operatorname {Gal}(L | K)} \setminus \{\mathrm {id}\}$
, we let

Fact 4.5 [Reference Kuhlmann and Rzepka16, Theorems 3.4 and 3.5].
$\Sigma _\sigma $
does not depend on the choice of
$\sigma $
, and is a final segment of
${vK}_{\infty }$
. We denote it by
$\Sigma _L$
Definition 4.6 [Reference Kuhlmann and Rzepka16, Introduction].
The extension
$(K,v) \subseteq (L,v)$
has independent defect if there is a (possibly trivial) proper convex subgroup
$H \subseteq vK$
such that
does not have a minimum positive element, and further

We say that the extension has dependent defect otherwise.
Definition 4.7 [Reference Kuhlmann and Rzepka16, Introduction].
be a henselian valued field of positive residue characteristic
. If
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}(K)=0$
, then let
$\zeta _p$
is a primitive
th root of unity. Otherwise let
. We denote the unique extension of
also by
. We say that
is an independent defect field if all Galois defect extensions of
of degree
have independent defect.
We now prove a result on composition of independent defect valuations with defectless valuations, which will be quite useful later.
Lemma 4.8. Let
be a henselian valued field with
$v=\bar {v}\circ w$
, such that
is defectless and
$(Kw,\bar {v})$
is a perfect independent defect field. Then
is an independent defect field.
Proof. Assume that
$v = \bar {v} \circ w$
, with
defectless and
$(Kw, \bar {v})$
a perfect independent defect field. If
has mixed characteristic
we assume without loss of generality that
contains a primitive
th root of unity.

be a Galois defect extension of degree
. In particular, this extension is immediate, i.e.,
. We want to show that
$(L,v)\supseteq (K,v)$
has independent defect.
We first argue that
$(Kw,\bar {v}) \subseteq (Lw,\bar {v})$
is a defect extension. We prove that it is immediate of degree
. As
is defectless, we have the fundamental equality

We argue that we must have
$[Lw:Kw] = p$
$wL = wK$
. Suppose not, i.e., that
: then
$\bar {v}(Lw)=\bar {v}(Kw)$
, and thus

$wL = wK$
, we get

and thus
$\bar {v}(Lw)=\bar {v}(Kw)$
. Moreover,
$(Lw)\bar {v}=Lv=Kv=(Kw)\bar {v}$
. This shows that
$ (Kw,\bar {v}) \subseteq (Lw,\bar {v}) $
is an immediate extension of degree
, in particular a defect extension. Note that as
is perfect, the extension is separable; moreover, since
$K \subseteq L$
is normal, the same holds for
$Kw \subseteq Lw$
(for example, by [Reference Engler and Prestel4, Proposition 3.2.16]), and thus the latter is Galois. Since
$(Kw,\bar {v})$
is an independent defect field, the extension
$ (Kw,\bar {v}) \subseteq (Lw,\bar {v}) $
has independent defect. By definition, there is a convex subgroup
$\bar {v}(Kw)$
such that
has no minimum positive element, and further

$\tau \in {\operatorname {Gal}({Lw} | {Kw})}$
is a generator, i.e.,
${\langle \tau \rangle ={\operatorname {Gal}({Lw} | {Kw})}}$
. Since
$\bar {v}(Kw)\subseteq vK$
is a convex subgroup,
is also a convex subgroup of the bigger group
. Then, the embedding
$\bar {v}(Kw) \subseteq vK$
gives rise to an embedding
as convex subgroup, thus
also has no minimum positive element. We will now show that

$\sigma \in {\operatorname {Gal}({L} | {K})}$
is such that
$\langle \sigma \rangle ={\operatorname {Gal}({L} | {K})}$
. This will prove that the defect in the extension
$(L,v)\supseteq (K,v)$
is independent.
$\Sigma _L$
is a final segment in
${vK}_{\infty }$
(by Fact 4.5), it is enough to show that
$\Sigma _{L}\cap {\bar {v}(Kw)}_{\infty } = \Sigma _{Lw}$
Note that since
is henselian,
$\mathcal {O}_{(L,w)}$
is fixed setwise by the action of
${\operatorname {Gal}({L} | {K})}$
. Thus by [Reference Engler and Prestel4, Proposition 3.2.16(3)],
$\phi $
induces an automorphism
$\bar {\phi }\in {\operatorname {Gal}({Lw} | {Kw})}$
given by

We argue that the map

is a surjective group homomorphism (cf. the proof of [Reference Engler and Prestel4, Lemma 5.2.6]): indeed, we write
$Lw = Kw(\operatorname {\mathrm {res}}_w(a))$
, and we take any
$\rho \in {\operatorname {Gal}({Lw} | {Kw})}$
. We let
$a_1, \dots , a_p$
be the
${\operatorname {Gal}({L} | {K})}$
-conjugates of
For some
$i \leq p$
${\operatorname {\mathrm {res}}_w(a_i) = \rho (\operatorname {\mathrm {res}}_w(a))}$
, so there is
$\sigma \in {\operatorname {Gal}({L} | {K})}$
such that

$\bar {\sigma }$
$\rho $
coincide on
Now, since
$(\phi \mapsto \bar {\phi })$
is surjective between finite groups with the same order, it is an isomorphism. It follows that it maps generators of
${\operatorname {Gal}({L} | {K})}$
to generators of
${\operatorname {Gal}({Lw} | {Kw})}$
We can now compare the sets
$\Sigma _L$
$\Sigma _{Lw}$
Step 1:
$\Sigma _{Lw}\subseteq \Sigma _{L}\cap {\bar {v}(Kw)}_{\infty }$
$\sigma \in {\operatorname {Gal}({L} | {K})}$
such that
$\langle \sigma \rangle ={\operatorname {Gal}({L} | {K})}$
. Then, since the set
$\Sigma _{Lw}$
does not depend on the choice of the generator, we can write

$\bar {v}(\operatorname {\mathrm {res}}_w(x))=v(x)$
$x\in L$
such that
$v(x)\in \bar {v}(Kw)$
Step 2:
$\Sigma _{Lw} \supseteq \Sigma _L \cap {\bar {v}(Kw)}_{\infty }$
$v\Big (\frac {f-\sigma (f)}{f}\Big )\in \Sigma _L\cap \bar {v}(Kw)$
, i.e.,
$f \in L^\times $
, then because
, there is
$g\in K^\times $
and so for
we have


Question 4.9. Let
be a henselian valued field with
$v=\bar {v}\circ w$
, such that both
$(Kw,\bar {v})$
are independent defect fields. Must then
be an independent defect field?
4.3 Defining valuations from independent defect
We now have all the tools needed to build a definable henselian valuation out of an (independent) defect extension. This subsection is structured in several steps:
• Theorem 4.11 contains the core of the argument, showing how to deploy an independent defect extension (and its associated convex subgroup) to build a definable valuation.
• Corollary 4.14 shows how to go from our assumptions in the Main Theorem to the situation where the right defect extension actually appears.
• Corollaries 4.16 and 4.17 then specialize to the mixed characteristic situation, where some extra care is needed.
Finally, in Section 4.4, we will deal with a scenario that mirrors the one of Proposition 3.6, namely with the situation where
is defectless, but some elementary extension
is henselian and
admits defect.
The following theorem should be thought of as a more elevated version of Lemma 4.2, where the
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-definable set
now appears as a subset of the cartesian product
, which we identify along an interpretation with a degree
Galois defect extension. For details on interpretations of finite field extensions, see, for example, [Reference Chatzidakis3, Section 3.5].
We will often use [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann9, Theorem 3.10] to reduce to the case where our valuation of interest is in
. We briefly explain how this is done in the following remark.
Remark 4.10. Suppose that
is not separably closed, and let
$v \in H_2(K)$
. Then, [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann9, Theorem 3.10] produces a non-trivial
$\varnothing $
-definable henselian valuation
. A closer look at the proof of [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann9, Theorem 3.10] allows us to argue that
is a coarsening of
. If
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}(K) = p> 0$
, or
contains a primitive
th root of unity, then by construction
is a (possibly non-proper) coarsening of
, and thus in particular of
. Otherwise, one moves to
$L = K(\zeta _p)$
for some primitive
th root of unity
$\zeta _p$
. On
, one finds a coarsening
which is
$\varnothing $
-definable and non-trivial. Its restriction
is then a definable coarsening of
([Reference Engler and Prestel4, Theorem 4.4.3]—with the caveat that
$H_1(K) \cup \{\mathcal {O}_{v_K}\}$
Theorem 4.11. Let
be a henselian valued field with
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{Kv} = p> 0$
such that
admits a Galois extension of degree
with independent defect. If
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}(K)=0$
, we additionally assume that
$\zeta _p\in K$
, where
$\zeta _p$
is a primitive
-th root of unity. Then
admits a non-trivial definable henselian valuation, coarsening
Proof. Note that we can assume that
$v \in H_1(K)$
, by Remark 4.10. Let
$K \subseteq L$
be the degree
Galois extension with independent defect and take
$\theta $
such that
$L=K(\theta )$
. Let
$\sigma $
be a generator of the (cyclic) Galois group
${\operatorname {Gal}({L} | {K})}$
, and let

As the extension has independent defect, there is a (possibly trivial) convex subgroup
$H \subsetneq vK$
such that

Recall that
$L=K(\theta )$
can be interpreted in
via the
-linear isomorphism

Note that the coefficients of the minimal polynomial of the generator
$\theta $
are needed as parameters to describe the multiplication. Now, the action of
$\sigma $
is definable in
(via the interpretation) using the coefficients of the change of basis matrix. If
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}(K)=p$
then the matrix has integer coefficients, so no additional parameter is needed. If
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}(K) = 0$
, then we need to use
$\zeta _p$
. We will denote the parameter tuple needed to define
$\overline {c}$
(i.e., the coefficients of the minimal polynomial of the generator
$\theta $
, and
$\zeta _p$
if necessary).
$f^{-1}(D) \subseteq K^p$
is definable in
, using
$\overline {c}$
as parameters; choose an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(\overline {c})$
$\psi (\overline {X},\overline {c})$
so that
$f^{-1}(D) = \psi (K^p,\overline {c})$
. Denote by
$\mathcal {O}_H \subseteq L$
the coarsening of (the unique extension of)
corresponding to
. We can see
$\mathcal {O}_H$
as a subset
$f^{-1}(\mathcal {O}_H)$
$f^{-1}(\mathcal {O}_H) \subseteq K^p$
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(\overline {c})$
We will use Beth’s definability theorem. We work in , where
$P(\overline {X})$
is a
-ary predicate. Under the bijection
that establishes the interpretation, the predicate will represent the valuation subring
$\mathcal {O}_H$
$K(\theta )$
. We now let
$(M,\overline {c}^{\prime },P_1),(M,\overline {c}^{\prime },P_2) \equiv _{\mathcal {L}} (K,\overline {c},f^{-1}(\mathcal {O}_H))$
. Note that the interpretation given by
gives rise to an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
and a map
which is establishing an interpretation of
Furthermore, because
$(M,\overline {c}^{\prime },P_1)$
$(M,\overline {c}^{\prime },P_2)$
are elementarily equivalent, we have that:
$M\subseteq N$ are fields, and the polynomial with coefficients from
$\overline {c}'$ is of degree
$p$ and irreducible over
$M$ ; thus, the field extension
$M\subseteq N$ is algebraic of degree
$p$ ;
$\mathcal {O}_1 = f^{\prime }(P_1)$ and
$\mathcal {O}_2 = f'(P_2)$ are non-trivial henselian valuation rings on
$N$ ; we denote the corresponding valuations by
$v_1$ and
$v_2$ , respectively;
• there is
$\ell \geq 2$ such that there is a separable polynomial of degree
$\ell $ over
$Lv_H$ with no root in
$Lv_H$ ; thus, there are separable polynomials of degree
$\ell $ over
$Nv_1$ and
$Nv_2$ with no root, and thus
$v_1, v_2 \in H_1(N)$ ,
• for
$i =1,2$ ,
$x \notin \mathcal {O}_i$ if and only if there are
$u \in \mathcal {O}_i^\times $ and
$y \in \psi (M^p,\overline {c}')$ such that
$x = u \frac {1}{f'(y)}$ .
$\mathcal {O}_1, \mathcal {O}_2 \in H_1(N)$
, they must be comparable. Assume, for example, that
${\mathcal {O}_1 \subseteq \mathcal {O}_2}$
. Towards a contradiction, assume now that there is
$x \in \mathcal {O}_2$
such that
$x \notin \mathcal {O}_1$
. In particular, this means that there are
$u \in \mathcal {O}_1^\times $
$y \in \psi (M^p,\overline {c}')$
such that
${x = u\frac {1}{f'(y)}}$
. But since
$\mathcal {O}_1^\times \subseteq \mathcal {O}_2^\times $
, and thus
$u \in \mathcal {O}_2^\times $
, we get that
$x \notin \mathcal {O}_2$
, a contradiction. Then
$\mathcal {O}_1 = \mathcal {O}_2$
, so
$P_1 = P_2$
and we can apply Beth’s definability. This means that there is an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
$\psi (\overline {X},\overline {c})$
, such that
${f^{-1}(\mathcal {O}_H) = \psi (K^p,\overline {c})}$
$\blacksquare _{\text {Claim}}$
Now, we can define the (non-trivial) restriction
$\mathcal {O}_H \cap K$
as follows: given
$z \in K$
, we have that

This exhibits a non-trivial definable henselian valuation ring on
We can now use this theorem to define a non-trivial henselian valuation on certain valued fields with defect, but first we need to produce the Galois defect extensions required to exhibit independent defect.
Lemma 4.12. Let
be a perfect valued field of residue characteristic
$p> 0$
. If
is not defectless, then there is a finite extension
$K \subseteq K'$
such that
admits a defect Galois extension of degree
Proof. Take a defect extension
$K \subseteq L$
. In particular,
$p^n \mid [L:K]$
for some
$n \geq 1$
. We let
be the normal hull of
; note that
$p^n \mid [N:K]$
$K \subseteq N$
is Galois. Consider now
$H \subseteq {\operatorname {Gal}({N} | {K})}$
to be a
-Sylow subgroup. Then
is such that
$L' \subseteq N$
is Galois and it is a tower
$L' = L_0 \subseteq L_1 \subseteq \cdots \subseteq L_n = N$
of normal degree
extensions. Moreover, since
$K \subseteq L'$
has degree prime to
, it is defectless, hence
$L' \subseteq N$
is defect. In particular, there is some
$\ell \leq n$
such that
$L_\ell \subseteq L_{\ell +1}$
is a defect Galois extension of degree
, so we take
$K' = L_{\ell }$
Remark 4.13. Note that if
$F \subseteq E$
is a finite separable field extension of degree
, we can interpret
inside of
using the coefficients
$\overline {c}$
of the minimal polynomial of a primitive element of the extension. Suppose we had a definable valuation
, say defined by
$\varphi (X,\overline {d})$
. Using the interpretation we can define
$\mathcal {O}_v$
(as a subset of
) using some other formula
$\widetilde {\varphi }(\overline {X},\overline {d'})$
, where now
$\overline {d'}$
is given by the coordinates of the elements of
$\overline {d}$
in a fixed
-basis of
, together with
$\overline {c}$
. The restriction
$v\vert _F$
can then be defined using the formula

Corollary 4.14. Suppose
is a henselian valued field with
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{Kv} = p> 0$
such that
is not defectless, and such that either:
$K$ is perfect, if
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = p> 0$ , or
$\mathcal {O}_v/p$ is semi-perfect, if
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = 0$ .
admits a non-trivial definable henselian valuation, coarsening
Proof. We may assume that
$v \in H_1(K)$
, by Remark 4.10.
In the case where
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = 0$
, we make the following two observations:
• Since
$K$ always admits a definable valuation if
$v$ is finitely ramified, we may assume that it is infinitely ramified.
• The assumptions on
$(K,v)$ imply that it is a roughly deeply ramified valued field in the sense of [Reference Kuhlmann and Rzepka16, p. 2696] (note that by [Reference Kuhlmann and Rzepka16, Lemma 4.1], we only need to check that
$\mathcal {O}_{v}/p$ is semi-perfect, without looking at the completion of
$K$ ). Thus, by [Reference Kuhlmann and Rzepka16, Theorem 1.8] any finite extension of it is also roughly deeply ramified.
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = 0$
, let
$K_0 = K(\zeta _p)$
, where
$\zeta _p$
is some primitive
th root of unity. Otherwise, take
$K_0 = K$
. By Lemma 4.12, we have a finite extension
$K_0 \subseteq K_1$
which admits a Galois defect extension of degree
. Since
$K\subseteq K_1$
is a finite separable field extension, we can find
$b\in K_1$
such that
The field
admits a Galois defect extension of degree
, i.e there is
$c \in K_1$
which has no Artin–Schreier root in
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = p$
(resp. no
th root, if
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = 0$
), and the extension
$(K_1,v) \subseteq (K_1(\theta ),v)$
, where
$\theta ^p-\theta = c$
$\theta ^p = c$
), is an immediate defect extension. Denote by
$L = K_1(\theta )=K(b,\theta )$
. Then, we have to distinguish two cases:
• If
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = p$ , then
$K_1$ is a perfect field.
• If
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = 0$ , then
$K_1$ is a finite extension of a roughly deeply ramified field, and thus it is roughly deeply ramified itself.
In both cases,
is an independent defect field (see [Reference Kuhlmann and Rzepka16, Theorem 1.10]), and thus the extension
$(K_1,v) \subseteq (L,v)$
is a degree
defect extension with independent defect. By Theorem 4.11, then,
admits a non-trivial definable henselian valuation
, with valuation ring defined by
$\varphi (X,\overline {c})$
. As
can be interpreted in
, by Remark 4.13 the restriction of
is then
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-definable with parameters (namely, the coefficients of the minimal polynomial of
, and the coordinates of
$\overline {c}$
in a chosen
-basis of
As we will later have to deal with definable valuations in some ultrapower of our field
, we immediately apply results of Anscombe and Jahnke from [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1] to get rid of parameters in our definition.
Remark 4.15. Note that if
is a henselian valued field of mixed characteristic, with
$v \in H_1(K)$
, then
is also of mixed characteristic.
Corollary 4.16. Suppose
is a henselian valued field of mixed characteristic, such that
is not defectless and
$\mathcal {O}_v/p$
is semi-perfect. Then
admits an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
Proof. We may assume that
$v \in H_1(K)$
, by Remark 4.10. Now,
is also of mixed characteristic, thus Corollary 4.14 yields the existence of a definable non-trivial henselian valuation, and by [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Theorem 1.1(B)] we can conclude that there is an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian one.
Later, in the proof of Proposition 4.18, we will find ourselves in the situation where we deal with a defect refinement
of a valuation
$v_K^{\mathcal U}$
, where
$K^{\mathcal U}v_K^{\mathcal {U}}$
is perfect.
Lemma 4.17. Suppose
is a henselian valued field of mixed characteristic, such that
is not defectless, and there is a coarsening
such that
is defectless and
is perfect of characteristic
. Then
admits an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
Proof. We may assume that
$v \in H_1(K)$
: otherwise, we can use [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann9, Theorem 3.10] to find an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation. Using Lemma 4.12, there is a finite extension
$K(\zeta _p) \subseteq K_1$
such that
admits a defect extension of degree
, and we find
$b\in K_1$
such that
We now show that
is an independent defect field. For this we consider the decomposition of
with respect to the coarsening
and we denote the induced valuation on
$\bar {v}$

Note that
is defectless, because it is a finite extension of
is perfect because it is a finite extension of
. From Lemma 4.8 it follows that also
is an independent defect field.
By Theorem 4.11, then,
admits a non-trivial definable henselian valuation
, with valuation ring defined by
$\varphi (X,\overline {c})$
. As
can be interpreted in
, by Remark 4.13 the restriction of
is then
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-definable with parameters (namely, the coefficients of the minimal polynomial of
, and the coordinates of
$\overline {c}$
in a chosen
-basis of
By our assumptions,
is also of mixed characteristic, thus [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Theorem 1.1(B)] yields the existence of an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
4.4 Defect in elementary extensions of
The following proposition is a direct result of Lemma 4.17, while we will need some more work for positive characteristic.
Proposition 4.18. Let
be a henselian field such that
has mixed characteristic and
is perfect. If:
(1) there is
$L\equiv Kv_K$ such that
$(L,v_L)$ is not defectless, and
$(K,v_K)$ is defectless,
admits an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
Proof. Choose
such that
$L\equiv Kv_K$
is not defectless. By the Keisler–Shelah isomorphism theorem [Reference Marker17, Theorem 2.5.36], take an index set
and an ultrafilter
$\mathcal U$
such that
$(Kv_K)^{\mathcal U} \cong L^{\mathcal U}$
. Consider the ultrapowers
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {val}}$
. Since
$v_L^{\mathcal U}$
is a valuation with defect, while
$v_K^{\mathcal U}$
is defectless, the composition
is a non-trivial henselian valuation on
$K^{\mathcal U}$
with defect. The valuation
is not defectless and of mixed characteristic, since
$v_K^{\mathcal {U}}$
is, and its coarsening
$v_K^{\mathcal {U}}$
is defectless and has perfect residue field
$K^{\mathcal {U}}v_K^{\mathcal {U}}=L^{\mathcal {U}}$
. Thus by Lemma 4.17, there is an
$\varnothing $
-definable valuation on
$K^{\mathcal {U}}$
. By elementary equivalence, we can find an
$\varnothing $
-definable henselian valuation on
In the case of positive characteristic, eliminating the parameters from the definition of the henselian valuation can be tricky; indeed, a theorem along the lines of [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Theorem 1.1(B)] will not be true in general in positive characteristic. However, in our setting (particularly because we can assume
to be divisible) we manage to get an analogous result, where we take a valuation defined in an elementary extension
$K \preceq K^*$
(with parameters possibly in
) and produce a valuation defined with parameters in
, thus allowing us to “push it down”.
Fact 4.19 (cf. [Reference Jahnke8, Proposition 2.4]).
be a henselian valued field with non-separably closed nor real closed residue field. Then
has an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}$
-definable refinement.
Proposition 4.20. Let
be a perfect henselian field of positive characteristic. If:
$v_KK$ is divisible, and
(2) there is
$L\equiv Kv_K$ such that
$(L,v_L)$ is not defectless, and
$(K,v_K)$ is defectless,
admits a definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
Proof. Note that we may assume that
is not separably closed; otherwise, Theorem 2.8 gives an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
By the Keisler–Shelah isomorphism theorem [Reference Marker17, Theorem 2.5.36], take an index set
and an ultrafilter
$\mathcal U$
such that
${(Kv_K)^{\mathcal U} \cong L^{\mathcal U}}$
. Consider the ultrapowers
. Since
$v_L^{\mathcal U}$
is a valuation with defect, the composition
$v_1=v_L^{\mathcal U}\circ v_K^{\mathcal U}$
is a non-trivial henselian valuation on
$K^{\mathcal U}$
with defect. Thus, by Corollary 4.14, there is an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(K^{\mathcal U})$
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation
$v_1^{\prime }$
, say given by
$\varphi (K^{\mathcal U},\overline {\beta })$
for some parameters
$\overline {\beta } \in (K^{\mathcal U})^\ell $
$\ell \geq 1$
is not separably closed, Fact 4.19 yields an
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(K)$
-definable valuation
(not necessarily henselian!) such that
$\mathcal {O}_w \subseteq \mathcal {O}_{v_K}$
. Let
$\psi (X,\overline {c})$
be the formula defining
. Denote by
the valuation corresponding to
$\psi (K^{\mathcal U},\overline {c})$
. Note that since
$(K,v_K) \preceq (K^{\mathcal U}, v_K^{\mathcal U})$
, then we still have that
is a proper refinement of
$v_K^{\mathcal U}$
As in the proof of [Reference Engler and Prestel4, Theorem 2.3.4], given two valuation rings
$\mathcal {O}_1$
$\mathcal {O}_2$
, we let

Note that
$\mathcal {O}_1 \cdot \mathcal {O}_2$
contains both
$\mathcal {O}_1$
$\mathcal {O}_2$
and is always a valuation ring. Indeed, it is the finest valuation ring containing both: if
$\mathcal {O}_1, \mathcal {O}_2 \subseteq \mathcal {O}_3$
, then for any
$x \in \mathcal {O}_1$
$y \in \mathcal {O}_1 \setminus \mathfrak {m}_2$
, one has that
$y \notin \mathfrak {m}_3$
, so
$\frac {1}{y} \in \mathcal {O}_3$
and thus
$\frac {x}{y} \in \mathcal {O}_3$
. We now consider the
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(\overline {c})$
-definable set

For each
$\overline {b} \in X$
, we consider the
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(\overline {c},\overline {b})$
-definable valuation ring

with corresponding valuation
$v_{\overline {b}}$
. As all coarsenings of a given valuation are comparable, any
$v_{\overline {b}}$
$\overline {b} \in X$
is comparable with
$\mathcal {O}_{v_K^{\mathcal {U}}}$
$v_K^{\mathcal U}$
is a tame valuation with divisible value group, Lemma 3.4 implies that
$v_{\overline {b}}$
cannot be a proper coarsening. In particular, then,
$\mathcal {O}_{v_{\overline {b}}} \subseteq \mathcal {O}_{v_K^{\mathcal U}}$
. It follows that the union

is a non-trivial
$\mathcal {L}_{\mathrm {ring}}(\overline {c})$
-definable (note the parameters!) valuation ring on
$K^{\mathcal U}$
To show that
$\mathcal {O}$
is henselian, we will show that
$\mathcal {O}$
$\varphi (K^{\mathcal {U}},\overline {\beta })$
, i.e., that
$\overline {\beta } \in X$
. It is enough to show that
${\mathcal {O}_{\overline {\beta }} \neq K^{\mathcal U}}$
. Since
$\varphi (K^{\mathcal U},\overline {\beta })$
is comparable with
$v_K^{\mathcal U}$
, we have two possible cases. Either
$\varphi (K^{\mathcal U},\overline {\beta })$
is coarser than
$v_K^{\mathcal U}$
, in which case
$\mathcal {O}_{\overline {\beta }} = \varphi (K^{\mathcal {U}},\overline {\beta })$
, or
$\varphi (K^{\mathcal U},\overline {\beta })$
is finer than
$v_K^{\mathcal U}$
, in which case
$\mathcal {O}_{\overline {\beta }}$
is also a refinement of
$v_K^{\mathcal {U}}$
. Either way,
$\mathcal {O}_{\overline {\beta }}$
is non-trivial.
We have just shown that
$\mathcal {O}$
is a coarsening of
$\varphi (K^{\mathcal {U}},\overline {\beta })$
, thus it is henselian. In particular, the same formula defines a non-trivial henselian valuation on
, as needed.
5 Proof of the main theorem
Main theorem. Let
be perfect, not separably closed, and henselian. If
${\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K} = 0}$
${\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{Kv_K} = p> 0}$
, assume that
$\mathcal {O}_{v_K}/p$
is semi-perfect. Then
admits a definable non-trivial henselian valuation if and only if at least one of the following conditions hold:
$Kv_K$ is separably closed,
$Kv_K$ is not t-henselian,
(3) there is
$L \succeq Kv_K$ such that
$v_LL$ is not divisible,
$v_KK$ is not divisible,
$(K,v_K)$ is not defectless,
(6) there is
$L \succeq Kv_K$ such that
$(L,v_L)$ is not defectless.
Proof. If
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{Kv_K} = 0$
, the statement is exactly Theorem 1.1. This is because condition
is trivial (as equicharacteristic zero henselian valued fields are defectless), and Corollary 2.3 shows that condition
is also trivial in this case.
$\operatorname {\mathrm {char}}{K}v_K = p>0$
and note that
is perfect: in mixed characteristic,
is perfect since
$\mathcal {O}_{v_K}/p$
is semi-perfect; in positive characteristic,
is perfect since
is. Thus, one direction is Theorem 3.5.
In the other direction, we do a case distinction. First, assume
$1 \vee 2 \vee 4$
, then it follows from Theorem 2.8 that
admits a definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
$3 \wedge \neg 4$
then Proposition 3.6 yields a existence of definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
Suppose now that
holds, i.e.,
is not defectless. Then we get a non-trivial definable henselian valuation from Corollary 4.14.
Finally, assume that
holds, and since we have already established the case where
$1 \vee 2 \vee 3 \vee 4 \vee 5$
holds, we can also assume
$\neg 1 \land \neg 2 \land \neg 3 \land \neg 4 \land \neg 5$
. Then by Proposition 4.18 (in mixed characteristic) and Proposition 4.20 (in positive characteristic), there is a definable non-trivial henselian valuation on
6 Examples and questions
We isolate a few interesting examples where our result yields the existence of non-trivial definable henselian valuations. We then discuss the difficulties in building ones satisfying certain properties. We refer to the six conditions in the Main Theorem as conditions
, and
, and to their negations as conditions
$\neg 1$
$\neg 2$
$\neg 3$
$\neg 4$
$\neg 5$
, and
$\neg 6$
We start with the following observation.
Remark 6.1. Let
be a henselian valued field with
non-henselian and not separably closed. Then
is the canonical henselian valuation on
. Indeed, there can be no proper henselian refinements of
, as they would correspond to non-trivial henselian valuations on
via 2.1. Thus
is empty and
is the finest valuation in
The aim of this section is to give some examples for fields where our Main Theorem yields a definable non-trivial henselian valuation because of conditions
(while at the same time
$\neg 1\wedge \neg 2\wedge \neg 3\wedge \neg 4$
holds). This boils down to finding a non-henselian t-henselian field that is not separably closed and such that we can control some properties of the canonical henselian valuation in some elementary extension (to access conditions
The construction of non-henselian t-henselian fields goes back to Prestel and Ziegler, see [Reference Prestel and Ziegler19, p. 338]. Other instances can be found in [Reference Fehm and Jahnke5, Proposition 6.7] (note that the field constructed there is elementary equivalent to a field admitting a non-trivial henselian valuation with divisible value group) and in [Reference Jahnke and Koenigsmann10, Examples 3.8 and 5.4] (with an elementary extension
such that
is not divisible). All of these provide fields of characteristic
. In [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Proposition 4.13], there is a construction of a non-henselian t-henselian field of positive characteristic that is elementary equivalent to a field admitting a non-trivial tame valuation with divisible value group. Such a field will serve as the residue field of the canonical henselian valuation to construct examples that satisfy condition
, see Example 6.8. We will also adapt their construction in Lemma 6.13 and Proposition 6.14 to serve as the residue field of the canonical henselian valuation of an example that satisfies condition
The following is needed to check that the constructed examples satisfy condition
$\neg 3$
Proposition 6.2. Let
be non-henselian and t-henselian such that there is
$K^*\equiv K$
admitting a non-trivial henselian valuation
with divisible value group. Then for all
$L\equiv K$
is divisible.
Proof. We may assume that
is henselian and not separably closed. Otherwise
is trivial and
is the trivial group which is divisible. In particular,
is not separably closed.
By the Keisler–Shelah isomorphism theorem [Reference Marker17, Theorem 2.5.36], there are an index set
and an ultrafilter
$\mathcal U$
such that
. Let
We claim that
$(v^*)^{\mathcal U}$
$(v_L)^{\mathcal U}$
are comparable. Suppose not: then,
is separably closed, and by Theorem 2.8(1)
admits an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation. The same formula then defines an
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuation on
, contradicting the fact that
is non-henselian.
Now we have to treat two cases. First, if
$(v_L)^{\mathcal U}$
is a coarsening of
$(v^*)^{\mathcal U}$
. Then
$(v_L)^{\mathcal U}F$
is a quotient of
$(v^*)^{\mathcal U}F$
modulo some convex subgroup. Since
is divisible by assumption, so is
$(v^*)^{\mathcal U}F=(v^*K^*)^{\mathcal U}$
, which then implies that also
$(v_L)^{\mathcal {U}}F=(v_LL)^{\mathcal U}$
are divisible.
Second, if
$(v_L)^{\mathcal U}$
is a proper refinement of
$(v^*)^{\mathcal U}$
, then
$(v^*)^{\mathcal U}F$
is a non-trivial quotient of
$(v_L)^{\mathcal U}F$
. We assume for a contradiction that
$(v_L)^{\mathcal U}F$
is not
-divisible for some prime
. Now,
$(v_L)^{\mathcal U}F$
is also not
-antiregular, since
$(v^*)^{\mathcal U}F$
is a non-trivial quotient, which is divisible. Thus, by Theorem 2.8(3),
and thus also
$\varnothing $
-definable non-trivial henselian valuations, but
is non-henselian, a contradiction. Hence
$(v_L)^{\mathcal U}F=(v_LL)^{\mathcal U}$
is divisible and so is
Remark 6.3. In the following, we will construct examples where
has positive characteristic. It would be interesting to also produce examples in mixed characteristic. This essentially would amount to finding a way to construct a valued field
of mixed characteristic, such that
is divisible,
$\mathcal {O}_{v}/p$
is semi-perfect, and
is some prescribed residue field. We are not aware of such a construction.
6.1 Puiseux series
We use the Puiseux series construction to build an example of a field satisfying conditions
$\neg 1 \land \neg 2 \land \neg 3\land \neg 4 \land 5$
of the Main Theorem.
Definition 6.4 [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Definition 4.4].
A field
is of divisible-tame type if there exist
$L \equiv K$
and a non-trivial valuation
such that
is tame with
Remark 6.5. In particular, every divisible-tame type field is perfect.
Fact 6.6 [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Proposition 4.13].
be a prime or zero. There exists a non-henselian t-henselian field of characteristic
which is:
(1) not separably closed, and
(2) of divisible-tame type.
We will use the following folklore fact, whose proof we sketch out as we could not find a reference in the literature.
Lemma 6.7. Let
be a field of characteristic
. Consider the Puiseux series over

together with the restriction
of the
-adic valuation from
$K_0(\!(\mathbb {Q})\!)$
. Then,
is a henselian valued field of positive characteristic,
is not defectless, and if
is perfect, then so is
Proof. As
is the increasing union of henselian fields,
is henselian. However, it is not algebraically maximal. Indeed, the equation
$X^p-X-\frac {1}{t} = 0$
has no solution in
, however it admits a solution in
$K_0(\!(\mathbb Q)\!)$
, namely
$a = \sum _{n \geq 0} t^{-\frac {1}{p^n}}$
. Then,
$K \subsetneq K(a) \subseteq K_0(\!(\mathbb {Q})\!)$
is a tower of immediate extensions, thus
$K \subsetneq K(a)$
is a proper algebraic immediate extension. Note that if
is perfect, then
$K_0(\!(t^{\frac {1}{n}})\!)^{\frac {1}{p}} = K_0(\!(t^{\frac {1}{np}})\!)$
for every
, and thus the union
is perfect.
Example 6.8. Let
be a non-henselian t-henselian field of characteristic
which is not separably closed, and such that there exist
$L \equiv K_0$
and a non-trivial henselian valuation
such that
is divisible (such a
exists, for example, by Fact 6.6). Then,

$\neg 1 \land \neg 2 \land \neg 3\land \neg 4 \land 5$
from our Main Theorem. Indeed, we have
by Remark 6.1. Now conditions
$\neg 1$
$\neg 2$
, and
$\neg 4$
are immediate from the construction, condition
$\neg 3$
follows from Proposition 6.2 and condition
holds because of Lemma 6.7. It then follows that
admits a definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
6.2 Condition
is necessary
We adapt a construction from [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1] to produce non-henselian, t-henselian fields with defect in some elementary extension. We first introduce a series of weakenings of henselianity.
Definition 6.9 [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Definition 3.3].
$n \geq 1$
. Say that a valued field
$n_{\leq }$
-henselian if for every
$f \in \mathcal {O}_v[X]$
of degree
$\leq n$
, and
$a \in \mathcal {O}_v$
, if
$v(f(a))> 0$
$v(f'(a)) = 0$
, then there is
$b \in \mathcal {O}_v$
$f(b) = 0$
$v(b-a)> 0$
Definition 6.10 [Reference Engler and Prestel4, Section 4.2].
be a prime. Say that a valued field
is q-henselian if
extends uniquely to every Galois extension of
-power degree.
Remark 6.11. A valued field
is henselian if and only if it is
$n_\leq $
-henselian for all
. Being
$n_\leq $
-henselian is clearly a first-order property of
; by [Reference Koenigsmann13, Propositions 1.2 and 1.3], the same is true for
Next, we isolate a new notion built along the lines of t-henselianity and divisible-tame type.
Definition 6.12. We call a field K t-henselian of defect type if there is an elementarily equivalent
$L \equiv K$
which admits some henselian valuation
such that
has defect. We call a field K t-henselian of divisible-defect type if there is an elementarily equivalent
$L \equiv K$
which admits some henselian valuation
such that
has defect with
We now replicate a construction that first appeared in [Reference Prestel and Ziegler19], and was later refined in [Reference Fehm and Jahnke5] and [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1]. The proofs are almost verbatim the same as in [Reference Fehm and Jahnke5] and [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1]; we thus give the appropriate references and explain the differences.
Lemma 6.13 [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Lemma 4.8].
$p> 0$
be a prime. Let
be a perfect field of characteristic
that contains all roots of unity. Let
$n> p$
and let
be a prime with
$q> n$
. Then, there exists an equicharacteristic valued field
$K'v = K$ ,
$vK' = \mathbb Q$ ,
$K'$ is perfect,
$(K',v)$ is not
$q$ -henselian, but it is
$n_{\leq }$ -henselian,
$(K',v)$ admits a proper degree
$p$ immediate extension.
Proof. We follow the proof of [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Lemma 4.8], but we substitute the generalized power series with the Puiseux series. Indeed, inside the Puiseux series , endowed with the restriction
of the
-adic valuation on
$K(\!(\mathbb Q)\!)$
, consider the subfield
. Consider
. Note that since
is henselian, so is
$\widetilde {F}$
. Then, arguing as in [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, proof of Lemma 4.8], there is a subgroup
$G \leq {\operatorname {Gal}({F^{\mathrm {sep}}} | {F})}$
$G \cong \mathbb Z_q$
$E = \operatorname {Fix}(G) \subseteq F^{\mathrm {sep}}$
, and consider
. Then,
has residue field
and value group
$\mathbb Q$
, and it is perfect. Moreover, the roots of
$X^p-X-\frac {1}{t}$
give rise to immediate extensions of degree
. Now, arguing as in [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Claim 4.8.1],
is not
-henselian. Similarly, arguing as in [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Claim 4.8.2],
$n_{\leq }$
-henselian (note that they argue that
$(n!^2!)_{\leq }$
-henselian, using that in their case
$q> n!^2!$
As for the last point, note that
admits an immediate extension of degree
, namely given by any root of the Artin–Schreier polynomial
$X^p-X-\frac {1}{t}$
. In particular, then,
$\widetilde {F}$
also admits an immediate extension of degree
, and thus so does
The following construction follows very closely the proof of [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Proposition 4.13], using Lemma 6.13 in place of [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Lemma 4.8] and diverging only in the last paragraph. We sketch out the construction for the convenience of the reader, but invite them to see [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1] and [Reference Fehm and Jahnke5] for the full details.
Proposition 6.14 [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Proposition 4.13].
$p> 0$
be a prime. There is a non-henselian, t-henselian of divisible-defect type perfect field of characteristic
which is not separably closed.
Proof. For each
$n \geq 0$
, set
$k_n = n+p+1$
and choose a prime
$q_n> k_n$
. Let
$K_0 = \mathbb F_p^{\mathrm {alg}}$
. Then, using Lemma 6.13, build a sequence
$\{(K_{n+1},\overline {v_n}) \mid n \geq 0\}$
of valued fields such that each
$(K_{n+1},\overline {v_{n}})$
has value group
$\mathbb Q$
, residue field
, is not
-henselian, but it is
${(k_n)}_{\leq }$
-henselian, and it admits a proper degree
immediate extension.
For any
$n> m \geq 0$
, then, write
and denote by
$\mathcal {O}_{n,m}$
the corresponding valuation ring on
. Denote by
$\pi _{n,m} \colon \mathcal {O}_{n,0} \to \mathcal {O}_{m,0}$
the restriction of the residue map
$\mathcal {O}_{n,m} \to K_m$
. Then, the valuation rings
$(\mathcal {O}_{n,0})_{n \geq 0}$
form a projective system together with the maps
$\pi _{n,m}$
. The limit
$\mathcal {O}$
is again a valuation ring, together with natural projections
$\pi _{\infty ,n} \colon \mathcal {O} \to \mathcal {O}_{n,0}$
. For each
$n \geq 0$
, consider the localization
. Each
$\mathcal {O}_{v_n}$
is a valuation ring on
$K = \operatorname {Frac}(\mathcal {O}) = \bigcup _{n \geq 0} \mathcal {O}_{v_n}$
with residue field
and non-trivial divisible value group. Indeed, for each
$n \geq 0$
$\mathcal {O}_{v_n} \subseteq \mathcal {O}_{v_{n+1}}$
, and
induces precisely
$\overline {v_n}$
$K_{n+1} = Kv_{n+1}$

We now let
be an ultraproduct of the family
$(K,v_n)_{n \geq 0}$
. Then,
is perfect, and
is henselian with divisible value group. Moreover,
is not henselian and thus not separably closed.
Now, we diverge from the proof of [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke1, Proposition 4.13] and argue that
admits a degree
immediate extension, in particular a defect extension. It is enough to show that each
admits one such. We know that
$(K_{n+1},\overline {v_n})$
admits a degree
immediate extension generated by a root
$\alpha $
of an Artin–Schreier polynomial
$X^p-X-\xi $
, for some
$\xi \in K_{n+1}$
. Denote by
$\overline {u}$
the prolongation of
$\overline {v_n}$
$K_{n+1}(\alpha )$
that makes
$(K_{n+1}(\alpha ),\overline {u})$
immediate over
$(K_{n+1},\overline {v_n})$
. For some
$z \in K$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {res}}_{v_{n+1}}(z) = \xi $
, we consider the Artin–Schreier polynomial
. Let
be a prolongation of
$K^{\mathrm {alg}}$
: then there is
$a \in K^{\mathrm {alg}}$
$a^p-a-z = 0$
$\operatorname {\mathrm {res}}_{w}(a) = \alpha $
, by henselianity of
. Then, if we denote by
again the restriction of
, we have that
$K(a)w = Kw(\alpha ) = K_{n+1}(\alpha )$
. We now let
$u = \overline {u} \circ w$
. Then,
$K(a)u = K_{n+1}(\alpha )\overline {u} = Kv_n$
. Moreover,
is divisible, so
$uK(a) = v_nK$
Proposition 6.15. Let
be a non-henselian, t-henselian of defect type, perfect field of characteristic
which is not separably closed. Let
$L \equiv K$
be such that, for some henselian valuation
has defect. Then
has defect.
Proof. We distinguish two cases. If
is a (possibly non-proper) coarsening of
, then we are done, since defect goes up in coarsenings. If
is a proper refinement of
, then
is separably closed, and since
is perfect, it is in particular algebraically closed. Thus, the valuation
$\overline {v}$
induced by
is defectless. But then, since
$v = \overline {v} \circ v_L$
has defect if and only at least one of
$\overline {v}$
has defect [Reference Anscombe and Jahnke2, Lemma 2.9],
must have defect.
Remark 6.16. The construction in Proposition 6.14 shows that in equicharacteristic
, one cannot eliminate the parameters from Corollary 4.14. Indeed, assume that, on any perfect henselian valued field
of characteristic
such that
is not defectless, there is a non-trivial
$\varnothing $
-definable henselian coarsening
. Take a non-henselian, t-henselian of defect type, perfect field
(given by Proposition 6.14), and let
$L \equiv K$
be such that
has defect (which we can assume exists by Proposition 6.15). Then, there is a coarsening
which is
$\varnothing $
-definable. In particular, using the same formula, we can find a non-trivial henselian valuation on
, a contradiction.
Example 6.17. Let
be a prime. Let
be a non-henselian, t-henselian of divisible-defect type, perfect field of characteristic
which is not separably closed. Then,

$\neg 1 \land \neg 2 \land \neg 3 \land \neg 4 \land \neg 5 \land 6$
from our Main Theorem. Indeed, we have
by Remark 6.1. Now conditions
$\neg 1$
$\neg 2$
$\neg 4$
are immediate from the construction,
$\neg 5$
follows since
$(K_0(\!(\mathbb Q)\!),v_t)$
is tame, and condition
$\neg 3$
follows from Proposition 6.2. It then follows that
admits a definable non-trivial henselian valuation.
Question 6.18. Let
be a non-henselian, t-henselian of divisible-tame type field of characteristic
which is not separably closed. Suppose that
$L \equiv K$
admits a non-trivial henselian valuation. Must
be defectless? This is the defectless version of Proposition 6.2, and it would yield that if
is non-henselian, t-henselian of divisible-tame type, not separably closed, then
$K_0(\!(\mathbb Q)\!)$
is an example for
$\neg 1 \land \neg 2 \land \neg 3 \land \neg 4 \land \neg 5 \land \neg 6$
(and thus admits no non-trivial definable henselian valuation).
This work was done as part of the Ph.D. projects of the authors: we therefore wish to thank Sylvy Anscombe, Arno Fehm, Martin Hils, and Franziska Jahnke for their perfect guidance, highly valued encouragement, and dedication in finding and overcoming the defects in our arguments. We would like to express special thanks to S. Anscombe for pointing us towards Beth definability in time of need, to F. Jahnke for directing us towards and through these questions, and suggesting the use of independent defect, and to A. Fehm for pointing out how the proof of Proposition 3.6 could be simplified and applied in a more general setting. We also wish to thank Blaise Boissonneau, Nicolas Daans, Akash Hossain, and Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann for fruitful discussions. We thank the anonymous reviewer for the useful comments, that in particular led to the addition of Section 6.
This project began when the third author was a Visiting Doctoral Researcher to the Cluster of Excellence “Mathematics Münster”. Our thanks go to “Mathematics Münster” for providing a lively research environment where this project could start.
This research is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under the Excellence Strategy EXC 2044-390685587, Mathematics Münster: Dynamics-Geometry-Structure. The first two authors are also supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) via HI 2004/1-1 (part of the French-German ANR-DFG project GeoMod). The second author is also funded by the DFG project 495759320—Modelltheorie bewerteter Körper mit Endomorphismus. The third author is also funded by the DFG project 404427454—Definierbarkeit und Entscheidbarkeit in globalen und lokalen Körpern.