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Social Administration Digest
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2009

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1 Department of Health and Social Security, Improved Transferability for Early Leavers from Occupational Pension Schemes, 1984.Google Scholar
2 Low Pay Unit, Low Pay Review 18, 9 Poland Street, London Wl, 1984.Google Scholar
3 Rimmer, Leslie, The Changing Family: The Unit of Assessment in the Tax and Benefits Systems, working paper, National Consumer Council, 18 Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1, 1984.Google Scholar
4 National Consumer Council, Towards a New Social Income, Working Paper 5, London, 1984.Google Scholar
5 Parker, Hermione, Action on Welfare, Research Report 4, Social Affairs Unit, 2 Lord North Street, London, SW1, 1984.Google Scholar
6 Dilmot, A.W., Kay, J.A. and Morris, C.N., The Reform of Social Security, Institute for Fiscal Studies, 1–2 Castle Lane, London SW1, 1984.Google Scholar
7 Berthoud, Richard and Cooper, Steven, The Reform of Supplementary Benefit, Working Papers, Vols 1 and 2, Policy Studies Institute, 1–2 Castle Lane, London SW1, 1984.Google Scholar
8 Department of Health and Social Security, Statistical Bulletin No. 1 /84: Hospital Activity Statistics for England and Wales, London, 1984.Google Scholar
9 House of Commons, Sixteenth Report of the Committee of Public Accounts, HC 113, Session 1983–84, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
10 House of Commons, Fourth Report of the Social Services Committee, Session 1983–84, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
11 Office of Health Economics, Understanding the NHS in the 1980s, OHE, 12 Whitehall, London SW1, 1984.Google Scholar
12 Which?, Consumers Association, 14 Buckingham Street, London WC2, June 1984.Google Scholar
13 College of Health, Guide to Hospital Waiting Lists, College of Health, 18 Victoria Park, London E2, 1984.Google Scholar
14 Abel-Smith, Brian, Cost Containment in Health Care, Bedford Square Press, London, 1984.Google Scholar
15 Medawar, Charles, The Wrong Kind of Medicine?, Consumers Association, London, 1984.Google Scholar
16 Department of Health and Social Security, Prevention: Report of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
17 Shearer, Ann, Everybody's Ethics: What Future for Handicapped Babies?, CMH Publications, 5 Kentings, Comberton, Cambs., 1984.Google Scholar
18 Cmnd 9314, Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilization and Embryology, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
19 Cmnd 9297, Progress in Financial Management in Government Departments, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
20 Department of Education and Science, Annual Report 1983, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
21 Cmnd 9234, UGC Annual Survey: Academic Year 1982–3, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
22 Adam Smith Institute, Education Policy: Omega Education Report, Adam Smith Institute, Box 316, London SW1, 1984.Google Scholar
23 Cmnd 9242, Parental Influence at School: A New Framework for School Government in England and Wales, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
24 Department of Education and Science, Report by Her Majesty's Inspectors on the Effects of Local Authority Expenditure Policies on Education Provision in England 1983, DES Publications Despatch Centre, Honeypot Lane, Canons Park, Stanmore, Middlesex, 1984.Google Scholar
25 Department of Education and Science, Graduates and Jobs: Some Guidance for Young People Considering a Degree, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
26 Department of Education and Science, Statistical Bulletin, 9/84, DES Publications, London, 1984.Google Scholar
27 National Consumer Council, Moving Home: Why is it Difficult For Council Tenants?, London, 1984.Google Scholar
28 Austerberry, Helen, Schott, Kerry and Watson, Sophie, Homeless in London 1971–81, International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines, 10 Portugal Street, London WC2, 1984.Google Scholar
29 Goss, Sue and Lansley, Stewart, ‘What price housing?’, Housing Benefit: The Way Forward, SHAC Policy Paper 5, 189a Old Brompton Road, London SW5, 1984.Google Scholar
30 Ermisch, John, Housing Finance: Who Gains?, Policy Studies Institute, 1–2 Castle Lane, London SW1, 1984.Google Scholar
31 Department of Health and Social Security, Children in Care in England and Wales, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
32 Centre for Policy on Ageing, Home life: A Code of Practice for Residential Care, CPA, Nuffield Lodge, Regents Park, London NW1, 1984.Google Scholar
33 Charlesworth, Ann, Wilkin, David and Durie, Ann, Carers and Services: A Comparison of Men and Women Caring for Dependent Elderly People, Equal Opportunities Commission, London, 1984.Google Scholar
34 Family Policy Studies Centre, The Forgotten Army, FPSC, 3 Park Road, London NW1, 1984.Google Scholar
35 Becker, Saul, MacPherson, Stewart and Silburn, Richard, Social Workers and Supplementary Benefits, The Benefits Research Unit, Department of Social Administration and Social Work, University of Nottingham, 1984.Google Scholar
36 Creighton, Susan J.. Trends in Child Abuse, NSPCC, Headley Library, 67 Saffron Hill, London EC1, 1984.Google Scholar
37 Home Office, Criminal Justice: A Working Paper, Home Office, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1, 1984.Google Scholar
38 Home Office. Fear of Crime in England and Wales, Home Office Research Study No. 78, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
39 Home Office Select Committee, Remands in Custody, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
40 National Association for the Care and Resettlement of the Offender, The First Six Months: Results of Local Authority Survey on the Sentencing of Juveniles Appearing Before the Juvenile Court, 1 July to 31 December 1983, NACRO, 169 Clapham Road, London SW9, 1984.Google Scholar
41 New Approaches to Juvenile Crime, One Year On: The Impact of the 1982 Criminal Justices Act on Juvenile Offenders, New Approaches to Juvenile Crime, 169 Clapham Road, London SW9, 1984.Google Scholar
42 Family Policy Studies Centre, Divorce: 1983 Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Bill, Briefing Paper, FPSC, 3 Park Road, London NW1, 1984.Google Scholar
43 Home Office, Tougher Regimes in Detention Centres: Report of an Evaluation by the Young Offender Psychology Unit, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
44 Jean Martin and Ceridwen Roberts, Women and Employment: A Lifetime Perspective and Women and Employment: Technical Report, Reports for the Department of Employment and the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
45 Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, General Household Survey, 1982 HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
46 Department of Employment, Employment Gazette, HMSO, 07 1984.Google Scholar
47 Department of Employment, Employment Gazette. HMSO, 06 1984.Google Scholar
48 Commission for Racial Equality. Study of Employment in the Metropolitan Borough of Kirklees, London, 1984.Google Scholar
49 Age Concern, Black and Asian Old People in Britain, Bernard Sunley House, 60 Pitcairn Road, Mitcham, Surrey. 1984.Google Scholar
50 Stephanie d'Orey, Immigration Prisoners: A Forgotten Minority, Runnymede Trust, 37a Grays Inn Road, London WC1, 1984.Google Scholar
51 Colin Brown. Black and White Britain: The Third PSI Survey, Policy Studies Institute, London, 1984.Google Scholar
52 Charity Commissioners, Report of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, 1983, HC 447, Session 1983/1984, HMSO, London, 1984.Google Scholar
53 Ethnic Minority Working Party. A Multi-Racial Society: The Role of National Voluntary Organizations, NCVO/Bedford Square Press, London, 1984.Google Scholar
54 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. A National Centre for Community Development, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 98 Portland Place, London Wl, 1984.Google Scholar
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